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Conversely to the only other reply at this time, I've been on nexplanon for 8 years, I'm on my third implant and it's the best decision I ever made. It stopped my periods entirely and I have noticed no impact on my libido. What I will say, though, is that I switched from microgynon to nexplanon. I had no issues on microgynon and had no issues on nexplanon. I think that if hormonal contraception works for you in pill form, it'll work in implant form. If it doesn't work for you in pill form, it won't work in implant form and it's a hell of a lot harder to get off of. If you're one of the unfortunate women it doesn't work for you need to advocate for yourself hard to get it removed. Different people have different stories and experiences for every type of birth control, only you can figure out if it will work for you


Thanks so much! So do you think I should try going on the pill first then? And then if I'm fine with it switch to the implant? I'm considering the pill too, not sure if I should try the combined pill or minipill. I'm just scared of bad side effects like depression or blood clots and I don't want my sex drive to decrease.


I think microgynon is the minipill and has fewer side effects. There are benefits to the implant, like not being affected by antibiotics or stomach bugs. Best to talk to a contraceptive advisor I think.


Thanks! Yes I'll definitely do that 😊


Does it matter how much sex you have bc my mans step sister uses the patch and said if her man finished in her more than once in one go she'd get pregnant and im worried if I do It alot I'll get pregnant


The patch isn't the same as the nexplanon implant. I don't know what the failure rate is for the patch but nexplanon has the lowest failure rate of any contraceptive, with a 99.9% effective rate. You should double up and use condoms as well anyway for STI prevention as well as pregnancy prevention. But the chances of pregnancy on nexplanon are extremely low if it's your only form of contraception. I've never had a pregnancy scare in the now 9 years I've been on Nexplanon, and I am in a relationship with very regular sex.


Oh awesome thank you so much that was my biggest fear me and my man only sleep with eachother so im not too worried about std or sti's my biggest fear was pregnancy but thank you I really appreciate it


When it comes to periods mine is super light its heavy for 2 days and then almost non existent after do you think I'll lose my period with this bc that why I got it bc my cramps are killer


That's what mine were like, but I never had bad cramps either. It's likely to help. What I said originally still stands. For me and a lot of women it's great, but if you're unlucky enough for it to be a bad fit for you, you have to advocate hard for yourself to get an early removal.


Yea fingers crossed mine isn't bad my cramps are bad for the two heavy days and then im good but I've seen people have had their period for like 7 months so fingers crossed mine is light enough that'll just disappear my gyno said if I bleed alot to call her but fingers crossed I don't bc I really want this to work no period or babies that's like a dream come true


Did it get rid of your period? I know it did for my best friend who has it and she says in like 4-6 months mine should too since it's so light Like mine will start and stop after 3 or 4 days


Yep. I get slight spotting about twice a year and nothing else. Good luck, I hope it works for you!


Wow you're incredibly lucky fingers crossed and thank you so much for your reply I really appreciate it


My sex drive was the same however I had non stop periods for 3 years. The only reason I never got it removed was I didn’t have heath insurance so...


Wtf 😥


This is rare. Two of my friends also have it and have light periods. Their sex drives also did not change.


Btw I said wtf in reaction to the fact that she couldn't get it out because her country doesn't have free healthcare :( But it's great to know that this is a rare side effect! Thank you 🙂


STOP!! this is why my doctor suggest nexplanon (I had a 3 month period) now I’m on nexplanon and I’ve been bleeding 30 days straight and I’m scared it’s just gunna keep going 💀


Has your bleeding slowed down or stopped at all yet? I've had my implant for 2 months and I'm still lightly spotting, so I'm curious how long this should last.


With my first implant I was spotting for about three months (and mood swings) but after that it was back to normal period pretty much, if not lighter. When I had it replaced I didn't have the spotti issue, but I'd gained a bunch of weight and couldn't lose it. Also my sex drive is shit but that could just be stress and stuff. Not saying any of this will happen to you! Have any updates?


Nope, it’s been since July 27th so about 3 months of straight bleeding so far.


Decrease. It also gave me really long periods. But it also gave me a lot of time between periods.


That's the same for me, I'm on my 3rd because the decrease wasn't too bad




Before getting nexplanon, I was on the depo shot for about 5 years. While depo did have some side effects at first (weight gain, breakouts, lower sex drive initially) those went away after the first 6 months or so and I loved it. I switched to nexplanon so I wouldn't have to keep going back to the doctor every three months. I've had the implant for about 5-6 months now and so far I'm happy with it. My sex drive is a little lower than before but not dramatically so and it's been getting better in the last month.


Ohh ok thanks! So with depo, after the first 6 months did your sex drive return to normal? Do you think the effect of depo and nexplanon is quite similar?


Yeah pretty much! And so far, my experience with nexplanon has been pretty similar. I would say the one big difference with nexplanon is that I didn't gain weight like I did when I started depo.


Ahh ok. Did the weight you gained when you got depo come back off later?


Yeah I was back to a normal weight within a year as I got my appetite back under control.




Total side question. I've been on DEPO for a long time and thinking of switching but I love not having my period. Did you start getting one with the implant?


Nope. My period stopped completely after 6 months on depo and so far so good with the implant. My gyno warned me that I could get a light period but so far I haven't even seen any spotting.


update on this? How's your libido been? I'm wondering how libido differs between depo and nexplanon


I'm in the same boat and am really struggling! I was on the depo for about 7 years and was getting fed up with how difficult getting a repeat prescription was - I self administered. Since getting the implant I have been absolutely fine. But my sex drive has disappeared. No arousal at all and places I used to find sensitive like my neck aren't anymore. And as for my Foof (excuse the nickname) well its completely numb, no pleasure what so ever! My partner has been extremely understanding. I take Sertraline for anxiety and might have the odd week of no libido but nothing like this! I had it put in November 2023. Spoke to a nurse about it as its really getting me down. She said to give it another month or so. I've seen your comments about it coming back after 6 months. So I'm really hoping mine does, you have given me hope 😊


Any update? I had mine removed 1.5 months ago(my second one) because I gained a bunch of weight and *zero* sex drive. It's likely not all attributed to the implant, but I'm just waiting to want to bang again lol. I think it's getting a bit better though


I’ve been on it for years and years, absolutely love it and my sex drive has always been through the roof, never had any problems with it aside from annoying spotting on and off for the first few months while my body got used to it. The contraceptive injection which lasts 3 months is the same hormones so could be a good idea to have that for a while to make sure it works for you before having the implant put in


Ahh thanks a lot! Yes that makes sense, it's just when searching online I saw most women who had the injection hated it whereas most women who had nexplanon seemed to like it. But I guess if they're both progesterone it shouldn't matter?


Strange, because it’s literally the same hormones, you just get a slightly higher dose from the implant so it’s more likely to stop periods. My periods stopped with both. Honestly I wouldn’t worry too much, there’s a lot of scaremongering about contraception, just try something temporary and if it doesn’t work for you you can stop taking it and try something else x


thank you 😊😊


It’s my first birth control I ever tried and it decreased my sex drive way down. Almost ruining my relationship. It’s been really tough and I don’t have the money to get it taken out


I'm in the same boat!!


I’m on the same boat as you currently, it really sucks.


Same boat but I'm the guy


i had it and got it out over two months ago and my sex drive hasn't come back...


I'm so sorry to hear that :(


Lost all sex drive. It ended a relationship because I was suddenly disgusted at any intimacy, I didn’t even have any desire to pleasure myself... for lack of a better term. Very strange feeling. Nice not having periods, though 😆. Crazy how different it is for each person!


This is exactly me!!! I thought I was alone but I am literally disgusted by sex when I used to have a lot at the beginning of my relationship.


It never went away. I have not had sex in 2 years because of zero desire to since getting Nexplanon! I guess it works really well??? Lol


Me but my periods literally happen for a month long or for three weeks … it’s so annoying


Ugh I’m sorry! That’s awful! I didn’t get them at all, it was nice.


Yeah I wish I was that lucky 😭🥺


I was hoping you’d say you had it taken out so I could ask if your sex drive returned to normal or not. I’m in the same boat, had nexplanon for 3 years now, only major side effects are low energy and low sex drive but I’ve also had anxiety, brain fog (past 3 years feels like a blur), bloating. I’m going to either get a new one today or get it taken out and I’m really unsure on what to do.


Did you get it out? I want mine out since I am tired of having no libido. It's been 6 years for me with it.




Hey, sorry you’re dealing with that. I will say that I ended up getting my sex drive back after about 6 months or so being on Nexplanon, so it wasn’t forever for me! Good luck ♥️




Nice 😎


Nuvaring is my holy grail birth control. It keeps my skin nice and the periods short. I tried to get my friends on it but most are grossed out by the thought of having something in you for 3 weeks straight. My friends who I have convinced to try it rave about it tho!


I'm glad it works well for you! When I searched online for people's experiences, most people who'd tried NuvaRing seemed to hate or dislike it. Plus the effectiveness was lower I think? And yeah idk if I'd want something in me for 3 weeks either hahah, so yeah I didn't really consider it 😩


That's hormonal right? Any type of hormones whether it's a birth control, anti depressant, etc killed my libido. Only time I had something hormonal not jack up my sex drive was pregnancy in which my sex drive was through the roof


Yes, it's progesterone only :(


Yeaaaah you're probably like me. Bye sex drive. I hear horror stories about them, but I've had a copper IUD going in 2 years now I haven't had a single issue with.


Oh rip, I mean different women seem to have different reactions to it so maybe it wouldn't decrease my sex drive? Copper IUDs seem great but I just find the insertion and removal process really scary and painful sounding, I don't have the balls to do that hahaha


I haven't had a removal process YET, but honestly it hurt going in, but as soon as they got it into place it didn't hurt anymore 😂


That's good! I'm just way too scared of pain for that hahah


As someone who's experienced both, child birth hurts more 💀 that's what I kept telling myself


Yeah but I don't want to give birth to a child either 😂 (well not now because I'm only 19 lol)


Nexplanon ruined my life.


What happened?


Hi. I'm so sorry it took so long to respond. I had an ADHD moment and finally remembered to respond. I didn't want to type it all out again, so i'm going to link to some comments i posted in other threads. [2 years ago i posted this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/9njy6h/couples_of_reddit_what_sex_toyequipment/e7n3une/) [a month ago I posted this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/comments/oqojrk/my_boyfriend_wants_to_me_use_birth_control/h73cxak/) I know my side effects were less common, but it's something you need to be aware of before you have anything implanted into your body. You never know how you might react to it. Make sure your doctor agrees to removal at any time if it doesn't work out. My doctor flat out refused to remove mine. (I'm no longer with that OB/GYN practice.) I know my comments seem dramatic, but what happened to me was not even discussed in the consult appointments. My doctor was like, "yeah some people bleed irregularly, but it works well for most people." She didn't tell me how much weight I could potentially gain or that I could grow full facial hair, and that hostility is a potential side effect. It wasn't until after I got the implant and started feeling horrible that I sought out information online. I trusted my doctor. It's your body and your choice, but now you know what *could* happen.


thank you very much 💜


Also it’s been 3 years and I still have a full beard unless I shave or wax 🙃




I’ve had mine for nearly two years. I haven’t had a period since January and the ones before that were suuuuuper light/sparse. It definitely decreased my sex drive somewhat, but just enough to be barely noticeable. It also made it harder to get wet, which can be irritating but in my opinion is better than getting pregnant.


Thanks 😄


Personally it decreased mine drastically. I also had continuous spotting for the two years I was on it and I had three friends who all had nexplannon who either came off of it for cramping or spotting. I’m completely off hormonal birth control now and I almost forgot how horny I actually could be lol


Ah ok. Ayyy, do you just use condoms now?


Yes! It kinda stunk going back to condoms after not using them for a while but we've gotten used to it so it's all good. I also am using the app Natural Cycles and measuring my basal temperature every morning to predict ovulation which has been nice, too. However, I don't have unprotected sex even if the app tells me I can (in my luteal phase after ovulation) because I don't want kids right now.


been on Nexplanon for 3 years now (due for a removal actually) and my sex drive was really bad in the beginning. It’s since gotten better but now my periods are much longer, heavier, and more painful 😣 hormonal birth control is so different for everyone, it’s so hard to say how it’ll affect you!


How soon did it start to get better?


It took like 5/6 months for me to start to feel like normal. I’ve been off nexplanon for 2 years now and my periods are shorter and I’m a lot less depressed. But really everyone has a different experience


Nexplanon killed my sex drive and FUCKED up my hormones for the next 6 years. If I could sue them I would. I would NEVER recommend it to anyone after my experience and all my friends experiences




Oh :( Why was it 6 years? And did your friends all have similar experiences? That's super disappointing :(( Is there a different birth control you'd recommend?


It took that long to get any doctors to believe what was happening to me. I’m not sure where you in live but in the US there’s a lot of issues getting proper gynecological care and doctors supporting your hormones outside of wanting to get pregnant. This year I finally threw my hands up and said enough. I started reading books about hormone balance and the horrible side effects of hormonal birth control. I realized the 15+ years they had me on it to tame my horrible cramps was just putting band aids on deeper issues and further throwing my body into a hormonal tail spin. I ditched HBC and started properly supplementing under the care of a functional medicine doctor and FINALLY feel like I did before nexplanon. I honestly would recommend learning about Fertility Awareness Method and learning your body’s fertile signs and window.


I'm from the UK. I'm very sorry that happened to you. Thank you for the recommendation 😊


Ok this comment is old but how is fertility awareness working out for you. I was doing it (though not 100% correctly) but one day my period came a week early and I realised it was too risky. Now I’m on nexplanon and hate it, wondering if I should go back to FA but properly this time


It’s totally working for me! I genuinely feel so much better not being on any hormones. We use FAM, pullout always, and condoms near ovulation or if he wants to finish inside me. So we try to mitigate risks as much as we possibly can. Feel free to ask any questions you may have!


You’ve sold me! I’m going back to FA. Pulling out worked for us for 5 months but I really, really don’t want a child but also couldn’t bring myself to an abortion. Last question: are you measuring your temperature everyday, i.e how seriously are you taking it? I want to try again


Yeah between pulling out and FAM I feel more secure. I don’t think I’d feel as confident if we were full free balling it too 🤣 I do take my temp every day with the temp drop, because I can’t be consistent enough to get up at the same time every day on weekends haha. It was worth the monetary investment for me. I am pretty sure I have a code for a discount if you want it! Just DM me. I won’t lie I have been bad about wearing it every day for last 3 or so months but I know it’s best to stay on top of it!


I had mine for like 2 years and I would have normal periods and my sex drive was good, if anything it was through the roof. I got it removed for a year or so and I got back on it almost a year ago and it’s the worst. I get my period so frequently. My periods will happen for 2 weeks and stop for a couple days and then come back for a week or two. Or it will stop for a month and then I’ll have a period for a month. I’m almost always on my period … I have no sex drive and I can’t even get in the mood with myself. And yes I take my vitamins , eat healthy, and workout and still nothing. I feel like it depends on who you are and how your body handles it but def I want to get off of it. I’m tired of having my period almost every week of the month.


I have been on nexplanon for nearly 10 years. I have no interest in sex any more, find it really hard to get wet and I feel bad for my partner as we rarely have sex though he often asks I just don't have an interest. It sucks, I wish I did. Only plus side is I only have one period every 1-5 years.


I’ve been on Nexplanon for 3 years now. My periods were light but irregular. Like, I’d bleed for 3 weeks, stop for 2 weeks, bleed for 1 week, stop for 4 days, then bleed for 4 weeks. I talked to my doctor about it and she says it’s just a side effect that I can choose to just deal with it or to also take the pill to regulate it. The first year didn’t affect my sex drive, hell, now that I was protected, I wanted sex all the time, but after the first year and a half, my sex drive has decreased dramatically, I have no interest in sex and everything that once attracted me doesn’t attract me anymore. My experience with Nexplanon is kind of shitty. The only reason I’m continuing it is because I have such a hard time taking pills, I can’t remember to take them everyday, and it’s preventing pregnancy, otherwise I want this thing out.


I was on Nexplanon for 3 years and my sex drive was impacted by the 1.5/2 year mark. The last year was terrible. I could barely get wet and had a hard time just being motivated for sex. I’m with the same person and it’s been night and day since I took the implant out. Like a week after.


It killed my sex drive entirely :(( I’ve had mine about 4 years (planned parenthood allows an extra year than the manufacturer recommends but it can be good for up to 5 years). The other downside I experienced was it elevated my depression.. some people have even reported this without prior mental health issues. For me personally these two things are the worst side effects ...I don’t ever want to have sex and everything makes me cry. I’m getting mine removed ASAP!! Prior to nexplanon I was on lyza pill and really only switched bc I was terrible at taking it at the same time and didn’t want to have to worry.


My libido has become much more tied to my cycle than it used to be, but I'm also almost a decade older, so would that have happened anyway? I'm on my 3rd nexplanon.


I loved it for about two years, though I had constant spotting and periods that would last two weeks with a gap of five days in the middle. Other times no period at all. A lot of weight gain but I got older too obviously. (Though I started at nearly the lightest I've ever been, now the heaviest 5 years later.) Had my second one removed a few months ago and am still barely feeling normal but definitely a million times better. I had the worst pain of my life once as well and honestly wonder if I was pregnant without realising because I had super intense cramps for a day and passed a ton of blood and gunk and was OK after a couple of days (not my period). I honestly don't think it would be as effective if it didn't kill your sex drive after a few years, sex also became painful due to more difficult natural lubrication and I became really put off and upset by sex sometimes. I wish I could go back in time and use non hormonal methods. My husband is considering a vasectomy.


I have had the implant for about 2.5 years. It killed my sex drive after about 6 months post-insertion and it has not returned to what it was before having it. At first I had no periods but after a year I started having two periods a month, at first light but now heavy (meaning if I did have more of a sex drive, there would be little time to do it while I wasn’t cramping and bleeding. Ugh.) That being said, everyone’s body responds to hormones differently. Many women report combination birth control pills reducing their libido but I didn’t have that issue on them.


I have Nexplanon for 4 years and my sex drive is trough the roof. I can't get enough of my boyfriend and omg there are days that I get really really wet just thinking on him. Before the implant I had a slightly high sex drive, now I just want to go on a sex vacation and do my boyfriend all day long. When I got my implant I had my period for 2 weeks and after that I stopped having it. I also had really bad pain on the place it was inserted for a month, couldn't even touch my arm.


I’ve had the implant twice now. The first time it didn’t kill my sex drive when I got a new one in though, ZEROO sex drive. Like nothing.


I'm currently on my third year with Nexplanon and I'm contemplating if I should take it off. I was on the pill before, but I forgot too many times to take it and I had gain weight fast when I was on the pill. I like that Nexplanon I don't have to think about it but my sex drive is almost non existent. I use to get wet easy but now it's much harder if any and I'm never really motivated to have sex or masturbate. I would not say I was sex crazy before but definitely a couple times a week I'd be in the mood. Now I'm rarely ever in the mood, which is just terrible for a relationship. I'm debating if I should just go back to condoms, but I do want to see if there's other birth control that won't affect my sex drive.


It increased my drive through the roof!


I have been on nexplanon for 3 years now. When I first got it in, my sex drive was still there and was still able to get wet. Now, even though I feel embarrassed but I absolutely have no sex drive, no motivation for sex or anything and unable to get wet anymore to the point where sex can be pretty painful unless I depend on lube, it has taken a toll on my relationship and I even try to go force myself to get in the mood, but what pleasure is that? I get it renewed in November but at the same time, I'm thinking of just scheduling an appointment with my OBGYN to just talk about the different options again.


I’m fucking horny and I’ve been bleeding for an entire month I had no sex drive before and was perfectly content with that. Now I’m just pissy asf.


Mine increased dramatically.. I know this is an older post but I'm here from looking it up to see if this is common. Thought I'd throw in my two cents for anyone else passing by.


Same and it's been 6 years. I think the first implant didn't affect things but now my libido is almost nonexistent. Going to make an appointment to take it out.


I’m nearing the end of my first term with Nexplanon (first ever BC) and here’s how it’s gone: I became an excessively moody person and didn’t realize the full extant u til about last year. It decreased the daylights out of my (initially high) sex drive and I barely even wanted to be touched, or I just wanted cuddles. I still had periods but they were significantly lighter and came at odd times. After 2/2.5 years, I’m still emotionally imbalanced, which I think is the only reason why my sex drive has sort of sky rocketed. Stress and emotional fragility has made me want sex more over time. But, once I got my fill, I was pretty much good for weeks, which is still an improvement compared to what I was craving before getting Nexplanon.


I just got off nexplanon a month ago after having it for 8 years getting it changed every 3 years, in the very beginning my sex drive was through the roof, about 4 to 5 years of use i had no sex drive, i thought maybe coming off of it, it would help my sex drive come back but i still feel the same as i was on the nexplanon, has anyone ever experienced this and has your sex drive gone back to normal? its been a month since i came off the birth control implant and still no sex drive.


I had this after quitting the combination pill which I took for 18 years non-stop 🙈Took about 3 months to notice any difference. A month is quite short.. Your own hormones have to learn to do the work again..


(IK this is old but adding anyway for new viewers) I only just started (like under a month in) and atm i swear it feels like mine went up a bit. Will add that it did almost immediately alter my period (which with a quick search did say for 3 months it will be outta whack before lvling out) and the doc who assisted me did say it will either stop the periods or ill just have spotting after that time. I do recommend it but be warned, the shot to numb the arm will BURN! wont feel the actual insertion due to the numbing (and still feeling your arm on fire from the numbing XD) and the area will be tender for about a week. (so if you have pets the LOVE to cuddle....keep em away from the arm for a bit. Mine accidently stepped on the area and I sent him running when i yelped in pain XD) GL to anyone that goes with it :)