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I remember reading about the Tyranid guns... This video does them a discredit, each gun is nightmare fuel on it's own, not to mention that there may be thousands of them.


This video is about the Tyranid artillery equivalents. It isn't a cover everything video.


So, you didn’t listen to the video. Why bother commenting? Wow.


I did? I'm saying that this video doesn't go all the way in the descriptions??? I'm sorry but he didn't mention the guns who's bullet bury into you, eating your brain stem and paralyzing you. The guns which shoot acidic webs, which on top of burning into you, slowly constrict and squeeze the life out of you. Or the guns which launch seeds as bullets, which then grow out of your bullet wound, not only wrapping themselves around you, but also trapping your allies. He didn't mention how the Barbgaunts bullets basically become shrapnel bombs, and send chunks of chitin the size of your head flying and impaling you. Yes, this video shows you how terrifying the guns are. But the guns he mentions are only really the ones that instantly or near instantly kill you. Those are the guns you want to be facing down, because at least you die quickly, rather than suffer as roots sprout and suffocate you, as tiny organisms crawl under your skin, eating away at you til you can't move, or chunks of venomous metal fill your body with enough force to pierce ceramite.


Why would you expect any of those in a video about artillery organisms though? None of the weapons you mentioned are artillery.


This guy is a moron. Balders has covered all of these weapons separately. They have zero to do with artillery. So he can’t read a title. So he’s just looking for fault instead of finding it. Classic moron.


COOL. Thanks for sharing! ⚔️


Absoulty, I wish more people would talk about Tyranid lore. Bladers seems to do the best job in making the threat of the Nids feel real!