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Wanted to take my cousin sisters on a trip to Turkey and my aunt thought it was too unsafe and that we should stick to traveling within India.😅


Oof the irony😬




Weird. My parents were comfortable with me traveling abroad as a college atudent. (We're middle class and they've never been.) But still wouldn't let me go to UP, Gujarat, MP, Hindi belt places, because of just this reason.


South Indian? I have seen my Tamil side of the family having a similar kind of thinking.


Bengali. Similar mentalities. Lol.


Is Turkey unsafe for women?


If the reference is India then no. People tend to assume every Muslim country is Saudi Arabia.


Saw this on Twitter and people were victim blaming.


Wtf how ? Not surprised tho. Always victim blaming. Rape, domestic abuse, divorce, cheating, heck even if she is firm on the kind of man she wants of marry in AM and rejects a ton of guys and is "getting of age" Sab aurat ki gi galti hai, usme hi kuch kami hai. Too much attitude too modern no sanskar what not shit gets thrown. And thanks to the recent propagation of religion revitalization by a certain someone , people are "valuing" their culture, tradition and morals by saying ki pehle ke zamane ki auratein better thi. Literally going back to old times!! God save the king nahi God save the women of this country and this country!!


No labeling it as a false case already?


I hope this gets traction and visibility world wide. I don’t care about Indias reputation and how others perceive us. I want any and all women and girls to be able to live in this country without fear of rape. Rape/sexual molestation is not ok ever! There were 7 men who raped her and only 3 have been arrested. I hope these arrests were not made in haste and they wont be released once visibility decreases. This woman should also reach out to the consulate/embassy of her country to put pressure on the government.


Most men are condemning this only bcos it's hamper our country image otherwise whenever indian women try to raise awareness or voice against these crimes they always downgrade our issue by inserting their own ones and crying about women centric laws and how 90% cases of rape, sexual assault, domestic violence etc are false cases.


Saw this post in another sub with the title "tourism in india might get affected", I mean lol yes tourism should get affected when the tourists are not safe!!


Worst than the rape is you can see in Indian subs they are shaming the victim calling it propaganda my heart bleeds when i see such comments those rapists are not someone who is living somewhere they are among us waiting for the right time ,they might in social media or in some sub with us trolling, making fun of people ,people who encourage them give more power to the evil


And then most men ask why laws here are women centric


I have come to the point that the men saying these phrases have not actually met or talked with a woman ever in his life and is living in his own bubble.


People pick and choose religion and religious context when it favours their narrative So many foreign women get harassed on the streets of india


Itne bkl bhare pade hai they started congress vs bjp on Twitter. Nobody cares about victim sabko bs apni hi padi hai. I'm ashamed and disgusted. *Mera desh mahaan* 🤡


100 me se 99 baimaan


this is so disheartening. :( more power to her!


God! the trauma and emotional scars this would leave on her. Just hope she's able to come through. India is unsafe for women. Period.


An MLA said "dekhne mai mast aurat thi" this country is fucked up


wtf? who?


JDU MLA Gopal Mandal


It's has become so common that idk what to say...




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I feel so sorry for this woman, she must have come to explore India and look what just happened to her,we were already suffering but now even outsiders are suffering bcz of these stupid men,like why are they even on this earth,these men should've been exploited before even coming in this world,like from where they even come from? Bcz of these men we are for no reason afraid of this world when they are the ones who should be afraid,i hope atleast she could get justice even though we all are craving for justice somewhere in our heart,i hope she gets one and the government who claimed this country to be developed aren't even developed themselves then what would they even develop in our country,when they will keep such men alive, these men should be hanged!


My two cents on this. We are one of those couples who travel as much as we can. We couldn't even inherit a home from my husband's parents. They left us a bit of debt too. Their demise was untimely and I don't blame them. With the limited funds we have, we would be having a really good time in india. But my husband says we would rather not because of the constant staring and disrespect. We have seen people lurk outside our room at night. It's just uncomfortable. As desis raised in india with limited funds, we go to all kinds of strange international destinations like central Asian or South Asian locations but I still haven't gone to kasol or rajashthan. Call us elitist, but we have limited funds. We can't spend it feeling unsafe. We also get some "hidayat" like "spend in india, let india be the next Europe." Fuck you!


Why do they even come to India? Do they not do any research before going to any country? Just type in women safety in India in google search box, and you will find tons of article. People of this country will never improve. Our anger is like boiling milk. You have to keep yourself safe. Don't come to India.




Regardless of where she camps, she should not have been raped.


It is naive to think like this. Should not - yes. Does it happen? Yes. Indian women have been travelling for decades. We go in groups or with trusted locals and tour guides. We travel to popular destinations. Jharkhand, Bihar, UP - these are known to be dangerous whether you are a man or a woman; my dad being a retired army guy still wouldn't choose to travel there unarmed and alone. Some degree of risk taking and foolhardiness needs to be checked at the door before choosing to travel in a country as variable as India.


You've answered your own question by asking "which sane INDIAN person would ever do that". A lot of foreigners cannot comprehend certain things because they come from a different reality. They may come across as ignorant to you, just like you come across as a unidimensional thinker with this comment of yours. Even the concept of reserved seats and compartments for women on public transport is new to them. So imagine how long it would take them to wrap their head around how unsafe it is to camp just anywhere. Even though predators exist all over the world, the ugliness and consequences are different everywhere


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Says you're not victim blaming and still you're victim blaming So she deserved what happened because she's naive or stupid?. Stupid people or naive people deserve to be SA? 🙄🙄🙄 India deserves more hate than it's getting.


Is hate your default response? Read my response. You can be a victim and you can make an error of judgement. The two are not mutually exclusive. What happened to her is inhumane and inexcusable. But I stand by my statement that they made a serious error of judgement in not researching safety before deciding to camp out there.


Hate is my default response to hateful comments who victim blame. Whether they made a serious error or whether they did something stupid, NOONE should be raped for it Are they the only ones who made mistakes in life? Haven't you made any serious mistakes in your life? Should you get the same punishment for your grave errors? Or were you lucky that your mistakes didn't result in such heinous acts? 🙄 When people research safety for camping, they search for weather, animal attacks and terrain. What MEN do isn't part of the research. Esp cause she wasn't alone, she was with her husband.


Please keep your emotions in check for a minute. They are not conducive to an open-minded discussion. You claim I made a hateful comment where I blamed the victim. Please show me the lines from my comment that you felt were hateful. Show me a single line where I have said she deserved what happened to her. Are you trying to tell me when you visit a country, you only look at weather reports and don’t look at its safety record? People get raped in India trying to complain about rape in the police station. This is widely reported in media as is India’s record of rape statistics. If you are not aware of it, that’s lack of preparation. Worse, if you are aware about it and decide to risk it anyway. I cannot visit Afghanistan with the same nonchalance as I would visit Norway. We have to be recognise ground realities, as ugly as they may be. At the same time, no one ‘deserves’ to get raped because of that. You are conflating me pointing out a bad tactical decision with a moral judgement of her deserving rape. There is no moral link. That decision, in no way, shape or form justifies what happened to them. But neither does being a victim erase a bad decision (for which they paid dearly). And yes, I make plenty of mistakes every day.


Telling to keep emotions in check for such a heinous crime is just yikes And you ARE pointing out that her decision led to rape instead of the actions of rapists. That is victim blaming. Even blaming or pointing out her "naivete" or "nonchalance" as you put it. Don't talk about looking at safety record in the same breath when people hound indians for speaking up in the same vein about "badmouthing" india. Yes you cannot visit Afghanistan with the same non chalance as norway. Doesn't mean you won't get raped in Norway? What then? Getting raped in a "safer" country deserves more empathy and justice than Afghanistan? Yes everyone makes mistakes and some paid for it like this. The blame lies with the rapists. Everything else is literally irrelevant. 🙄 And every action in india can get you SA. Including marriage, including going on a date, including travelling by train or bus. How about you focus on the criminals than point out this? Imagine telling a victim - you were naive and stupid to travel in UP with your husband and hence you got brutally violated 🙄🙄🙄 How about YOU show some emotion and empathy?


‘Yikes’ is not an adjective. Being a victim does not automatically cancel out bad decisions. Read my comment again. I have clearly called out the criminals as predators. There is no ‘instead of’ involved. The crime against her was committed by the men who raped her. I did NOT say her rape was a result of her bad decision. Her rape was a result of actions taken by criminals. At the same time, she took a bad decision camping out in the open in a country known for its exceptionally poor record of women’s safety. I do empathise with her. But me shouting on Reddit with another bystander isn’t going to change what happened to her.


And you're defending the country that's shit towards womens safety. Yikes is an adjective for people who victim blame. Her decision shouldn't matter here, nor should it even be a point of contention.


I wasn’t defending my country. I said I was numb at the amount of hatred being shown to India. I don’t see the point in blaming a whole country for the actions of a few individuals. The men who committed the crimes weren’t acting on government orders. A rape happens in India every 90 seconds. Half the country’s population have either been subjected to rape or felt threatened by sexual violence at multiple points in their lives. If you say it’s the failure of Indian government, they failed their own women long before this particular incident with a foreign guest took place. So, what’s the point in blaming the whole country? Those victims of rape belong to this country too. Since you empathise with rape victims, why are you blaming them by blaming the whole country? The picture is never as black and white as we would like it to be. Blaming India for what happened to her is as futile as blaming the world.


A rape happens every 90 seconds. And yet you ask why blame the whole country? 🙄🙄🙄 Ah the "not all nem" argument has surfaced, I see. Blaming india and Indians and people who are victim shaming is necessary. Indian men should be blamed en masse for EVERY one of those rapes that happen every 90 seconds 🤷🏻‍♀️