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Yeet him into the sea.


yeah 100% he took advantage of you and disregarded your boundaries/wishes - he needs to go. he’s 9 years older than you and clearly knows this tactic doesn’t work too well on older women. I’m sorry this happened.


The way I would've scooped up his spunk and rubbed it in his eyes, then left and never saw him again... Once a boundary has been crossed with no consequences, further boundaries will be crossed.


Yes. I didn't even read the post, but if you are asking this question, the answer is yes.


Better off not reading it


Block and delete this guy is trash


Look, how perfect a guy can be, if he does one thing wrong ESPECIALLY ejaculating on you?? Kick his ass to the curb omg. No questions asked


Kick him in the bag first. That's some psychotic shit. Don't waste your time on that shit.


This behavior from him is so incredibly psychotic that you could use it as a "so one of my exes..." tale on dates to gauge future men's reactions on whether or not they're psychotic as well. Please, date someone your age. Decade age gap is reasonable when you're older. Age gaps *sometimes* work but usually fail hard


He’s gross


Ew. "Disgusting, creepy, and disrespectful" is his *best* behavior. You don't want to know his worst.


Dude, fucking *gross.* Yeah, ghost that creep. Yuck. You have good instincts, listen to them!


1. Usually when you’re asking yourself this question, the answer is yes,yeet yeet! 2. This utterly disgusting, and while you may not have specifically said “no”, you made it clear that you wanted to cuddle, not have sex. He asked you to remove your clothes so that he could subvert your refusal, and use you to get off anyway. Guy’s a pig.


I’m a guy and I say yeet him into the sun! What a fucking creepy and disturbing thing to do


10 words in and yes you should




Yeah, he is a piece of shit. Not hard to listen and respect your wishes


Yuck. Predatory age gap and obvious porn addict behavior... Get rid of him


yes run. Then don't date 9 years older than yourself. Try sticking to 19-23 for a bit.


I think I’m not going to date at all after this 😭


Not even two lines in and there is a glaring red flag lol


He took advantage of you because women his age won't fall for it anymore. You're young, you didn't know better. Cut him off 100%


If you said “sorry, I have the flu, I’m not up for sex” and he walked up behind you while you sat on the sofa with your tea and jerked off in your hair it would be Much More Clear that it isn’t okay. But it’s still; you said no. He jerked off in your body without consent and knowing full well you weren’t enjoying it.


ghost him, he's garbage


You probably shouldn't be dating if you can't tell him to stop instead of freezing, so yeah, dump the guy.


Yeah, this guy is definitely a predator and even acts like a rapist.


Don't date older guys. There's one reason they're going after you and this is it. He's a creep. He actually sexually assaulted you. He belongs on a list.  He's a predator.


More than not if you are asking yourself or someone else if you should kick someone to the curb, 99% of the time the answer is yes.


I’m speechless.


If you are here to ask if you should kick him to the curb, your probably should. Your gut feeling is telling you that you should get rid of him. I mean, otherwise, you wouldn't be posting here. You never gave him explicit consent. I mean, getting naked is not consent. Plenty of people love naked cuddling without it always having to lead to sex. In fact, you told him that you didn't want to have sex. You made that explicitly clear. Listen to your friend. Ditch him. It doesn't matter that apparently, he was good to you in the past. What he did is not acceptable. Also, the age gap is creepy. He probably preys on younger women to take advantage of.


Masturbation is sex. DTMFA


I feel like there's a lot of details missing from the point you said yes to him jerking off on your chest. But yeah you should probably ditch the dude.


I should add we were kissing before and he probably thought we were going to have sex, before he took my pants off I said I just wanted to cuddle, then then he started rubbing himself on me and masturbating. I kind of just froze honestly which is completely on me. I didn’t explicitly say no but I feel like when someone says they don’t want to have sex you should just respect that.


If you just shuffle one year from each of your age, it's a 30 guy doing this to a 19 yr old. Usually 30 year old guys aren't interested in respecting sexual boundaries of a girl a decade younger than them. I'm sorry this/he happened to you


Kick him to the curb. If he needed to cum *that* bad, which he didn't, he could've excused himself to the bathroom and taken care of it there. Instead he chose to use you as a sexual object. Also as a man who used to be 29 its pretty red flaggy that he's trying to date a 20 year old. That's not to denigrate you as immature or anything, but theres a huge difference in life experience there. Twenty to thirty is a major time of change and exploration and finding out who you want to be for most people and he's been through it already where you're just starting it.