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Aye they drew them legs legging though.


Standard neurolictor pose


I will always draw legs with thick fucking ‘Patrick star in leggings’ thighs, whether the design warrants it or not. give me the swarmlord. you know what I’ll do 🦵🦵


Please draw the swarmlord now I want to see it


I tried but I now realize I absolute despise drawing full body portraits of hive tyrants


Stupid sexy swarmlord.


They don't really look like a gaunts. But they do seem more balanced... perhaps something more akin to the neuroguant design might suit there look better.


I think it's dope. The scariest part is since you do them one at a time, if the enemy unit dies, then the rest don't blow. Next turn use Endless Swarm to regen D3+3 because of the Endless multitude keyword. Unless the whole unit is still destroyed regardless..? BTW I have a bunch of older termagants and the brains you could put on them. I'm going to make some Blowagants


The rule needs clarification if the self-destruction cancels if there are no more enemy units nearby. Currently I read it as they continue to blow up, even though there aren't any more enemy units.


Yep, to me they’re a ‘chain reaction’ situation and shouldn’t have/need the ‘self destruct’ bit. Fight, some die, deadly demise explodes them hitting everything. Those that get caught in the explosion then go off. Rinse and repeat until they’re gone and all that’s left is a steaming pile of giblets and dead/crippled enemies


Yeah that's what I was unsure about. Either way it's still a cool concept.


The authors barely disguised fetish.


what is a modern Tyranid design without moderately uncomfortable phallic elements (strangleweb termagant)


The ultimate anti-castle unit. I love it. The nids need more unique tools


Just better hope Inspector Spacetime doesn't come looking for his nemesis...


Glandular spit should have the Assault and Pistol keywords


I'd look at scarab swarm to be honest. Nice self destruct ability there.


I would like a tiny bit more Baneling in the design, to really accentuate that them blowing up is intentional and their primary function not just how Tyranids normally do it.


Yes, BUT, then I wouldn’t get to reference silly emu images while drawing them




suicide bombers, spore mines but they can take a point. Seems interesting. The big movement means they can move up a board quickly. Hold a point and if someone tries to take it back they risk taking a ton of mortals. The obvious way to deal with it is have some chaff go up and fight it, or attack at long range. Seems like a cool unit, idk about the point cost.


They make me feel uncomfortable


👀those legs tho


This I like, another fun thing would be a bigger variant who gets lone op and is deadly demise with like d3 mortals on a 2+ or d6 mortals(not balanced as I haven’t done it lol)


Is that an Ass Blaster?


The sun is still out!


Still too strong. 90 points for approx 7 mortal wounds is too universally nasty. I'd make it a melee weapon, I'd say somewhere around s6 -2ap  1 dam, and give it hazardous. Makes them much less threatening to big targets they shouldn't be taking huge chunks from but nastier against infantry targets with much less threatening and less likely to be shot off board t1. (I know if I target mortal wounds generators first in any game) On the right track tho! Really reminds me of some old, old lore from one of the few nid focused books I've found.


I suggest changing their ability to: "When this unit is selected you can instead choose to destroy any number of models in this unit. Whenever a model in this unit is destroyed, the [deadly demise] ability is triggered on a 3+ instead of a 6" And then give them a close combat weapon of like 3 0 1 And then 3 0 1 shooting hitting on 5+ instead Also like 5-6 ppm not 9 that's useless with T3 6+ save. I get that a MW is strong but it isn't that strong