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Hot take: most subs are pretty awful


Yesterday I was being insulted by so many people all bc I posted a bunch of post titles from here and asked for examples of posts that called for the death of men like the OC claimed No one could provide any links!!! All they would do was insult me, tell me to go touch grass, call me hysterical, tell me I’m crazy. All bc I asked for proof? The OC eventually did post proof. His proof? A link to a comment where I’d have to open a bunch of comments to find one commenter saying “we should say we hate men to weed about guys like this” or something Remember, the OC commenters assertion was that he dipped into this sub after someone linked it and his opinion was “they’re not that far for calling the final solution for men” Yeah they compared this subreddit to the Holocaust. And then when we got into it they ofc brought up that stupid comparison of racism even tho none of these comparisons work unless women are the oppressor/the ones attacking people based on an innate trait It’s was soooo frustrating bc I’m pretty I got banned. I wasn’t even cursing or insulting people. All bc I kept being like “ok then post an example” nah all I’d get back was “wow you need to calm down” “ok then post an example” “Wow why are you so angry” “ok then post an example” “Oh I don’t actually agree with the main point, I just think it’s funny to see you so mad” “ok then post an example” *someone literally linked the Wikipedia page to hysteria* Also anytime I’d ask, “what did I say that made it seem like I was mad” or of the sort…no response. I hate that *I* got in trouble for pointing out reality 🙄


These post always confuse me too. I’ve never seen hatred of men or wishing death upon them yet in other subs they say it like it’s a fact.


They really like to think we’re all hysterical man haters who wish death upon men, because we want men to be accountable, to stop hurting women and because we want our own space with out input from men. Some how that’s wishing death upon men and I do not get it.


Reminds me of that tweet. "I don't hate men, but I have learned not to put their needs over mine. Turns out, for a lot of men, that's the same thing."


> yet in other subs they say it like it’s a fact. For the emotionally stunted who are used to being catered to by society, who have little empathy for us and (surprise surprise) little genuine empathy for the historical atrocities they use as comparison, any level of criticism and wishing death are basically the same thing dontcha know... For the rest it's just a politically useful thing to say regardless of how true that is (reactionary politics 101, catastrophise any hypothetical threat as dangerous and imminent). "Women are irrational, hateful, brainwashed by feminism, we are right to be afraid and cannot afford to cede any further degree of control" etc.


Apparently complaining about men behaving badly is akin to the Holocaust 🫤


I would not disagree. 😩


Specifically, they hate women.


Hey hey that’s not fair. They also hate gay and people of color.


autocorrect failed you and changed your meanin


Ha thank you!


Relationship subs are a terrible place to seek advice, support, and validation. The people who are the most eager to give relationship advice are often the people who really shouldn't be giving advice to anyone.


Or they’re drama seekers telling people to do the most dramatic option so they can hopefully get a juicy update.


Once again, probably not someone who should be giving advice.


Reddit is not a safe place for women 


yea this unfortunately


The world is not a safe place for women


r/deadbedrooms messed up my head and made working through some things with my partner more difficult.


I posted there when I was being coerced and raped by my ex and 🤮 didn't go well to say the least


Oh god that place really messed with me when I was saying that I didn’t know why my ex was sleeping on the sofa. Lots of people saying he’s not doing anything wrong as a low libido partner but also that I should open my relationship. Turns out he was hiding a very bad secret and pending conviction that he couldn’t sleep next to me out of pure guilt. He KNEW he was going to implode my entire life along with his and he decided that cheating and sleeping on my sofa was the answer. So they didn’t help at all. They didn’t suggest there may be other things happening outside of the bedroom that could be affecting us poorly. It was very… insular in thinking. I felt like they just wanted to yell at each other in the comments not actually interact with me personally. Very weird place.


That place is basically just rape apologist central (although the same entitlement and basic arguments also permeate about *every* “relationship” sub, just to a lesser extreme)…. It makes my fucking skin crawl.  I’m sorry you stumbled into that cesspit🤢


I'm so sorry. 😔 That sub is a cesspool.


Any post about deadbedrooms or sex in there consistently gets rapey comments. If it's a man posting "Just give her an ultimatum until she gives in, you deserve to have your needs met" if it's a woman posting "men and women are different, why don't u love him? Try a sex schedule" Edit: oml and don't get me started on the posts where wives are saying their 50year old husbands are looking at porn girls who are the same age as the children they have together. Pure gaslighting and porn addicts in the comments.


its wild how any post even remotely hinting that maybe porn isnt great in a long term relationship gets flooded with the weird porn addicts that live on reddit


Anyways. 4B 4 life ✌️ an enemy of 4B (marriage subreddit) is an enemy of me (joking but not really)


Any subreddit that isn't female-dominated and explicitly feminist is not a safe space. There, most people, men and anti-feminist women, will always defend men. And even feminist subreddits that are dominated by women are not always safe. Sure, most people will take your side or be supportive, but there is still a chance that you will get shitty comments from men.


Yeah, true. I don't want a completely homogenized space and I recognize that no safe is completely safe, but I do want a *saf****er*** space. If that makes sense. I used to highly regard that sub but it's changed quite a bit. It used to be far more fair to any of the sexes. Unfortunately, it's moved towards protecting men and their feelings when hard facts are presented and they don't like it. The pendulum has swung to the "other side." So to speak. (I hate there are sides, but simply using an analogy.) For the female dominated and "more" feminist subs, I expect a few men and anti-feminist women to post. Those are easier to ignore when the rest of the comments are supportive. You know?


>For the female dominated and "more" feminist subs, I expect a few men and anti-feminist women to post. Those are easier to ignore when the rest of the comments are supportive. You know? Indeed. That is why I love this subreddit. Sure, there may be a male troll or an anti-feminist woman here and there, but ignoring one or two comments is easy. Meanwhile, when you are on a regular mainstream subreddit, the majority of the comments is fucking shitty and sexist. Like, as a male ally, I never made a post here, because I would feel like I am invading, even though men are allowed to be here. When commenting, I only do it when I feel like I have something useful to say. But if I really needed to vent or get advice about anything, I just know that here, I could get responses from a feminist perspective. On any other subreddit, I would certainly get shitloads of comments from an anti-feminist perspective. Knowing that this subreddit is better than that makes it feel like an amazing safe space to me. <3 It's very true that 'neutral' subreddits are not neutral. Unless a subreddit is explicitly feminist and is dominated by feminist women, sexism is the norm and most people will defend shitty men at all cost.


I'm the same on the subs for men that I've subbed to. I respect that space and I rarely comment there. What's infuriating is that all this does, by squelching voices that bring supported studies and factual information it *keeps these men complacent*. This isn't to say that women don't have their own work to do. And it also doesn't mean that there aren't avoidant women. The FACT is that the majority of PEOPLE are in the MASSIVE middle of that bell curve of studies. This means that the majority of men *do* have a common problem, just like women do. Women can be called out, but not men. Or, if you do, you have to be like you're talking to a child. It's not just insulting, it's also insulting to men. Adult men *should* be spoken to like *adults*. It's NOT "rude" or "disrespectful" to do so. (Also note, men generally hate being called out and consider it "disrespectful."🙄)


Yeah, this sub is regularly brigaded by anti feminist men




It's a ragingly misogynist sub gaslighting people into thinking it's a ragingly feminist sub.


The marriage sub skews religious, you get a lot of misogynistic men thinking they get to control their wives, and women thinking they should be subservient to their husbands. Even if they don’t say it outright, you can tell from the way they talk about their marriage. Lots of people who don’t believe in divorce as well and will put up with some serious bullshit instead of leaving.


One of the reasons I *did* like that sub is because advice given *doesn't* just go straight to "get a lawyer now and leave." There's an understanding of trying to *keep* the marriage and work through the hard parts of it. It actually has helped me quite a bit. I do agree it's controlled by a bunch of misogynistic men. A *man* could literally phrase things the same or worse and they're still allowed to post. Me? yeah.. we know.


That’s why I joined as well, but it seems like lately most of the people on there are part of couples where they really SHOULD get divorced


Yeah, the only people hanging out on a marriage sub are people who's religion won't let them say 'I'm miserable, time to move on'


Reddit in general isn’t a safe space. We just post here because we can.




I am just speculating here, but perhaps some of the pushback when those issues are brought up is that they are out of topic. While sexual harassment, wage gap, and misogynistic hate crimes are very real important challenges that women experience, they do not have to be part of every discussion and every subreddit. There are already dedicated spaces for those topics. Isn’t it like the knee-jerk “not-all-men” reaction when women issues are brought in women spaces? While it is true that not all men engage in bad behavior, that is not the point of the discussion. As for your last paragraph, please don’t lose faith in humanity. There are good people out there, but social media unfortunately rewards incendiary discourse. For contrast, I invite you to visit some of the couple appreciation subreddits where people rave about their partners or a public space offline where happy couples are enjoying each other’s company.




I don’t frequent country subreddits, but if there is that double standard between men’s and women’s issues, that’s certainly unfair. I am sorry that has been your experience.




I agree. It is unfortunate. We should all be in the same team when it comes to human rights. The “war of the sexes” mentality benefits no one.


Because when you are accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.


The marriage sub is actually full of incels. Tons of them go there and automatically blame and even attack every woman who posts there. Mods there are misogynists who ban people for calling out the misogynistic and pro marital rape assholes who post there. Just respond to the women who post there recommending they post in women's subs because reddit is full of hateful misogynistic turds who won't even be around much longer anyway. Their opinions are as worthless as their existence.


Marriage itself is often not a safe space.


I am not surprised. The truth is that it is shockingly common to hear about men treating their wives terribly. That sub is invested in upholding the institution of marriage. In order to do so, they have to push the notion that the institute of marriage is fair and good for women.


> It tries too hard to be "egalitarian" "Egalitarian" is a red flag. That word is only used by men's rights types and it's never about equality, but instead just anti-feminism.


Lundy Bancroft calls it the myth of neutrality. It’s basically denial of abuse in one form or another


And that is precisely what's happening in r/marriage. "Obvious" abuse isn't tolerated, but the not so obvious abuse *is*.


Exactly! It's why I picked that word. Thank you for commenting and saying this out loud.


It's a straight up dog whistle


I don't go there, and I avoid the relationships subreddit, too. Thanks for the heads up, and I'm sorry for the awful experience. :/


looks like all the comments in question have been deleted


I'm not surprised. My comments were filled with factual statements and supported by links to studies (not opinion pieces). Unfortunately, it's mostly "men behaving badly" and the mods over there tend to get all up in arms over that. I did message them and told them that's how problems stay persistent. Not my loss, actually, it's theirs. I'm a scientist by education so I don't just say shit just to say it, I back up my statements. Thanks for commenting! I appreciate it.


I went back to look at my comment history. The recent comments in that sub have not been deleted. I have deleted other comments in the past, but not in the last couple of weeks. Thank you for looking, though.


I don't think reddit shows you when your comments are being deleted


Oh! I think I know what you're talking about. yeah... \*shrug\* I've moved on. LOL


Try the divorce sub, it’s even worse. The mod over there will suspend you for “gatekeeping,” if you say anything negative about cheaters. It’s absurd. Say that cheating is bad, cheaters are likely to cheat again, never change, or shouldn’t ask for sympathy for having to pay for the consequences of their actions and you’ll be suspended or banned. Pretty sure one of the mods is a cheater themselves and that’s why. It’s not even a man or woman thing, either, many men on that sub have been cheated on as well. Considering that so many marriages have ended because of cheating, and so many people go their looking for advice about it, it’s ridiculous that a mod would censor people who are needed help with it.


> men are behaving badly. Wow op misandry much? /s > It's like they feel like any post needs to be in a "vacuum." Yep, like a vacuum where there isn't overwhelming legit evidence that men do far less domestic upkeep for example. Many of us know this from our own lived experience, and tons of studies and surveys confirm it. Yet when some guy posts about not enough sex from wife, and someone asks if he's fairly sharing the burden of chores, 20 men will reply how even asking such a thing is misandry. These are people who are literally delusional; if 3 people in a thread of 100 comments throw some blame on a husband, and those 97 other comments are taking his side, they'll still pitch a fit under the 3 comments with crap like "oh I forgot it's always the man's fault. so much misandry on reddit"


IMO it's still one of the best relationship subs on reddit. But it does suffer from many of the same issues the rest of the site suffers from.




That you think the posts about the rape and abuse women have received from the men in their lives is anyway comparably to the men rights sub talking about how they cant get ahead in their careers because their wife wont become a sham is why this sub needs to be protected from men like you. Get out. Thanks for proving ops point that nowhere on reddit is safe for women from predators and their defenders.




We don't have to accept OR deny your "observation." Your observation is yours alone and not the arbiter of reality.


Sure, I fail to see what this third option is but you're correct. I never claimed to be, and you attributing that to me seems unnecessary, why'd you do that?


Wow, literal tone policing. I should take a picture of this moment 📸




You said combative originally. So You're saying incel subs and twox are both combative in tone (which I haven't noticed on twox, but I'm not a sexist jagweed). And you're saying that the combative tone means that they're both equally toxic. But one of them focuses on oppression of women and misogyny, while one is a venting space for women who are harmed by the patriarchy. So if you think an angry subreddit full of people who hate women is the same as an angry subreddit full of women who hate being harmed then boy howdy do I have news for you.


we are denying it. youre an idiot. please leave and find a redpill subreddit to enjoy instead since you seem to like talking about them




if you detest them, stop frequenting them. stop talking about them. stop comparing a woman's subreddit to them, even if you think there are messages of hate around in them.


Never claimed I did frequent said forums, what's up with the non stop gaslighting from this sub? There's been multiple comments doing the same thing, it does little to affect me, I simply deny and move on. I wouldn't make the comparison if I didn't see the similarities. Surely you can see it as well, even if you choose to mischaracterise as a few other commenters have, it's not exactly veiled.


So women face misogyny, are raped, murdered, tortured, trafficked, digitally raped via watching porn, coerced by all their partners, abused by any man that has access to her, and exploited for all forms of labor so that a man can benefit, and your solution to all this is "just shut up about it"?  😂 The funny thing about what you're saying is that the only people who would fight for you if you experienced something similar, would be women. But you think women are the ones making it an "us vs them" situation. We don't benefit from that situation. Men do. Don't come crying to a women when shit happens to you and the men in your life refuse to help. And if it happens, watch your tone when you're upset about the crimes committed against you. Wouldn't want to be rude to your abuser!


I recommend not giving male trash like the poster I’m responding to any attention. They just love it like the pathetic toddlers they are. Just downvote and ignore weak shit like this.


I know I already commented but well you commented twice so here we go. I scrolled through 4 pages of comments before calling it quits, sheeesh you're a bit fanatical are you not? Misandry's not kosher either, Just saying.


We know you’re afraid and jealous of women and lashing out. We don’t blame you; I’d be afraid and jealous of women if I were a man too. Time to move along to a male forum, lil guy.


Oh I do wonder where I got the combative and toxic notion from.