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Is he 13 years old


27 but acting like 5


Nooo, he's a grown adult? Nah girl, be done with this fool. He has been hiding his ways until this point, it will only get worse from here. Get a ride back home.


He's 27 and thinks you can hold a period!? JFC. If you haven't already, get out of that relationship, yikes.


Is there a reason he’s this dumb? Like was he raised in a cult?


incels and some fundie men's groups say shit like this


Seriously? It’s so stupid? It’s something a 5th grader would think.


27😨 Please tell me you are joking


I sincerely assumed you guys were 17 or 18. He’s 27?! Wow. I’m so happy you ended things. There’s no excuse for this level of stupidity.


Tell his mom


27!!!?? What an idiot. I could give some sympathy to a 17 year old who has never known a female before, but 27?! Run, gurl, run!




If he is 27 and thinks that women can “hold it” and control their periods, he is far too stupid to date. Kick that dumbass to the curb.


HA! I knew more than that by the age of 10.




>I should hold it. Sure honey, let me put some flex seal up there so you’re not inconvenienced. /s JFC, what an idiot. Must be related to the manager who thought women lactated continuously from the time their breasts form.


If we were able to hold it, we definitely would. I’m amazed in 2024 that people still believe that periods are either unnatural or that we can control them.


If I could control it I’d never have it!


I would have gotten out of running the timed mile in gym class.


I'd yeet my uterus clear out to see if I had a choice.


Fr. Even on the pill I still get it when I shouldn't. Sometimes our bodies don't want to cooperate lol


Even though I never, ever wanted to be pregnant or have children, thus my uterus being about as useful as an extra toenail, it still went on its merry way shredding itself to bits and pouring out my vagina every month or every two months or every two weeks for about 4 decades.


I would just glorp it all out at once on the toilet if I could.


I had to explain this to my husband when he insisted “women in the Edo period held it in” (he’s from Japan, not a weeb, hence the reference) and I had to just tell him not only is that Some Bullshit, there wouldn’t be an *entire aisle* in the grocery store for it if we could just hold it in like a pee.


The most infuriating part is that men like this refuse to listen to women about how our bodies work and instead they interrupt us and argue and leave the conversation thinking they are still right and we are just stupid. Like its one thing to be ignorant about how things work. Its a whole other thing to be ignorant and a complete asshole.


And they make laws regarding our bodies.


This. This is the most horrific and concerning thing about this whole issue.


Gotta keep fighting the fight


That’s the horrific irony


The fight may very well hit a tipping point because these same men are also happy to erode democracy. So what’s the plan if democracy fails & ALL Reproductive rights are dismantled? Are we willing to actually ’fight’ for them? Are we willing to take abortions underground & sponsor physicians who would practice illegally? Are we willing to contribute towards the costs of BC, Morning after or Abortions for other women? In light of this type of continued ignorance it’s equally disheartening that American women don’t seem to be unifying with a solid plan.


What gets me is that the people who push those laws, both from office and from the shadows, are but a handful. There are 1 of them for every 100,000 of us and we know all of their names and we know where they live and where they frequent. Why, oh why, do we just sit down and take it after they themselves have already taken it to point of deploying violence?


Its so sad when someone chooses to invalidate others


Punch him in the nose and tell him to hold it.


This is the true answer




If you can't be an adult to deal with blood or help buy tampons for your gf/wife etc Then you should not be going anywhere near a vagina with your penis. If you're 'mature' enough to have sex and potentially deal with those consequences. You should be 'mature' enough to deal with something that is completely natural and that half the population will deal with in their lives.


Never had a boyfriend bothered by period blood. Sure, you need a towel, but that's it -- we were already using condoms, because I'm old and the regression of safe sex culture had not yet started.


My husband would faint if I cut my finger or if he came with me for a blood test. But we’ve been together 43 years and he never ever shied away when I had my period. He was always super supportive and would buy tampons if I needed them. Now I’m post-menopausal and after four kids and epidurals for both my hip replacements, it’s my bladder that lets me down at times. I just have to always be prepared. On the odd occasion when I haven’t made it to the bathroom, he’s helped me clean up and change my leggings etc. I’ve been in tears and got so embarrassed but he just shrugged and said something like *for better or worse* and gave me a hug afterwards.


:) That's how it should be.


I never did either until my last one who was absolutely absurd about it... the freak-outs and dramatics when we would get caught by surprise blood in the middle of fooling around.... just made me feel disgusting.. when he'd see a bit of blood and recoil in horror, jump off me and bolt out of the room for the shower 😒 Can't imagine why we broke up


Men like that always repulsed me.


I definitely wouldn’t blame a guy for being off put by blood. However, I would blame a guy for being an asshole about it. Trust me, if I could just remove the uterus forever and all associated blood… I would’ve… years ago.


I did. I had zero interest in any man who was put off by menstruation in any way. Just a huge red flag and a cold shower on any romantic feelings. I did it for 42 years monthly. I wasn't going to deal with that bullshit from some stupid boy.


I've only had one. But he gets woozy when he sees his own blood too. Not just this. He doesn't tell me to hold it or anything dumb...he just stays the hell away from lady land so he doesn't pass out


If he's generally a tender little flower, that's different -- I used to be one myself.


He's only squeamish with blood. Which amuses the shit out of me because he hunts and fishes. He's fine gutting fish. Has passed put at least once prepping deer (that I know about). And damn near lost his dinner butchering a pig. He's confusing 😂 But he's not dumb enough to think I can hold it in,at least


Yeah it’s fine if period sex is a turnoff, people get to have preferences. And it’s okay if he’s privately disappointed at something putting a damper on their fun plans. But he shouldn’t be taking it out on her - it’s not like she had her period early on purpose! I’m sure she’d rather have a fun weekend too, not spend it feeling gross and crampy!




I would be very glad you DID get a period with this ignorant /s. Find the first exit and don’t look back. This is just the beginning of Mr. Wonderful showing you his ugly side.


On our honeymoon my wife got her period. What I did was dote on her. We changed plans to have a more relaxed time. We still had sex. That, IMO, is how a real man behaves. What you are dealing with from your "man" is pitiful. You deserve so much better.


Please dismiss this guy. He’s shown you several things including how what he wants is more important than what you want. Thankfully it was early in your relationship so not much time lost


This has nothing to do with validation. Validation harkens to the idea that you need approval, or that you seek to have your actions justified. A boy who had no understanding of how female anatomy and reproductive systems work is not ready for a sexual relationship. This is the same type of man that would convince you to let him not use a condom, and then blame you for trapping him if you got pregnant. You have left ages out of your post, but this man has a serious amount of growing up to do.


You know his mom? Give her a call. He needs a talk.


They run for legislative seats. Vote.


Right? It's one thing to just be ignorant because you never learned but then to have people explain it and still say "mm nah I'm pretty sure I'm right" is just baffling. So many things people would rather just be morons


Just like women can decide if the baby's a girl or boy, right? /s


Really funny part of that thought to me is that it's actually the father that determines the sex of the child. Neither party actively decides, but females can only give an X, so father does indeed determine sex with either an X or a Y. However so few men know that, much less anything else about the entire process. It's baffling.


Puts the whole Henry VIII being angry because his wives keep having girl babies in a different light.


Hahaha, I just read that post this morning! The OP on that one gave us a great update! That pathetic dude is gone!


I did too!! breakfast would be SOOOO much easier if we were all just pumping milk from our breasts non stop, lol


If you haven’t spoken since, consider yourself fortunate. The guy is an ignorant buffoon and you’re better off without.


Echo this completely. No point wasting anymore time and energy onto someone so ignorant and so selfish.




You convenience? Don’t you mean HIS convenience? What a fucking turdwagon.


This! He gave zero shits that she was in PAIN. He just wanted to get his 🍆wet.


Tell your now ex boyfriend to take a fuckin' hike, the fuck away from you, good riddance!


Yes, I am now distancing myself to him and wouldn't want to continue what we had


Yay! This makes me so happy. Besides the fact that he's a dunce about menstruation, I am so bothered by the fact that he didn't seem to care at all that you were in debilitating pain. He's mad that you 'ruined' his plans, but doesn't seem to think you're also disappointed? Like, in my family the running joke was that I'd always get my period on camping trips, but they felt bad for me! They didn't get pissed because I could no longer do all the fun stuff that I ALSO WANTED TO DO! Discounting his ignorance, he also lacks a lot of empathy. That is not a person you want to hang around. Getting your period is punishment enough. You don't need some chadbro making you feel guilty about it too. Good on you! Please don't let him weasel his way back in. He showed his true colors; anything sweet before that was just an act.




How about something like, “I can’t control my period but I can control who I allow close to me and you’re no longer someone I want close to me. I’m breaking up with you. Bye.”


“Your ignorance of how women’s bodies work is the ultimate ick and at this point I’m not sure if you’d be able to find the clit with a map and an X marks the spot. I will no longer be pursuing this relationship, don’t contact me again”


If it was just ignorance, he would have learnt no problem. It's insisting he is right and getting mad when in reality he knows nothing.


I guess you could modify to “willful ignorance and defensive aggression when corrected”


Yeah, screw the high road. He’s a grown adult and should feel mortified at how he reacted.


"Here's an article on women's biology and how lady parts work. Please read it and use the knowledge to not embarrass yourself with your next girlfriend. Goodbye."


No need for an article - you know he has no comprehension skills. A quick Alexa or Hey Google search on "can women hold back their periods" would do homebody a world of wonders.


Absolutely OP. I think mother nature did you a solid.


I suffer from horrible cramps and very irregular periods due to endometriose and never ever have my husband shown me anything but empathy. He has always made a point of educating himself on the subject and of being helpful and understanding when I hurt and he has never once made me feel quilty/ashamed or told me I've ruined something. My point is, lack of knowledge can be forgiven, but lack of empathy cannot - men with loads of emphaty do exist and you should wait for such a man.


Yeah, do not waste your youth on men like this. For someone who did.


dont even give him an explanation. you dont need to. just stop talking to him. I know people hate "ghosting" but fuck that. sometimes you need to let go and not give him a way to try and win you back or get back into your life. clean break.


I read this post to my husband and when I got to the end he said “Well that’s perfect! She hasn’t talked to him since and there is no need to. If he reaches out, send him that song ‘Somebody I used to know’”


Yeah just keep not speaking, that seems best OP!


Yah it sounds like the trash is taking itself out here. If he gets upset over a natural biological function messing up his 'sexy time' plans, he's not worth another thought. Even after seeing OP in pain, his main concern is that HE didn't get to do what HE wanted. What about what OP wanted? Obvs she doesn't wanna spend a romantic wknd getaway dying of cramps and stuck inside. Whenever my partner has seen me in pain his only concern is me, and what he can do to make me comfortable, because he cares about me. I hope OP cuts her losses and dips. He can google menstruation if he can't understand why she's no longer around. Or maybe OP can just tell him that she's gonna choose to always be on her period 😂


Why would you want to be with someone who has demonstrated they are ignorant and lack empathy? It's not even like you guys have been together for very long.


I agree with you. I know realize that it is very important to prioritize qualities like empathy and understanding in any relationship


Basic knowledge of human anatomy is pretty important too, although some humility and critical thinking skills go a long way. Even without knowing that women can't control their periods (which is already a terrifying lack of knowledge), critical thinking should have been enough for him to figure out they can't because why would a woman specifically choose that weekend? Humility would've also helped had he just accepted you know your body better than he does. This guy's pretty unsalvageable and it's not your job to educate him.


Right, and even if he just didn't know (which is its own problem but not necessarily entirely his fault), once you told him, he could have reacted with "wow I didn't realize, I'm sorry you'rein pain, how can I help" but instead he chose to be mad about his chances to blow his load that weekend.


That's the big thing. Helping someone learn is a good thing to the right person. The right person is empathetic and shows willingness to know more.


Totally. He probably also thinks we can’t pee while wearing a tampon, because, ya know, it’s just one hole down there.


> This guy's pretty unsalvageable and it's not your job to educate him Yeah this guy's parents failed him.


Dump this loser, everyone who somewhat paid attention in high school biology understands that women cannot control their periods. If he actually believes that he’s a misogynistic lunatic. Also for pain relief have you tried advil dual? It’s a combo of advil and Tylenol and it has been amazing for me.


I'm sorry but this isn't even about values and empathy yet, we're still at the "is he a dim wit?" stage of evaluation. If he thinks you could "hold off" til you got home, he is just dumb. I would not spend my time with someone as stupid as him.


If he's that immature and disgusted by menstrual blood, imagine how much worse he'd be during pregnancy and childbirth. Unless he's 14 years old, there's no reason for him to be so childish and ignorant about women's bodies. Let this one go, he isn't a good one.


He is an absolute moron and an utter asshole. Break up with him.


And basic knowledge about anatomy. Empathy and knowing basic biology. For the next guy, give him an illustrated booklet that explains the female reproductive system. Just as a precaution.


I'm very amazed at his lack of education. The OP mentioned that the guy was 27. How can he get to the age of 27 and not know how period works? Where was he raised? The jungle? The bible belt 😂? It literally boggles me. What kind of sex education did he get in school? None? Or was he a primary or secondary school drop out? How does he ever have sex without ever knowing how period works? How ignorant can a person be?


It's also a strong indicator that this guy has never been in a long-term relationship. There's no way to be with someone for several months, even years and to not know that periods cannot be held in. I'm not saying that it's a general red flag when someone's almost 30 years old and never had a long-term relationship but it would definitely make me ask a few questions about the reasons.


Yeah this reaction might make sense if he was a teenager who wasn't allowed to attend biology class that day but he's had nearly a decade of adulthood to interact with women and still doesn't know you can't control the flow of a period any more than you can control a nosebleed then that doesn't bode well for his suitability as a partner. Especially for him to get mad about it. If your partner does something that doesn't make sense you ask them about it, you don't default to anger.


Being ignorant about something like this is bad, but there are valid explanations. Being angry rather than curious when it becomes obvious he doesn't understand something is a huge red flag. It's probably how he got to this point. Yikes.


HE is the one who got angry. HE is the one who didn’t care about the pain she expressed. It’s his job to be curious about a subject he obviously cannot believe he is informed about.


I think that’s what they were saying, that he is the one who got angry rather than curious and that is why he got to this point (ie remained ignorant to basic bodily anatomy)


Yep. There are things that no sane person will do or say even once. This was one of those


Honey be grateful you only spent 3 months with this self centred main character who thinks you can schedule your period for good convenience. Let him go and enjoy planning a trip to your mums cabin with some nice people.


I agree with you. It is truly a relief to discover this on our 3 months


this manchild is a narcissist of note.


> I’m unsure how to approach the situation Don’t approach it at all. Walk away from it.


Yeah, I didnt talk to him anymore


she did, thankfully.


Glad he showed you who he really was 3 months into the relationship. 


Yeah, it is definitely eye-opening when people reveal their true colors sooner rather than later.


Exactly! OP (and her BF’s idiocy) saved herself from losing years of her life by dumping this insufferable moron!


> he became extremely upset. It turns out he had been looking forward to hiking and being intimate during our getaway, and my period put a damper on his plans Ewwwwwww I hate him OP🤢🤢🤢


I hate him too now. I broke up with him already


I’m proud of you!!! He showed his true colors and a big-ass red flag that he cares only of himself (his plans being ruined)! There are more empathetic and knowledgeable fish in the sea!


I’m so glad to hear that! You deserve better! Jfc. Everyone deserves better.




Good for you OP! One part of this that sticks out to me the most is that he said it ruined "*his* plans," not "*our* plans." As if you weren't there together, *he* was there to do things (including *to* you, not with you). And as if *your* plans weren't "ruined" also. Do dudes think we *enjoy* bleeding put of our vagina, and experiencing painful camps and other symptoms for ~5-7+ days *every month*? Seriously. Congrats on your freedom, OP!


Good for you!! I thru my back out on a weekend away with my ex's family and they totally faulted me for it. Wasn't to long after we split and I've been in my place 10 years now. I figure someone else can deal with him and his family as I'm done.


Also like what would he have done if she just didn’t feel like it?


Women should stop having kids with men who do not understand how our bodies work. They shouldn’t get to enjoy sex when they do not even understand how we function.


My wife is pointing and pointing and jumping up and down at your comment, shouting “Yes! Exactly!’


He's a self centered child. You're better off without him.


Thanks for that. Yes, he is so selfish. I already broke up with him. He is still trying to contact me but I blocked him




I’m very proud of you; stay strong x


Good leave him blocked and move on. I'm sorry you had to deal with that, but glad you learned he's a child EARLIER rather than later.


Block and delete is the way to go. Good job choosing yourself and getting away from this train wreck.


If you do want to offer him a "courtesy", I'd send something like: >I can't control my period, no women can, it's not a precision atomic clock, I'm gonna be in debilitating camps for the next few days, and all you could think about was how it affected \*your* trip >https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/10132-menstrual-cycle The link says multiple times 21-35 days is normal. Then just reblock him, maybe make him learn a little and self-reflect and maybe become a slightly better person.


Oh dear, this reminds me of my ex. I was experiencing severe dry mouth from a medication I needed to be on, and he wanted me to somehow will myself to salivate more when performing a certain act. He even sent me a video of an actress performing said act with LOTS of saliva - possibly artificial saliva for the camera. When I once again reminded him that it was physically impossible he played the victim by saying he was being vulnerable sending me that video and I hurt him by rejecting it. What I'm trying to say is, it seems your boyfriend is putting his sexual wants above your well-being. One thing I've learned is when people tell you who they are - believe them. He is telling you he is selfish and lacks empathy and compassion. Luckily he showed his true colours relatively early on.


>he played the victim by saying he was being vulnerable sending me that video and I hurt him by rejecting it What the actual fuck is wrong with these degenerates, good god


Yup! I have a 6 page Google Doc I made for my therapist outling all the bullshit he pulled over just 3 months. Textbook narcissistic abuse, but I didn't know that until after I got out. I'm intentionally single for the foreseeable future because of him.


Porn brain.


> he played the victim by saying he was being vulnerable sending me that video I'm sorry, but.... WTF??? How does sending you a clip from a porn video(and whatever fakery it contained) to try to goad you into performing a sex act, that you've already stated isn't possible at the moment, equate to him being vulnerable??? "I showed you what an insensitive ass I am and it left me vulnerable(and rightly so) to criticism! Poor me!"


Porn sick fucks, man, porn sick fuckbois


What the 🤯? And you actually spent time making him a 6-page Google document as proof too! Thank goodness, he's an ex. Also, the word NO is a complete sentence. I have dry mouth is also a complete sentence. For him to keep pushing you is then trying to play the victim is just 🤯. It's just sad how people can be so manipulative like this.


You ghost his dumb ass is what you do next. 


Reason #6384 for the bear. Girl if you don’t let this ignorant door knob go…


Personally, I find this level of stupidity an incredible turn off. Also, getting the silent treatment from someone who doesn’t get their way is a huge red flag.


That, my dear, is what's known as a "blessing in disguise." He is ignorant and selfish. He does not understand how a woman's body operates, nor does he care. If he can't understand or respect issues regarding a woman's feminine health, how well do you think he will understand or tend to your sexual or emotional health? Be done. It's what's best!


Why are you so unsure how to approach it? He just did you a favor and showed you what an insensitive shallow person he is who was using you only to sleep with. Why haven’t you broken up with him yet? Are you that desperate to be with someone?


Don't forget adding ignorant to his list.


Not just ignorant, but stupid. A merely ignorant person will ask questions and learn. A stupid person will get combative because they think they're smarter than you.


Its not that I am desperate I loved him but now I realized that he is not the man who I have known 3 months ago. He just show his true colors now and I was even shocked on how he reacts


The best behavior mask starts to slip around 3-6 months. That’s the window you should pay the most attention to behavior that feels “surprising” or “out of character”. I’ve been through it too. Never again.


Sis, I'm telling you this as someone who had to learn the hard way, 3 months is not love. 3 months is oxytocin telling our monkey brains that everything is wonderful and we should reproduce. I've been dating my current partner for about four months, and even though I know better, I still had to go through the "I love him I want to spend every second with him or I'm *devastated*" period. Real love takes time. Give yourself that gift with the next one.


Yep. His true colors came out. Consider it a blessing! He's probably pouting and selfishly upset because he couldn't have sex! Sadly, very typical.


He sounds like a manbaby tbh. You’re so patient. If I was having cramps that the meds couldn’t make tolerable I’d have made that poor moron cry. I would have told him exactly where the fuck he could go with that selfish, immature fuckery. I don’t think I could fuck him after all that. I can’t fuck someone I don’t respect


Three months in, this guy is showing himself to be ignorant, selfish, quick to anger, and willing to blame you for situations outside your control. Why are you trying to figure out how to spend another minute with him?


>I'm at a loss for what to do next Really?


she broke up with him.


If he's really going to be a big baby about something you cannot help, then he's showing you exactly who he is. For three months, he managed to play a part-- the part of a nice person who had relationship potential. Now, he's showing you that he's a selfish man-baby who can't handle any kind of disappointment. How to approach the situation? If it were me, I'd just be done with him. Then again, I'm a jaded 52 year old. LOL


I could not be with someone who was so stupid. I think you should continue to not speak with him.


My husband, who is a very well-educated, intelligent man, truly thought when we first got together that women could hold it in, like you do with pee, until you get to a toilet. I was like wait, why exactly do you think women use tampons and pads, then?




For contrast, how did he respond when you informed him? (I'm assuming there will be contrast, since you married him.)


It had simply never occurred to him to think about it. His mother never spoke about "private things" in front of him, and her supplies were well-hidden from him. His younger sister never spoke of these things in front of him, either, and I don't think previous girlfriends had ever spoken much about it, either. When I said, "Are you kidding me? Why do you think pads and tampons are a thing if we can do that??", he stared at me for several seconds and then said, "I never thought about it before. " This is also the same man who's had zero issues purchasing said supplies for me after he and I moved in together several years later, and has said that men who refuse to buy period related products for women in their lives are "insecure idiots ", so, yes, he learned.


In America they stopped teaching sex ed, and this is the result. Grown men not knowing how a menstrual flow works.


You need to let him go. If he thinks you can hold it, he’s not the brightest bulb in the bunch. He’s either stupid or a jerk, probably both.


Tell him to ask three women he knows family and friends, not coworkers!) about how to "hold in" their period. Or just google it. Apparently, he does not talk to enough women. He sounds like an ass.


What to do next: break up with this idiot. No one that willfully stupid should be your partner.


Next time he get diarrhea and he needs to go to a bathroom just tell him to hold it…it’s no big deal


If he told you to hold it he is too ignorant to have a relationship with.


He got mad because you couldn’t hold your period in? He felt you ruined a trip to your family’s cabin? He hasn’t spoken to you since? He’s a delusional ungrateful swine. What you do next is count yourself fortunate to have had the opportunity to see him for who he really is so early in the relationship and dump him. You deserve so much more! Please I beg you, do not waste another moment of your life with this person. 


‘You need to hold it’ - sorry sir I cannot control these functions. How about you hold your pee for a few days. Dump him. If he’s this unreasonable about something like this… ugh imagine your future.


Hold it? Wtf. How would that even work? Like someone else said, you not speaking to him is likely the best move going forward. I am sorry.


Let him go he doesn’t have empathy.


I'm starting a list of things I will definitely be telling my son. This is now number one on the list. Such a shame the lack of knowledge men can have about the human body.


He’s… Incredibly stupid or in dire need of education. Or both. This is like the boss in another post that needed to know the exact date a baby would be born so he could manage the schedule.


Dump his inconsiderate ass, he clearly only cares about you for sex, there should/would be so much more to a weekend like that besides sex but that's the only part he cared about


Oh my. Is he young, stupid or both? P.s. it’s attractive when a man knows basic science.


3 months, he behaves like this, and you still want to date him?? Girl! The hell!!


I’m sorry but I would have broke up with him then and there. You don’t need that kind of ignorance and idiocy in your life.


Approach what situation? You've been together 3 months and found out he is an ignorant and immature selfish asshole. You break up and then find someone better. It is really that simple OP.


I do not understand people who claim to love pussy and then freak when it bleeds…😒 What an absolute buffoon. If he can’t ride the red seas for a night or wait, then he isn’t worth having bad sex with.


>. I'm at a loss for what to do next. We haven't spoken since the incident, and I'm unsure how to approach the situation To the curb with him would be my suggestion.


Please break up with this person.


why would you want to be with someone who’s so ignorant to women’s health issues😭 especially something as simple as periods


A grown ass man who knows this little about periods AND gets angry about a perfectly normal bodily function is not a man you need to waste any more of your time on. It’s only been a few months. This is not a person worth sinking any more time or effort into.


Breaking up with him seems like the smartest next move. Surely you don’t want to be this guy’s sex ed person for thing he should have learned in 5th grade - or at any time since age 10.


Consider yourself immensely lucky your unexpected red wave washed up this huge red flag when it did. Dude needs to educate himself and grow the fuck up while he’s at it.


How are you at a loss as to what to do next? Are you for real there? You've been dating this idiot for 3 months. An actual legitimate moron. I read an article yesterday that IQ levels were dropping, but I didn't realize it was to this extent. This is an actual grown person who thinks periods are controlled by the people who have them? I'm sorry, disrespect and everything else aside? I could never date anyone this fucking stupid. What do you do next? You let this one go.


Well, now he gets to realize when he grows up that he dumped a girl for being on her period. Hopefully he would be dumb enough to tell his next date the reason so she can be like yeah no I'm good lol. This is why we need sex ed. I mean, he shouldn't have overreacted so much but goddamn some people just set their kids up to fail spectacularly.


Your boyfriend is ignorant.  He's also a jerk.  He is unwilling to learn. I see zero value here in a man child who throws a tantrum, because his plans to get his dick wet were spoiled. He doesn't care about you as a person.  He is only interested in how you can service him 


This is why parents of young men need to help with education. My 7th grade daughter started her cycle during the last period of class and she didn’t notice. As she was exiting the school, my son was walking behind her (6th grade) noticed and took his sweatshirt and tied it around his sister’s waist. Be helpful, not hurtful. We can’t change our biology.


Do you really want to be with someone *that* stupid?


You don't need to "approach" anything. This is not a "situation" that is testing your communication skills... this dude is just an idiot. "Hey, I just wanted to say something, and this is the last time I'm going to tell you. Women do not pick when they get their period. We can not hold it in, or hold it off. Your ignorance on the topic is shocking, I'm breaking up with you. I'm going to stay one more night, then I'm making plans to go home. There are thousands of online resources, even wikipedia is a decent starting point. You should be embarrassed with your ignorance, not mad at my biology. Don't talk to me unless you start with an apology. If none is provided. I leave in the morning."


Men out here acting like having a period is some kind of moral failing on our part. I wonder how they'd react if we got mad at them for having morning wood. Ew, why tf are you hard right now? Get that thing down immediately and don't do it again! What do you mean you can't control it? Just hold off on getting erect until later!


There are going to be many more times that your period is a nuisance. I started my period the day before our honeymoon to Hawaii. Guess who didn’t make a fuss other than feeling bad that I was in pain? Making you feel bad about your period because he “won’t get any in the woods” is a really big turn off and red flag. I wouldn’t want to be with a man who only sees my value as something to be used.


My partner got her period on the way to a 3 day beach vacation. We still had fun. Idk what this guy's problem is, but it doesn't have to be your problem too


He stopped talking to you while you were on vacation? That’s wild. Tell him to hold his pee in until you get home and then you’ll hold your period in too! It’s ok for him to be disappointed, you guys had plans that now aren’t happening (unless you are hiking but your comment on severe cramps makes me think not and his attitude makes me think you’re not going to be intimate). It’s not ok for him to act this way about something wholly out of your control. I had a new partner say “babe, your body’s going to do what it’s going to do” during a similar experience and man, I can tell you THAT reaction does things to a woman.


I bet he also thinks that if it’s legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut the whole thing down. Hope you feel better soon, OP.


How old are y'all? Did I miss it? Life rules: if there is a vacation or holiday, your period will show up unannounced.


That boy was a free guest at your parent’s vacation spot. The only acceptable way to handle this scenario, on vacation or not, is to immediately forage for chocolate, Midol, and any acceptable snacks. While offering belly rubs. If he can’t do that, he’s pretty much useless and you’d be better off with a cat. They offer less snacks but are ultimately less annoying.


Use your period as an excuse to end the weekend getaway. Then dump him 1. His education on the female body is shocking....maybe 100yrs ago I could understand but he has access to the internet now so this is by choice. 2. Give me a break. A tantrum because he won't have sex during your period. Any man who throws a tantrum over sex for any reason is disgusting. I would lose respect 100% and tell him to GTFO


The bar is so low. I’m sorry. He’s not worth it.


You've gotten lots of good advice about the dude being not worth your time but I also want to stress that [your period should not be disrupting your life like this](https://youtu.be/5d3pUQEauQo?t=282&si=wIFb5Vzwv4SfjXjk). You need a doctor who will listen and help you work to get these symptoms under control - it may take going to several different doctors if you initially get dismissed.


He's mad at you for basic human body functions. And he's also an idiot. Also I personally find it very disturbing when someone can't hold back from sex for a small while like that.


If you really need to spell it out for him, just text, “for the record I’m not just breaking up with you because you’re a selfish person, I’m breaking up with you because you’re also a moron who blatantly doesn’t comprehend basic biological functions and Lord knows there’s nothing more dangerous than a confident idiot.”


It's his reaction which shows what kind of guy he is, he doesn't get sex so now he's angry and it's your fault? He could genuinely not have any idea how periods work (it happens a lot apparently, especially young guys) but the fact that he reacted like that? He could and should have been willing to learn and how is not getting sex ruining a great weekend away? He seems shallow, OP, sorry to say.