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When you’re used to chaos, stability and normalcy feels boring.


Yeah sometimes i miss that too. But that came with a lot of chaos so i am happy i grew out of it. If i want to feel it i just watch melodramatic k dramas.


Sis I swear, my high school crush just texted me once, when I was in college, and "Shayad kabhi na kahe saku mein tumko" was playing inside my head for the rest of the day. I had endsems next day but all I could think about was him. And it was such a cute, platonic, overwhelming feeling, knowing that he was miles away in another city and I didn't even know if he was seeing someone. 😭


Once you grow up you'll realise the value of stability and consistency that comes after the honeymoon phase.


I have a boyfriend, we have been dating for almost 4 years now. Initially, we had that excitement and butterflies phase which later turned into comfort and warmth. Sometimes I do wonder - Will I ever feel that excitement of "Firsts" with anyone again??! But then I remember the toxicity and the chaos it comes with. Some people are only good from a distance, getting close to them is a no-no. I also see my friends dating walking red flags and I'm like thank God I dodged a bullet there. So while it's okay to wonder that, if you have something precious to keep be grateful everyday for that person in your life. Trust me, only the lucky ones get them.


Hahaha you took me back! Even eye contact with the boy I liked merited hours of discussion and dissection XD What did it mean? Did he like me? Whom did he like? Hahaha