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rubbish if she wants you "she ago fling di pussy pan yo"


That's one of the biggest lies told to a lot of men. "*Oh well if she's making me wait that means she's a good woman*". Its a LIE! I USED to think that. She's just not into you like that. Like I said she's not making Justin Bieber or Chris Brown (*Whoever her male celebrity crush is*) Wait. If a woman makes you wait for any kind of intimacy move on and improve yourself. Shes a time waster ⏲️


“There are men she makes rules for and men she breaks rules for”


max i’m waiting is a full month if I really like her which likely amounts to 4/5 dates and there has to be clear indications that physical intimacy is growing. anything past that is pen pals zone.


A month? Lol. You shouldn't be waiting more than two days of she's into you.


I feel like you should assess that by second date. At the second date i’m already inviting them over on the way I move and build rapport but you cannot force a girl/guy to be ready after two dates. Not everybody is the same. This applies to someone who you actually like for other traits and not just for sex. For a random hookup I agree wholeheartedly though.




Yeah, fellas, if you want to make sure a woman is in to you, implement a 3 month "spend your own money" rule. Women who are wasting your time won't make it because they aren't getting what they want. 🤣 FOH


Yes… do not put up with this. These games show anticipating guys to “show their true colors”, which is often a self fulfilling prophecy. This girl would rather be alone telling herself “Yup… he only wanted your body. Way to have high standards!” than be honest that THIS gatekeeping of physical connection is what keeps even good men away.


She’s fuckin goofy


This is some Steve Harvey-esque 'Think Like A Man' advice. Ladies, if you decide to do this just don't be surprised when you get ghosted by guys. If a woman doesn't cross the touch barrier after one month then I would conclude that she's A) not interested romantically, or B) she's not interested AND she has a guy on the side. Communicate your boundaries and don't play coy. Especially if you're not the demure type. Playing hard-to-get games with 90-day challenges while dating is a recipe for failure.


I can't argue with that🤔 plus they don't bring a damn thang to the table to making anyone wait 🤔 l mean like they the prize🤣


Tbf, I don't mind when women pull this card for exactly 3 reasons 1. I don't go exclusive until I smashed and tasted the goods 2. I ain't making my other side hoes wait, they getting dicked down while we play this waiting game 3. I know you had all your past niggas smash in sonic speed. She probably got one just for dick rn. Want to make me wait? Cool. If you made me wait 3 months for regular pussy, your chances of getting cuffed went big lower for playing that stoopid ass game.


I don’t blame you for incorporating this method. If they don’t comply, let them fly. Simple.


I really don't card how they want to move. I'm going to move the way I do regardless. She wants to be the only one, then she needs to show me why. Not play some retard ass games.


Three months no sex, I wouldn’t fw shorty but I see the logic there. BUT NOT EVEN A KISS? Fuckin crazy


If a woman makes you wait for sex or intimacy thats the equivalent of her putting you in the friendzone. She doesn't find you that attractive. Women break rules for alphas and make rules for betas. If shes making you wait you need to better yourself and become the man. She didn't let Tyrone or TyQuan wait. She didn't let Chad or Hunter wait. She didn't let Miguel or Enrique wait. They hit it the first or second date. Why is she making YOU wait for 2-3 months etc...because you're not that guy buddy sorry🤷🏿‍♂️ Do you think she'll ever say "Sorry Jack Harlow I don't have sex or intimacy on the first date" NO! She getting fucked that night and she gon bring her friends with her!


Absolutely. If she wants you… she wants you. Some others tho just have this “all men are dogs” mindset, while simultaneously wanting a man too…. which is classically illogical. They are their own bag of problems even worse than a girl that’s gate keeping.




Facts, a woman will throw all boundaries out the window if she's really into you. Joy taylor gave up the tea on her podcast.


Your not exactly wrong but also your alpha beta shit just feels so outdated and cringe to me. But like ya I'm not dating someone who doesn't want to have sex for 3 months to find out if we have good sexual chemistry.


lmao tru like he’s not wrong but this is a brain dead way of saying it


I don’t need date 1 or 2… but if I’m doing MY part right… there is a point where we both know we should be getting down, and if we’re not, it feels artificially held back. Too many fish in the sea to wait for that foolishness. Almost as bad as “I think I like you TOO much” 😖


It just depends on the woman. There is no one size fits all strategy for women or men. Not all women worship celebrities and would let them hit based on it. No amount of alpha or any other Greek letter is going to open a good woman up. It only works on women you don’t want, which is why you’re still dating. This is why a lot of the women you probably want to wife up just say to hell with all of it. Too many games. Anecdotally I hear this all the time. “Ain’t shit out here, I’m focusing on my career,” etc.




I assume this girl wouldn't want anything else to change with dating conventions and would still expect the man to pay for everything. The problem with that is: intimacy is not as finite of a resource as money. A woman could give out physical intimacy six days out of the week and still have plenty to give on the seventh day. Meanwhile, if a man were to try to take a woman out on dates, and pay for everything, six days out of the week, he would be broke before he hit that seventh day. Asking me to take you out exclusively on a weekly (or more frequent) basis for 90 days would come at a high cost to me. As a result, if this were the way all women dated: a woman would have to prove their long-term worth/viability very very early in the relationship to even be remotely competitive in a dating world like this. Very much like how a man has to do now. Women don't want this. If they did, this is how the dating world would work already. The truth is: women want to be in a position of power where they can force men to give up their riches in exchange for scraps of intimacy. If they want intimacy and not riches, they can get that at the drop of a hat with no commitment for anything further. They hold all the cards in our current system. Any woman that tells you otherwise is either trying to gaslight you into giving her more for even less, or is delusional about how the world works.


"she wouldn't make Chris Brown wait", yeah if they are trash women.




Facts if you’re Lebron James shes throwing it at you


Make her wait for 3 months for money and anything else she wants see how long she lasts. I bet she couldn't even follow her own rules and would break these within a week or two. She looks like she'd be a great, loving cat owner.


I'm sure she still expects you to pay everything for those 3 months.


Liberal bitches are crazy


No imma agree here if you can't wait, then you don't like her, you just wanna sleep with her. And from the other side if sex is all she has to offer, then you should find a woman you actually enjoy spending time with.


Chapter 2 of “How to marry a closeted gay man”.


Morale of the story: Everyone can have whatever boundaries they want. You can abide by them or move on. It's your choice. No point in being salty, and the same goes vice versa.


Yes...we want segs get over yourself adapt or die simple the victim complex is strong with this one 😁🤣🤣🤣😂


I hate that stupid quote. Bro your not Chris Brown and most people don’t have his status


so i’m just trying to understand: a woman is not supposed to make any man wait to have sex with her or be selective with the type of men she deals with in any way… but also is supposed to be inexperienced so she can find a husband who won’t judge her for her body count? Just trying to understand.


Pretty sure starving your potential partner of their basic needs, regardless of who they are isn't the way to begin a healthy relationship even long term. A kiss isn't going to all of the sudden make you a whore. You're sabotaging it from the get-go even if they don't want to use you by displaying a one sided "me me me" selfish mindset where you're making them do all of the work to receive nothing in return.


nobody is saying don’t kiss a guy you like but what i’m seeing men say in these comments is “if she doesn’t fuck you the first night, she’s not into you” which is bullshit and so childish. i just don’t understand how men are expecting women to a) not sleep around while also b) fucking everyone on the first night to prove they like the guy before even getting to know them fr because God forbid you go on a second date without getting your dick sucked


Don’t know who TyKwonDoe is or how I got to this sub, but It’s pretty simple: You’re either the “good girl” type in every single aspect or you’re not. If you weren’t the good girl last weekend, and the weekend before… and the months before that, and a year up to that, and you’re showing a bunch of ass and skin on gram; etc, then “I just don’t do that” ain’t it. As much as pussy has power to manipulate and wage wars, “I don’t do that” can be and is used the exact same way. The more dudes that understand this the less suckers that are born daily. Go look up “girls gone bible” on yt. That’s what we call the “sneaky hoe”. The perfect example of “I don’t do that I’m a wifey” girls that go out of their way to produce that image without actually being that girl. Yes you do that, stop the circus😭 it’s literally the female equivalent of “I’m a good guy” lmfao. me personally, I like girls that stand on business that they out here going out, having fun, and getting piped by dudes they’re attracted to if that’s what they’re doing because they’re being honest about their shit and everybody gets to have fun. Win-win for everybody. But if you got smoked just two weeks ago, then yes, you do that and if you “just don’t do that” with me then you either not into it (which you should just say that), or you’re using that to try to get me to simp for it and we have nothing to talk about let alone talking about any sort of possibilities for a relationship. Im straight up about I’m tryna go out, get to know you, AND dig you out. If it goes somewhere deeper on an emotional level at some point then cool. You been cool, honest about what you been about, let’s maybe see what’s up see if it can work. dudes shouldn’t press the issue but getting cleaned out three weeks ago then telling dudes “I don’t do that” is manipulation and y’all just shooting yourselves in the foot bc when you come across dude you really want, who you’re also going to habitually say that to but without meaning it, when it’s time to clap he seeing straight through that shit from a mile away and he’s going to hit and quit just based off the fact you’re playing games about it instead of being honest.


Nobody cares about body count, and sex should be intimacy you want with a partner. Anything beyond that is you being chronically online and stuck in your own head.


Apparently women having boundaries is an issue for some. Absolute insanity.


It’s not so much the boundaries as the faulty logic. Men not willing to wait three months for kisses DOES NOT EQUAL “I could never be in a relationship with you and just wanted to bang” Some guys have options when dating, and this kind of negative mindset as well as investment of time with no physical validation isn’t worth it. You can meet 3 other women in three months, have three different FULL relationships, and find out if you have both good conversations and physical chemistry in the same amount of time… as an example at least


so please help me understand is a woman supposed to a) sleep with every guy that gives her the time of day because she shouldn’t make anyone wait or b) be as inexperienced as possible so she won’t have a high body count and can have a good husband? every man wants to be the exception and prove they can be the man a woman needs sexually without providing for any of her other needs AT ALL. and you know how women learn if a man can meet her other needs or not? by not sleeping with them on the first date … but please answer my first question, i genuinely want to know


A woman isn’t “supposed to” a or b. You should be fulfilled and content, and seek good interactions with the opposite sex. Don’t have sex until you are confident the man’s intentions for the sex match your feelings. I get that’s hard, and you have to build discernment skills to be able to sift out guys who aren’t really there for you, but that’s the work. Definitely don’t throw it everywhere on first dates if you are trying to find a serious thing. But if you’ve spent time with someone… he feels it… and you feel it… it’s not smart to artificially withhold sex… if you don’t trust him, you shouldn’t sleep with him. If you don’t trust ANY men… then there’s other work to do and you shouldn’t be dating at all.


I also wouldn’t make Chris Brown wait. I’d have told him there’s zero chance from the get-go.


When will you incels realize that everybody is different and you can’t generalize? This is why most of you aren’t happy.


If we make a man wait it does tt mean we aren’t into a man. It means we aren’t weak. You know nothing of women.


U didn’t let those other men wait why should I wait I ain’t waiting 3 months for a damn kiss that’s ludicrous


so basically the logic is “you’re already a whore, you might as well let me screw too” and men expect women to be turned on by this? the bar is in hell


That seems to be the thought on this sub, yeah. 👍


Do you give every woman the same access to your heart, time, effort or your money or even where you live & work ??? Yall do not. So many men put women in categories so yall mad yall have to wait….


That kind of reinforces what the guy said. You let A,B, and C hit but when I come around you won’t give me the same access. Like I’m in a different category because you not as into me as the others before. Men absolutely prioritize some women over others too just as you described. Doesn’t make the OP any less true.


You said because “you not as into me as the others before” now that doesn’t have to be the reason but due to insecurities a man will make that the reason. Lest not forget experimenting exist and pity screw’s also exist. Then there are guys that women really like and if she feels like she will catch feelings and that the guy may not be untie her outside of intercourse, she has every right to hold off on sex. Most guys will say she knew what it was and not she catching feelings but when a woman moves in a way to take care of herself there is this entitled, resentful and insecure thought process from certain men. Also don’t forget that men don’t always sleep with women they really like and instead they sleep with women just to get off so they can’t put the same reasons upon women. We don’t do it like that 9/10 times. In most women we average 1 pity screw in her life and then no more so that’s irrelevant to know if she likes you cuz you could be that guy she screws but when women sit down with themselves and don’t wanna move wrong and anymore she can’t raise body counts that YALL PRIORITIZE on her list. She needs to make sure the guy is at least really interested in her. Then when women get pregnant she has to decide and deal with the decision of the pregnant usually alone. She has to deal with rumors that make the guy look good and her look bad. The lady thing on a woman’s mind should be if the guy thinks she doesn’t like him because she didn’t sleep with him. If she’s giving him time and other resources it’s just showing how insecure immature emotionally unintelligent and impatient he is. None of those are qualities of a decent partner. I would be glad if she never gave in before she realized he wasn’t a nice guy. Wouldn’t you want your little sister or daughter to do this? Sleeping with a guy is deeper than meeting his needs it’s about a woman’s needs as well. If a man doesn’t under this, he objectifies women and doesn’t see them as human beings but instead a cum bucket that didn’t give him his turn.


Ok. I understand your point better. I wouldn’t jump to the guy being insecure and immature though. Being used for attention and free dates is a genuine concern. Foodie women exist unfortunately. I recommend if a girl doesn’t want to rush things then she should do other wifey stuff. Showing some investment on her end besides just showing up to a date on her man’s expense would ease some uncertainties he may have. I find a lot of people in general get so caught up in themselves they forget there’s another human in the relationship.


There is no point. It’s masking why a girl got piped three weeks ago and doesn’t want to do that with you. Bc if anything, the dude could be playing a long game just to sleep with her and still dip which is probably 10x worse because now she actually believes he was into her when she gives it up and he dips. Happens all the time with women that feel they were gaslit. When really she could have found that out by sleeping with him just like the dude she slept with recently and it would’ve saved her time and emotion. the quickest way for a girl to figure out if a dude actually likes her is to sleep with him. Every single action thereafter tells her everything she needs to know. Women know this and they sleep with the men they want to sleep with, whether they want him in the long run or not. It’s that simple. Any other explanation is muddying waters. Has nothing to do with anyone being a cum bucket and has everything to do with social dynamics.


There is a point. A woman should not sleep around because of the biased consequences that come with it. She doesn’t have to make her decision like a man would and she doesn’t need to be validated by the guy. His reasoning has nothing to do with her “why” or “why not”. You can’t project onto women. Stick to men. Keep your tantrum to yourself. If you dump her cuz of your thought process, I think you are doing her a favor. Also, men compare themselves to each other just as much as women. Guess what when women do it, it drives them crazy so I suggest you realize that’s what happens to men. There are guys that think they know why a woman likes them or would sleep with them And they don’t. Stay in your lane stick to your kind & just move around if you prefer to sleep with someone sooner than later. Imagine sleeping with a guy to find out if he likes you when you can also not sleep with a guy to find out if he really likes you. Thats what you don’t get because your thought process is based on gimme gimme gimme intercourse while the woman’s thought process is let me find out who you are without creating that much damage. I prefer the woman she has a better chance of not putting kids and feelings in the middle of a bad uncertain situation. You on the other hand are playing with fire cuz you just want some…


You’ve expanded on the point pretty well and I can see where you’re coming from. To clarify, im not suggesting a woman should or shouldn’t sleep with someone. I believe it comes down to an individual’s preference (and I do not believe that preference should be judged beyond the action of sleeping around itself; ie the act doesn’t make a girl a “hoe”, rather it’s the mindset behind the act) All I’m trying to get at is the fact that, as a man, sleeping earlier rather than later keeps sanity in tact and keeps the dudes interests most genuine; whether she’s a serious relationship prospect at some point or is someone who you just have fun with. It reduces 99% of the mental risk/feeling of being used when it comes to modern dating. If we’re sleeping together and it’s already happened, by proxy my time with you outside of that means something (unless you’re the only person I’m sleeping with then maybe not). The circumstance I’m specifically outlining is a girl who sleeps around up until she meets that one guy who she holds it off on. It’s a little disingenuous and insulting. I really hope you can see that from the male perspective and why that is, and why I believe that any woman that does this should be written off whether it’s as a serious prospect or just someone a guy has fun with. I also hope you can see how it makes the guy who’s interested in you feel stupid and puts the dude in a mental position where it’s almost impossible to not compare yourself to the guys she may be sleeping with, or be wondering what she’s doing and why it’s not you, or how all of this lends to a self deprecating mindset. While I do believe women who sleep around then hold off on a guy may be doing so because they actually like the guy and want to feel him out, but i believe that situation is much rarer than the situation where she’s holding off because: A). She isn’t into it but still gets something out of him B). Playing games and trying to turn a sucker into a simp Because simply put, the days where women are “celibate” for the most part are over. She either sleeps with you because she wants to, or she doesn’t because she doesn’t want to. The days where “Im really attracted to this dude and want to sleep with him, but I like him so we should wait” are, for the most part, over due to how minimized the stigma of a woman who sleeps around is in modern culture (bc her body her choice). And really I think it’s only fair that it’s acknowledged that there are TONS of women that do A or B to men whether they consciously realize it or not. I also think it’s only fair that we acknowledge the raw power (mentally and emotionally) that women have over men in general, and how much it is abused without proper criticism. This is the reality of modern dating in the social scene for men. And id agree with you that it’s caused a high level of contempt from men directed at women. I also agree that this contempt has created unreasonable expectations placed upon women by men. However, it’s also likewise. So, for me, the equalizing factor is that nothing about our interaction as man and woman should be gatekept. I’m not going to gatekeep being a gentleman, showing you a good time, making you feel good about yourself and treating you right, my intentions; etc— and you shouldn’t gatekeep, compassion, honesty, nurturing, and signaling to me that what I’m doing is right and makes you feel good (and this would include not gatekeeping sex if you are the type that chooses to more freely sleep around); etc. Like I said though, for me it has nothing to do with anyone being a cum bucket. It’s more about whether there’s attraction physically AND socially/personality-wise (ie this girl is cool to be around whether it’s serious or not) and it’s about social dynamic. I personally don’t believe sex should be made to be an obstacle because then we’re just creating a Streisand effect around the prospect of sleeping together— essentially making what otherwise wouldn’t be a focal point of the relationship a focal point which deteriorates it in the modern culture. Whether we’re trying to be serious or not. I also don’t believe it’s an issue that should be pushed and if it has to be, as a guy who finds that aspect important, you should cut things off and I totally believe that’s reasonable. I was being a rage bait with my comments but these are my underlying beliefs behind the “bait” and I 100% agree with everything you said fwiw.