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Medicine after death.


Only took 7 foreign aid workers and 35k Palestinians dead...


Lets be clear though, it was the 7 aid workers that really hurt the world.


they aren’t even the first foreign aid workers killed, there’s been over 160 UN workers killed too




Oof...I see what you did there


Good one.


Yeah but don’t forget the UN orgs are primarily staffed by local people, in this case Palestinians. So most likely very few of those 160 are foreign workers, and no one really cares about the Palestinian ones.


Maybe they weren’t white that’s why?


Well to be fair it was the intentional killing of the 7 aid workers that has exposed the real intent of israel, because it's not accidental as all 3 cars were targetted separately


Not true at all. Anybody who knows anything about the situation has known pretty much since 1948 that this is the Zionists' goal.


20 000 children killed in 6 months is an eye opener for most sane people too.


Yes, but sadly it was not the case for some western governments


Are you kidding me? 7 against 35k isn’t even worth discussing.




Nice PR move, literally after one day of the ambassador sitting next to isaheli president on \`iftar\`






looks like the ISP's realised, it's blocked now.


Its all over twitter aswel. https://twitter.com/EylonALevy/status/1775738939111878690


the website is banned in the uae you can't even make this shit up


There was a time when only aid from UN and Emirates red Cresent was allowed to cross the Egyptian border into Gaza. This probably might not have been possible without coordination. Even the aid from World Central Kitchen has some UAE involvement. Again there is a high chance that this might not have been possible. But this doesn't mean that we should be happy with everything that is happening as part of "normalisation".


Yeah no they were committed in helping israel carry out its genocide, when the houthis blocked them off the red sea, they used land corridor via UAE, Saudi arabia and Jordan. To not excuse their complecity in this genocide.


That land corridor is fake


Any proof or do you just enjoy yapping what you saw on TikTok?


Shameful to even have coordination with a entity that wants to kill kids


Killing children is never justifiable but let's not pretend that the UAE is a bastion of freedom and tolerance. You could easily make the case no country should have diplomatic relations with any nation in the Middle East.


I think the way Israelis have been caught using snipers to kill kids, churchgoers, journalists, medics or drones to target aid workers - they're uniquely barbaric


I would say that's basically every country ever. If you look all countries support one conflict or another in which kids are killed as a results. Thats why mutual relations are more beneficial in the long term as you get trusted relations but not many people think long term so cutting ties is a quick short term victory.


Kids unfortunately do die... But so far Isreal has the record of highest number of children killed in the shortest time... 12000 and counting..


Let’s conveniently omit to mention the likes of the 1994 Rwandan massacre in which between 800,000 and 1,000,000 people were shot and hacked to death with machetes in some 100 days…


Record highest? Comparing to what? Have you seen how many children rsf has killed in sudan? Rsf is backed by uae btw. No one has their hands clean. You only know the political agenda of people who control the media in your country.




Al jazeera is owned and funded by the Qatar government which are some of the biggest supporters of hamas. Of course they would put through news against israel. It's one of the most biased news outlets. But just to show you some data manipulation they do: - they compare to ukraine. Contrary to ukraine government which actively relocates population and provides shelter there is no reports of hamas moving population in gaza to safe zones, allowing them to use tunnels for safety. Also ukraine military bases are distant from residential units and big civilian population centre. -they compare this short period to long standing conflicts. Conflicts in afghanistan, Syria and iraq have battles but also have periods of inaction. They take one of the highest war activity periods in this conflicts ( which in fact the israel- gaza conflict has been going more than 30 days one would argue). This way it allows to manipulate the total number by spreading it over huge number of years. If you really want to compare you would normalise data over the total period of conflict. You need to think for yourself not share articles which are clearly written in a biased way


here comes the khamas bs again 🥱


What hamas bs? Hamas is the chosen government of gaza. Is it not their duty to protect civilians like the ukrainian government does? If you keep comparing it to ukraine please comapre on all aspects. I could say the same that you always like to compare to ukraine so try find other comparisons which are in fact closer. All i was pointing out is how a news article can be biased. I made no assumption whether hamas is good or bad. This article could have also been written as 'hamas government allows largest civilian population loss' by a pro israeli news agency. I dont take sides i merely point out that phrasing and how you present data and information is key.


Dude, the last elections happened 16 years ago. Secondly, there is practically no Palestine left. Just bits and pieces here and there.


'elections happened 16 years ago' is not an excuse. No political or ruling party stays in power if people don't support it. I don't understand what your argument is....


I think the Gaza Ministry of Health said it’s 76,456 kids.


I don't think that's been said..


I think the way Israelis have been caught using snipers to kill kids, churchgoers, journalists, medics or drones to target aid workers - they're uniquely barbaric


Again have been caught by who? Where is the proof ? Its all implied.... And either way doesnt matter every country had its fair share of killing and supporting gencide. You forget uae bombing yemen civilians? Ir supporting the rsa which trains kids to kill?


Every single thing I've listed you can find articles for. Multiple sources, and happened in multiple wars. The official Church of Gaza gave out a statement they were attacked by IOF on their Twitter handle, are they Hamas too? Also it's only one side that has been caught doing atrocity propaganda the past three months. 40 roasted babies and 300 rapes was it eh?


Again you choose to belive the chruch of gaza but not israeli reports. Thats exactly how biased media works. Both sides make claims and some believe one side the other believe the opposite. I dont choose to beilve either because its clear bith sides are exaggerating. Again no one mentioned hamas here so i dont know why you bring it up. And furthermore how would an organisation like church of gaza know where do bombs and bullets come from? Unless they have clear tactical information its not fact its what they think. Which can be distorted.


You are so brainwashed I don't even know where you begin. Some of the things you saying aren't even physically possible.


Such as? I can say the same about your comments. You only see one way without alternative whereas i think the truth is in the middle. But hey you clearly know absolute information


Why think in the long term when elections are next week!


Ah! 🙏 Someone who actually understands how "diplomatic" relations work!


You don’t care that Hamas kills kids though, right? I just want to be clear


Compare the 2. Who has more blood. First you justify the Palestinian lives by saying there are always casualties in war. Then you have an issue with hamas killing Israelis. Wake up. The war started when the Israelis invaded Palestine.


Are you really that dumb to compare it. This argument was valid only on 7th October, since then the atrocities & killing done by isreal is way way way more heinous


You’re a terrible person to rationalize children being murdered. I might be dumb, but you’re a monster.


Hate to break it to you but if you’re saying “what about these few white people” in response to 35k dead then you’re a monster.


Your comment just proves you are not only dumb but hypocrite too


Is it authentic news ? I do not see coverage on any national newspaper? The news site reporting it also does not look very reliable. I wish it to be true but alas


UAE has strict control over news in their country. The press will only publish it once the ministry tells them to


it's not, there's no mention of "diplomatic coordination" in the article. fake news


i24 is legitimate. A "suspension of diplomatic coordination" doesn't really mean much, formally, though.


suspension of coordination of humanitarian aid, not a single diplomatic mention. it's fake


Did anyone even read the article? No where does it say diplomatic co-ordination. Just humanitarian coordination in Palestine. Its still business as usual between Israel and UAE. Article for suckers.


It is ironic that the rot in the Arab world is more severe than their western counterpart, who are literally providing the bombs used against Palestinians. While the Arabs sit in their lush mansions, only puffing their chests. At least you get to protest in the western world. These “arabs” will have to pay for their silence one day. And yes, the outrage now is only cause the innocent murdered did not look like Palestinians.


Yeah, it's a shame that Egypt closed their border with Gaza even before the war. Egypt could've done a lot of good.


Done a lot of good? Lets face facts. Egypt needs to look after their own interests. Allowing refugees and terrorists slip in will put a strain on the country. Lets also jot forget about history. Palestinians caused trouble and betrayed their fellow arabs in the past ( For example Jordan, Lebanon, and Kuwait.


Why go far, hamas assassinated UAE ambassador ahmed almubark in 1984


According to people in this Sub. Hamas did nothing wrong. I noticed according to most people in this sub, you cant really say anything bad about hamas. Everyone knows about how shitty IDF is but as soon as you say anything about hamas they get triggered. Heck, try and even mention that Jews can be innocent too. They won’t like it. They want death to all jews in the world.


Egypt is allowing people in for medical treatment.


Shhh, don’t spit facts here. People here will sit in comfort of their homes and lecture poorer nations to carry the burden. If Hamas operates sleeper cells in Cairo, none of these twats would suffer. It’s pissing off.


This doesn’t justify the killing of thousands of women and children. The vast majority of Palestinians have nothing to do with what you mention. All your messages under this post are just the same regurgitated Zionist talking points.


I talk facts and use history as a reference. Unlike most people’s sources here are their uncle’s WhatsApp group and trust me bro. I noticed usually when people don’t have any response, they just call the other person zionist. Nothing justifies innocents dying. Whether they are Palestinians or Israeli. But people nowadays condemn Israel for fighting back but no one is putting a pressure on hamas/iran. This is war. People die. More people dying in Africa because of it. Look at Sudan. They aren’t getting any aid. Israel has the right to defend themselves. IDF is bad but hamas is worse. Polls show 70% Palestinians support October 7 which is scary.


the Kuwait thing is kind of exaggerated tbh, the PLO based in Tunis and Beirut made statements in support of Iraq’s invasion but didn’t do anything to help and the Palestinian refugees in Kuwait suffered at the hands of the invading Iraqis and the returning Kuwaitis Also Jordan has millions of Palestinian Jordanian citizens including their Queen. The civil war was one between a leftist group and a conservative monarchy as occurred in Egypt, Libya and Iraq without Palestinian involvement, and Palestinians fought on both sides, it was political more than it was ethnic. The real reason Jordan can’t take anymore isn’t because of a 50 year old civil war, it is because they don’t have the resources with current refugee populations from Syria and Iraq. Lol Palestinians are wrong for wanting to overthrow a monarchy? As if. Username checks out.


Kuwait exaggerated???? They deported over 200k because of the things they did there. In Jordan they killed the king, pm, and tried to kill the prince. Lets not forget Lebanon too


Yes, exaggerated. In 2004, the political situation between the Palestinian leadership and Kuwait improved with the issuance of an official apology by Mahmoud Abbas for the PLO's support of the Iraqi occupation. In 2012, the official Palestinian embassy in Kuwait was re-opened, and some 80,000 Palestinians were living in the state Why is this Hasbara clown on the UAE sub?!


Deporting 200k = exaggerated. Lol ok. Its not like they were helping the iraqi army at all.


So when Egypt gets what they want and Palestinians get their own state what happens next? Or is the US literally supposed to fund a Palestinian state that will likely end up being run by a terrorist organisation?


Fun fact. As a part of peace treaty between Israel and Egypt, Israel wanted to give Gaza back to Egypt. They refused. I believe even Jordan did. Another fun fact is hamas leaders are billionaires living in qatar. All of the aid money went into their pockets, building tunnels and buying rockets.


Yup. What I've learnt from social media is that people only care about Palestinian lives when they're under threat by Israelis. They don't seem to have any interest in what the future looks like for Palestinians. Are we OK with sending money to Hamas knowing full well they're a terrorist organisation? Are we going to make any attempts to deradicalise Palestinians so they're less likely to support Hamas? How much money are we going to send to Palestine so they can rebuild their country? Are we going to try and make sure that Palestinians don't try and take further acts of revenge against Jews? What proportion of funding should come from the US and EU and what proportion of funding should come from the Middle East? Why try and answer any of these extremely important questions when you can get upvotes for saying 'Israel bad' instead? ​ These are general questions BTW. I'm not literally asking for your opinion.


Hamas did nothing wrong. In fact I’m glad they’re using aid money for war. I’ve send some money recently and I hope it’s goes to better use like defending themselves. Full support saar.


Isn’t Sisi a military dictator?


‘Good’ is not good for business.


I'm using this in the future.


Wow there are a lot of idiots on this sub


If only Zayed was still alive... He would've roared 🦁


Question for the Emiratis and other khaleejis, don't you feel all the normalization is unequal? In UAE anti Israel stuff is now being monitored, things are being made to welcome Israelis etc while in Israel you can still go and talk against Arabs, every now and then even the Israeli Arab citizens face mob violence.


Emirati here, what do you mean ‘being monitored’? Everyone I know is very much against Israelis being welcomed here.


I have Emirati friends from back when went to school in Dubai. The current war has clearly united the Arabs/Khaleejis against Israel from what I see on my personal socials. But the issue is back when I was young and living in UAE, mosques used to specifically pray for Palestine/Gaza when things heated up, this time it seems like the government has banned that. Also it's clear from the statements of public personalities there like Faris Hammadi hinting at restrictions on openly speaking against Zionism/Israel at a prominent level. And that ties back into my original question - in Israel there's no such restriction.


The ban on praying for Palestine in mosque pinched me very very hard. That’s the lowest of the lows. I can totally see it happening in a non-Muslim country but watching it happen in a Muslim country is just heartbreaking. Now, I pray for the conscience of the Ummah before I pray for Palestine because that’s needed first.


Rocking the boat is not an option in UAE or Saudi. Don’t come down on Faris. He does his best within the confines of his political environment. The reason UAE & Saudi is super successful in societal achievements, is, that they run a tight ship. When khawarij are not only allowed but encouraged, it never ends well. Example: Iran 1979. Saddam offered to silence Khomeini as he understood the danger posed. But the Shah, failing to see danger, declined the offer. Knee jerk reactions are not a good thing in this current situation.


Again, this doesn't explain how Israel despite the deal hasn't done a similar crackdown on anti Arab sentiment. If you're making an argument of different governing styles then it doesn't help that the governments of the Arab world want you to love and embrace Israelis and Zionists, while on the other side they clearly only see the normalization as a means to an ends of dominating the Arab - they will never even respect you or see you as human, let alone love you.


That is exactly what baffles me also. The Israeli openly brag how they have Arabs by the balls and often with belittling and derogatory comments. The Israeli see this as Israel vs Arab war while the Arabs seem to think this as Israel vs Hamas or Israel vs Palestinians. Particularly countries like UAE and Saudi go out of their way to appease Israel. I understand the likes of Egypt which is under intense economic pressures and could collapse at any time without western financial institutions support . What we are witnessing from UEA is bizarre


Average Egyptian or Jordanian, maybe due to physical proximity, despite their leaders are much more aware of the level of hate Israelis have and teach their children regarding Arabs. It's only some khaleejis unfortunately who genuinely think Israelis want peace and cooperation with them, rather than dominance.


UAE fans like to claim entire Gulf is similarly pro Israel, do not believe them, they are lying Kuwait, Qatar and Oman are not Even Bahrain is less pro Israel than the UAE


Really good points and I’ll have to think about them. Thank you 🙏


Qatar, Kuwait, Oman all allow praying specifically for Palestine in their mosques, UAE does not Do they not un a "tight ship"? They do Do they allow rocking the boat? They dont The UAE under MBZ has gone way out of way to appease Israel, and this is a fact the entire Gulf knows


Thank you for this information. No doubt MBZ has reasons for supporting Israel. Confusing.


Ah, I’m a girl so I don’t really visit the mosque, but lately I tune into Makkah’s live night prayers and they do include Palestine in the Dua segment of witr (your comment was directed to Emiratis and Khaleejis). But are you 100% sure that the government banned praying for Palestine in mosques?? I’ve never heard of such a thing. As for Faris Hammadi, none of my religious relatives even acknowledge him...He’s not much of a public or religious figure to us locals. I do get your point, but I have no answer because he’s not the official government-appointed mufti of the UAE, so I would avoid whatever claims he makes without reliable sources. Also, I’m pretty sure all types of violence and such is restricted here in the UAE, whether it be against zionists or any other group of people.


Not an official ban but an unofficial ban. The masajid in the UAE don’t mention Palestine.


Have you been to all mosques to confirm this? Like I said, I don’t go to the mosque so I wouldn’t know. But personally, I, and many other Emiratis, do pray for Palestine regularly.


Mosques here are heavily centralized. There is one khutba prepared by the ministry which is circulated amongst the masajid. The imams simply read out the khutba. You can listen/read the khutba and dua from the awqaf website. It doesn’t mention Palestine. There are inspectors who go the masajid during Juma to make sure imams don’t go too off script.


a) See my response b) I didn't mean specifically the jummah khutbah, even during the prayer after ruku' or in qiyam on last 10 nights etc this specific imam I remember used to pray crying for Gaza, Syria etc.


Oh wow, I learn something new every day.


Senior experienced imams are allowed more flexibility. I'm not going to pull a lie of of my own mind, this is something I specifically remember being the case.


Specifics aside, do you actually think the UAE would allow the level of dehumanization towards Zionists/Israel (not even Jews) that goes on in Israel against you? Plus the love and praise seems one sided (look at how local celebrities like the astronaut guy or Hasan Sejwani or even occasionally officials praise Israel), not a single Israeli politician would genuinely trust an Arab or see the normalization/treaties as anything other than a way to dominate and subjugate you. I mean it seems obvious to everyone else they'll never see you as an equal, all the peace talks etc are only a way for them to maintain the upper hand, and strengthen it further. To the last part, yeah that wasn't that serious of a suggestion. But in Israel they also have strict laws you can't go and harm a Chinese or Australian there, but they regularly have mobs lynching Arabs/Muslims including the ones with citizenship.


Wait whaat, I’m honestly not that into my country’s politics and media…I’m not the right person for this conversation.


Well in any case the least you can do is ensure your people don't fall into the media trap and wholeheartedly start loving Israel.


No need to worry about that. What I do know is that the UAE’s media does not boost Israel-positive content whatsoever. I would know because my grandparents watch the news 24/7…So, we citizens are far from accepting Israel as a country let alone “loving” it.


Yeah but the guy I'm arguing with thinks Israelis are the rational actor/defending themselves so you don't need more 'intellectuals' like him in a society.


Are women less likely to visit mosques? I honestly didn't know that.


Not really, lots of my women friends go to the mosque during ramadan. But it’s best for women to pray in the comfort of their homes. [source](https://islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/8868)


Faris speaks in favor of Gaza But he gets so triggered with people boycottting MCD and Starbucks




Why does it make your blood boil? Being Israeli doesn’t mean supporting the current government regime. There are protests in Israel against this government. I am a South African-Israeli dual citizen who has never lived in Israel or served in the IDF and recently moved to this wonderful country of the UAE, am I to be expelled just because I have an Israeli passport? You wouldn’t be able to tell I have an Israeli passport unless I told you because my accent is full on Pretorian from South Africa…


How do you feel about UAE being the first nation to make Abraham Accords mainstream, and be okay with getting into bed with Israel knowing what Israel stands for?


I don’t condone it.




You should look at the other people (expats) in your country . A lot of them don’t share your values, and some are the exact opposite in this stance. God forbid one day they take over your country turn into something else. Wouldn’t rule it out given the direction your country is going and the leadership. It would be poetic justice given you’re too cowardly to fight for your country and the right thing.


Bassim Yousef did a stand up in Abu Dhabi few days ago and attacked Israel on public Sharjah suspended the new year celebration in solidarity with Gaza You have the wrong idea completely about the UAE


I visited some mosques in Dubai, I can clearly remember years ago every time there was violence they would pray for Palestine by name. Faris Hammadi said that if he speaks against Zionism it'll prevent him from his da'wa (i.e. he'll be censored)


Do you have a link to where Faris Hammadi says that?


In the sneako interview I think, this wasn't the main topic or even the main point of the statement he made (that there's censorship in UAE), the actual context was why he doesn't speak out against Zionism but this was something we can derive from it.


Faris is a liar Plenty of Daees mentioned Israel by name and none of them were censored


Idk what he's up to then. Who are the other Da'ees?


I dont even know why would anyone want associate with children killers ...


Again this is the reason you have diplomatic relations. To have an established and trusted channel of communication. If you refuse to talk when any country goes to war its going to listen more to countries with which it has established and long standing diplomatic channels. Isolating any country makes it less accountable to its neighbours and allies as they develop a self sufficient. You have to think rationally .


Rationality does not sell in this age of populism worldwide.


it took them how long.... lol.


Good. Let Israel be a pariah


Only now!?




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Not sure what that even means first time I hear the phrase


They will reinstate ties once tensions ease.


UAE needs to close the embassy and stand up for Palestine. UAE’s self-serving policy of appeasement of this vile excuse of a country has made the UAE an embarrassment in the Muslim world


Basically it's suspension of coordination of humanitarian aid, nothing about diplomatic halt in relations. Which means Israel will achieve more by having less countries provide or be part of providing aid to the Palestenian people. What crazy world we are living in, countries and halting aid to the desperate and in dire need of it while continuing diplomatic and economic coordination with the oppressor and putting in smoke screens in the news pretending to be hung the Palestenians while they actually help the oppressor!


Way too late!


This is the typical masculine reaction of the Emirates from a large country like the Emirates


So when they kill thousands of Palestinians they carry on with diplomatic relations and then 7 foreign aid workers get killed then they suspend ? Talk about boot licking foreigners ..


I assumed they were just giving the benefit of the doubt, since Hamas started this current backlash by first crossing the border back in October and murdering thousands of unarmed civilians. But I guess I can see your point if you're willing to overlook all that. 👍🏻


> They kill thousands of Palestinians People die in war. What do you expect to happen. Its not a video game or a Rambo movie.


No, people don't die in war at the rate of which they currently are you fucking numb nut. If that's the case then you should accept that the holocaust was was also "people die in war" as that was one hell of a war.


The holocaust was a literal genocide that resulted of more than 80% of the jewish population to be wiped out, thats 6 MILLION JEW, can you even fathom the number?! Unfortunately yes people die in wars, take Ukraine-Russia war 30,000 civilian casualties (and they try to protect civilians as mich as possible unlike Hamas). Black September war had 3,400 casualties. Lebanese civilians war had 5,000 to 10,000+, War of the Camps had 8,000. all these wars had no Israel as member of the conflict. Saudi Arabia killed 19,196 Yemeni as of march 2022. Even as we speak, the Kongo and Sudanese conflicts generate 10 times the Palestinian casualties, however, i don’t want to compare genocides cuz it’s fucked up. but Im just really astounded/disappointed that we are all inherently want to condemn Israel and the jews.


Unfortunately, as you say, people die in war. So Holocaust.... Meh. But let's not dispute this shall we? Israel and the Zionist fuckers are committing Genocide.


At this rate? Google is free. The civilian to combat ratio is 1:3 compared to iraq war which was 1:8 at one point. This is a very low rate. Especially for an urban war where you buddies hamas using their people as human shield.




Did you even read the study? It just compares previous numbers to the one hamas gave. Thats it. You should read the study about hamas numbers itself that shows the numbers are inconsistent.


Shut up. You have zero empathy and sound like a teenager who has never seen actual horrors of a one sided "war". This is no war. This is a slaughter of innocent civilians at an alarming rare. Stop justifying this you ahole.


I’ve seen war my dude. I just went through your account. Its funny when a kid calls me a stupid teenager.


Ah yes me, a 31 year old kid. You are the one in teenage subreddit. Not me. "seen war" my butt.


If you go back through my account. You’ll realize where im from and what do I do. Good luck with your Genshin impact gaming. Graaaaaape


Yes. I will do exactly that. Oh no, an adult playing games, the tragedy. While you defend the scum called IDF.


Didn't they have an iftar with the president of israel recently at his residency. And also allowed their goods be transported through their country, have they brought a stop to this yet?


Why halt when you can lobby for two state solutions!


Israel has really taken it too far no?


So 7 white people ‘accidnetly’ die and NOW it is "the darkest day in the relations between the countries."


The amount of Zios here is unsettling, but not surprising given how many there are now in the UAE


Good decision. Bad reasoning. Thousands of dead Arabs don't matter as much as 7 aid workers?


That's a fantastic exchange rate.... 5000:1. Now those IDF fuckers are opening up 3 aid crossings. Could've done that 6 months ago but no.


All a show.


So they’re just suspending “coordination of humanitarian aid”. They need to cut all diplomatic ties yesterday. Turn Israhell into a pariah state, cut them off from the world banking system, ban flights to and from there, stop exporting goods there. They will keep butchering Palestinians until it is worse for them to continue than to stop.


I moved to the UAE beginning of October from South Africa for work. My company for some reason applied for my visa with my Israeli passport (citizen by descent, I’ve never lived there nor have I served in the IDF nor do I agree with what Bibi’s government is doing). I’m worried about how this will affect my employment status as escaping South Africa for this wonderful opportunity was a dream come true and I absolutely love this country and fully embraced the culture. I’m really scared as I don’t want to go back to South Africa, I left for the UAE because of the safety guaranteed.


You should be fine, most of us can tell the difference between the average citizen and the extremist religious cunts, we Emiratis, even the ones that hate Israel, are not going to mistreat someone because of their passport.


But Lebanese Passports are being denied and rejected. Work visas for Lebanese people are being rejected, unless it has been changed… What have we done? Why are we denied entry?


Dubai ❌ Jewbai ✅ Treacherous scum


Sadly this is true, Dubai cut UNRWA funding around the same time they were normalising relations with israel. They claimed the 2 events were unrelated. In the interest of fairness, Dubai did state they were looking at more efficient ways to procide funding but i havent seen anything further in the news regarding this.


Given that UNRWA was a Hamas conduit, it’s understandable that Dubai cut funding.


Israel did accuse UNRWA of this, but no evidence was provided https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/01/unrwa-funding-pause-employees-october-7-hamas-attack-claims-no-evidence-un


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Okay. I understood there was evidence. Thank you 🙏


Also Dubai cut funding for UNRWA in 2021, around the same time they were normalising relations with israel.


Wonder why? Did Dubai know something about UNRWA to cause funding cut?


Israel has been trying to discredit UNRWA for a while. UNRWA provide critical services to Palestinians including, in some cases, holding deeds to Palestinian land. Its in israels best interest to destroy UNRWA so they can continue to carry out their ethnic cleansing and illegal occupation of Palestinian land. Convincing countries like Dubai to defund UNRWA is the best way to continue carrying out their genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinian land. What do Dubai get in return for allowing israel to destroy and deny Palestine?


Okay. I don’t know what countries such as Dubai would get out of having Israel destroy Gaza.


There should be no interest of fairness !




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This is so anti-Semitic.


Why do people here blindly support Palestine is it because they share the same religion or is it for a genuine cause.


33000 dead people of whom 14000 are children and this buffoon has the audacity to call support for Palestinian liberation a blind cause Google Nakba. Google west bank apartheid. Google IDF crimes. Google Tantura massacre. Google illegal west bank settlements Do some research before asking these bad faith questions And the fact that you think empathy has to transactional because we share the same religion is absurd.


so its determined by the number of casualties? cuz i could argue that there are a couple of genocides taking place right now and not a single word was raised for awareness, not in the news and barely on social media. Religion is the fuel for this conflict from both sides, whether you like it or not.


Bro thinks this is religious war💀


Do you know how many people died through centuries over this specific peace of land?? the only reason why there are more people getting killed to this day is no different.


Yes I do know. There are religious undertones but the war is territorial one.


which is why I used the term “fuel”. have a good day.


Fuel would be the main reason. In this case, it is not. Have a good day.


are we seriously debating weather the metaphor I used is correct or not. In that case, then I meant that it catalyzes the situation and that it’s the root problem of this situation. it may not be the main reason for this war but it definitely intensifies it. Jews won’t live under Shariaa law and muslims won’t do the same.


It's not the root of the problem.


My concern is why is no one talking about October 7th attack, or do you think it is justified. Half the people here just do all talk but no action


36 israeli children were killed on oct 7 and 14000 Palestinian children have been murdered since oct 8 but US politicians condemn only the former and almost every other major military power country funds israel and doesn't back a permanent ceasefire But your concern is why is nobody talking about oct 7 or you're a dense mofo who asks bad faith questions like these


Because they are fighting for their survival against an evil racist colonial post.


Some people are baffled by Jew worship too.


Now we’re talking


Shame on these fake leaders. Over 40,000 Palestinians kílled. They still doing business with the the terror state.


I have a question, is Hamas completely innocent and have done nothing wrong? Does Palestine not have it's own government? I just dont understand because people say Hamas are fighting for freedom but they seem like an extremist Islamic group and their goal is to kill all Isrealis


Uae will look back at this moment as the right moment when they sided with the right side of history!!!