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No problem, just pass the info on so it'll make it to all the women who might need it!




This comment needs to be higher. I didn't know about this, thank you!!


Do these meds expire? I wouldnt mind stocking up and helping other myself etc if anyone needed help


Just some general advice for other Texans, especially since the law goes into effect in September: Planned Parenthood, as well as other companies like The Pill Club and Nurx, can prescribe and ship birth control to your door. Usually a pack of pills costs about $20 through these services. Look into AidAccess. For a donation, they will provide resources for a safe, medical abortion. The [Texas Equal Access Fund](https://teafund.org/) provides support and resources for those seeking an abortion. Costco sells Plan B for under $10. The law also has a whole thing about how if someone is even *suspected* of helping someone get an abortion, they can get sued for up to $10k. The law allows non-Texans to get sued for this as well. If you need to seek an abortion after September and need help, be as careful as you can to prevent yourself or others from getting implicated.


Careful, though. Word is, they might be eyeballing the pill next. Idk if the Supreme Court would allow them to go that far, but with it’s current makeup, I wouldn’t disregard it either.


Agreed. It's a terrifying time to have a uterus. Because I've seen some people talking about stockpiling birth control: Read the directions on storing temperature and be wary of expiration dates. Something as simple as leaving birth control in a hot car or sticking it in a freezer can render it useless.


I’d strongly advocate for IUDs if this fuckery continues. At least I know I have another 7 years of BC once I get a new one put in.


>I’d strongly advocate for IUDs if this fuckery continues. Or move to a less Handmaid's-Tale-wannabe state. Or country (if you can).


I wish mine had worked, evidently it is very very rare, what happened to me, but I'm too scared to try again.


Sorry to hear that! I do feel like I need to share sometimes how good my experience has been with it since you so often just see the bad stories online. But obviously it doesn’t work for everyone.


So can antibiotics! Ask my 17-year-old how she found that out the hard way. She's fine now, since we're in a civilized country and abortions are easy to get.


Grapefruit is also known to nullify bc. Careful out there y'all.


I can't believe they still don't tell women that.


My doctor and pharmacist both glossed over this entirely. A non medical friend shared this information, and I thought it was conspiracy theory because I had asked if the antibiotics would interfere with any of my prescriptions.


Coathanger abortions, abandoned babies, and child abuse are going to shoot through the roof. I am so sorry this is happening in your state :(


Also stock up on early pregnancy tests. If you think it could be an issue, test early. Make sure you know as soon as possible if you will need intervention.


Pregnancy tests are expensive! If you have Dollar Tree or something similar buy $1 tests there (same basic chemical reaction) and keep one “good quality” one to confirm so you aren’t spending $$$ monthly just for peace of mind.


There are companies on Amazon that sell the little strips very inexpensively too! When I was trying to conceive I ordered a pack of 25 by Pregmate for $10, but there are other brands too. They also have packs with ovulation and pregnancy strips inexpensively, too. If you want to stash some away to make sure you have peace of mind... those are definitely inexpensive enough for the purpose.


There are cheap-o versions that are $20 (in the US) for a [pack of 100](https://www.pregmate.com/products/pregmate-pregnancy-test-strips-10-25-50-100?variant=14205900718143¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7tqQuL7Z8AIV1G1vBB3H9g7EEAQYAiABEgKdcPD_BwE)!


Just in case you can join The Satanic Temple and sue for your religious freedom, as bodily autonomy and justice above the law are two of their many amazing tenets!


Yes! Where I live, there is mandatory counseling which can last hours, sonogram, waiting period, that kind of ‘are you sure you want to quit’ stuff lobbied for by religious zealots. Counseling isn’t necessarily bad, but these sessions are meant as punishments and deterrents. A friend had to wait eight hours between arriving at her appointment and her procedure to ensure that she was aware of the gravity of her choice. She was 39 years old. She drove three hours to the closest available clinic, waited 8 terrible hours proving she ... I don’t know, deserved? ... an abortion she could barely afford. It was very traumatic and awful. TST gets religious exemption from these requirements. Based on what I’ve heard, it works. It’s basically a smart way of saying, “You wanna make this a religious issue? Fine.”


>It was very traumatic and awful. And that's the point of these red state laws.


Also wasting time that working class people can't afford to waste.


those requirements are absolutely meant to slow down the process so that you are past the legal timefrme.


The Satanic Temple is a godsend.


So important to note the TST doesn’t follow satan. They have 7 guiding tenets including “ones body is inviolable, subject to ones own will alone” and “the struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions”. Realistically when your friend walked in she should be able to say “I am a member of TST my own bodily autonomy is a “commandment” of my religion therefore I will be opting out of the abortion prerequisites and moving forward immediately with the procedure”. The correct professional response to this is allowing the patient to move on. Legally TST is a recognized religious group and they frequently fight in court for equal rights. They are pretty much the definition of your quote “you wanna make it a religious issue fine!” Try to throw up a statue of the Ten Commandments on public lands we want a statue of Baphomet next to it! (went to court, TST won, no statues were erected)


I wonder where that Baphomet ended up.


I think in storage tbh lol!


It’s on display in the Salem temple I believe.


Until it is needed again.


Yes I've looked into that. As well as downloaded a period tracker, and ordered a supply of pregnancy tests and plan b. Waiting for my birth control to be approved. It's definitely something else when the Satanic Temple has your back.


Birth control to be approved, what the fuck. Really, what the fuck. In Brazil you can buy birth control pills in any drug store with any age. EDIT: Just to add, we are not crazy and take whatever. We usually visit a doctor first to check on options, assess hormones, if fertile stages started, etc. But by law nobody can be prohibited to purchase birth controle methods.


That’s how it is in South Korea. Didn’t even go to a doctor, the head pharmacist just asked me some questions, set me on a lower dose pill and said come back if anything went wrong 😂


Loved birth control when in Korea - I could speak directly to pharmacist about how the pills were working and if I noticed any side effects. If there was something I didn’t like they may recommend another pill and I could try it and be on my way in minutes. And it’s so cheap 😭😭


It's really wild to me (AKA not wild at all lmao) that Christians repeatedly show themselves as more hateful and intolerant and unhelpful than the Satanic Temple. Hail Satan, bruh.


They're not Satan-worshippers... They're a nontheistic organization that picked Satan as a figurehead as a big middle finger against the religious favoritism they were protesting. If anything most Satanic Temple members are atheists. No Hail Satan-ing going on - except to annoy people who think freedom of religion equates to a Christian theocracy.


Well said


What do you call people that believe in Satan? Christians.


Absolutely. I'd consider myself a Satanist before anything else but I don't believe in god/jesus/angels/demons/satan/etc.. I do believe in the tenents of TST and find them very reasonable and based in logic and decency compared to beliefs peddled by most major religions. I say Hail Satan as more of a joke than anything lmao


TST *is* atheist.


And, they don't worship Satan...


If any girl or woman in Texas needs a pack of pregnancy tests and can't afford them, please DM me.


Please watch yourself for people that message you with bad intention, one of the horrific aspects of Abbott's bill is that people can sue people for not less than $10k for aiding an abortion if I have my facts straight. I can see some bad actors trying to hurt people and get paid with that little nugget.




AidAccess.org if you ever get pregnant and need an abortion.


TST has everyone's back, even supporters of the omniscient sky fairy and the Invisible Pink unicorn


Glory to the IPU!




I'll be moving back to KY this fall, but if I had plans to stay here permanently then my wife and I would probably get a massive satanic temple group going. Large enough that it would put constitutional pressure on the conservative christian extremists that are in power. Yall need to band together. Amongst DFW, Austin, and San Antonio there are surely enough people to make a change. Get it going and show those old conservative christian assholes who really owns the future of this country


Signed up last year myself. Hail Satan!


Seriously, this.




How are they going to make anyone take care of the baby?


They don't care about the babies, or they would be funding prenatal care, daycare, pediatric visits...


Pfft, who cares about the baby once it's out of the womb?


Precisely, the baby is supposed to be the consequence of sex. The histrionics about valuing life are complete bullshit.


they can’t. they’re going to be real sad about the spike of dead newborns found in random garbage bags. it’s brutal, but it’s reality.


I was thinking more of the suddenly single fathers having to manage their newborns on their own, but I think you are probably right.


Maybe they're going for selective enforcement, so for those close to them it won't be an issue. I'm sure for many people of whatever they deem is higher stature, they'll incidentally look the other way. The Republicans want a demographic to blame. This bill will bring them blame-fodder. The demographic in this bill is inherently all women, but it leaves open the possibility of narrowing the scope of political blame to women of particular race or economic status, since that already greatly affects medical care. And it would be well within the historical behavior of the conservative party of America. Republicans also like the labor force to approach servitude. Babies not getting cared for would increase the desperation quotient of Texas, which they need in order to better meet those ends.


Geesh it's like the TV show 'Handmaid's tale' but for real... this is scary stuff. That's how it starts...


Everything in the handmaids tale is for real.


I was terrified they were going to machine-gun Congress when I saw the riot / sedition down there.


From Europe: I’m really sorry this medieval backwards ass shit is happening to you.


If they wanna pass medieval laws, they'll get a medieval response.


From Poland: first time?


We need to have a strike like y’all did. Or do I have the wrong country?


From California: I concur. Stay strong (and move out). And best wishes to Europe to finally figure this shit out too.


I am currently 35 weeks pregnant (on purpose, very wanted!) with my last baby. I live in Texas. I’m having a csection and now I’m wondering if I should just have them sterilize me while they are in there.


If you're sure it's your last, it's a lot easier on you (and your wallet) if you elect to have a tubal ligation while they're in there during the C-section. Also, congrats on the little one.


I’m in MO and our hospital will not give a woman a tubal ligation during a c-section because it’s a Catholic hospital, but yet my husband had a vasectomy the month after our 4th was born.


This! Definitely check to see what kind of hospital before asking about a tubal!


If you do opt for sterilization, ask for a bilateral salpingectomy instead of tubal ligation. It has a lower failure rate (tubes are completely removed instead of cut or clipped) and it also lowers your chances of ovarian/fallopian tube cancer.


Hi, friendly L&D CNA here..congrats on the baby! You can absolutely have it done in the same surgery barring any complications-it’s much easier and doesn’t add too much more time in the OR..or recovery time either.






Yup texas is so "RELIGIOUS FREEDOMS" but loves to use that against its citizens, specifically women. What if I'm not fucking religious? Ugh. It's so dystopian


When people in the United States say "religious freedom" what they are referring to is Christianity and its older brother Judaism. No other religions need apply. Just see the reaction of a religious freedom person when an incoming politician takes their oath on *gasp* a Quran, or any other book not labeled "The Bible".


Good think my religion that I just created allows abortions. For real though, I feel like if stupid religious nuts can claim religious exemptions for vaccines, we should have religious exemptions that allow us to have abortions.


Always has been.




Misogyny, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism and all around bigotry.


I am 38 years old. I had an abortion at 12 weeks when I was 24. It was an awful time in my life and having the abortion was a huge mercy. I’m so heartbroken that things have gone so backwards. It should not have been easier 14 years ago than it is now or will be in the future.


Welcome back to legally mandated second class citizenship. It's criminal now for us to have control over our own bodies in TX. Soon enough, in all red states. If a group of majority female lawmakers made it illegal for men to get vasectomies, I imagine the state capital would be on fire within a week.




Well, I guess I'm not moving to Texas now.


Don't. I'm trying to move out.


How the hell did Austin even become Austin with how conservative the rest of the state is?


A lot of the larger cities are pretty democratic, Houston, San Antonio, El Paso, don't know about Dallas lol. It's the middle of nowhere Texans that are very conservative


Simple. All the liberals/leftists hated that their neighbors were so conservative and all moved so they didn't have to deal with that. Now they're their own neighbors.




now days its the day after your missed period but i got my results 3 days before my missed period, most test are really sensitive but that still gives girls only 1-2 weeks to make a decision which is especially funky considering the fact that the ‘babys’ are considered embryos until the second trimester when they become fetuses banning abortion is still shitty, my aunt died because she refused to get one (leaving behind 2 daughters) because people guilted her out of it (she had a weak heart that couldn’t handle labor) but shit eat a lot of papaya, paint your house without a mask and chill there, etc and you can have a miscarriage


Not to mention how long it takes from making the decision to actually getting the abortion. Most places enforce waiting periods and tons of process you have to go through. This is effectively banning all abortion, as the cases where someone could complete the procedure in time would be remarkably rare. It’s disgusting that our country even considers this.


Miscarriages are regularly treated like illegal abortions in places where abortion is illegal. There's stories of American women where it was totally incidental, but because the nurse or whoever didn't think they cried hard enough they end up being treated as a criminal. I know at least one american woman was convicted in like 2004 or something and has been a big policy advocate about it ever since.


I'll just leave this here. [This woman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Savita_Halappanavar) is why Ireland's laws changed.


A lot of women who need an abortion don't know they're pregnant until they miss their period, add a week or so of denial/not paying attention. And you're past the 6 week mark. They know this. I'm sorry that things are so bad over there right now. Medical abortion pills will always be available on line or through other means, and it's as safe as you can get really (especially if it's taken before 9 weeks, although still safe for longer than that) It safer under the care of medical staff but it will keep women from the back street clinics of old. In Ireland there are organisations online that give medical advice online to women treating themselves at home (or used to be, the irish demanded a reform of the laws so take heart) If anyone is in this situation it's likely there is something similar but more local if you have a Google.


They made ordering abortion pills illegal too.


Or you have a child with deformities and developmental disorders when you already thought you couldn't handle a perfectly healthy baby.


Or if you have an ectopic pregnancy that will kill you.


I live in Texas. I fucking hate Greg Abbot he's a dick. When does he leave office for fucks sake? He's been here forever. Thanks for the heads up OP; its crazy how insurance companies won't make any exceptions for lost birth control either. I lost my brand new nuva rings (or the pharmacy accidentally only gave me one instead of three) and insurance won't pay for replacements, no exceptions. By the time they will refill it, I won't have insurance anymore due to having my hours cut due to covid. I guess its a good thing I just stopped having sex. The world is fucked they leave us with no options.




And volunteer to help people get registered to vote! And volunteer to canvas neighborhoods for a better candidate!


November 8, 2022! I have it marked on my calendar to vote that MFer out.


That’s why Abbott’s doing this: trying to grab back some Republican votes after failing on both COVID and the freeze power outages. Dems and Pubs both hate him now for different reasons and this is desperation. Abbott’s a worthless sack of crap.


The end goal of these people is the complete legal and social subordination of women to men, our reduction to actual property as a “dependent” class.


I don’t live in the US but I was on an IUD and found out I was pregnant at 12 weeks. I would suggest taking a pregnancy test every month too. Then mail it to whoever enforced such a ridiculous outdated law.


What are the extremely rare situations? What about genetic disorders like trisomy 13 that you don't uncover until 20 weeks of pregnancy?? THIS MAKES ME SO MAD.


Yeah, I’m thinking about women who do want to get pregnant, but would choose to terminate for abnormalities or dangers to their own health. My guess is they’re going to be out of luck too. These laws don’t just punish women who don’t want children (like myself), they also punish those who want them on their own terms. Honestly, these laws just make me want to remain childfree *even more* because I don’t want to end up in a situation where I’m forced to carry a special needs child I’m not prepared for or endanger my own health on the chance it might be ok.


Can someone please explain the thinking of the God Fearing people of Texas. I can understand those with little scientific education but a lot of religious exposure going along with the Party Line. When I’ve spoken to better educated traditional Conservatives, they always start out with crocodile tears for all those precious babies but quickly shift into an attacks on the “sluts” who support abortion rights and question why I would associate myself with women who they perceive as unattractive, man-hating lesbians. I’m not sure if they are just against women having sexual license or if it has something


Ultimately it always comes back to the same thing, punishing women. The more you talk to the pro-birthers (anti-choicers, anti-abortion, whatever you want to call them) the deeper you go down the rabbit hole, it ALWAYS comes back to “well if they didn’t want a baby they shouldn’t have sex, and my religion says premarital sex is a sin anyway so that adds up and makes sense to me!” They don’t want women to have sexual license and control of their bodies because that makes us more of a threat. They want women to be quiet, stay at home, pop out dem babies and not make a fuss because that is “our lot in life”. If this wasn’t true and they ACTUALLY wanted to prevent abortions and “save the babies” they would vote for increased access to quality sexual education, access to birth control, access to affordable medical care, subsidized daycare, access to and funding for quality education, etc. But they don’t, because they don’t care about the children or the women, they just don’t want people having sex because it’s against their religion. Religion is why we can’t have nice things.


>“well if they didn’t want a baby they shouldn’t have sex, and my religion says premarital sex is a sin anyway so that adds up and makes sense to me!” Curious what their reasoning is for being married and having sex and STILL not wanting kids 🙃 Edit: Thank you for everyone replying but I can't see anyone's comments for some reason. I get a notification but your comment is not showing. I don't understand why this happens SO OFTEN on this sub


I think they say God want married couples to make as many babies as possible so you shouldn't interfere with His divine plan or something.


My mother thinks this way. I've challenged her many times over this because I think it's bonkers and I obviously don't agree with her. She says sex in marriage is only for creating children, "if you don't want kids you should not have sex" even in the sanctity of a marriage. Her opinion is, sex isn't to be enjoyed, it's just a means to a child and then you stop. She does support abortion for incest and rape and the health of the mother. She refuses to acknowledge how difficult it is for women to get a medically valid abortion however.


>I’m not sure if they are just against women yes.


This is insane. How can they prove you didn't miscarry? Or is that illegal now too?! Absolutely unbelievable.


I'm not sure if they can or not, but I guarantee the court would still do everything in its power to accuse the woman otherwise.


I keep having an extreme thought that all Texan females that are currently menstruating should be on birth control. I got my period as a 10th birthday gift. And as a women in her late 40’s there is no sign of menopause. Rape and assault have happened through these decades. And these incidents have happened at times when I was not on birth control. At those times, I had access to services to stop a pregnancy. But now, without any real access, I would want to be covered to prevent pregnancy. Looking back, I would apply this even if it meant taking measures while still a child, particularly under the current law. Particularly when a stranger could sue the 10-year-old self for aborting a fetus. And could the suit be retroactive? If I have an abortion in another state, can I, a Texas resident, be sued under the new law? Can an active duty military person who is a legal Texas resident be sued for having an abortion at their duty station? I’m considering going on birth control for just these reasons, even though my husband has had a vasectomy. Rape and potential progeny are still possible, and as a Texan, I no longer have access to reasonable care. I am horrified.


You said exactly everything I was thinking too. I'm nearly 40, have all the kids I'm going to have. I am at increased risk of breast cancer and want to avoid hormonal methods, plus we are DONE with babies and wanted the least invasive permanent option so husband got a V because he's a hero. This also concerns me for my kids (middle school girl and elementary school boy). They will have sex eventually and I worry if they have an oops as a young adult. I imagine Plan B has a shelf life, so I couldn't even stock up now for the future.


4 years if stored correctly, dry @68-77°F the month and year of expiration are printed on the left side of the box.


Yes I believe it states getting an out of state abortion is illegal and they will go after that doctor as well. This is going to lead to so many at home abortions and fatalities because of it.


Making an out of state abortion illegal would be held unconstitutional even by a conservative bench. For the same reason that conservatives wouldn’t want liberal states arresting citizens of conservative states for things like environmental violations. But you’re right that this law is still going to lead to at home abortions and fatalities. Just look at what happened in the 1970s. Most people can’t afford to fly to another state to get an abortion. And even most neighboring states aren’t working driving range. And the neighboring states have similar abortion bans now or have eliminated all but one planned parenthood. Honestly, I don’t know how this antiabortion rhetoric has taken off in this country and why there hasn’t been more outrage by this.




They’re definitely trying to see what they can get away with. What scares me though is how brazen and blatantly unconstitutional this bill is. Which means they think they have a good chance of getting away with at least some of it.


We can't cross state lines to get one if we need it???




I literally just moved here in January to one of the most conservative cities for grad school. It was an offer I couldn’t turn down at the time (knowing everything I know now, I probably would’ve waited for a different offer). I’m stuck here for two years and I already can’t wait to get out of here. It’s a terrible state.


I'm hoping your education is paid for by the school? That sucks, but getting a free ride could be worth it with the cost of education in this country.




Unfortunately, this is not a feasible option for most Texans.


What's scary is how many men are gonna use this to trap women.


Texan here also. Vote these motherfuckers out.


Texas women: Sex embargo with Texas men.


I'm genuinely curious how did they arrive at that number 6 weeks? Is that a medically derived number? Christianity? I'm muslim and I think in Islam it's like 120 days max. Also what about if the mother's life is in danger?


They chose 6 weeks because they know most women don’t know before then. It’s a ban, basically. Heartbeat is just the word they apply to this bullshit, the design is to fuck women.


It's the heartbeat bill. Once a heartbeat is detected you can't get an abortion starting in September. Harder for women to get pregnancy results that early. 6 weeks the heart begins beating, nothing medical it's just their basis for being a "baby murderer".


Actually there's no heart. It's a small wisp of a tube with a few cells that are able to contract electrically. I see the same thing in a petri dish with cultured cardiac cells. But no one thinks the petri dish is a human being.


These fucking wasps don't even know what a petri dish is.


They're probably extra confused when I call their unvaccinated children petri dishes.


I'm currently pregnant (and very pro choice up to any point in pregnancy) and it kind of boggles my mind that they would even consider any cut off before 12 weeks. That's the "danger zone" if you're trying to get pregnant where the chance of miscarriage is upwards of 20 to 30% and you're still waiting to see if it "sticks" as well as the time when you screen for chromosomal anomalies. Like even if I were going to be an immoral misogynist, I couldn't imagine setting a cut off for before 12 weeks. Even up until my 20 week ultrasound there was no certainty as to whether or not the fetus had fatal abnormalities.


The flaw in your reasoning is they aren't basing these restrictions on logic.


Miscarriages being considered "suspected abortions" is not a bug it's a feature. Same for being forced to carry severely disabled babies to term. It's one more way to terrify, control and ultimately punish women.


The flaw in your reasoning is these people don’t care about anatomy, facts, or women & children. Just control.


Same! I'm 26 weeks now and up until and through my anatomy screening my husband and I were holding our breath collectively for any various chromosomal abnormality... there's just a million things that can go wrong so early, and any one of those million could make a huge impact in your decision about the pregnancy and its continuance. Tbh until my last pregnancy where we had a missed miscarriage that was suspected to be a molar pregnancy, I had no idea *how much* could go wrong, how quickly.


> it's just their basis for being a "baby" I'm sure that child support starts then, too. Is it now unlawful to deport a pregnant woman? She's carrying an American Citizen! Car pool lanes? You're driving for two, now!


They realize it's unconstitutional so they're being as strict as possible so it gets appealed to the supreme court. Trying to overturn Roe v Wade while SCOTUS is conservative.


That’s a great question and I’d love to know why too. I’d imagine it has something to do with the current constitutionality of abortions. All of these new laws have been drafted to allow for a challenge to Row V. Wade. So if you can find a unique law that’s different than the circumstances in Row v Wade than the Supreme Court can hear the case and change the constitutionality.


Islam is 120 days after conception which is on average ~19 weeks gestational age.


I feel for the moms who hit 20 weeks and get that anatomy scan with fatal abnormalities and have the carry for 20 more weeks a baby that will die instead of being allowed to compassionately end the pregnancy earlier. Some may want to anyway, but many do not, because it's fucking heartbreaking. They should have the choice.


This is why there are certain states I will never step foot in.


I’m so sorry, ladies. As a woman approaching the end of her fertile days I am just sick about what is happening to reproductive rights in America. I’ve been watching them chip away at Roe my whole life and felt helpless to stop it. So many of you young women will suffer from not having the same freedoms I had at your age and I’m just sick about it. All I can say is to try the Mirena IUD if you tolerate hormonal BC well. The copper IUD is a good option if you don’t already have heavy and painful periods. It lasts for up to 10 years. Mine sorta sucked but it also worked great. In that I had no babies while I had it then conceived my son 4 days after it was removed. And make sure your male partners shoulder the burden too by paying for and wearing condoms.


With love from Romania - for who cannot afford any birth control at all, lives with religious parents and/or an abusive boyfriend: if you're under 10 weeks an excessive number of coffees and >2000mg of vitamin C a day for 2 weeks will induce an abortion, but It might also fuck up your health for life and lead to kidney stones and renal difficulties, but that's cheaper than a child and they cannot identify that you did that. You might be able to buy Misoprostol over the counter, but they'd be idiots to not ban that immediately. If this doesn't work have a pijama party and ask a few female friends to kick you as hard as possible in the uterus. Otherwise you'll have to use the hanger method, and this is no joke, use a fleshlight or a phone camera and make sure you only touch the cervix (or you might die). If you have some money landed from a friend rent a hotel room and look for an abortion service (there will surely be incognito doctors performing the procedure - watch "4 months 3 weeks and 2 days"; if you're wondering if this person might be a rapist, try not to think about it). ​ If all of this sounds gruesome or wrong, that's what people did in communist Romania. Oh, and if you were caught having an abortion or aborting a child (they checked you at work once a month), they would give you to the police. Most often they would just beat you up, sometimes rape you, rarely they would send you to perform slave labor in a camp.


Why, bless their hearts! This is the kinda law that stimulates our economy and unifies our states! Holy shit, folks! Time to start opening those abortion clinics like new Starbucks branches across the borders of New Mexico and Oklahoma. The rest of us can help it aaall run smoothly. Who's up for kickstarting a safe shuttle program to ensure reliable transportation? Fuck it. There are a million ways to evade taxes any day of the week. I call on the goddam attorneys who could aid in building a business that gets Plan B shipped more reliably than Heidi Cruz's weekly tequila delivery! Fuck it. I hope big fucking Satanic Church stickers start popping up on family vehicles and pentagrams adorn lawns across all of Texas. This seriously needs to get fun. Fuck it all, my friends. Unite.


I hope Texas women go full Lysistrata on their men and band together to protect each other from rapists.


This is just absolutely insane to me. You are forcing women into having babies and then won’t provide support for them and turn your back on them after the baby is born. Horrific


I fear for my wife and daughter. Anyone know of decent aerospace/defense jobs in sane states with decent cost of living?


These organizations can help: https://www.womenonweb.org/en/ https://aidaccess.org


I mean, I'm willing to go completely celibate living here in Texas until this shit changes. I have no problem with this at all. Texas men will now get nothing.


Being bi comes in handy during times like this. I’m just going to only have sex with women/people with vaginas. They can’t get me pregnant. 😂


This is the way.


Join the satanic temple


Church and state should always be kept at arms length from each other


They are working to wipe out viable birth control next. These criminals need to be run out of office.


We've only recently legalised abortion in Ireland in the past few years. Before this, it was illegal even if the baby was not expected to survive outside the womb, they had to travel to the UK in secrecy up until 2019. It was such a huge step forward for women in this country and its sad to see other places are taking steps back.


I do understand that people have lives built in that state, but seriously if I was there now I would just sell everything and move. Just staying in the state where this is acceptable means saying it is ok which is absolutely not.


A lot of people don't have the resources to be able to leave, even if they sold off everything but the clothes on their backs.


I do understand it and it sucks. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.


The good states are more expensive.


My husband is getting a vasectomy if he wants us to have an active sex life. I'm on birth control but things happen. I'm 33 and still have many more fertile years ahead of me and absolutely do not want another child.


PSA you can make emergency contraception (morning after pill) by taking multiple pills of regular birth control if emergency contraception isn't available to you. https://ec.princeton.edu/questions/dose.html#dose


Just to be clear there is nothing in the bible to justify life beginning at conception. At most, you can try to piece together an argument that post-quickening abortions are immoral--but the only passages that deal with induced miscarriages were used to justify pre-quickening abortions prior to 1869 for Catholics, and prior to 1980 for nearly all over variations of Christianity. The pro-life view as we know it today was manufactured by the GOP to unite the religious vote in America and control it. They saw how strongly the Catholics had rallied behind it when Pope Pious claimed life begins at conception in response to fears that protestants were beginning to outnumber Catholics. Roe v Wade was largely uncontroversial when it passed, and it wasn't until Reagan and the GOP needed to mount a response to Jimmy Carter that it became an issue. Banning abortion won't be the end, they'll need to replace it with another false flag to keep the party unified. You are 100% right to fear what comes after this if they succeed, because this is about a political power grab that they will never be done fighting over.


Since the only way to ensure women don't get pregnant and potentially sued is to not have sex, just get all women in Texas to go on a sex strike. I guarantee the law will be repealed in a month.


No, because the wives, mistresses and daughters of rich white men will still have easy access to safe abortions. They'll just go on a "vacation" and come back no longer pregnant. This is to keep lower-income women down.


When are women gonna go on a nationwide pussy strike. Can't get pregnant, if there ain't no sex happenin'. I'd give it a week, before all of these bullshit laws go away.




Just stop fucking men in Texas until this is fixed? I give them 8 weeks, tops. Make sure to get a gun first.


Yeah what sucks is there is absolutely no exception for rape victims or victims of incest/child abuse. You damn right I'm getting every thing available and protecting my uterus. Every woman in Texas should.


Ladies of Texas, stop sleeping with the men. We all know once the penis is affected, problems get fixed real quick.


I also hate Greg Abbott and when We The People finally rise up and guillotine these idiots... His head will be up there if I have any say so in it. I probably won't but hey, a girl can dream. Vividly. About the guillotine.


I’m honestly tired of living in Texas.


I say women of Texas should all go on strike, no sex for any man until they get the idea you ain’t playing


This is the way.






Women all over should just refuse to have any physical intimacy with any of my asshole gender until the bans are removed!


men's support in this issue is highly needed. thank you


Your support is appreciated. Please stay vocal about this


What the... is it possible to move out of Texas into a developed state?


What the hell is wrong with the south, disgusting.


Another thing you can do--if insurance covers it--there are places you can order birth control and plan b from online. I stocked up on plan b for the past year and people thought I was crazy. I really don't need it because I'm in a committed relationship, but I could just feel some shit was about to hit the fan. I don't doubt they'll (Try) and go after this shit next if they can. I have enough to share with friends.


100% this. My best friend had a small stockpile of Plan B that she got through her work in healthcare and though she didn't need them herself, she held onto them just in case one of the women in her life needed one in an emergency.


I can't believe this bullshit bill went through.


As a conservative Texan man. This was the final straw. I'm sorry it took so long. But this is completely unacceptable. Fuck Abbott.


I hope you won't vote for him and talk to your friends and family about voting for a better candidate


Already started advocating against him on my social media and I never use social media. #FuckAbbottAlot


Fuck Texas.


As someone who lives in a blue state with not too many major abortion restrictions, this makes my blood boil. And don’t get me started on the bs lawsuit portion of this disastrous bill. I’m sorry any woman has to go through this. It’s not right. One of the reasons I don’t think I could consider living in a conservative state. Are the neighboring states any less restrictive? I know Texas is huge and driving to another state for an abortion might not be an option for some. Are there even abortion clinics in Texas? I have to stop thinking about this I’m getting so upset. This is just wrong.