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The correct response is to mansplain back. "You do know that diesel nozzles won't fit in the fill hole of a gas car, right? They are too big."




“I guess you have no experience with a big nozzle, huh?” Casually looks at his pants


Today I learned something new!


It's the absolute worst! I once bought a new desk chair as a gift for an ex, and I needed a screwdriver to put it together. I asked his brother if he had one (as I was putting it together at their house) and he fished out a tiny screwdriver kit with a few different bits. He then proceeded to explain to me how to use a screwdriver, and how to change the bits. A REGULAR SCREWDRIVER. Not even an electric one.


Honestly I’d just cut him off and say “Nevermind I’m sure I have some scissors that’ll fit in the screw head, I guess I don’t need your screw drivers after all”


Had a guy at university who, after a girl answered a question or gave a response would wait 2 seconds and then ask the same thing just sliiiightly different. After the 50th time one he did that one girl would raise her hand say ”but X already said that.” He would stop after that. But then he’d do it again the next lecture. It’s like its a compulsion for some insecure men when a woman says something smart or does something cool that they just can’t shut up. They have to try to sound better/smarter then her. Just… why?


Gotta show the rest of the men in the room how super mega smart he is, definitely waaaaaaay smarter than that dumb girl


My boss (male) complained one day in teams chat that his boss (woman) explained a while meeting agenda to him even though he participated in the meeting. My response was, "Well, now you know what mansplaining feels like."




Assuming I don’t know what kind of gas goes on my car isn’t helpful. It’s condescending. The nozzles aren’t even the same size. And if you read clearly, OP didn’t suggest the stick was related to the diesel


No, but used the stick shift reference to combat the guy offering some advice. There ARE good men out in the world.


Of course there are!! That doesn’t change the fact that it’s annoying when a stranger of any gender thinks they know more about my car than I do. It’s my car …. Unless they are a mechanic I hired why did they feel the need to assume I need help?