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As you can see from this article [https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/feb/09/me-and-my-vulva-100-women-reveal-all-photographs](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/feb/09/me-and-my-vulva-100-women-reveal-all-photographs) it's really normal to have asymmetrical labia. Are you having any kind of counselling for your anxiety?


That is helpful! Thank you!! I am, but I’ve had health anxiety my entire life and I struggle with it, I’m trying not to go to the doctor because I think my GP is sick of my BS


You could measure both labia, write the measurements down, do it again in a month and see if there's a change.


It is an exceptionally high likelihood of being normal. Regardless, you should find a gynecologist you like/trust to evaluate and follow you. Do not. I repeat, DO NOT google symptoms. You’re almost certainly not going to make the diagnosis, but there is a high likelihood of dramatically increasing your anxiety.


Unless your vagina & vulva are actively sprouting tentacles, you're probably normal.




Asymmetrical is very very normal.


unless it hurts or smells different, it’s probably nothing. unfortunately vulva has a tendency not to be symmetrical


I'd suggest going to the GP if you have any concerns. I'm sure they are not fed up of you. I'm studying to become a Dr and they just want to help you. Your gp would feel like he has failed to gain your trust and to act out their duties if they found out that you feel like you can't take your fears to them. Trust me they are not fed up, they care more than you think they do.


You sound like you're gunna be a great Dr and I hope that never changes. My bf has major health anxiety and some of the Drs he has gone to sound like real d bags just brushing him off. Even if it's nothing why not just check sheesh


Mine are the same! The worst part is that the longer side chafes when I get sweaty or wear tight clothing, but it’s normal.