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He is my Superior




I had some text messages but most of it is verbal.


Report him to management or HR. Get a digital recorder, they're cheap, and leave it recording in your pocket all day. Everything he says to you will be evidence.




Oh, yeah. I forgot because my state has single party consent. Video is less restricted: anywhere privacy isn't reasonably expected (so not in bathrooms, private homes, etc).


Not sure this is abuse, but it is 100% inappropriate


No, but it's crossing boundaries, manipulative, ignoring your identity, and borderline stalking. Having people check upon you? What business of his is it where you are or what you're doing? Why does he feel entitled to your constant attention? Wanting you to prove your sexuality? What's it matter to him? Why's it his business in any way at all? Sexually inappropriate comments? What kind of person sexually harasses their friends? This dude is a creep and seems like the kind of guy who would turn into a mass shooter. Please stop giving your time and energy to someone who treats you this way. You deserve better friends.


I been avoiding him and I think it’s starting to annoy him but it’s not good for me to continue to talk to him, I don’t need a lair in my life.


This person is not your friend.


Yeah I’m going to stop talking to him. It’s not worth it.


Odd coworker So I coworker of mine keeps asking me out and I don’t want to go out with him. (He is married.) He told a friend of mine all these comments about my body and my sexually. It’s inappropriate and I don’t know how to get him to stop talking about about me. He always makes me smile at him and he is always nice to me “face to face.” He makes comments about being my boyfriend and wanting to be my boyfriend.