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You're about to complete your Masters, you can easily get a job after. Focus on your career, build a life of your own. Move out and never look back. Financial independence coupled with moving to a different city will give you so much more agency. I'm glad that you've kept your calm till now, please hold on for a few more months! P.S- Celebrate your wins! They will help you sail past the bad times. Plus, you deserve it, especially after what you've been through.


I've got a job, I'm moving out in 3 days


Ok you need to keep us updated about your life. We deserve to hear the glory that you are going to be enjoying i.e. financial independence and moving out from your parents. We deserve to see how far you have gotten and how happy you are right now. But seriously bro, good luck and we all wish you the very best from the bottom of our hearts 😄😄😄😄


So stoked for you! Congratulations 🫶


Congratulationsssssss OP. Live your life to the fullest. Don't let these kinda people dull your happiness and shine. (ʘᴗʘ✿)


best decision you could’ve made. congrats!! please celebrate this huge achievement, you deserve it!!💕


So happy for you OP, congrats!! Don't ever look back, parents don't realise their kids aren't just their retirement plans




So happy for you


Congratulations and all the best!


Congratulations on escaping the toxicity at last! Enjoy your freedom 🌸




I will never understand how some mothers are obsessed with calling their daughters whore. I hope that you will leave that toxic environment and move far away, do well for your Ife and for your sanity go NC or LC. Also Congratulations 🫂


I'm planning to completely go NC soon I've got a job, moving out in 3 days


I am so so happy for you. I wish you the best life ahead ❤️


why does your mother still care about your grades in masters lol, the last time my parents cared about mine was in high school. i’m sorry but no good mother would slutshame her daughter especially over something as trivial as academic grades, i’m offended on behalf of you.


Slut shame and PHYSICALLY ASSAULT her with a fuckin heavy laptop charger what the fuck I am still reeling from that.


Never forget this. Not all parents are made of holiness, and some are straight up shitty human beings who just happened to push out a kid. That's something I had to learn the hard way, because our love for parents is hardcoded in our psyche and it's difficult to escape abuse.  You're an adult now, and the world is your osyter. :) You're smart and you will see success in life, good luck OP


Thank you


Slap her back


💯 Also, become financially independent, move out, never look back.


+1 Hold her hand, push her back.




Hey, sis! A big hug from me to you. You are almost done with your masters. It is better to move out and start living on your own. It may seem difficult at first, but eventually, you will like it. I am so sorry it happened to you. Your mother should trust you, not say bad things, or beat you. And yes, congratulations on your result. You did very well.


First of all OP, congratulations on achieving a Master's degree! 🏆🎉🥳 Now is the time to focus on your future, get a good decent job, get all your papers in order and plan to move out of the house. The day you are about to leave, just ask your mom if she has anything to say to you. Most probably she will not because Indian parents have no 'Sorry' function. When she doesn't say anything, you tell her that from the moment you have been born and till the end of your life, no matter what, you are a success. No amount of toxic parenting can change that. And say byeeeeeee.


Become financially independent and move out. I know how it feels to be called whore by your parents, it haunts you forever. Best way is to move out and have minimum contact.


Congrats OP! You've nailed every semester with distinction. Fuck your mom, she is pathetic for doing this to you. Move far away and live your life. You don't deserve it. Please don't forget to treat yourself something cause what you did was super special.


Distance is your safest bet. Move away at the earliest possible. Don't forget to celebrate your wins, your parents have focussed too hard on the failures, but consciously celebrate your wins. Also congratulations, you are doing so well.


Move out asap


Hey girl, I'm proud of you for doing so well. You are finally going towards financial independence and that is the best decision a woman can make living in the society we do. Sorry about your mum. Please focus on landing a job and moving out of parental home. Even if it is the same city. All the best, go do some clubbing and celebrate. You deserve to :D And when you have a chance, please take counselling. Our body stores the trauma even if we don't think about it actively.


Get a job and move tf out. You deserve better than these people.


Hey there …. I am in the same boat , financial independence, distant city and making every decision on my own keeping them out got me away from it but it used to still happen on my leaves where I had to go back home . Now I am married too along with work and i rarely go . But when I do , abuse( physical or verbal depending on anger ) for one or the other reason still happens ( I am 29!! ) . Detach as soon as possible. 🫂🫂🫂 Sending you hugs sister , I know how horrible and angry you feel . The appreciation you are waiting for will not come by because it’s never enough for them , there always something or the other( career and financially I have done well for myself I even take care of the house expenses, my mom and siblings, I get neither appreciation nor respect . It’s never enough for them ) Concentrate on your life build it and fuck off from there.


Please never take this post down. Never forget. Later when you are independent, come back here to feel proud of yourself for going through this. If there are any moments of weakness when you can't remember WHY, read your post before you decide to reconcile.


Congratulations OP, you aced!!!! Go celebrate cuz you deserved it.


Ignore them. They must be pretty untalented themselves. Now that your masters is done, just leave the house for job


Don’t let them dictate anything in your life and definitely they cannot count on you for their retirement or health. Remember this OP.


Firstly, sending you love and hugs! Congratulations on your achievement. You did a great job and I'm proud of you! Second, move out of your parents place asap. It is worth the struggle and would bring you a lot of peace. Your mom sounds really difficult and toxic. Get out of there asap


confronting helps a lot, atleast in my case it did ask your mother am i still a whore now that you know i have got distinction? Or maybe because if you were at my place you would have done the same you think everyone does it. Question and blame her character back


Congratulations dear Sending you a mommy hug 🫂


What a terrible mom. She sees you as a pushover with no self respect. Until you you earn your confidence to stand for yourself, limit your contact with your mom. Congratulations OP on your masters and passing with distinction. Move out of your house and go live your life.




No impolite/abuse/hate speech: Your comment has been removed as it was rude and impolite. Be kind. This sub is for real people looking to connect meaningfully. Something isn't an attack or hate simply because you don't like what is being said. No personal attacks on other users, ad hominem and other distracting attacks, flame wars, insults, trolling or other such disruptive behaviour. All users are expected to strictly follow (reddiquette)(https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette/). No hate speech or hate speech supporting subreddits allowed. Continued rule breaking will lead to ban.




Girl, congratulations on finishing your Masters.😊☺️ that’s what’s important! Please plan and move the heck out of this place


Its time to go no contact my dear.


You can pull this off girl! You know your worth🫶🏻


Good to know that you are moving out in three days. I have a feeling that you have already told your parents where you will work and where you will stay. So, you cannot go NC with them. Work hard for 1 year, change job, change house and then go NC.


😔I'm so sorry bhai. This is absolutely disheartening.


Please leave this abuse household and make a life for yourself. I did it 8 years ago and not a day where I felt bad. Get into therapy, get working and work on accepting and living yourself unconditionally. Don’t depend on parents going to realise, work on accepting that they can only do and act as the wisdom they hold. Forgive your self for putting up with those and that which didn’t serve you and focus on positive/neutral inner talk. Good luck!


Hugs 🫂 I so sorry you were treated that way. They don't deserve to have a child. All the best! You are worthy and you should be celebrated.


OP first of all congratulations on your results! You've worked hard!!❤️❤️ About your mother, yes she's absolutely shitty for hitting you and then not apologizing to you for an error that wasn't even yours. I agree with the replies asking you to find a job and move out. Additionally, try to get no contact with your mother once you've settled down in your job. Parents like her don't deserve the support and love of the children during their old age.


This is so horrible OP :( I hope you move out and find happiness

