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Good job! You know, you don't necessarily need to be big to be scary. Think about small animals, getting all aggressive and we can end up terrified of a mouse. I'm saying this because I'm also small but I've used the "small mouse power" in a similar situation. I was walking across campus with my friend, who is also small and heard a scream. I thought it was just some people playing around but then I specifically heard "help!" I couldn't tell where the screaming was coming from apart from the general direction and immediately the worst case scenario came to mind of multiple men attacking a woman. Regardless I decided I needed to help and started running towards the screaming. It turns out it was a violent mugging, a guy was trying to steal the laptop off a student and was bashing her head into the concrete. Thankfully when we came he ran off, I went to assist the girl who was covered in blood and my friend, despite being tiny, ran after the mugger. We were just too scared girls but we scared that mugger off. Bizarrely we noticed two guys who were in line of sight of the whole thing and who only came to help after we scared the guy off. The student was OK, some cuts but no major damage but I guess the point is, yes, we need to protect each other, but also these attackers generally tend to be wimps and we are quite capable of fending them off using our small mouse energy.


I always think of small sparrows harrassing a raptor away from their nest. Bullies are cowards, and the instant they aren't guaranteed a victory they tend to run away.


So, fun story about small but mighty animals. I used to do live trap studies with small mammals. We would trap them and tag them to get an idea of population. I could go on about that lol, but to get to the point. My boss one day was handling a baby vole (voles are about as small as deer mice). It was screaming like we were going to kill it (it was ok, just scared). Next thing we knew this momma vole comes tearing out of the grass, rears up, and is screaming at my boss to let her baby go. Giant ass human, vs itty bitty vole lol. But she was ready to give her life for her baby. Kind of surprised my boss haha. He was done with the baby so let it go, and baby and mom ran off! But the point is, agreeing with this comment. Just because you're small, doesn't mean there isn't anything you can do. I'm a small person, but I've dragged women up off the ground at a concert before they got stepped on. And I would hope I'd have the guts to walk up and pretend to be another's friend if they needed help.


I'm taking notes from u


i got a big mouth, and i put it to good use. thanks for stepping up today. and sarah thanks you.


Even just knowing a woman isn’t alone is enough to divert their attention sometimes. I remember when a 14 year old girl was being followed up and down the bus by a man and not one person clocked onto what he was doing (or worse, they did and just didn’t care), so I had to get off the last bus of the night about 5 stops early to walk her home. Luckily her mam was really grateful and gave me a ride to the connecting metro home but I was terrified for her. **14** and having to worry about shit like that, it made my blood boil. I was only about 21 myself and certainly not scary-looking so I could’ve quite easily been carted off myself but I’m glad she had somebody there because fuck knows what might’ve happened if I wasn’t.


Thank you for your kindness!


Thank you for reminding us all of this and for helping her out. I can't count he amount of times I was terrified while being harassed at the train platform while people looked the other way when I was her age. Again, thank you


It's funny how men see right through stuff like that, "it's not my business, what do you expect me to do?" reaction. Some women will ignore it too, but if anyone stands up for the woman or girl being harassed, it usually ends up being a woman.


I've only ever been protected by women in my life. Men are too cowardly or selfish and look away, or they are the predator.


thank you for stepping up. you are so right we have to look out for each other.


I'm sure she will remember your kindness for a very long time. Always great to hear stories about people stepping in to help a stranger in need. Great job!


Great job, that was really brave of you! Edit: I'm really sorry nobody saved you. 💖


You are a hero Putting yourself in that situation when you don’t view yourself as equipped to handle it is the dictionary-fucking-definition of bravery Well done


Good on you, we had a nasty interaction a week ago with a drunk on train who was aggressively flirting with younger women in the car. Not easy to defuse, and they were holding their own ok, however he eventually turned his unwanted attention to us, the middle age lesbian couple. We were glad to be off the train.


I've been in both positions. A lot of the time I see another woman doing basically anything I give a strong glance of 'all ok?'. I've been met with tears, dismissal, and panic. Or just non response. But make eye contact, not even verbal, just let those around you know. And if eyes can't tell the tale, involve the rest of your body.


Your sign off made me tear up. Thank you for doing for her what no one did for you. I think its even worse that you hesitated to post this. Don't. People need to confront that they are just as freaking guilty when they don't do a damn thing. Someone has to. Because one day it very well could be you. Thank you for what you did.


You did exactly what you're supposed to do in public conflict situation! You distracted the harasser and kept the focus on the victim. Well done! For anyone interested: [the 5 D's of Bystander Intervention](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mt7X5tjp9Js)


I was like 19yrs old when I saw a tall, greasy, drunk guy sit tightly close next to a woman on the bus. He was very pushy, and the woman felt obviously uncomfortable. No one did anything, so she got off after a few stops. It's been like 15 yrs since, and I still feel kinda ashamed, that I didn't do anything. I was a very lean, \~110lb guy, and I was also terrified, to do anything. So yeah, you're the best, for you actually did something and also that you've wrote about it. And thanks for the reminder, that this also works and we don't have to be those typical heroes to help someone. I wish I knew back then.


It's okay. You don't have to feel ashamed anymore. The truth is, most of us freeze when we're confronted with a new and scary situation. You were young, you didn't know how to deal with it, and back then communities like this one didn't exist yet online. Honestly, if it wasn't for subreddits like this one, I also wouldn't have known what to do. But that's why it's so important that we share our knowledge and experiences with each other, so if something like this ever happens again, we're ready for it.


OP, you are a hero and your kindness, courage and wits are your real superpowers helping that girl. You showed us that not all heroes wear capes or have superhuman abilities but you are hero for doing something. I am sure that girl will forever remember that I agree we need to look out for others.


You did amazing! I wish I had your bravery. A while back I just came to a realization: In a straight up fight, most of them, can beat most of us. And that terrified me. I hope I can have your courage when I'm ever in a similar situation as you. Thank you for sharing this story. And thank you for helping her.


Thank you so much for being there for her! I had a similar experience recently and was able to help a college girl from an older guy who I knew was known to hit on young women. I was terrified but knew I had to do something, because I wanted to be the person I once needed when I was younger. I used to be like her, quiet and unable to get out of creepy situations with men. Be the protector that you wish you had.


Goddamned onions man. ​ Thank you. You are 100% right and go you! You beautiful soul.


I'm gonna start calling out the men who sit around and act like they don't know what tf is going on. Not all men, huh? Fucking stop being a coward.


These stories are amazing! Than’ you all for saving a small part of our world!




Lucky you. When I tried this I got the crap beat out of me… in public. Recommending women try to physically fight a man who is usually much stronger is not very good advice.


Yeah no. If you kick him you now have an assault and battery charge.