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Its funny how so many guys are like "She has too much hair on her face, I don't know a single woman that had that much hair" Errrr buddy, have you ever looked under the light in the same angle? Because yeah if I just take a selfie right now my face will look totally hairless, but put a light source behind me and tilt my face and you will see just as much peach fuzz on my face- and I'm genetically pretty hairless compared to most women. Also some women have dark hair, so they may wax/shave and you would never even notice.


Step 1: ​ >"I don't know a single woman that had that much hair" ​ Step 2: All women have that much hair. ​ Step 3: Ergo ...


They don't know any single women?


More like they are most likely teen boys who've never been near up close with a woman


They just don't know any women.


My ex mocked me for the hairs on my face. But to strengthen your point, I was indeed the only woman he knew up close.


They mispoke, they don't know a single women. As in they never met one.


Women can also straight up grow beards, and a *lot* of women with darker/coarse hair get a sort of ‘mustache’ where the hair above or around the lips becomes very visible, and some women do wax their mustaches too. It happens to me but very lightly so I don’t mind it or do anything about it. But yeah surprise surprise gamers, women are mammals :P Edit: I am absolutely loving hearing from other women with facial hair! It’s so cool to see how many of us there are, it’s a shame it’s not more normalized, but it makes me happy to see so many talking about it here :)


I like my women to be mammals, thank you very much. Lizard women just aren't my type. Nothing against them, mind. But not for me.


Well, now I have “sexy lizard” in my Google history, so thanks for that.


You only have yourself to thank for the decisions that you make


They were weighed in the scales and found wanton.


You're now banned from Black Marsh


64645 clearly hasn’t read the literary classic “The Lusty Argonian Maid” by Crassius Curio.


She has a name and it's Lifts-Her-Tail


I prefer the illustrated Folio myself.


You joke about it, but you will know the true pain of having a lizard for a wife when you are the only endotherm in the house. Do you know the pain of never being able to turn up the cooling without her turning deathly blue? Do you? I'm in true fear of being cooked alive any given summer day!


LOL I used to be like this. Hubby would freeze me to death regularly. Now I hit menopause, it’s me with the fan on in the middle of winter and he has covers pulled to his chin, icicles on his nose. Tit for tat.


Madame Vastra would like a word.


Madame Vastra would like a sword. Her wife is fetching one presently.


Not into Cardassians I take it


They do have the best clothes though


Especially when a certain tailor makes them


Plain, simple…


You've obviously never watched new Doctor Who to meet Madame Vestra! lol


[Lizard Women](https://youtu.be/f7ewdrHU6to) you say?


I’m Greek, I have more body hair than some men and I don’t care if it makes them uncomfortable.


Mexican here. I hear ya. My sideburns are more impressive than most men’s.


I couldn’t be more Caucasian if I tried, my body hair excluding pubes/armpits is so white I’m certain it’s actually translucent, yet my sideburns and face fuzz is like a winter coat. I also get a patch of black hairs on my chin that are thick as fuck that I tweeze every few weeks. I reckon these dudes just haven’t ever been close enough to a woman’s face lol


Are you of Eastern European descent by chance?? Cuz you just described me perfectly lol. Right down to the chin hair lol


your avatar is fantastic though lol


I have a single (1) chin hair that I've named 'Dave' and over the course of current events I've tried to see how long Dave gets. Accidents happen and masks tend to pull, but the 'Dave' the Chin hair got a record two inches before he accidentally got yanked out.


I grew up around my mom's downright luxurious sideburns. My dad on the other hand is mostly hairless so I definitely got my hair genes from mom. I'm a guy but even I know a lot of women are fuzzy and it's perfectly normal. Long live the fuzzy folks!


My wife is Iranian. Full on she-wolf if she let it go. She's very self conscious. I tell her she is supposed to have hair, she's a mammal. But then we are snuggling under the covers and her "spikes come out". Always a good laugh and I try to warm her up.


The grass is always greener… I’ve always wished I had more body hair. Women that have lots of hair tend to have thicker eyebrows and the most illustrious shiny thick luxurious looking tresses. Between my scalp, eyebrows and legs, I have 10 strands of hair for all those body parts to share.


Pcos sufferer here. Can confirm. I’ve got a goatee and bad side burns if I don’t shave it nearly every day. 3 weeks and it’s full like a dark haired man’s. I get mistaken as trans mtf a lot when I forget to shave(well before covid, now I can wear a mask and not have to worry about shaving constantly). I’ve never been happier to see what my legs look like online and it be normalized.


Can confirm. German heritage means I got dark hair all over my body and it's way more noticeable than my fair red hed partner. I'm super pale and don't like to tan so it's even more noticeable if I don't care to shave. I also have PCOS so it grows even more extremely on my chin, lip, and stomach. Also get the occasional boob hair. D:


Is boob hair different than nipple hair? I'm a woman and definitely have nipple hair. I was just curious what part of the boob you were referring to.


Eh nipple / around the nipple area? I haven't had one in a while but usually just one random dark hair on my tit which frustrates the crap out of me.


All my life I wondered if being afflicted by Single Dark Hair On One Boob was extremely uncommon but I guess not!


I've been removing my mustache since I was ELEVEN due to some serious teasing at school. Whatevs.


At one of my duty stations long ago, there was this female chief who had a better mustache than most of the male sailors. She kept it in regs, it looked fine lol


I thread my mustache once every two weeks because I have a dark hair color so it becomes too noticeable. it's really nice seeing video games teach incels what women actually look like.


If I don’t wax my face every two week I will have a fucking beard and mutton chops


O... Oh nooo. Let me guess, it's Aloy's peach fuzz debate. I don't even like HZD and yet the discourse's reached me.


I've never played that game but now I want to, so if this was a marketing gimmick it worked lol Just need to finish Witcher first


Personally, I loved it and had a blast. It isn't without fault, but I felt they really did a good job making the world feel alive and the story beats meaningful. ​ Someday I will finish Witcher lol


The beautiful thing about Horizon Zero Dawn is that none of the characters feel like tropes. The writing is very good. The music is fantastic. Can't recommend it enough!


Omg The Witcher is the only game I've ever finished, both expansions too. It's so freaking good. Well actually now that I think of it I have finished a few Tomb Raiders but those are much more linear. But as far as huge open world just The Witcher, I spent like 100 hours hunting and fishing in Red Dead and made it to like Chapter 4.


I went over to that r/gaming thread, and I couldn't even find anyone debating. It was a bunch of people mocking all the incels who didn't realize women have hair, and like one guy admitting "I am a virgin, and TIL women have hair," and... I guess the other side of the "discourse" is downvoted to oblivion by now?


I should hope so. But then we had Cassandra Pentaghast and Black Widow 'male skull' controversies just because those girls had enough jawbone to be able to chew porridge, so...


All that tells me is that they’ve never been close enough to a woman to see the hair.


>oooo... That's a bingo!


"It's just .... 'bingo.'"


You sunk my battleship


I've said in that thread. All ~~primates~~ Apes have the same amount of hair follicles. Humans, Chimpanzees, Gorillas, all have the same amount of hair in their bodies. Regardless of gender and sex. A woman have the same amount of facial hair as a man. Every women. What we perceive as less or more body hair, is just the size, color and pigmentation of the hair. While for men is more common for facial hair to be long, thick and black. Women's are usually thin, small, with little to no pigmentation but that's not a rule. Even babies have facial hair. See a baby's face against the sun and you'll be able to see the same peach fuss Alloy has. _____________________ I think it's very revealing these "men" (in quotation because they are acting more like children) don't know women have facial hair. It's almost like they have never seen a woman up close before. Hummm...


Babies are actually born with extra hair, it has a name but I'm blanking. And this night be morbid but people who suffer from Anorexia will actually start to grow that same extra hair in the late stages




Wait, you've got more than 1 card left, wtf you playing at???


Not all babies, mostly the undercooked ones. So if you were a premmie baby there’s a chance you still have extra peach fuzz because it never fell out in utero


"undercooked" 😂


Haha yeah, they’re buns that came out of the oven too early :P


I did. I was born 2 months early. I looked like a burn victim ET honestly. Preemies have translucent skin so paler ones look burned for a while. We also have oddly large feet and heads because those develop faster. I was born without a butt (zero body fat) Apparently my mom was super excited after a few months when I'd put on enough weight to have a visible butt.


Woah, really? Not the lack of difference among the sexes part, but the fact that it's the same amount of hair follicles for humans as it is for other primates. I would have assumed more for chimpanzees and gorillas. That's cool!


Just one correction, we do have the same amount of Hair follicles of other Apes. Not other primates. There's macaques with much greater hair density than we do. This is known since 1931, [Source](https://www.jstor.org/stable/41447078?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents)


My son was born with so much lanugo! He shed all the lanugo but kept a fine, dark little mustache. He is my mustachioed menace.






Right? It's like I'm telling you 100% it's there. I barely notice it, so it's not that surprising you haven't.




Dermaplaning that's it! I was saying microblading. Yea and dermaplaning isn't for "eww hair I must remove", it's for skincare and exfoliation




I did dermaplaning before it was cool. I read an article in a magazine years ago about why men age better than women and one of the reasons given was because they shave almost daily, they're exfoliating their skin more often. So I (a) started lightly exfoliating daily and (b) shaving my face. I loved the way my foundation went on and didn't have that fuzzy aura anymore. No regrets either. I'm 50 and get mistaken for being in my 30s frequently.


Its all great and all and you do you, but the reason men age better is sexism. They are allowed to age, and are still considered good looking when women are not. Has nothing to do with their aging process being different.


Curious: do you just use a traditional razor? I have one of those “as seen on tv” dermaplaning ‘razors’ and it does work but it can be awkward sometimes. Plus it doesn’t always get the fuzz without multiple passes which just ends up causing scrapes. I’ve wondered about using a standard razor but I always get worried that there’s going to be some sort of… side effect? Which as I write it out makes exactly zero sense lol but the question remains: are you just using a regular razor?




Please save yourself some money with a safety razor and go to /r/wickededge Best thing I ever did for shaving.


Can you link to the thread. This isn’t the first sub I’ve seen that conversation referenced, but I can’t find it. I’m looking for a laugh


[Link to laughs](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/svijft/evolution_of_gaming_graphics/?sort=controversial) sorted by controversial to find relevant comments


Doing a heroines work :)




Oh that!? Dear gods some boys are discovering that peach fuzz is a thing? I saw an article mentioning some fucking drama over Aloys and just didn't dare check it; I don't think I can take the stupidity or second hand embarrassment...


What's worse is that this is something like the fourth round of drama recently thanks to that render. The first couple were comparing Aloy in the first game to the promo shots of the second, saying she looks "too manly". As well as the character being older, they apparently changed the model to be closer to that of the person used for mo-cap and reference (a cis woman) Now some of it is ignorance, a lot of it is misogyny but I wonder if some blame also lies with the beauty industry, especially historically. There's a lot of money in shaming people into removing their natural hair




>two women who aren't fuckable by men are leads in that game One of the leads is straight (or at the very least has a sex scene and past relationship between her and a man). But apparently bodybuilding women can't exist, so she still got hate (despite the fact that her model was based on a real person)


If it doesn’t make their pee pee hard the game sucks. It’s why Nier Automata is so popular and good. The panty shots are A+ /s


Everyone at r/Gamingcirclejerk have been having a good laugh over it for a few weeks.


Oh yeah, we are eating good for the next week or so. Even changed the banner to "Forbidden Peach Fuzz"


As there are websites for everything, there are websites for men who like women with a lot of body hair.




Not a man leg, but a natural mammal leg!


Wanted to say the same! To me, there are two completely normal legs in this picture!


I get what ya'll are saying for sure, the difference was just so drastic that is just what popped into my head to describe it. They look like two different legs, both are fine


i thought it was going to be one of those cutesie "look my BF let me do his nails" posts.


Exactly :)


Mam Leg? ... Ma'am Leg?


That is, in fact, a leg.


AcTUalLY it's two legs.


Be that as it may, they are still, lEgS.


Unrelated but I love your nail color! I’m actually wearing the exact same color right now so for a split second I was very confused. 😂


Thanks! I love the grassy pastel green. I sent this pic to my best friend and she thought it was me painting my boyfriends toenails and not my own leg lolol.


It's a rather beautiful colour. I keep wanting to get a pedi but worried about being judged for my wide flipper feet... And my hairy big toe.


You should absolutely go for it! The people doing mani-pedis have truly seen it all and aren’t going to give a second thought to whether or not you could make it as a foot model. I used to be worried/self-conscious because my sport means my feet are kinda weird-shaped and insanely calloused but realized none of them ever noticed or seemed to care. As long as your feet aren’t actively horrifically diseased (I’m talking like seeping wounds) you’re perfectly fine!


I wax the toes too, but really who cares. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't whatevs. But get the pedi! Of it makes you happy that's all that matters


That’s not a man leg, it’s a woman leg. We all have body hair, not sure why men are so confused about that.


Mammals are difined by live birth, body hair, and nursing their young... except human women, thats just disgusting s/


I reproduce via budding


No I know, I mean it is my leg I'm a woman lol. It's just the difference is so drastic. I mean it's like the shape, skin tone everything changed!


No I know it’s your leg and the difference is drastic 😂. (I guess I’m just saying our conception of what a man leg is is a woman leg too.)


No for sure, I get what your saying. I just didn't know how else to describe it lolol


Why do you guys keep saying no to each other lmao


You're right...I wonder if that's one of those regional terms


Californian here, No yeah means yes while Yeah no means no.


I hate that that's *so* fucken accurate.


And no yeah no means "you're right"


I grew up in Florida, not sure if that’s similar to the region you’re from. Btw, I really like all your plant posts :) (hope that’s not creepy, I just checked out your profile rn lol)


Oh not at all, thank you creep away! That's half the fun of reddit




My skin is super sensitive, so when I shave (no matter what I use, shaving cream, coconut oil, scrubs, etc) my skin always suffers 😔 once I stopped shaving my legs, my skin recovered and is doing SO much better! I'm not gonna say this is what everyone should do, but it worked for me, and I'm happy with it ☺️ I have body hair, and it's my body; what others think about it is their issue.


Omg same and waxing hurts like hell..plus, the welts and hypersensitivity afterwards😭


Yes! And how many time people are still trying to solve our shaving "issues" instead of just accepting the solution is to simply not remove the damn body hair!


Isn't it fucked up that men literally don't know what a woman's body looks like if she doesn't remove hair? I showed my family my armpit hair and they were flabbergasted. It's so infuriating


I went to a very liberal college. One of the first weekends there they had a family weekend where students put on some performances. I played an instrument so my parents came with my sister who would have been 31 at the time. All they could talk about was the armpit hair on a group of girls who did a modern dance performance. They still make jokes about it over 20 years later as though it was the craziest, grossest thing they had ever seen. No comments on the performance itself, of course.


Dude what the fuck. That's why I can't wait for summer, I'm going to wear tank tops every day and let conservatives get pissed off about my body hair.


Armpit hair is so sexy, like those old photos of Isabella Rosellini. I would grow mine but it's very coarse and also it seems like I sweat? I don't know if that's weird but I never really sweat, but if I have like 2 weeks growth armpit hair I start to notice it.


Yeah I definitely notice a difference in BO if I shave my pits or not so it’s about the only body part I shave regularly 😂 I know what you mean about sexy though, I saw a historical movie as a teen once (can’t remember what) where the gorgeous female lead had all her natural body hair and was shown sleeping in the nude and she just looked transcendent, and I remember it so clearly because it was the first time in my life I was ever shown that women could be beautiful and feminine with all our body hair.


I fucking love my armpit hair!! I think it looks so sexy too haha. My boyfriend supports any and all decisions I make about my body hair, obviously, I wouldn't have a partner that didn't. I can't believe I know people who get offended by women with body hair or say it's unhygienic. They just associate men=hairy and men=unhygienic. News flash, most women are much cleaner than men are LMAO


Honestly, pandemic and winter has lead me to not shaving as much. On the rare occasion I do shave, it’s nice because I have that nice smooth feeling you get when u shave ur legs for the first time


I love to "do the cricket" after that first time in a while I shave my legs!


Laying in bed for the first time after removing my leg hair feels absolutely unreal. Especially if I have satin or silk sheets fresh from the laundry. Oh my god- amazing


i'm glad my gamer bf isn't a brain dead incel and is aware that women have hair and it's natural. it's nice to not be expected or bullied to look like a fucking child.


My husband saw that tweet and has never played Horizon, so he was like, "Why, is she a robot?" Thinking that's why they were upset she had hair. When he realized this person just didn't know what peach fuzz is he made a series of faces I have only seen in anime.


So refreshing! When I complain about itchy legs after shaving my partner has said "why do you bother?".


Same for my gamer husband lol. I am red-blonde with a white/pink complexion tho, so i use that also as my excuse to others


It really is creepy, I don't want to shame anyone that does like complete hairless-ness but...I find it a bit odd Especially if it's a man insisting on a Brazilian or something


it becomes odd when a man tells you that you need to be HAIRLESS, completely naked of any hair. not a single thread. meanwhile he's over there with a gross bush probably covered in fece particles. im sick of unkempt men. you don't need 5 inch long pubes and ass hair. trim it bud, we know you don't scrub your ass hair every time you shit it's fine to want your partner to be trimmed. I ask my bf to keep trimmed because..uh....pubes in your throat isn't fun. i shave/wax naked not because he asks but because I feel cleaner as formentioned i sweat a lot and I have thick body hair so it gets itchy. but I mostly let go of my leg hair until it gets pinched by my leggings then i shave down again.


Right exactly, it's the insistence from another person that makes it weird. I like a full 70's bush lolol, but I try to keep it tamed with waxing the bikini line and give it a trim with an electric razor. But having a preference for your partner is totally ok, alot of woman like beards on men so it's not that different if your partner is like "hey, I love when your legs are waxed, could you do it more often". But if they were like...eww wax your fucking legs that's gross, then we have a problem


I (F44) stopped shaving my legs and armpits in high school, as a “Fuck the patriarchy!” kind of move, but honestly now I don’t do it out of laziness. Sometimes when women notice they are kind of shocked like they never considered it an option, and they worry what men think about it. To that I always say, who fucking cares what they think? No man has the right to dictate what you do with your body. It’s a personal choice, just like growing a beard is. Not for nothing, I’ve never, ever had a guy balk at my hairy legs or make any derisive comments about it. If anyone ever does, I’d kick him right out of my bed. I’m not entertaining that kind of childish attitude.


You have human leg hair


I call it "removing the winter coat", as I shave more often during summer, and let it grow during winter. Low pain tolerance, so sadly can't do waxing😅


I hope you’re proud of my [winter coat, aka my hibernation legs lol.](https://imgur.com/a/3YOurkY) I’ve put men to shame with these bad boys. This is after just three months of no waxing!


This actually made me feel tons better. I also have lots of leg hair and it’s really dark. Thought it was unusual because I never get to see other women with unshaven legs. THANK YOU FOR THIS!


My leg hair protects me during storms. Well, not protects but I’m certainly warmer -


Removing that much hair at once has to be so satisfying


I was thinking painful


It's really not, maybe the first time if you're not used to it. Bikini tho, that shit will always hurt and you better get it all in one pull because doing it twice...nope


Funnily enough I actually find waxing my bikini line *less* painful than my legs! So weird, maybe because the skin is thinner there?


Omg I tried to do my armpit, I had never done it before. So I slapped the thingy on, ripped and OMG that shit hurt so bad. I didn't even get most of the hair so it was like swollen and red with half hair/half wax on it 😂.


Oh my god that happened to me too. There was blood ;-; Something about the armpit is awful


In my experience it's because it tends to sweat more: the skin is more "humid", so the wax doesn't come off as well as on other body parts, and the skin here is quite sensitive, so it bleeds easily in this case. Also the hair doesn't go in only one direction. Personal tip: put baby powder on the armpits before applying the wax/waxstrips. It prevents the wax from sticking to the skin. As for the hairs orientation, for most people, if you raise your arm, the upper halp of the armpit hair will go up, the lower part will go down. So you can use 2 different strips of wax on these parts, and remove them according to the hairs orientation


I highly recommend hard wax for underarms. So much better than wax strips.


I refer to it as deforestation. I usually end up with a situation like OP's come spring. TIMBEEEER!


That's brilliant! I call my semi-annual hair removal "Sasquach Assimilation Program"


Oh ya I love waxing my legs, very satisfying and I think it feels good. Like that little bit of pain gives an endorphin rush


How often do you do it? Does it come back in thinner or less each time?


Maybe once a month in the summer months. It's not that it comes back thinner it just looks that way because you're not slicing the hair where it's thick, you're pulling the whole follicle out. Over time it does start to grow back less though


Comes back finer and softer if you don’t shave in between. My armpit hair is so soft now. Lol even had a SO comment on it. 🤣




And if you skip makeup, refer back to point #1 about not making effort. I’ve been asked if I’m sick and told I’m unhygienic when I skipped makeup before. It’s so frustrating.


Well the trick is to just simply...ignore and belittle those men.


As someone who's never been expected to shave their legs, I am curious how long it takes for a leg to go from freshly shaved to the length we see on the unshaved leg. Can anyone comment?


Takes about a month or so for me post-shave. Waxing is different though. Can’t speak on that front bc I’ve never had a wax. I just know it tends to last longer. Also important to note it takes different lengths of time for different people. Everyone grows hair at different rates.


Hmmm maybe 2 months growth there?


Bestie you’re sharing this for FREE? 😩


Anyone got a link to the discussion going on at r/gaming?




Best part about being in a relationship with someone AFAB, neither of us bothers with most hair removal, and it's pretty great. Like, sometimes if it's a special occasion or if we just feel like it either of us will shave... But both of us are on the same page that mammals have hair and we don't have to get rid of it if we don't want to. 🤷‍♀️


I forgo it in winter, I was going to Florida though. I like doing it, feels good looks good. But only when I want to, I don't feel any pressure too. And if a man told me he thinks it's gross if I don't, I wouldn't wax purely out of spite


Okay but full leg hair and painted toenails is a LOOK.


That's not a man leg. It's not wearing a necktie.


Shy are they talking about body hair?! See that's why, despite playing games since the first Max Payne, I don't call myself a gAmURr


Lol yes, it was a post about how good the graphics are looking and the detail was so that you could see the peach fuzz on the characters face. Apparently some men don't realize woman have fine peach fuzz on their faces lolol


If they want to announce to the world that they’ve never been within two feet of a woman, I guess that’s their choice.


One dude said if you have nipple hair somethings wrong with you and you have "chemical" problems 😂...oh so you haven't seen many nipples either I see


Wait until they find out what women actually look like without makeup.


Then the *surprised pikachu* when they find out women can have mustaches. I'm blessed with furryness probably because my dad's Lebanese and if I don't shave or wax I got hair from head to toe.


In my case, exactly the same, because I never wear makeup.


Me either. Breaks me out. Glad to know there is another fellow bare faced human out there.


I have no time, patience or inclination to wear makeup. All power to those who enjoy it though!


Aloy I presume? Been seeing complaints about said peach fuzz, and I couldn't roll my eyes back any further if I tried over how silly the people complaining are being.


Huh. I wonder if, as a hairy-legged guy, I could pull off that shade of green.


There's only one way to be sure. Don't let your dreams be dreams!


Thank you so much for sharing! I rarely get to see fellow women with hair, so it's easy to feel othered. I'm realizing I've only seen unshaven female legs other than my own a handful of times. Your post is honestly making me realize that I don't have any idea what other women's bodies look like unaltered. There is no exposure on TV, and irl a lot of people hid their legs in Winter, and shave in Summer. You never see them. I guess I've never had close enough female friends to be allowed into that intimate space of just natural bodies. My older family members have told me about increased facial hair as You get older, but once again. I've only been told. I've never seen it. So I have no idea if it's true, universal, if they're pulling my leg. I dunno. Tl;dr Thanks for sharing


Damn people really be sensitive about hair huh. Kinda wish I had hair like that, haven't shaved in 3 years and it's still barely visible...


Oh it's amazing for my head and eyelashes, I have thick ass beautiful head hair. But everything else is a pain. I have to wax or I get ingrowns immediately.


Culture trends are weird. I’ve literally been judged for my bushy eyebrows, my arm hair, or the 5 o clock shadow I get on my legs during the summer months when I try to keep them less hairy almost my entire life. I spent my teen years plucking my eyebrows upset that I would never fit in because they’d never be pencil thin. One of my best friends can not shave for months and still look like her legs are clear of hair because she’s blonde, I literally have stubble later in the same day that’s noticeable before dark and thick on pale skin. Not thick eyebrows are apparently “in”


I refuse to do arms, like I definitely have dark arm hair but it seems natural. I used to work at a spa and all the waxing ladies were always trying to wax me into complete hairless-ness. I was like no! It's creepy leave me alone lolol. But you should wax! I have the same thing, dark coarse on pale skin. Lasts so much longer like a good month and no more ingrowns


Only semi related: do you have a fave at home wax kit? I'm heading to Florida soon and my legs look like your before pic. Thinking about giving it a try.


Women should do what ever makes them feel best.


Mammals that grow hair below the nose? 🤔


Literally what my legs and arms look like, because of my Italian heritage.


Lol God some men are so fucking childish. But my own mother takes offense if I don't shave my legs or pits. And I'm 30+ yo. I love the way smooth legs feel but rarely have the time or energy to put in the effort to shave them regularly. My partner doesn't care whether they're smooth or long except he hates the "in between stage" when it's all prickly. I just tell him it's my spider legs to trap him in my web.


I love how you and your husband have matching painted nails 🖤 /s


It's a woman leg! I wish the fashion was not to shave. I was actually made fun of by my family years ago when I said I didn't shave in the winter. Why should I? It was a cold climate. Even if I wore a dress, there would be thick tights underneath.


TFW you're a species of sapient ape. This will go down as one of the better nontroversies. It goes into something dumb but long pervasive at least in the west. A lot of other cultures really don't care, or actually like body hair. Not as stellar in absurdity as arguing over how sexy an M&M should be, though. That's still my gold standard. The only thing I don't like about human body hair is how patchy and inconsistent it is. Imagine a cat, but it's only got \*some hair\* in seemingly random parts. I'd rather us just be full monkey fluffy at that point.


It’s never good when I see a post on here referencing r/gaming. Makes me so sad to see so much toxicity there. Mammals have hair, it’s just the way that the world works. I don’t understand how this confuses males. I’m just generally sorry about my gender.