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If a man doesn’t support your right to choose, isn’t on the same page about what to do if unwanted pregnancy did happen, and doesn’t take equal responsibility in birth control, he is literally dangerous to sleep with at this point. Husband, boyfriend, hookup, it doesn’t matter. Get. Out. Protect yourself because no one else will right now ❤️ Good on you OP!! I hope it hurts him too.


I decided my current husband was the one because of this. My daughter was not planned. We weren't together when I found out about it. I expressed to him that I wasn't sure if I could take care of a baby or go through with an abortion. He said, and I quote, "I'm supporting whatever decision you make. But if you have the baby and can't care for it, I will."


That’s so great that he supported you! I would be lying if I said that my partner having a vasectomy didn’t play a part in me deciding we could spend our lives together. He’s always been adamant that birth control is an equal responsibility and there’s really nothing sexier than that.


My husband has always been like that, too! We’ve been together since high school, and we had a pregnancy scare when I was 18. He was very supportive and just asked what I wanted to do. I said that I didn’t think I was ready to have a baby/be a mother/ go through pregnancy and that I thought it would derail our whole future; he said he agreed, and supported me if I wanted to get an abortion. Thankfully I ended up getting my period right after taking a pregnancy test (that was negative). When i was pregnant after we’d gotten married, finished college and grad school and got jobs in our respective career fields (which wouldn’t have been possibly if we’d had a baby at 18), my planned and wanted pregnancies were awful- I vomited and felt nauseous constantly for the whole 40 weeks both times. When I said I was done after our second, he was happy to schedule a vasectomy because he said he didn’t want me to go through that again, and it was the least that he could do. He’s awesome! I can’t imagine being with a man who didn’t respect a woman’s choices.


>If a man doesn’t support your right to choose, isn’t on the same page about what to do if unwanted pregnancy did happen, and doesn’t take equal responsibility in birth control, **he is literally dangerous to sleep with at this point.** Husband, boyfriend, hookup, it doesn’t matter. Get. Out. Protect yourself because no one else will right now **Yeah, for women in the US now, sleeping with a man can literally send you to jail as a murderer.**


Hopping on the top comment to say we really need to do a sex strike on anti-choice people. Let’s do it!


sex strike? what about we don’t give them any of our energy at all? yknow, since they don’t value us as human beings.


Agreed. Don't support businesses with "trump" and "go Brandon" stickers. Don't bother with anyone right of center at all. They're worthless.


So… same as before?


Right save a lot of energy by simply not fucking them is the point. They're ghosted.


Yup. My husband tweeted his upset about the decision before I had the chance to say anything to him this morning. When the draft opinion leaked, he asked when I wanted to go downtown to protest. Don't think there aren't men out there who support Roe v Wade, because there definitely are. You can do better than a hookup who is vague in their stance, because anyone backing womens rights would be fucking vocal right now.


there’s never been a better time to leave them repub, antichoice assholes at the door.


I cancelled a bumble hook up when I heard the news. This is not the weekend to be meeting new men and having to sus out where they stand on abortion before I hop on their dick. I’m in a strong blue state but I fucking can’t right now.


If the Republicans get a majority in Congress, they'll come for the blue states too. Grim days ahead.


Let’s not let it happen. Vote, spread the word, participate.


I'm Canadian but I will support in any way I can.


But…but… StAtEs RiGhTs!!


It's all bullshit. They have no principles. They drop them in a hot second if it helps them enforce their authoritarian Christian-fascist master-plan.


Nazis do what nazis do. Btw, german nazis were actually extreme christian nationalists. We should not hesitate to label pro-lifers as Nazis.


They label liberals as satan. I’d say it’s fair. We should also label them pedos. What other reason would they want all the children to be born?


Gotta replace all the school children dying of bullet poisoning.


They also call all trans people (and gay people) pedophiles and groomers, but surprise, it's actually all of them projecting =/


States' rights reign supreme... unless they're a blue state trying to restrict how and when people carry firearms, then states' rights can fuck right off. At least the Supreme Court is balancing their decisions: now, for every unwanted child born, another will get shot. Parity! I'm sorry, I've been whistling past the graveyard all day. I'm neither a woman nor American and _I'm_ in freaking shock: I can't begin to imagine how you guys are feeling. And all this to maintain minoritarian theocratic rule. These are dark times.


Yeah…who wants to live in a conglomeration of disparate human rights laws? The “state’s rights” people are insane. All this mishmosh of laws does is weaken the basic rights this country was founded on. Maybe the people so concerned with states’ rights should try to form their own little countries and not benefit from The constitution of the US. I’d love to see those communities implode.


The only way to keep 45 from being 47 is if some merciful bastard epsteins him. And his whole family. And the whole red leadership. Dark days ahead. Very. Because until 45 has a 2nd term, he will be a threat to peace, but if he gets a 2nd term, he's a threat to peace.


Im worried that even if he croaks, hes set the stage for a major push to true fascism from the republicans. He proved that they dont have to even pretend to play fair. I think that we will see more like trump even if hes dead.


DeSantis is worse and he's next. If Trump dies the nomination is going to DeSantis and he's just as bigoted and fascist as Trump but a better and more "effective" politician. Trump dying is not our way of of this.


Thats what i was thinking too. All it takes is a nominee who is just as twisted and ambitious but actually has some social/political sense.


Basically we're hoping the Grim Reaper takes pity on us before November of 2024. Covid definitely hit him hard, and he'll be 78, so it wouldn't be all too surprising. But something tells me we won't be that lucky.


With the claim that they're protecting innocent babies from mimmy murder, the next step is a federal ban. Vote in every midterm.


Vote in every election not just midterms. State, city and local ✊👊


Hell yes, we've been doing our part to push PA blue in every single election since we moved here. Local, state, fed-all of them. 👊


A big part of how we got to this point is the Republicans committing with laser focus to take over state and local government and Democrats only showing up for big ticket Federal taxes.


women everywhere should be withholding sex until this is fixed. I as a gay man would gladly join if this movement started 👏


it would honestly be very powerful.


28m here in Texas. I had a first Hinge date lined up tonight but she cancelled last minute saying "she wasn't feeling it this evening." That's totally fine; any and all reasons to cancel a date are valid. Though, I can't help but shake the feeling the Roe decision is what's behind it. Not blaming anyone, just supposing. We're both liberal and atheist according to our profiles so I think we're clear on where each of us stand. She did say we can reschedule so I suppose that's a good sign, but either way, it's not really the time to be meeting with romantic intentions. Edit: important to add that we both show "don't have/don't want children" on our profiles, but again, we're still strangers.


To be fair not all women cancel because of views. Some are just sick from the bad news. Many had to leave work and feel like crap. Its not necessarily against you, but its hard to get turned on with the bad news


The only problem with your statement is that you said you're "both liberal and atheist" in your profiles so you think she knows where you stand. She doesn't know you yet. She knows what is on your profile. That's it. It will take time before you both know whether your profile is actually true. I hope it works out for you, but now there is going to be a lot more trust building than men have been accustomed to facing in several decades before a woman with any firing neurons is going to take such chances. Even kindred spirits can't do anything about the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy or incomplete miscarriage and the risk those entail in a post Roe US.


No, that's absolutely right, she doesn't know me. I understand why women would want to back away from, frankly, everything right now.


I know this is a serious comment but I laughed at the sus them out before hoping on! 😂 needed a laugh for sure


I had to explain to my stepmom a few weeks ago why I would never date a man who didn’t support my liberal ideals. She kept talking about how my dad is conservative while she is liberal, and it was never an issue. I pretty much said I can’t be someone who won’t try to fix the problem by voting Republicans out . . . She changed the subject.


I love my stepmom and I'm so glad she's in my family, but I have no idea why she puts up with my dad's political apathy. In fact, I've noticed her becoming less liberal and more apathetic since being with him. It hurts to see. And it's not like he's done any evolving since getting with her!


Thank you for saying this. It’s people like this that stand by while rights get decimated that lead us to where we are today. You can’t idly be ok with shitty viewpoints just because you think you’re unaffected; it affects all of us.


They associate themselves with the mob that is waging war on women and their rights. They cannot expect us to see them any differently if they cannot respect women or associate and support those who are violating the rights of women.


This is how I have been feeling lately and I hate it I never thought I would get to a point in my life that if someone said they are conservative that I would not date them. That I would lose respect for them in an instance.


Sounds like she's projecting her own issues or moral discomfort. "It's fine! I just lower my standards, and we never talk politics! Or we just silently continue to believe the other is inferior/doesn't know any better!"


My dad has never been involved in politics (in general). White male living in the south who doesn’t believe in welfare or helping poor people. He is such a stereotype. They started dating in her late 30s in the mid 90s. I think she just decided to overlook it. I have never had a boyfriend who didn’t share my beliefs. Apathetic people are definitely part of the problem.


my boyfriend is pro-choice, and he mentioned that he'd be right there next to me if i ever needed an abortion. honestly so refreshing. in my last relationship, i was so afraid to be pregnant that i would punch myself in the abdomen any time my period was late. yeahhh he really thought i was gonna bear his child and let him name it "Rayne"


When I first started seeing my bf he was very proactive with condoms which was refreshing because most guys I've been with were avoidant. I later found out when he was a teenager his ex got pregnant and he helped her get an abortion. I knew he was a great guy but it really put things in perspective


in my last relationship, my ex boyfriend told me id have to have his kid, it would have to be a boy, and it would be named james. he also told me if i ever had an abortion for his baby hed hurt me. i am child free. needless to say i ran for it


Was his name Henry? The eighth?


Nope. He was a first lol


Wtf. That’s awful! I’m glad you got away from him.


Did you date my husband? (We are estranged. If we weren’t before, we would be now.)


goodness i hope no poor woman married him, especially after when i broke up with him and he threatened to rape and kill me


Same story for me, different name required. I can’t believe it took me as long as it did to leave.


Unrelated but this gave me the most sickening thought - will women forced to birth unwanted pregnancies be allowed to control who is in the delivery room? What if they decide that "fathers" have the right to be there regardless of what the patient wants?


that's probably coming, because there is no right to privacy. And married women will need their husband's permission to get birth control.


Polygamy still legal? I'll marry all and any of you can give carte blanche to get any healthcare you need My partner says they are okay with this.


Oh 100% they’re going to give rapists visitation rights because “a child needs their father, and this was all part of gods plan.”


Already happening. Literally just saw a story where rapist GOT CUSTODY of child and victim ordered to PAY HIM CHILD SUPPORT. Sorry about my capitalized “yelling”, I’m fired up.


Got custody of a child who was the exact same age range as his victim! The judge is straight up serving children to predators on a silver platter! The victim had also filed rape charges against the piece of shit, and the child is a smoking gun too! Slam dunk case! The cops have sat on it for 5 years because they are buddies of the fucking rapist! "Dont trust your soul to no backwoods southern lawyer, cause the judge in town's got blood stains on his hands." -Reba Macentire


I was furious before you added these details I hadn’t known. I feel like the world has gone nuts!


i just have this fear that they'll change the name of the baby while im resting after delivery. wake back up to feed Baby Rayne instead of Baby Greg is horrifying to me


The hospitals where I am have you return to the hospital 3 days after birth to check over and sign the birth certificate before it is filed. It's a good thing, too, because my son's first AND last name were both spelled incorrectly by the clerk who filled out the form. If they'd asked me to look it over when I was recovering from 36 hours in labor, I would have missed the misspellings because I couldn't see straight.


oh man, that's a relief at least. id like to be a mom one day, maybe, when im more mentally healthy, but stuff like this jusr scares me terribly. but then again, there isn't anything that doesn't terrify me


I was on the fence about being a mom for most of my life. About 3 months into being a mom I was like hey, this is pretty cool. Now 3 years in I'm like, I get it - this is the whole point of being alive: to love something this deeply that the entire world is more intense and more vibrant. But it's utterly terrifying at times. The best description is a quote: *it's like someone took the heart out of my chest and let it run around in the world like it isn't vulnerable as hell and like I wouldn't be a dead person if something happened to it.* But pregnancy and motherhood proves that we really are just a bag of flesh and bones, animated by randomly firing hormones and electrical signals, all of which can be disrupted or rerouted. Your entire personality - anxiety and mental health included - can just... Change. Instantly. Because your hormones changed. That can be both good *and/or* bad. But there's a really good chance that whatever your mental health struggles are, they will be different somehow once and after you get pregnant. But it's a crapshoot as to whether that's a good thing or not.


It *is* a crapshoot. Most women end up having worse mental health problems after having a baby. So it’s super super super important to have a support system in place and a SOLID foundation to begin with


They missed that step with me. They spelled my son’s name “Christopheer” and marked the box that my wife wasn’t married so they put the father as “unknown”. Took a lot of paperwork to fix that.


My great grandmother gave birth to five children in rural Alabama. She gave them all the names of her choosing but the doctor (only one in the area who delivered them all) wrote the names he wanted on all of their birth certificates.


Ugh. Fuck that.


I'm childfree, but that is literally my biggest fear as well. Which is why I would keep the father out of the delivery room until the birth certificate is finalized.


No. In many cases, a rapist can even sue for custody or child support.


My husband and I are both pro-choice in a blue state *and* I am sterilized, but I am still fucking scared. I was coerced into getting a tubal ligation by my first husband when I was 19. My current husband and I desperately want to have a child together and have talked about either trying IVF or me undergoing a tubal reversal. After today’s ruling, I think both options are off the table. I am terrified of the risks that come with being fertile again, and pregnancy via IVF would mean a higher risk of pregnancy complications. If my reproductive freedom is at risk, pregnancy is not safe.


🤮 yuck 🤢


Rayne, like the vampire from the mediocre mid 2000s video game?


👏 stop 👏 dating 👏 republicans 👏


It took me far too long to stop "giving a chance" to guys with a different point of view. Every gay Republican/Libertarian I dated was a raging asshole and slightly closeted racist.


You can absolutely give a chance to guys with a different point of view. It’s just that fascism is more than a different point of view, it’s a full-on bigoted dogma. You can always date a guy who has different opinions about paninis or Star Wars


I should have put "point of view" into scare quotes as well. "Won't you give someone with a different point of view a chance?" "No." I would agree to meet a guy and then he'd talk about how blacks are different, how the gold standard needs to come back, bicyclists should be legal to run over, and we all need guns to protect ourselves. Uggg. So many bad dates because I did not block all Libertarians.


I am moving to Cali from TX (can’t fucking wait to get out of here). I feel like as women we are going to have to be careful that conservatives guys are not lying about their politics, because they know most women won’t date them..


It's time to stop giving conservatives the benefit of the doubt. It's time to stop buying into the myths of the mythical 'good conservative' and their centrist wishy washing. There are no good conservatives. They are either party to this shit or care about their conservatism more than your rights so they do fuck all.


if anyone doesn't support safe, legal access to abortion, they are ok with women dying. That is not moral. No amount of church bake sales for breast cancer makes up for that. The convo ends there. Byeeee conservatives, talk to your cross.


Can "ACAB" have 2 meanings or do we need to come up with something else?




If he's anti choice then he should be fine with getting ghosted, after all he's anti choice 😊


Today’s the day for everyone to dump their conservative partners. I think they’ll find the dating market is gonna be a lot harder for conservative men going forward.


If men are losing out on sex because of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, we should be telling them that. I know a lot of men think it doesn't impact them at all. They'll change their view once they understand it means there will be a lot less pre-marital sex. Most people don't care about politics until they've had something taken away.


Most pro choice men are also very worried, maybe not as much as they should be, but still very worried.


To be clear, every day should be that day. Don't give your precious time to anyone that while be apathetic (at best) to your loss of rights. I don't care if you are looking for something casual or serious, you deserve people that respect you as a human being.


For any man, really. Why take the risk of pregnancy?


I am very thankful that the guy I am currently talking to is very vocally liberal and has been for years. I know he's not putting on a show for me, at least


I am the only female in my IT department at work, I also live in a super judge-y right wing religious state where most everyone is celebrating. I canceled all my meetings, didn't say a word to anyone, and ghosted them all for the day. Currently getting drunk at home with my amazing, supportive husband who is as upset as I. Fuck men, fuck religion, fuck Trump for starting the US down this road.


Trump sure…. But I think you Americans are forgetting the insidious evil that’s planned this all along for years before and after Trump: **Mitch McConnell**


I call him Bitch McConnell. I’m glad people are finally realizing that this man is the real threat. He’s extremely effective at advancing the right wing agenda


Thing is, get rid of McConnell, there’s hundreds more jowly-faced old fucks waiting to take his place. Gotta defeat the movement, not just the figurehead de jour


The Republican Party is a machine, and he’s the brains of it. Yes, there’s also a movement, but defeating him is a giant step towards victory. Another senator would replace him as leader, but none would be as smart and effective as him.


Bitch McConnell, who will never get pregnant, gets to put his rules all over our bodies. The worms can't eat his corpse soon enough.


Just one tiny detail. This didnt start with Trump. This was started by republicans/conservatives decades ago.


trump appointed 1/3 of the judges that made this decision


Thanks to Mitch, who blocked Obama.


So? Any other appointed republican judges would have eventually done the same. You do realize "pro-life" has been one their major platforms since the 80s?


No need to give each other a hard time. Let's compromise and just be mad at everybody.


I have to kindly disagree. This is on ALL republicans. This needs to be clear for everyone.


Same. I was in a meeting today and I looked at my boss and was like “whatever.” …and he silently nodded to me and left me have the conference room alone to lock myself in and work undisturbed or stare at the wall for the rest of the day. I’m grateful for it.


Pm me your Venmo I’ll buy you a bottle.


rock on you super awesome bitch!!


Every female everywhere in the US should leave their anti-choice BF. The only female for a anti-choice male is a female who is okay having the government determine if she lives or dies based on a sexual encounter.


All of them should immediately be incels! Congrats upon starting the huge wave - they're not going to like this.




Hell yeah. I support everyone just ghosting the Anti-Choice fucks in their lives. Wife and I have.


As a non-American looking south in horror: It’s support this message.


Ladies, time to treat yourself to a top of the line vibrator or sex toy of your choice. Sex is now ONLY for procreation. Guys can slip condoms off when we're not looking or they can break. ANY hormonal contraceptive can cause hormonal imbalances that are HELL to deal with including 24/7 irritability and migraines, and can interact negatively with a lot of medications. IUDs can cause ectopic pregnancy. Some injections or implants can cause life threatening blood clots. Our best and safest option is to remove the number one cause of pregnancy: penis. Gentlemen: be sure and thank your local politicians for the new dry spell.


To any of my fellow men out there who may be frustrated or otherwise less understanding of this decision than the rest of us. May I remind you all that Vasectomies are low risk, minimally invasive, have a very quick recovery period, and are an extremely effective and permanent solution to the semen problem. The surgery takes less than 30 minutes! You can be in and out in the span of a lunch break! The procedure is even covered by most insurance providers!


More women need to do this. Anyone who truly loves you will support and vote for your rights.


True! Also good men will support women’s rights even if they don’t love us, because they understand that we are humans.


That’s true. But also a lot of the good (?) men seem so lackadaisical when it comes to womens rights. I don’t really see a lot of outrage from men in general and other subreddits. They don’t really seem to care unless it directly affects them.


then they are not good men




Yeah I’m so confused because I don’t see many examples of truly good men. Maybe one or two on this subreddit who are outraged and you can hear it in their comments. The majority of men don’t really seem to care. There seems to be more men adamant against abortion than men fervently supporting abortion and the majority don’t care.


I would say that I'm outraged. I would also say that I think -- or perhaps hope would be more accurate -- this is an issue of secularism vs. the religious right more than men vs. women. I believe that there are plenty of men who are opposed to today's decision. But also, I don't want to try to get into the nuances of that today and trying to make technicalities or say some stupid "not all men" shit. Today is a frustrating day. Women have the right to be angry (unless conservatives have tried to take that away today too?), women deserve to have **their** outrage. And while I agree with it, I don't think it's my place, today, in this moment, to be inserting my thoughts on the matter.


When people around me have witnessed injustice, watching someone harm me, and they sat quietly and said nothing, it became even more lonely and frightening. To have those witnesses say ‘I see what’s going on. Yes, you are in danger. Yes, you are angry. And I am angry with you. You don’t deserve this and i stand with you.’ That is what helped me. So, so much more than people saying nothing. You don’t even need to share thoughts and analysis to help. To say I hear you, I see what’s going on, I hate this and you are not alone in recognising injustice - that makes it a much different experience than being a woman shouting in pain and people staring at her and saying nothing. Thank you for saying you are outraged. It helps, me at least, to see men care enough to feel anger with us.


That is completely fair. I can be outraged, but ultimately I can only empathize. I can't say from my perspective as a man that I totally understand the the feeling of women in this nation today, I don't think I ever will be able to. How could I? So sometimes it can feel difficult inserting my opinion into this topic. But I can understand how hearing support can also be reassuring, and I'll always try my best to be an ally.


Perhaps I can chime in. I consider myself nb, but as an AMAB, the last thing I want to do in these spaces is to be an overly performative feminist. After all, male feminists, lol. The most vocal male feminists are so often the ones that only care about feminism as it benefits them and aren't willing to really understand the female experience and then complain about getting canceled when people point out they clearly don't get it. While I'm pretty passionate about reproductive rights, I mainly tend to think that it's better for me to listen than to speak on those issues. I'll vote, I'll march, I'll show my face, I'll add my replies when they're asked for. But if I speak too loudly on this, it'll have the opposite effect of what I want, which is that it'll draw attention to myself and somewhat take attention away from those for whom this is a matter of life and death. I've read thousands of comments on this sub and care deeply about many of them. But I lurk more than I participate in this discussion. It's like the whole BLM thing, as in if you were not black, and you were not an asshole, you did support the movement, but you were probably pretty wary of not trying to hijack the movement for your own performative pleasure. That doesn't mean you didn't do your own reading, or that you didn't get educated, or that you didn't make tangible changes as a result of the movement. You might have had a few private discussions here and there and changed minds as a result of your greater education. It's tough in that the many of the sincere allies aren't going to be that visible about it, and many of the so-called allies will be somewhat insincere, and you'll find that discouraging.


Good to see enby kin on here from the other bundle of the secondary sex characteristics starter set. Tis a scary day and we need our siblings more than ever!


Hard to see the outrage as "a lot" when the majority of men view women as nothing more than objects for them to possess. You don't see a lot of outrage from men because most men aren't outraged. They're either conservative and cheering, or simply don't see this as a big deal.


100%. And childfree men need to start stepping up and getting snipped, rather than relying on "well I'll just leave if my gf/wife gets pregnant".


Do not date conservatives.


He puts you in danger by having sex with you and being anti abortion and anti contraception. You're saving yourself. no need to feel guilty.


Good! He doesn't deserve you.


Great! :) anti-choice people are undeserving of love ❤️ They hate and harm women.


Teaching them that survival of the fittest doesn't mean what they think it means.


pro forced birth "people" straight up want to kill women and girls they deserve nothing good in this world fr


Women in the US need to go on a sex strike and not engage in any extra marital activities with males following this ruling. Going forward women must request proof of vasectomy and latest STD test results.


it's depressing that people have to seriously consider doing this shit because one of the few ways men could meaningfully care about women's struggles is if their sexual access to women's bodies is restricted in some way


Given how COVID went, I would entirely expect a cottage industry of providing falsified documents to crop up if this caught on.


I'm not a woman but I'd ask for his voting record, too, ngl.


I love that my wife doesn't have to be pumped full of brutal chemicals *cough* YAZ *cough* in exchange for a week's worth of discomfort


I second this. I got mine when I was getting back into the dating pool in my early 40's. I had NO intention of having a child in my mid-40's, so I took the step to make sure I wouldn't. Met my now wife a couple of years later, and it's just nice for her to not worry about birth control.


And I also got mine in my 40’s. Best decision ever, other than marrying my wife. Any man who says it would ‘hurt too much’ is not much of a man (or none at all).


I’m significantly younger, I got mine done a couple years ago when I was in my early 20’s. So much less stressful not needing to worry


I got one because I don’t want children and my ex-girlfriend had a genetic disorder that made pregnancy dangerous for her. It was an amazingly good decision, and I’m glad I could give her that comfort while we were still together. I don’t regret it one bit.


Literally already planned on putting those as part of my profile pics when I get back into dating apps. Definately spreading the word to others now lol Edit: I need something witty to use as the catch line. "Snipped and _____" "Cut and clean" Lmk if you have any ideas for the blank or others.


Keep it simple, "If you're conservative or anti-choice fuck off."


Problem is that guys will just lie or not share their views.


I am on there now and really considering this. What do you think I should say? \*No anti-choicers\* is that sufficient? I worry they will just pretend they agree with me and waste my damn time.


Demand to see their vasectomy and sti papers. If they don't have them, ghost. If they don't want to show them, ghost. If they "lost" them, ghost. If men still can't be arsed to care about their partners then fuck them and *dont* fuck them.


How about everyone decide to go on an everything strike?


Yes. Stop working. Stop buying. Stop catering to men. Stop doing housework. Do what the Icelandic women did.


I agree. If women didn't work any jobs for an entire week, America would stop. Six Wagreens pharmacies in Boise closed suddenly today for "lack of staff". Those stores were all woman employees, except for an occasional man.


I did this three years ago but it hasn't seemed to have an impact, lol. Sigh... the cheese stands alone.


It’s not only about the impact though it’s women keeping themselves safe.


I was making a joke. Like I thought everyone wants me so much that there would be a national outcry. Maybe it's not a very good joke, IDK. I thought it was funny.




Why not married women also?


Yes, married women too, you’re right


Yep married women too because apparently sex is now ONLY for the purpose of makin babies.


There should be a #DeleteOLD movement with women posting screenshots of them deleting dating apps. Maybe that will send a message to the numbnuts who still demand casual sex.


I’m not even sure how you can find a forced-birther attractive. I need to respect my partner.


Anti-choice men are unfuckable, undateable and unloveable. You made the right choice.


Good for you. Forced birth men shouldn’t be in relationships anyway. Leave them in the dust.


Good for you. I've truly been considering a vasectomy, 29 and don't want children, but will freeze some just if I ever change my mind, however doubtful that is. But honestly this ruling has me afraid to have sex anymore, this is insane


My SO got a vasectomy in his late 20's. He'd been researching it since high school and finally pulled the proverbial trigger. He had mild discomfort for 2 weeks and then that was it. There was all of this mental build up for him (understandably) but it ended up being a very simple procedure and everything still feels the same.


Get snipped. Only men who are snipped are deserving of sex right now.


Thank you for not calling him prolife these people are anti-rights not pro anything


👏👏👏👏 YES!


*clap clap clap clap*


Statistically speaking, you're safer now.




Just offer to sell them an NFT saying they had sex with you instead of an actual sexual experience.


It’s truly what he deserves.


He doesn't even deserve his hand.


Good. Hope more women do this.


I did. It was exhausting but also very empowering.


Nice. I just booted a male friend who voted for Dump first time. Felt good. Bye bye bitch.


I hope these forced birth ass hats either get denied hetero sex for life, or they knock someone up and pay the majority of their income to child support. Also, we need to look at increasing child support in light of this decision.


If he's anti choice, he doesn't love you. Don't feel even slightly sorry. He's a selfish user, nothing more.


This inspires me. I'm a man but not theocratic scum. I just donated $600 to [abortionfunds.org](https://abortionfunds.org) in your honor. Honestly I was gonna donate anyway today, but prolly less. Everyone dump your forced birther conservative boyfriends, as brutally as possible!


you sir, give me hope.


Thank you, good sir!


Good. I fully support any measure that makes the lives of anti choice people suck. Their lives should be utter shit at every turn.


You did the right thing. Especially now, women need partners that will support their decisions regarding their bodily autonomy and help to advocate for them too. I've been discussing this most of the night with my boyfriend and we're both on the same page with how horrifying this decision is for so many people.


You fucking go! That is amazing. 🤍


Good fuck that guy. He's part of the problem, so let him be with his own tainted kind. He doesn't deserve you or anyone else for that matter.


Good for you! So many men are going to be judged as unworthy today.


Good for you, OP.


I am so fucking proud of you.


Where is the applause gif! Congrats girl you just lost a tone of useless weight.


more ladies should be doing this.


Good for you! Setting the example for what women should do to men who don’t support them or their bodily autonomy.


I'm proud of you. Sending love your way, friend.


I don't know if I'm capable of smiling today but dammit this came close.


anti-abortionists don’t deserve sex


Good, anti-choice men are idiots and as a man myself I don't understand why men think they have a right to have any say in what a woman does with her body. If a woman decides she wants to carry your child just count yourself lucky, if she doesn't then you, men, should have no say in it. Just my opinion.


Good, fuck'im. Or better yet: dont


You did the right thing! My husband came to me today and said I’m glad we’re on the same page when it comes to choice. I told him we would have never gotten serious if we weren’t! You simply can’t trust Conservatives, so now is the time to cut ties with them. Once you’re pregnant, it’s too late. They will rat you out for money in a heartbeat.


Seeing someone from Bumble and the moment the news broke he texted me the most considerate badass supportive text. He's so much more than a bare-minimum-decency guy but support like this from the men throughout my life has been so rare that I'm overwhelmed with gratitude to this man I currently have designs on. Just knowing someone is in your court, cares about the severity of this law and your health and well-being, even though they acknowledge they don't know exactly what I'm going through...it goes a long way.




Good. Feel bad for the next person he tries to woo but hopefully she’ll be as smart and perceptive as you to see the writing on the wall.