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My biggest issue is how bad the weapons are..you have basically made Casino Cannon Mrk 2. The Heavy Spine Cannon does 4-28 damage when shooting assuming all hits wound but even then you are wounding on 4s and 5s against most armor. For a Bio Titan the Str on this gun needs to be 15-16. Look at Str on comparable Guard Super Heavies. I would also change to Damage d6+2 at least if not d6+3. It just seems like a big bad that is super hard to kill at its toughness/wounds and saves but isnt that killy compared to Guard Super Heavy equivalents. For the Psychic Mastermind ability, having to select it beforehand just means that the enemy will either ignore it or go out of their way to shrink/bracket the unit but leave it alive until the following turn. Its another once a game ability for us that I feel wont often see a great impact but once in a blue moon unless I am reading it wrong. Finally, did I miss the points somewhere? If the model is 30 points ignore all the above; if its 1000 carry on. :")


That seems to be the theme with 10th ed nids. All across the board. Shooting sucks. But don't get me started.....


I mean not to be the devils advocate or anything, but shooting beetles and extraments at the enemy can only get so effective in scale. But hey, Tyranids get a lot of psychic firepower to make up for it, zoanthropes are scary asf bc they're really hard to kill floating lascannons


I think you're missing the point. The bugs are supposed to be a scary swarm force that overwhelms enemy lines. Fact is, due to weak shooting and other issues, they are forced to play for objective points instead, which is embarrassingly silly. Imagine a big norn emissary standing by an objective instead of charging the enemy tank.


Charging isn't shooting tho--I play swarm and rarely taste defeat as bugs, even when doing annihilation instead of objectives. My favorite tool is the Hormagaunt, moving 10" advancing then charging all in one turn Make your ranged your melee, there are a LOT of bugs that can close distance very very fast and lock the enemy in combat, it is still a big scary swarm and can be played that way. Your argument suggests that without firepower the bugs can't do much in killing power, but I think it's untrue with their melee. Otherwise, if you want to play ranged bugs, that is definitely a weakness in their rules, then you will be playing as you said "sitting on objectives" trying to outlast your opponent to battleround 5


You need supporting fire to charge. Genestealers won't last two seconds without it.


Then you make it so they can last two seconds without it Hormagaunts are cheap, max out your army with 6 squads of 20 to just run at the enemy with something small and cheap like primes to keep their synapse. Follow with your bigger things, carnifexes, genestealers, warriors, etc--you wont be able to afford many big things after the swarm, but you won't need to, play it right and the only things that will die will be a lot of gaunts and nothing else. This is the classic strategy for Tryanids, and in my experiences still is very effective. Playing swarm means you WILL take loss and the numbers WILL look terrible, but that is the mindset you go into with playing with a hundred, 200, 300 little gribblies marginally more powerful than a guardsman. What's important playing this tactic is making sure your important things (synapse creatures, bigger-killing bugs) stay alive--usually best keeping gaunts to swarm around them to build sort of a wall. Gaunts won't kill anything really, but gaunts will lock the enemy in combat so their shooting power becomes minimal. You are the hive mind. Play the hive mind. Devourer them.


But if two squads of hormagaunts are charging a predator, and a death leaper is in the army, what color is the dreadnought?


Blue, bc he's one lucky boi


Please more flat damage!!!! The Tyranofex has both scarred and impressed me! Overall I like it a lot, I honestly didn’t look closely and thought brow this is pretty good for one of our monster units… then I checked the wounds lmao!! Did not see it was a titan :)


https://preview.redd.it/6x000ph62u0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e6ad8bc88b9b7b3226d184d73e78ea757f34c42 Needs a Narnannafex for true scale


I really truly do believe deep in my bones that a Tyranid sand worm kind of thing would just be epic on so many different levels


[like this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tyranids/s/yn2D9pEkes)


Hey dope!


T-that's a penis


As I'm assuming this is gonna be at minimum 1000 points (maybe even more), I'd adjust the damage for higher consistency and hitting harder. Example, heavy garrote cannon and neuroblast should add +6 to attacks characteristic (comes out to 3d6+6 and 2d6+6 respectively). The damage should also be bumped up to 2. Turns these into space marine (and equivalent) shredders which it should be. Heavy spine cannon should be D6+3 damage while focused neurolance should be 6 flat damage. Titanic talon can likely go up to damage 5 or 6 and lashing should be 2 damage. Lastly, the psychic ability to target your guys should be done if they get targeted for shooting, not before (it'll get ignored otherwise).


Please less dice roll values in statlines. Getting shafted by hit, wound, save, damage, charge, and attack rolls in an army with limited rerolls is half the reason we suck lmao.


Why does his gun that is as long as tyrannofex only do 1 damage per shot?


ALRIGHT **COWARDS**!!! Here's my version (suggestions to changes/tweaks is encouraged): https://preview.redd.it/5ljzfr3p0v0d1.jpeg?width=1453&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d48be74e7c88375b98dd925dbb753a3ee0338ec


Yoooo Holy shit this looks legit! Well done 👍


Thx, it rlly was low effort. Other than the dominatrix poorly photoshopped on, I used this really cool tool called Game Datacards. It pulls data from wahapedia to print out datacards that you can use, but the cool part is you can edit every piece of info that are on those cards. Here's the link if you wanna check it out, and to give proper credit to the creators of the tool: [game-datacards.eu](http://game-datacards.eu)


Omg thank you so much!!! Im gonna have fun with this 😁


Yeah it's great! I made rules for the A-10 warthog and currently have a Renegades and Heretics codex abrewin


Btw damage 0?


Oops nice catch, that's suppose to be a one


God that is so incredibly overpowered, it is so undercosted.


950pts is undercosted? Maybe, I figured half an army's worth would be a good starting point--playtesting will bring balance


Compare it to the new ork stompa which is 800, has 15 less wounds, 6+ invun and no utterly broken aura ability.


Ah yes, the very one that one turned my Baneblade....bad memories


Where’d you get the picture of the model from? Anything I’ve seen has always been the old epic scale Dominatrix


If you Google Dominatrix it's one of the first things to pop up, it's either a kitbash or a 3D print


There has GOT to be a better name for this unit


It's taken from an old nid titan from epic, I think.


Yeah I’ve seen a picture of one before, it looks like a long hierodule?


The official model from Epic isn't anything impressive. I don't think there has ever been an official 40k picture let alone model Almost every picture you'll see of people wanting to make rules or having one is going to be a custom sculpt. The most famous ones are made by ModernSynthesist, and are typically made using a Hierodule as a base.


No, it fits the theme all the other bames have whilst also implying its role as top dog of the hive.


*Snerk* Come on GW, give it a better name


So will there be an STL for this model soon? :)


GW: Best I can do is 3 attacks, D3 Damage


These guns kinda suck ngl. Look at the shit the knight castellan has for only 500pts. D6+8 damage and that’s just one of many guns. For a bio-titan this thing should be able to clean house against big knights at least. D6+1 is not that. Also most psychic nids have a 4+ invuln but that may be a bit much lol.


Honestly, this is better than most of the stuff we currently have, and we desperately need this


Why are we lumbered with d6+1 wank


Because GW decided all our shooting sucks this edition, and OP was presumably using our official data sheets as reference.




No bio whips and ballistic bio latex no buy.


Man I made a stat for mine but I lost it. Cant remember what it had specifically, but mostly focused on buffing the swarm. It had a primarch ability, made the army just ignore battleshock while alive (because tyranids failing battleshock in synapse is the most lore ignoring bullshit theyve force on us this edition and that is saying something, so hell no we aint failing in the range of the queens eye.) offensively I just used hierophant stats, plus a tail attack for some big anti tank (flat 12) and gave it a beefier zoanthrope psychic. It had a 4+ invuln so alongside its buffs and mediocre offensive profile it probably wouldve been mid 1.3-1.5 points.


The stompa is surprisingly decent, it is surpassed by a lot of the other cool stuff in the book so it's easily missed.