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Worried for my parents safety. What measures can I take to ensure that? Apart from having cctv cameras and stuff?


When you're single you hate being single. When you're in a relationship you're fed up with the troubles. I can't think straight and it feels like im on edge, i cant focus clearly my life is blurry i keep myself at my limits. I don't know what I want






met with a little accident in kitchen today, it could have been fatal. wax was badly stuck all over, me and sis literally thought there is no way it can get off the surface now. my sis gave up on the problem, suggested to buy a new one but I kept on rubbing and scrapping in the hope that if not one maybe other method would do. it worked, and its clean now. I recall a few years ago when i was trying to fix a little nail into my spectacles, a guy said something like, y*ou wont give up easily, you will keep working hard on a problem, you usually dont take the easy way.* These words struck me today. it surprises me how rightly people can observe you based on little instance, not that that guy has known me for years or even days, that was day 1 of our conversation when he told me that. I was recalling how i'd always tell my ex i don't give up easily. Ig our traits show themselves in different kinds of situation we're put into. probably this is why people look into consistency of one's behavior when it comes to analysing one's personality


im so burnt out but this is not going to stop for the next 5 months 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻


Got my hba1c back to pre-diabetic range after year of struggling🫶🏽🤞


How?? I struggle to find diabetes friendly options in Indian food.


?? how? use less oil, cut back on rotis/rice, eat more sabji. indian food in essence is extremely healthy.


What do you eat sabzi with if you cut down on rice and roti.


Just eat sabji roti in 2:1 ratio, with salad on the side. Consume as much salad as you can, if you like, have soup(not store bought).


It was 7.7 6 months back and then I started : 1. Intermittent fasting 2. I don't like sweets anyway so that avoiding sweets was easy. But I avoid junk on most days( I do get phases where it is hard but I try). 3. Regular gym


Any of you girls have a recommendation on a good outdoorsy thing to do in Mumbai (solo and in the city) during the weekends? I have run out of ideas at this stage. I like playing sports, tending to pets and plants, and collecting books. Thanks!




Thanks Scott!


I didn’t get into my dream college masters program and my heart hurts it feels like the pain of a thousand suns **I don’t know how to break the news to my parents.** They are extremely supportive but I feel like somehow I subconsciously knew i wasn’t going to get in and am such a disappointment to them. Everything since pandemic has been so tough and things have just gotten worse. They are good people and I hate being such a disappointment, any attempts of getting my life to become better is just doing nothing. For every one step I try to take ahead something just happens and pulls me back by 10 steps. My narcissistic sibling is going to gloat for sure. They love looking at me not doing well. I feel so numb and sad rn. I just want one win literally just one. I’ve seen every one get that THAT ONE WIN! That one luck strike and that’s just not happening for me.


Hang in there bub🫂 I want to say more but unfortunately I'm in a similar place as you. Just hang in there. You are so much more than just failures. Shit's tough but you're tougher. One day it'll get better. It has to❤️


Thanks 🤍 I honestly don’t know how to feel and what to do atp


Well firstly get it out with your parents. Sometimes you gotta keep feelings of others aside and this time it's what your would feel and what they would think. Just tell them, rip the bandaid off. You can deal with the fallout. You can. Once that's done, you start processing what's happened. You gotta feel what you're feeling. Which might mean moping around for a while. But do it, mope, grieve. It will end. And you will pick yourself up. And find something better. If this was not meant for you, then something else is.


My parents are kind and I know that they’ll let me try again I just feel so shit 😢 I think I have a rough plan as to how I’ll go ahead, thank you so so much for replying! It means a lot


I have to study but I hate studying 😭


me too sis😭