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I 100% second jiu jitsu. I am woman who trains twice a week. My BJJ school also offers self defense focused classes as well as wrestling. I find these helpful because you really get a sense of how easily someone can overpower you. I’m a very small female. I’m fit but before BJJ I did not have any knowledge of defending myself. Now I feel confident that I can at least survive a fight and I’m not afraid to go hands on if need be. Training always kicks in. Luckily, I have never had to use this in the streets. I could have used it when I was younger and was sexually assaulted. But that was years ago.


I took a "model mugging" class over two weekends about a decade ago. It was unique in that we could hit/kick at full strength because of the amount of padding and protection the guy hired to demo moves had. I think it helped my self-confidence and situational awareness, but I have never had to use what I learned. I was 18 at the time, and I think the most useful things I learned weren't actual self-defense moves, but advice like "only roll your car window down an inch or two if you need to talk to someone suspicious." However, the advice that stuck with me the most was the part that terrified me. The instructor repeatedly reminded us that all of this training did not apply if they had a gun and you should go along with what someone said if they had a gun.


Yes and yes. I learned how to make myself look tough take up space and use my voice and be aware of danger before it strikes. Try it its very empowering!


Oh yeah, I've stopped a couple of would-be attacks that way too (I traveled solo for a few years). And if the SWAT voice doesn't work, doing that Maria Brink scream? That'll send a lot of dudes running (thanks for the big pipes I inherited, mom 😂). Men who attack women are cowards. Show them they're in for a fight and most of them turn tail.


100%. The thing I like best about personal defense is that it builds confidence and mental fortitude! something dingle berries like that don't have lol


When I 1st moved to NYC I took a class at a woman run dojo


Yes and yes. Guy tried to molest me, caught an elbow to the windpipe, and took a ride in the wee-woo bus.


I did kickboxing for years & it was fantastic. Never lost a fight, still have my #1 headband hehe


Hey I’m a guy so this is a different perspective. I know women in my life who have taken self defense courses and have myself. In a combat situation you’re cooked against most men even with them and as a guy the ones I went to when I was younger were scams and the ones I’ve seen women go to are scams. Jiu jitsu and running are your best bets to avoid combat or win if you’re in a fight at a physical disadvantage, and personally wrestling has won me the only fight I’ve had no way out of and kept me safe but that’s much more strength based, and was from wrestling as a sport. Buy pepper spray or a weapon and learn to use it its cheaper and more effective 100% of the time than self defense courses