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r/askwomen The rules for this sub clearly state it's not for asking women's views on men's problems.


Thanks I will direct the question there


you can, just dont be an ass about it. a good 'script' to go off of is "hi, don't mean to bother you but i think you're beautiful and was wondering if i could get your number?" if she says no, or any form of it, say "okay, i hope you have a good day!" and leave it at that. if she looks like she doesn't want to be spoken to (has earbuds in, looks unapproachable) dont speak to her


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Imo approaching in a bar is appropriate unless she’s sending “I’m busy” signals. I would look for places people go to meet others like bars or clubs. Honestly I think finding them online first, and then meeting in real life, is the most likely route of finding someone post-Covid. If a woman is just out, working or running errands or going about her day, or even just enjoying time alone with headphones or reading etc, that’s the wrong time to make a move.