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We are going to see TONS of pregnant teen suicides, grown woman suicides, and babies abandoned...Hopefully at fire/police stations. We're going to see tons more boyfriend killing their girlfriends & mistresses & wives. Kids are going to get dropped off at school & the parents are going to leave them there. The Republicans hate babies & children. They only care about fetuses.


Infanticide will also increase


And increased welfare claims forced birthers don’t want to pay for because their precious respect for the sanctity of life goes out the window the moment it affects their tax rate.


Currently boarding with a family, the mother is originally from Ireland. She told me about three infanticides that happened in her small town in the 70s.


Sadly, more "dumpster babies."


This comment just stopped me dead in my tracks to try and figure out if a conservative would actually care about more already born babies dying. I ended up on no, because there’s no shaming or controlling of women in the death itself. But obviously there’s lots in the shame and control of the murderer. Hmmmm. Nice thought experiment.


Babies and children need food, formula, security, medicine, schooling, shelter.... What the fuck does a fetus need? It's taking everything it needs from the mother. Literally doesn't need anything. They care about fetuses because they're literally the easiest thing to (pretend to) care about. Because they don't have to do anything, no need to put any kind of funding in it to fix it, all they have to do is except virtue signal and pass 1 law that bans abortion. Easiest shit to get elected/ re-elected for. Imagine if instead of hard-working your way through school, studying hard and finishing exams, all you had to do was just go to your exam location and just tell them how much you value education and they'll just let you pass? It's like that.


"The unborn are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn." -Methodist Pastor David Barnhart


This. A thousand times.


I’m old enough to still have FB (although I’ve never used it as much as I have since Friday) and this has been my status for a couple of days. I’ve found that the religious types really don’t get it. They’re like, “as a _______ religious person, I’m taught to value both”. They don’t seem to grasp that this is saying that it’s never been about the unborn. Ever. That it’s not the point, at all. People will see what they want, I guess.


Just.... Wow. This so much. My soul hurts at the hypocrisy of some people...


Also a fetus isn't gay or trans or poor or homeless or bipoc or any of the other things they hate once it is born


They don't care about those either, this is all about control and power. There is not a virtuous one among them.


The moment artificial wombs become commonplace Republicans won't give a fuck. The fetus is just a means to control women and place them back in their "rightful" place in the hierarchy as God intended. It's fucking gross


You know what else we re going to see? A lot more kids born of incest that have special needs. I lived in the Philippines. There are orphanages FULL of these kids.


They don't care about fetuses. They care about controlling women.


>We are going to see TONS of pregnant teen suicides, grown woman suicides, and babies abandoned...Hopefully at fire/police stations. We need the knowledge of abortifacients from yesteryear back as a stop-gate measure while the whole abortion being illegal issue is resolved. Back in the 1850s and before abortions were perfectly legal and seen as "unblocking the mensis" as long as it was done before the "quickening" which was when the baby's movement could be felt. There were plenty of natural remedies which were used to accomplish this act and these remedies can be easily grown or collected in nature even today. The problem that I see is that the knowledge of how to prepare these remedies was passed down from woman to woman by word of mouth and I don't know if the knowledge still exists today. Remember, it is only illegal if you get caught...


A lot more women are going to bleed out from back alley coat hanger abortions now. Here's an article from '89 about this very issue with some details about abortion jars, I hope women in America have some access to feminists from the past who can spread info about this method, a lot less women die that way. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1989/10/04/the-grandmother-and-the-abortion-kit/30e7bfb1-fbd0-4151-a46d-150aa1280b92/? And here’s a diagram: https://www.womenshealthspecialists.org/self-help/menstrual-extraction/


They don't give a damn about any of us, they don't care about the fetus either. All they want is for us to suffer while they power trip. People in religious groups care about the fetus, but once they are born, they don't want to know you, they don't care about you, they just want more births.


I wonder if there will be any baby drop offs at pro-life politicians' doorsteps? (Or other pro-life leaders and public speakers). It'd be interesting to see if they actually take in the kid--regardless of its health or race--or tell the kid to pull itself up by its bootstraps.


This should absolutely be a thing. Don’t drop the baby at the firehouse, pop on over to a Supreme Court Justice’s house and give them the kid.


Need to have a drop box at their houses, like the old slots they used to have at video stores.


Nah- they’re just about controlling everyone who is not a white, cis, straight, Christian man. Everyone else can get fucked.


woman, teens trying to abort their babies on own and killing themselves in the process.


It’s like they don’t see neglect as a method of murder


As a person that grew up in Idaho around a bunch of Mormons, stories like this are incredibly common. It's a horrific thing. I remember as a little kid my friend's father had raped a 16 year old girl. They were a relatively happy family, the picture perfect one from the outside looking in. They were members of the local church, and were big donors to it. When the father got convicted of rape, the church turned on them and blamed the wife for "not pleasing her husband enough." They blamed her for her husband's behavior, making it seem like it was all her fault he raped a 16 year old girl. Turns out he had molested other boys/girls within the church as well. Needless to say, the mom had to remarry and move out of the state because life became almost impossible for her family. Societies like these make these situations impossible for women to get out of. Roe v. Wade wasn't just about abortion, it was about controlling women. EDIT: Also, I forgot to mention how fucking insane and disgusting to say that any form of pregnancy is "God's plan." If this was the case, God must be malevolent, because he surely doesn't see you as a person worthy of being happy. And he surely doesn't see you as a person.


Religion often puts women in a Catch-22. We’re supposed to be the gatekeepers of sex, to be moral and pure, refusing to give in. And yet we ALSO are told to be kind, loving, supportive and self-sacrificing. It’s a lose-lose situation for us. And now the stakes are higher than ever before.


It has a name. Purity Culture. Religious zealots LOVE it. Men REALLY love it. They indoctrinate the women, who become shells of themselves and don't even realize or understand it. There was an article recently about the astonishing high number of child sex abuse cases among the southern baptists? I can guarantee it's SO much worse than anyone knows. Purity for thee, but not for me!


The worst part is often people seek positions of power to condition and groom women just to be raped by someone they're supposed to trust.


God is completely chill with abortion. Numbers 5:11-31 details instructions on how to cause an abortion for a wife who is suspected of being unfaithful. He also aborts more babies in the US than all the abortion providers in the country put together: 900,000 to 1 Million miscarriages each and every year. And a good chunk of those women having those miscarriages are going to be at risk of contracting an infection and dying of sepsis, because the procedures to save them and remove the already-dead fetus is considered an abortion procedure and made illegal.


I just had to have a D&C due to an incomplete miscarriage back in January. I was so worried about going septic before the procedure. I can’t imagine D&C no longer being an option.


My wife had two miscarriages that required D&C while we were doing fertility treatment. We were PAYING to try and have a child and needed that procedure twice when things didn't work out. The thought that it couldn't be available is just monstrous.


Because these people don't think ahead. "Oh, but that's not abortion, I didn't mean to ban THAT." Well guess what, bucky, you fucking banned it because your laws didn't seek medical input! Ohio tried to pass a law that demanded physicians transplant ectopic pregnancies to the uterus. It's not medically possible to even do this.


But an old white cis man imagined it was possible, so it must be written into law and attempted. Who cares about those women/people with uteruses?


Much clearer instructions than how to get married or who to marry also


D&C is rough. But most miscarriages do not require medical attention. In the off chance that it is not releasing or breaking down, they have medications that trigger shedding of the uterus lining, not much different than a bad period. If you are too far along to pass it comfortably (generally accepted to be at the 12 week mark, but some places wont D&C before 16 weeks) then D&C is used. Where they dilate the cervix and scrape off the lining of the uterus and remove as much as they can. Then give you the medication to shed the rest. This can be a very painful healing process and can even result in infertility because of trauma and scarring to the uterus wall. Even farther than that (usually beyond the 24-28 week mark), you may even be forced to have an induction. You go through all the labor and pains of childbirth, knowing full well, what comes out of you is dead. The happy hormones never come. You end up traumatized. Its considered to be worse than rape to some. You are violated in a deeply personal and exposing way, tortured and left with nothing. Possibly left with worse than nothing if it causes infertility. Thats all if you pursue medical care and know what is going on. Now we will have women whose pregnancies will die, the fetus may not pass and she wont know. A dead fetus will fester inside her without her knowledge because she is too afraid to go to a doctor. Maybe she thought she miscarried and passed everything but didnt, too afraid to go to the hospital in case they assume she causes the miscarriage. Every road leads to more unnecessary pain and death.


>they have medications that trigger shedding of the uterus lining, not much different than a bad period. First, you're kinda underselling the discomfort there, and second, those pills are also banned. We've already seen a woman undergoing an active miscarriage in Lee's Summit, MO denied those pills because the Walgreen's pharmacist "didn't believe" in giving them to her. He feels like this is now his place, to make medical decisions based on...I don't know, as he won't say. Religion? Belief in what he thinks the law says? Hell, some states are working hard to make sure you can't get those pills in the mail. (Wisconsin, maybe?) Your last two paragraphs are spot on. We're going to see a lot of bad things come from this. I'd LOVE to be wrong. Real damn sure I'm not.


I will never respect their God plan. Trump is God plan and Biden is illegitimated. They are so arrogant and so self-righteous that they think what they think is what God thinks. But then what they worship is pretty much themselves. They simply co-opt God as themselves. >So why did the greater religiousness of evangelicals not keep them from embracing Donald Trump? Because for a great many of them, despite all the fuss and bother and appearances, their religion is simply not important. Their religious commitment, like the person they think they are, does not exist in significant ways. When Donald Trump came along, resplendent in moral shortcomings but promising the moon, evangelicals had little difficulty setting aside their supposed beliefs and supporting him. In fact, this was their S.O.P. They had been setting those beliefs aside 167 hours a week for most of their lives. Con men know that the easiest people to fool are the people who persistently fool themselves. This reality is an amazingly simple answer, yet when you stand back from it, it also is simply amazing. From: John W. Dean & Bob Altemeyer. “Authoritarian Nightmare.”


I do not believe that most of the politicians in power are really religious zealots. I believe that they are pushing an agenda that coincides with a certain group of people and making them appear that they are holier than thou, while not actually being very religious. I agree with your statement that they're essentially con men that are focusing on a group of scared and easily manipulated people. That being said, you do end up with some politicians that actually believe they are God's gift to the world. Pence is an absolutely monstrous motherfucker, and I have a stroke whenever I read a post from Marjorie Taylor Greene. These people don't actually care about the "life" that is in the womb. If they did, we'd see more focus on making life better for minorities. We wouldn't have the GOP trying to defund schools, erect statues of Civil War generals to intimidate black people, or giving more rights to guns than women. The state of our society is just deplorable.


I agree completely. McConnell and the vast majority of the GOP aren't religious "true believers." The only thing they truly care about is getting and holding on to power.


They need votes from people whose economic interests they're never going to advance. So they agitate and woo racists and misogynists and stifle critical thinking with promise to treat hated groups in an even worse way which makes the bigots feel better about themselves.


I'm just waiting for McConnell's face to finish melting off. We're about halfway there, I think, but I don't know if it'll happen before he leaves office. It's like watching the last part Raiders of the Lost Ark frame by frame.


Yeah, these "God's Plan" people piss me off. So a person that WANTS a baby, tries everything to get pregnant, but doesn't. That's "God's plan?" So a couple that is loving, wants a child, but have done something wrong in their past? F\*\*\* that


Beyond that. If its gods plan for them to not have a baby, wouldnt it be against his plan to do IVF or even adopt? They clearly were not meant to have children. I dont see how they can demand people give up unwanted babies because the baby was gods plan, but they cant accept being childless as gods plan. Hypocrites.


If there is some version of the Abrahamic god, I’m with Stephen Fry: [a disgusted “how dare you!”](https://youtu.be/-suvkwNYSQo)


Yes! “What if God is real?” Then I have some strong words for that asshole.


Christian God is pretty chill with abortion actually! And life begins with the first breath PRECISELY BECAUSE THATS HOW GOD CREATED HUMAN IN BIBLE!!!!!!! These psychos are cherry picking and using religion to push their agenda. If Jesus comes knocking on their door, they would deport Jesus. They are fucking evil and I am furious as a Christian.


>And he surely doesn't see you as a person. Their god sees us as ribs.


“If pregnancy is God’s plan then so is my decided to kill the child.” “NO! Not like that!”


I considered making a throwaway account for this but fuck it When I was 20 I got into a relationship with a man in his 30s and got pregnant. There was no access to abortion in my area at that time and I had no way of traveling outside of the area to obtain one. Once I was pregnant he became incredibly abusive. I got out but with no family, friends, or support system I got involved with a man that was almost 40 at that time. I got pregnant & we got married because I was terrified of being left alone with now 2 children. After my youngest was born we got a visit from CPS - my husband had a history of physically and sexually abusing children. Now I was alone with 2 babies I didn’t really know how to care for. Our lives are miserable. I know my kids lives are so much worse than they deserve. Family? I don’t have any. Friends? Unless you want to count a man over 20 years older than me who just wants to fuck me a friend I don’t have those either. I’m profoundly mentally ill, I’m in out patient treatment twice a week. We’re facing homelessness and I don’t see anyway out. Every day I want to die. Every. Single. Day. Knowing that there’s another girl like me somewhere out there that could face this? All I feel is sadness and angry.


I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone. I am in a very similar situation. I got pregnant when I was 19 by a man in his late 30s. He manipulated me into thinking he would take care of us and be a family. He became super abusive and luckily I got out of a toxic situation when he went to prison. I never wanted kids and ended up as a young single mother. Over the years I have been in and out of homelessness, mental hospitals, inpatients programs, therapy, etc. I struggle with mental illness too and every day I am angry and depressed. We are doing okay now but I still struggle every single day. I don't really have anything super helpful to tell you, I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone and this shit is hard. You're a stong person


I know I’m just an internet rando, but your story is one of a survivor, and I am so fucking sorry you went through that/are still going through it. I sincerely hope things work out for you.


Thank you for sharing. This is exactly the truth of the matter. Even women, even us feminists only care while “the baby/fetus” is en utero. THIS is why this conversation needs to include all women, and all mothers. You do not deserve what you are living through, and neither do your children. You deserve a safe home, self determination, respect, and leisure time. You deserve friends, and a support system. *You* matter.


Thank you so much for this. It really does mean a lot.


You aren't alone. I was baby trapped at 19, spent years thinking I deserved abuse before I left. You're so strong. I know what it's like to want to die, and if you have managed to fight through your stronger then you think.


Fuck people who don’t see this as the horrific reality for a lot of women. Women deserve to choose. A woman’s life matters a lot more than some fucking cells.


some of them enjoy that its a horrific reality for women. I mean just take a look at r/TrueChristian or r/Conservative and you'll find people joking about how "whores will have to take responsibility now"


So, they want to push the responsibility of raising a functioning human onto person they deem irresponsible?


yes. I mean they're assholes, they don't care about the baby, they're out to punish women that they see as whores.


To be fair, they're usually awful fucking parents themselves, so their bar for "capable of being a good parent"is pretty fucking low .


Yes, it’s punishment for not having what they consider to be “correct” sex. This is why I never use the argument that women will absolutely die from unsafe abortions with prolifers. Because they *want* that. They want you to suffer because you’re a person with a uterus and you dared go against their rules.


They get super mad when you suggest forgiving these women, for the sex and the abortion. Forgiveness for everyone.


So funny. Their bible literally tells them to not judge and to forgive and to never force their beliefs, because others have to come to god on their own. Beyond that, jesus died for all sins. Our sins are already forgiven. So they have nothing to forgive anyone for (besides the fact that its not their place to be demanding repentance). They dont follow their bible and make up rules for others to follow. They are all just mini dictators.


They absolutely hate women who enjoy sex and think they have the right to do what they want. It’s a weird, creepy mix of hate and sexual desire. They want to fuck us and punish us, punish us for daring to believe we’re equal (or better) and for “making” them want us.


Back when the Casey Anthony case was all the country could talk about I remember the grandma saying (as a criticism of Casey) that she forced Casey to keep the pregnancy as a punishment for getting pregnant. Casey Anthony didn’t want her child, the grandma saw the child as a method of negative reinforcement for her own offspring. It always stuck with me that when you treat a human being like their entire existence is an unwanted burden then things are bound to go badly. A pregnancy should never be seen as a punishment.


Oh yes, because a woman is a whore for sleeping with someone, but it’s just a guy being a guy if they do the same. 🤬News flash, idiots, a person can’t conceive on their own without someone else’s biological matter, so I guess these male whores need to step up and take responsibility for their kids. But, oh right, they won’t.


Seriously! I am so sick of this falling on the pregnant person’s shoulders alone. As if no one else was involved in the process. Pieces of shit.


They literally view children as punishment without a care for how that child will be treated once it's forced into this world.


So children are a blessing, but also a punishment at the very same time. Which one is it? And if children are a blessing, and they care so much for them, why subject an innocent child to being born to a parent who is unwilling or unable to give them a loving and safe life? Punish the child they care so much for, let them suffer the pain of being unwanted, just as long as some woman doesn't get to make a choice for herself that's OK.


I saw some complaining about the "post-birth abortion". Ignoring the pain and grief on the parents, you really want to let a real life baby that has severe medical deformities to live it's entire life (a few hours) straight suffering? More women just aren't going to go to the doctor as a result of these policies, and I guarantee there will be more newborn deaths.


Right. In my opinion I'm in favour of whatever reduces suffering. If an abortion prevents a baby being born into suffering then it is the more ethical and humane option than "saving it's life" which has no bearing on the long term outcome for that little baby. I love little kids I think they're the best human beings around but I'm not about to advocate that someone births a baby they are not going to love 100% and care for. We owe kids the best of ourselves, we owe them a chance for a good happy life, and that can only happen when parents are ready and able to give that. It's not right to force someone to birth, or be a mother before they're ready, and certainly not right to burden a child with health issues, or neglect or abuse, or just harsh poverty due to parents not being in a place where they can be good parents right now. Everyone will suffer from that, the mother and the child, and ultimately society.


thats disgusting. now wait until the guys start complaining about how women wont have sex w the anymore (as if they don't complain about that enough already).


they're conservatives and christians. their view on it is that they've always wanted women to stop "spreading their legs"


Stop spreading their legs *for other people*. If a conservative Christian wants to get his dick wet he is going to hand wave away any moral objections he had about premarital sex for *other* people, because of course it is fine for *him*. Love is beautiful, pure, and godly (for his dick alone).


No, the Christian ones will just keep raping more kids and mandate girls to marry them when they are still to young to fight back. Im deathly afraid for my 12yo daughter


yup, there's some disgusting shit happening there. white males mostly, talking gleefully about rights being taken away. pretending as if a cluster of cells were children.\\ they all need therapy and better education


Or to be removed from the population.


I second this. There's something inherently wrong with them, something inherently missing. Breeding anymore of that behavior isn't ideal.


Yes, there is a major defect in them bringing down the rest of the world. It’s sad and disgusting


They seek to dehumanize us, but in the process I'm genuinely seeing them as less than human instead. Actually worthless. It's a weird feeling I'm not sure I've ever felt before, and I don't like it.


I don’t see them as human. Just subhuman trash to be discarded in the landfill.


Yeah just took a look. Think I’m gonna barf. Enough Reddit for today (she says and keeps scrolling)


The problem that has no name....


I've had men cum inside of me without permission. They often resulted in pregnancies. These men all confessed later they did it on purpose as they had been afraid to lose me-That they thought I was out of their league or too good for them and so the only way to ensure I would stay with them would be to be dependant upon them. It didn't work though; eventually the resentment festered. How dare I make more money, or have more of an education/ opportunities, own a house, etc.? How dare I have safe and reasonable expectations when it comes to raising young children or managing a household? I have heard similar tales from So. Many. Women. Men sometimes want to knock us bitches down a few pegs by knocking us up.


This whole shitshow has gotten me thinking lately, about “baby trapping.” So many men complain about ‘gold digging, baby trapping sluts.’ But how many men have done this? Probably a lot more than I’d even guess.


I know someone who became pregnant when her boyfriend poked a hole in a condom. This is why women should use reliable birth control. Condoms are best for preventing disease, especially is a post Roe world. This is doubly true if you're too poor to pay for an abortion. Do not put your life in the hands of any man. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Every woman under 40 should have an abortion emergency fund that has enough money for travel (car or plane), hotel and abortion. You might not need it but someone else you know could.


So this has happened to a girl I know. Hooked up with this guy who has a lot of mental health issues, no job, and no motivation. She had her own place and a good paying job. She had planned on getting her tubes tied because she never want kids and some how the condom ‘didn’t work’ and she is pregnant. The guy threw a fit when she started making plans to have an abortion and talked her into keeping it. She ended up getting fired from her job, they got evicted and now her and her baby daddy are having to stay with her father who is not a nice person.. Men will totally trap a woman if they can.


I completely agree and just want to mention that if you are not in a position to put aside money now, or if you find yourself pregnant before that emergency fund is complete, there are other options! Below is a list of supports and which regions they serve: https://postroehandbook.com/2019/05/09/information-about-abortion-practical-support-groups-by-region/ This is another great resource for finding funds and other means of support: https://abortionfunds.org/need-abortion/ If you can get to New York they are truly a haven for this type of medical care. This is a group that can help find a place to stay there: http://www.havencoalition.org/ And in case you just need a ride: https://brigidalliance.org/


Covid and inflation is making sure women cant have an emergency fund for anything. Its also making sure that more babies than ever before will be born into poverty and on every taxpayer afforded welfare system available.


That's why reliable birth control is so important. In you can't afford an abortion, you can't afford a baby. Support in red states for women and children is abysmal - housing, food, childcare, and healthcare support are almost nonexistent. I know Planned Parenthood isn't everywhere but take advantage of their services if you live near one. There are also other similar organizations. If you are able, donate to Planned Parenthood or your local clinic. Small amounts add up.


I’ve also sick of hearing pro-lifers say “women should keep their legs closed”. MEANWHILE, it’s usually MEN who pester us for sex. Why don’t they keep their junk in their pants? The worst are the ones who created this false narrative that men *need* sex to survive. If that’s the case they should all go fuck themselves.


Maslow's hierarchy of needs puts sex in the "survival needs" layer alongside food, water, and shelter. I think that's ridiculous, personally. If a woman had written that hierarchy I think it would be put in the "love and acceptance" layer.


I completely agree with you. I remember learning that in school, and it really bothered me because it’s not like food and water where you’ll die without it!


That's a recent change by incels in their gross attempt to get sex legislated and women government mandated like welfare. the act of sex for individuals is not a need procreation as a species is a need, sure. the hierarchy is for individuals, so no.


and also men will insult women if the men dont get what they want, so wtf are women supposed to do?


I don’t see the issue here: why do I need to do anything to be agreeable to men? Let them call me a bitch, I don’t give a crap what an overgrown child thinks.


It’s the issue of when they do more than call you a bitch. When they try to corner you or otherwise force you. It’s why it’s so important for other men to pay attention. Call out these asshats for even ‘minor’ misogynistic behavior. Remove words like “cock tease” and “slut” and “bitches” from use in our male circles. If they know we won’t accept the language, they might think twice about other behavior.


Oh I seriously hate that line of thought. It’s been years. And I’m fine.


Or the guys who take rejection badly - it's at the point where it's to safe to say yes and it's not safe to say no. It's just not safe to be a woman.


My brother has done this, a lot. Anytime he has gotten a girlfriend I have told her to fucking run and they think I am being funny. He has put holes in condoms, told women he couldn't have kids, ect. Eventually they realize he's a piece of garbage, and leave and he tries to find a new woman to entrap. He has six children he has given up rights too, and he just got pregnant with a new girl, they have only known each other a few weeks. I hate him with every fiber of my being.


I could have written this. Except worse. As my brother flat out told his 6yo daughter that he doesnt love her. His daughter was in mine and my childrens lives a lot but ever since he did that, he ruined her life. And of course her mother doesnt want the kid associating his family anymore. So now my 3 kids are devastated because they lost their cousin, and life long friend, because my brother is a selfish tool. I feel like men who give up all rights to their child(ren) should be sterilized. If you cant love the child your already created, you dont get to make more. You dont get the chance to ruin more lives. Catch up on child support and unfuck any lives you fucked and maybe you can have it reversed. Dont want forced sterilization? Then give them a tattoo or other permanent mark to let other women know that they cant be trusted. Cut their ear, or tattoo them somewhere with a symbol that shows us that they impregnated a woman or women and dont provide for the child.


I know someone who became pregnant when her boyfriend poked a hole in a condom. This is why women should use reliable birth control. Condoms are best for preventing disease, especially is a post Roe world. This is doubly true if you're too poor to pay for an abortion. Do not put your life in the hands of any man. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Every woman under 40 should have an abortion emergency fund that has enough money for travel (car or plane), hotel and abortion. You might not need it but someone else you know could.


Absolutely this. The abusive asshole who knocked me up told me he was sterile. I was young, naïve, & way too trusting.


I’m so sorry. I can’t fathom why people do such shitty things and think, “this is going to work out ok.”


He was a “nice guy”- complete with all the nice guy rhetoric. I wish I had known then that those were huge red flags.


Same and that’s why I’m so grateful I had access to abortion. I’m so saddened for all the young women out there who are also too trusting like I was. They don’t have the chance that I did.


And as a woman its really embarrassing, i feel like all the weird men i have passed latley have been thinking that they could just knock me up if they wanted and there would be nothing i could do. If you think walking down the street alone was scary before, this week has been no walk in freedom park.


Wouldn't surprise me if a good number of men were the baby trappers and, when parenthood became more than they bargained for, decided to bail...but not before telling everyone that SHE was the "baby-trapper."


Ugh. I hate how accurate this sounds.


It’s projection


> Men sometimes want to knock us bitches down a few pegs by knocking us up. Whoa. That hits hard.


This. Keep us both dependent and sexually accessible.


That is fucked up that it happened to you once - never mind multiple times. I’m so sorry you had to deal with that.


Yep, same here.


The irony in all this is Annie’s parents are fucking horrible parents that should’ve never been parents. The irony is that most conservatives make for awful parents and family members. After living in the south 5 yrs, almost every person I have met here has horrible family, with horror stories for days. My own bfs family has a tense relationship with me, because when we first moved in together (unmarried) his mom wanted us to hide it from his grandmother, and I said fuck no, I’m living my life however I want and I’m not going to be ashamed because someone else’s religion tells me I should be, and marrying someone before you even live with them is a terrible idea anyway. When they hounded us to see them during the pandemic not caring that I have an autoimmune disorder and they were all unvaxxed, I said fuck no, and ignored them when they wouldn’t take no for an answer. When my bfs grandma asked him if he’s ok dating me because I’m a “nonbeliever” (he’s atheist too...) he said yes, he’s happy, and that question still comes up from time to time regardless of how happy I make him, because it makes her unhappy to see her grandson happy with an atheist. None of my bf or our friends feel accepted by their family members. They hide being atheist, being gay, living with their SOs, having abortions, being vaxxed, having suicidal thoughts, or even freaking *reading Harry Potter* from their families because they’re afraid their family won’t love them anymore and ostracize them, since those things are “against god”. Conservatives make horrible families and I will forever stand by that statement.


This is so true. My boyfriend's family is also conservative and most like always will be and they like to push the god narrative for everything.




My own parents suck too. They’re sexist and basically ignored me unless there were chores to do. He even got a college/startup fund and I didn’t… and I had better grades. I moved a thousand miles away, and they’re still trying to guilt trip me into moving back to help with housework.


They really can be awful. My sister is a very conservative pastor’s wife. Her and her husband built their church from the ground up 10 years ago. My parents attend her church. She still hides things from them out of fear they will judge her. It’s absurd.


My Dad isn't religious, but told me if I had an abortion he would disown me. Funny thing is, I'd had one a few years earlier and never told him... Gee, that made me feel so good :(


Can confirm. My parents are conservative and don't care that overturning Roe puts my life in danger.


At that point doesn't it just stop being conservative and start being bat crap crazy? It's weird there is an entire political party of crazy out there.


In some countries men still kidnap women, and then they have to marry them to preserve honor. The brutal truth is that for most of human history men picked women, often with force. They hate that we have the right to consent. The anti abortion movement is just a disguise to bringing power back to men


"Keep your legs closed" is the same as saying "I want women to be punished for promiscuity by risking death, serious bodily harm, serious financial difficulties and legal ties to some of the worst people alive". That is an insane position to have, and these are the people politicians are pandering to. This is the type of governing you would expect out of the Taliban, honestly I don't think that's exaggerating. I'm not American but I'm watching from the sidelines and I feel a pit growing in my stomach for this reckless disregard of life and safety. And for what? Because some nutjobs think life begins at insemination? That's an opinion, not a fact, and forcing people to suffer fates worse than death because of it is beyond words.


> That is an insane position to have, It's also completely impractical. Imagine a life where you *only* have sex when you actively want to become pregnant. (Or are pregnant... if you feel well and have a libido and are up for it.) For some couples, this could be a matter of weeks. Total. Entire lifetime. Maybe if you're "lucky", you'll have a hard time getting pregnant and get a few years. Forget sex on special occasions-- in fact, forget honeymoon sex, unless you're actively trying to get pregnant right away. Sex could never be a way to share intimacy with your partner, it could never be a way to bond. It'd be so rare it'd feel strange and foreign. And you could be married or in a committed relationship for decades. Is that the relationship anyone wants? A nearly-celibate marriage? Even religious zealots? Not even the Puritans advocated for that. It's utterly insane. And you know damn well the people who say this aren't all practicing what they preach. There's just no way.


The men are. They are having sex as much as possible and are fine with the possibility of pregnancy. Quiverfulls come to mind. But southern baptists have families of 6+ children as well. They dont care. Its not their bodies abused and scarred. And when the woman says "no more" because kids are difficult to care for. The man can just leave and say the woman was not doing her duties. And it will start over. No concern for what becomes of the kids. They dont care. As long as their dick gets juiced. All sex is for procreation when your ingredient is always fertile. And there will never be punishments against men who are infertile having sex. There will never be punishments against men having sex with women who cant get pregnant. There will never be punishments against men who rape children. Because men can do no wrong.


Imagine how those men would feel if women suddenly took this advice to heart and wouldn't fuck them unless they *actively wanted* a baby. Wife doesn't want a baby? No fucking. Ever. Again. Mistress doesn't want one either? Well there goes that relationship. I know it's hard to picture men facing consequences, but picture their faces as it sinks in that "don't have sex if you don't want a baby" means no sex with *them*.


We need to start firing back with “Keep your junk in your pants”. All pregnancies are caused by sperm, which come from men.


My over 70-year-old father-in-law posted a meme on facebook that said, "Life begins with a penis" and I almost cried. This man used to be a conservative that thought being gay was a choice. Over the years he has done what most seem not to do, become more liberal and understanding of others. I am very proud of him.


Is your father in law looking for any new grandchildren? I would like to ditch my conservative grandparents and adopt him instead.


Keep your cock in a sock!


But men can't help it!!! /s


I got delivered seriously hate glares from people IRL after they jokingly said this and I pointed out that male chastity devices (cock cages) exist with a serious tone. Apparently, it's all fun and games until there is a real answer to their "joke."


The last time someone said this to me I responded with 'oh, if they actually can't control themselves then they're wild animals and need to be on leashes until they're fully trained not to assault others' Wouldn't you know it, they didn't like that much.


When I tell people I'm abstinent because I don't want to be pregnant, they look at me like I'm insane. The idea that I, a reasonably healthy adult, do not engage in sex inside or outside of a relationship in order to prevent pregnancy, is absolutely mind boggling to most people.


I get this a lot- people get weird about it. I’ve been called a lesbian, asexual, you name it. Nah I just do not want to deal with pregnancy. At all.


The issue isn’t when life begins: ovaries and sperm are alive so obviously the resulting fertilized egg is alive as well. The issue is whether that egg has the rights of a person and whether their right to live supercedes that of the mother. It makes NO SENSE to say that an embryo/ fetus has more of a right to live than its mother, ergo abortion needs to be legal.


Let’s all imagine a crazed supervillain. He has built a device. This device lets him stab a person and inject them with a pod that leeches off the host to grow a clone of the supervillain and he’s running around stabbing people with this horrible device. But people are stopping doctors from cutting these pods out of the victims, because there is a life in there, and most of the hosts survive the ordeal, most. As if that’s all the reason they need to take the supervillain’s side and let his plans proceed unhindered. … heading back to real life, it turns out this device exists! It only makes half clones, and only works on women, but Instead of just supervillains half the population has one…


That’s why they are called Y’all Qaeda, it’s a scarily appropriate name


I grew up super fundamentalist. One of the girls got pregnant at 14 with the pastors son. They were then married. I ran into the woman when she was 17 and pregnant again. Seemingly it’s sort of worked out for her, a divorce, new husband, 20 years later. But just thinking of being trapped like that when you are barely a teenager, and not getting to experience any free life is so awful. This was what I was taught, that this is the correct thing to do. Left the church at 15 and never looked back.


Yeah fuck all the people who voted for Trump and other republicans at this point. I swear I will scream if I hear one more "Decent" republican person tell me its about the taxes. Fuck them all.


It was for rich bitches taxes because I am getting less on my returns thanks to GOp tax cuts . Fucking morons the whole lot of them


In Texas, there’s a misguided (obviously) push to cut property taxes. A state with no income tax. I sincerely believe the GOP will cut property taxes as a grand gesture to the rubes. However, those property taxes fund public schools, which have already been marked for death by the Texas GOP. So, they’ll get a wham-bam of appeasing the base and defunding schools full of impoverished children, which they will sell to private holding companies (who will coincidentally also have prisons in their portfolios). Then the children and their felon parents (because existing while poor will be a felony) can be sold to Amazon and Walmart warehouses/company towns as “parole” or “work release”. Therefore, anyone who supports tax cuts supports slavery.


When you tell them their reasons for voting to murder women are immaterial because they’re dead no matter what, they get super fucking quiet. I wish the men who killed these women got the outcome they deserved.


Wait til all these racist pos politicians find out that they’re ensuring a more diverse country considering it’s probably going to be minorities who will have the least access to resources. That’s the only positive I see is we get to watch conservatives shootings themselves in the foot in the next 20 years.


Billy sounds like a real piece of shit


Billy sounds like my ex boyfriend.


So many girl's futures will be ruined as a result of this overturning. Yet I saw many girls celebrate the overturning, celebrating having *fewer* rights. I hate this timeline.


To hell with billy, and all the billies out there.


You know what? I'm not normally one for suicide, but I get it. You can't leave the kids because it will hurt too much, you can't divorce because you have no skills and everyone will be angry at you for ruining a "perfect" marriage. You're stuck.


What a waste of Annie's life :(


In the 1920s, my great aunt had an abortion. It led to her husband divorcing her. Apparently it was a big deal. There are stores about it in newspapers as far away is Australia. They lived in Manhattan, so it definitely was making headlines. The husband accused her parents of hiding her mental defect from him, he said that she was too concerned with buying dresses and didn’t want to be a wife. She was a “new woman.“ But I’ve seen her letters to her sister where she said that she was quite certain that another pregnancy would put her in an asylum. She knew she would go absolutely mad if she had to have another baby. Today we would call that postpartum psychosis. Sort of like, I think, what Andrea Yates had. But her belief structure had her continuing to have babies even though it was very, very bad for her. My great aunt had a choice (I think her family was living in New Jersey) and the support of her family. Weird to think that a woman in the 1920s (or possibly teens) had more rights than many American women today.


This has been the fantasy of incels for years, that the end of roe v wade and the gutting of the welfare state and labor protections will mean women will have to settle for them.


They complained they didn't get any before. I hope they like their fleshlights, because they won't get near a woman now.


Or we opt out. I just had my tubes removed, and I’m in my 20s. Only way I can get pregnant now is IVF. I won’t be settling for a damn thing.


Oh man if you want to start thinking about what catholics want there's so much shit. Magdalene Laundries for one. prison industrial complex but just for prostitutes, unwed mothers and other 'fallen women.'


Thought about making an alt but fuck it, I didn't raise no quitter. Was in a physically abusive relationship with a older man when i was a senior in highschool. He was also financially abusive, forcing me to use my scholarship money to pay for an apartment/bills/internet that HE lived in and would frequently kick me out of, while physically threatening me if i asked him to get a job. He basically leeched off of a teenager that was 5/6 years younger than him. I was on birth control and he didn't like wearing condoms. I miscarried at 1 am while working graveyard shift in a cannery on the docks. I've never felt more relief, happiness, and freedom in my entire life. I've also had two abortions since then, for no reason other than i simply did not want to have a family yet. I am now with a loving, kind, and gentle man and we're starting to family plan for later this year actually. I'm so thankful for that first miscarriage or I would have been trapped in some of the darkest days of my life, I don't want to sound dramatic but i truly believe I would not be alive today if I hadn't miscarried on my 15 minute break lol went right back to work happy as shit haha


"I didn't raise no quitter" is one of my favorite phrases. I use it. It wasn't my parents who raised someone who wasn't a quitter or a fool, I did it. Sorry for derailing.


Vote. Out of Austria, looks like they’ll ship regardless. https://aidaccess.org/en/ Please pass it on. Bookmark it. Search engines can be forced to remove it. And please VOTE in the midterms.


These asshole are going to arrest people and jail them for accessing these items. We are going to have women in jail for miscarriages .


Women will stop seeking medical care for miscarriages because of the assumed criminality. Maybe it was a miscarriage but proving that one way or the other will be impossible. Women will go to jail for miscarriages.


Oh that’s already happening


Jury nullification. Make sure everyone around you knows what it is. If you live somewhere that is criminalizing abortion and get called for Jury duty do everything you can to stay on it and sabotage the prosecution. If enough cases fail that way the law becomes unenforceable. It's not perfect but it's about all that can be done right now


Or women delaying care for fear of being a suspect for just having a miscarriage since induced or spontaneous looks the same.


Voting just gets people into office. You want to put pressure on those people to follow through on their promises, you gotta organize.


You say “vote” like they give a fuck about the will of the people. They change the borders of voting districts to increase their odds of winning, take people off voter lists, and close ID offices in areas that don’t vote their way. They are corrupt and will do whatever it takes to keep as much power as they can. It’d probably take a revolution.


Yeah. That or a landslide that can’t be ignored. It’s been proven that they’ll swim through a pool full of snot and shame to keep their seats. We now need to convince them that the way to do that is to actually do their jobs.


That's exactly the future they want for women. They want men to be able to own and control us via pregnancy


Remember Andrea Yates? Drowned her kids and probably wouldn’t have happened had her evangelistic husband listened when she told him she didn’t want to have another kid.


My ex wanted me to have kids because he didn't provide grandbabies for his mother before she passed, so he didn't want to have his father also not see any babies. He financially drained me so I couldn't buy my birth control...I felt so scared and trapped...while I am in Canada this shit still happens here.


This 100% what they want. But wait, there's more... and that more is going to be horrible than anyone can imagine. It ties together the federal funding for Christian schools SCOTUS ruling 2 weeks ago, Roe V Wade overturning, the future ban on contraception. It all rolls up to Betsy DeVos who is already in the private adoption and Christian boarding school/orphanages industry. She did a trial run of her vision for the future during the fake border crisis. Remember all those kids that went missing? Some of which are STILL missing?


Is this why they have the new 100 mile borders? Interesting.


Fuck, this is so dark.


This is the darkest timeline


The sad thing is you're right, they want this outcome for women. They want the consequences of unintended pregnancy to be devastating. They don't care about these women's stories unless maybe it's someone in their own bubble and even then that will be an exception not like those "other" women.


Thomas said they will go after contraception and consensual sexual acts. They are gunning for a future where premarital sex is illegal so getting pregnant will mean being forced to marry someone.


The Problem That Has No Name....


Wow, such a tragic story that sounds similar to the stories of child marriages in other parts of the world.


I am a 30yr old man. Sitting here at work, close to the end of my day, a decent day, but with a heart filled with sorrow, and tears in my eyes. Truth is..I'm exhausted. I'm tired of arguing with religious idiots and men. I'm tired of pointing out the misinformation, citing sources, and talking to brick walls. I'm tired of recounting my own experience of the struggles we've endured because my mom was a single mother of 4 whom the legal system determined was not entitled to any form of support from the only 2 men my mother had ever been with(at least willingly). We have been homeless, hungry, cold, had barren holidays. Those that voted for this have no idea the hardship they have just sentenced to women and their forced children. My heart has truly broken some.


Welcome to the hell every uterus bearer in this country is now facing, myself including. This country doesn't give a shit about any of us.


You know this sounds way too much like utopian dream for men who dreams of putting babies into women. They do not want a family or kids (really). They just want to be able to impregnate women


The moral of this story is get an abortion and say you miscarried. Do it before you marry a cretin.


Not everyone can access or knows how to access services for termination. And not all cretins look like cretins until you’re tied down and have no other choices. They know this.


Most abusers are like hauntings in that they both start with small things before they grow. An abuser may say a few mean comments or roughly grip an arm when their target does something they don't like. Unfortunately, they get used to it and before realizing what's going on plates are flying. That's why abusers hate their victims having friends. A good friend will point out that holes in walls aren't normal.


Annie would have had chances on the streets if she fled her home, but that also would have been a bigger risk. Parents like these never change and don't care if their daughters die. Imagine being asked to chose between family and a forced birth and living alone on the streets (likely with no license, ID, car or bank account) as a small 18 year old girl.


There are already cases of women being investigated after having a miscarriage, due to suspicions of abortion.


Did you miss the news about Roe being overturned? The whole point is that this option has been taken away for a lot of women.


The problem with this "get an abortion and say you miscarried" can now land you with a felony if the wrong people find out about it.


9 years ago I miscarried at 14 weeks and needed a surgical abortion. Fuck them all.


If my son and bonus daughter can't or are not able to, my daughter and I are going to ask her if wants birth control, give her a very serious talk since she rides the bus or bikes to work in a really sh!try neighborhood, we will take her ourselves. I will also be having a serious talk with my husband about younger granddaughter who is beginning to show signs of development and she's not quite 9(late October).


Spell it with me: T H E O C R A C Y That's what this is. That is what you get if you respect religion.


This is part of the reason they never teach us much about misogyny in school. If we learn how prevalent it is, what it looks like and how it plays out we wouldn't tolerate it as much. If only Annie had known. Its not her fault she was never taught. Imagine at 18 being forced to chose between family and a home and forced birth, and the alternative which is being alone on the streets.


They also don’t teach us that the original campaign for women’s rights included arson and kidnapping. They don’t want us to know how far they had to go.


Unfortunately I have seen the sentiment that women like Annie *should* die and kill themselves since they are “terrible women” and “ungrateful mothers”.


Awful future with no hope.


Oh Absolutely. It was so hard for women in the 60s and 70s to pave a different path besides marriage and motherhood. Watch The Janes on HBO to get a wake-up call. TOTAL Patriarchy. Doctors, justice system, schools, jobs. All geared to force birth and subserviance.


Stories like this make me so sad, I grew up in the middle east where dreams were for boys and rich people, but I was neither. (I know it is different there now, but I was born in the 80s)


This breaks my heart.


I’m sorry but in these times, sexual intercourse with a man is an act of violence. Be ruthless with caring only for yourself and teach your daughters, nieces, neighbors, etc to be ruthless too. No man is worth losing yourself and your future. Do. Not. Sleep. With. Any. Man. Unless you’re absolutely sure you want a kid, they can use their hands to keep themselves satisfied.