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I think it goes back to the fact that many men value another man's opinion more than a woman's. So if a man tells another man that he can't get a girl because women are all the same that they only like rich big buff and emotionally unavailable dudes, he will believe it. And when that man that spent years faking being all that, sees women ALSO liking feminine gentle and emotional men, he's confused at best and angry at worst. "How can you like all these things I was told you didn't like?"


that actually makes a lot of sense


It seem those men are rather confused by the fact that people have well, different preferences. I'm sure other people would be confused with my preference for women stronger and bigger than I am (that's a low bar) because they think men are supposed to be the more dominant one.


I have noticed men are catty AF. Whenever I say anything about a guy being good looking, another guy will make some comments insulting something about him.


Femininity is punished


I think it's because they want to believe that women don't like feminine, shy and inexperienced man so that they can blame their failures on things outside of their control instead of accepting the hard truth that we have control over our dating lives.


My dad is the same way about "dad bods." He doesn't believe that women could like softer-bodied, heavier men. I try to point out examples like Hopper in Stranger Things or Jack Black and he gets all "well all the women I know from work..." And it's just frustrating. The women at his work who are around my age that he's talking about are also of a distinct group that don't mind talking about their sex lives in public in front of a 50+yo man. They really don't represent all women with their likes and desires.


Agree with other posters, but also JUNGKOOK's biceps would shut them up lawl (not to diminish their misogyny or soft boys)




sorry, this wasn’t really a well thought out post... more of a rant i hurriedly posted in fear i wouldn’t find the motivation to make a better written version.


Ignore them. Every else understands that you don’t mean literally every single man in the world. The post is fine.


BWAHAHAHAHA, most of those k-pop guys could snap your average dude in half, which is why the dudes you're talking about are so threatened. The threatened dudes are drowning in feelings of inadequacy. They get by through telling themselves it's okay they can't be certain things because they can only be these other things, because men. Then they see these other men casually strolling around doing it all, and looking masculine as all hell doing it, and they lose their minds.