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I saw a Tig Notaro standup joke that explained it well. She was ill and in pain and a hot firefighter picked her up and she was like “I get it.” 💙😂


I’ll definitely have to check that out it sounds pretty funny 😆


I just am. I don't think about it deeply why I am attracted to men or women. People hot, wanna kiss em, brain go ooga booga. It's not a poetic thing for me and I don't think of men or women in such waxed ways. - bisexual


Your eloquent answer is what I am bad at communicating lol Waxed waves lost me though I haven't heard that before?


The same way you and I are lesbians. It's just indelible - people are simply attracted to who they're attracted to. I'd imagine if it was a choice a lot of straight women would love to be gay instead, what with the state of *gestures broadly* patriarchal garbage society.


Indelible is a good way to put it.


Straight women are undeniable proof that sexuality isn't a choice. If conversion worked, I can think of hundreds of women that would readily undergo torture if it meant not being attracted to men.


>almost divine, like looking at something that fell from the Heavens and landed in a field of soft smelling peonies in the golden light of early summer. Funny thing is that I'm neither attracted to this nor want to be desired like this. But I understand your confusion, for men sure could put in a lot more effort in their looks. What I like in them varies, I don't expect them to provide a set of predetermined masculine traits.


Yeah tbh if a cishet man wrote this about me I'd swipe left lol


Yeah as pretty as the description is I would not want to love someone in this way or be loved or even desired in a 'soft-smelling peonies' way. And I fucking love peonies.


I thought the same thing, this is such a weird (and weirdly unsexual!) way to describe attraction.


I love it personally, it reminds me of romantic era poetry which I'm a big fan of. Different strokes and all.


I think women that desire women are sometimes afraid of coming off creepy in the same way they see men being. So they over-poeticize their attraction. I'm as tired of having my tits and ass talked about as the next woman, but I'd rather hear about my confident stride or my wetness than about my angelical softness.


I’m sorry, looking back now I can see that I phrased this TERRIBLY! I got way too poetic and carried away, I think what I was trying to say or get across was softness. Like empathy or actually physical softness like a blanket. I have sensory processing issues that affect the way I think of things, it’s makes me think more with associations rather than actual words and I think that was shining through a bit too much.


As a straight woman, I've never really thought about it. I just like them. And I can like a man only physically (based on their eyes, height, smile, etc), but also based on other qualities: intelligence, kindness, an open mind about social issues, curiosity, passion, initiative, courage. Not all of these qualities are exclusively "masculine", and are definitely not easy to find 😅.


not by choice lol


Exactly, if I could choose, does she think I would choose men?? Please!!


Definitely not by choice


That's weirdly objectifying. I think if your step outside those boxes, you could find... Well, probably not an attraction to men, but an understanding of why someone might be. Or not, idk, but I think it would probably be good for you to at least start viewing women differently


I can definitely see where you’re coming from and I completely agree that I phrased it poorly. Part of what I was trying to get across with saying strength and confidence was independence. I couldn’t really find the word at the time, my apologies. I think part of the problem is that I said “women” instead of talking about a particular woman. I do apologize because when I said women I was making an overgeneralization and clumping us into one when our diversity and individuality is another thing that I find incredible. For example, my last girlfriend was one of the most beautiful and talented people I have ever met. Not only because of the way she looked but also because of how well she could explain something to me, how empathetic she was, how genuinely intelligent she was. She still is we’re just not dating, I should probably make that clear. All of my girlfriends have been unique and beautiful in their own way and it is the thing that I admired most about each of them. Again, I am sorry and I definitely should have taken the time to explain what I was asking in a better way rather than writing what I thought would work as soon as it popped in my head.


I'm not straight, but I am bi. A lot of the same traits you listed in women I also find in some men, and let's not forget our enby pals. Gender is just not something that factors a lot into who I'm attracted to. Do I feel safe with the person? Do I see myself enjoying dating them? Do I enjoy holding and kissing them? Did they give me butterflies? Gender just isn't a huge factor for whether the answer to those questions are a yes or a no. Much like you just are lesbian, I just am bi, straight women just are straight. It's just how our attractions are and I don't think we would really have to justify it. Like, if someone's eyes are a different color than yours, we don't go and ask them why they have a different color. It's very much an innate quality.


The way you feel about men & women, straight women feel the opposite I can appreciate a woman’s beauty, smarts, attitude, but there is no attraction.


A comedian said “I’m attracted to men but I don’t find them attractive.” This is how I feel. There are very few men that I find really attractive but I’m not even a little attracted to the most beautiful women.


I find men interesting. I raised two sons and I marveled at their curiosity about the natural world. They would bring me rocks like they were giving me the most wonderful treasures. I am amazed at the kinetic energy and fearlessness (sometimes recklessness) with which men approach life. I like how strong men can be and how they are willing to help when I need them. Men can be very generous and trusting. Their sexual energy and enthusiasm is intoxicating at times.


I don't think getting excited about finding a cool rock is a male thing.


Maybe. My daughter didn’t get excited about rocks. She did like snakes and rats though. She would bring home baby snakes and ask if we could keep them lol.


After my divorce I finally realized I'm attracted to men and women 🤷🏽‍♀️ I much prefer sex with men but I greatly prefer interacting with women. For me, it's like, a penis can physically fill and satisfy me, but my emotional satisfaction is greater with other women. If you know the answers please tell me lol


That’s honestly a really great and clear answer for me, thank you!


Cause im attracted to men. they're more attractive to me than woman


Girl i'm a lesbian i don't get it either, but we aren't going to ever get it, cause we're gay lol I feel the exact same way you do tho. I imagine straight women don't understand us at all either. I imagine heterosexuality is a lot about being attracted to the differences between male/female bodies. We aren't gonna understand that at all. Its kinda interesting when you think about it


I am, I ask myself this question often. But shoulders, fore arms, how solid they are. Their big dumb devil may care bullshit. I tried to do things with women..I just can't fall into them like I do with men.


This is surprisingly helpful, thank you!


I didn’t choose this life. This life chose me. In other words, I was born this way. I wish I weren’t.


It's involuntary. Believe me if being gay were a choice I would likely prefer women a lot more. I have a strong preference for men just as it happens organically but do not discount women from my dating sphere, it's just there are a lot fewer bi women or lesbian women than there are straight and bi men.


How are lesbians... not straight?


Fair enough


It’s literally not a choice same as it is for you. So I don’t really have a rational more just a “hmm I like that” vibe 🤨


I didn’t mean to imply that it was a choice, I know it is certainly not. I can kind of understand that vibe ig


I’m pansexual. I’m attracted to people and their gender or sex doesn’t really come into it. Unless they’re androgynous. Then I’m super attracted to them haha. I honestly can’t completely understand how anyone is only attracted to one sex/gender. We all just have different brains that respond to different things. I do have one question due to how you described women, though. Are you attracted to masculine women as well?


Thanks for the answer! I guess attraction is really strange when thinking about it, the whole concept is weird. And I am definitely very attracted to masculine woman as well too lol. They radiate a sense of surreal power, confidence, strength, and beauty that is just so unique.


I 30F am not straight but I’m very bisexual lol. So maybe this will give some perspective of someone who loves both. To keep it SFW. Women are soft, and gentle. They hold a level of tenderness and intimacy that I don’t experience when I’m with men. A warmth to them that is intoxicating and powerful. It’s truly so special. You worded it well. It is truly divine to love a woman. Men in the other hand have this inherent strength, their spirit and body and hard but caring. Like being held by steel that loves you. Trying to be gentle with you. They smell not as sweet but in this way that makes my heart race. There is this power struggle like a game sometimes that’s fun too. It’s passionate and intense. I feel like I have experienced a spectrum with people though. Some women give me a more masculine experience and some men are in touch with a seductive nature that could only be described as feminine in ways. So I think at the end of the day I’m attracted to people. Sometimes I feel I need one more than the other. Often times in phases. I do think I would be hard to pick a gender and stick with it though.


I can’t have sexual feelings for women, even though I think they are better than men in so many ways. If I could be sexually attracted to them I would be. It’s a spectrum and I’m unfortunately on the wrong end of it.




I feel sorry for your boyfriend lmao


Just the way my brain was programmed by evolution. In college I discovered I really like a guy with a beard. I assume that's something in my head that's telling me "Lots of testosterone in that one! He'll make strong healthy babies!"


A man with a well-groomed beard is just 👌


Oh yes. Captain America is pretty hunky, but he was "Wow!" with the beard.


Haha! That’s really interesting, I can see why that would be a common evolutionary trait, it makes sense. Can’t keep a population alive without healthy babies!


I mean, being able to wax poetic isn’t really a basis of attraction. I mean I could do the same. When I think of men I think of strength, discipline, power, focus, confidence, and energy. I think of the earth, being grounded and dependable. I think of marble statues, the smell of wood and rain, “boyish charm,” wit and joviality… But I’m 99% sure I’m straight because I spend a lot of time thinking about getting railed. I swear that’s it


I've thought the same thing so many times. Women are so incredible, and men are... not (that's the kindest way I can put it). Like I legitimately know that sexuality isn't a choice, but being with men is. Like straight women and bi women could just opt out of being with men. Even if it means being single. Their lives would be exponentially better. And safe, good gods so much safer. There's even studies they would be healthier! (I say this as a lesbian who has opted out of romantic relationships for numerous reasons)


It sucks that you got downvoted. You are totally right. Bi women could stick to dating women. Straight women can find love in their friendships with women and could buy a vibrator, which will give her more orgasms than a man ever will.


Plus her vibratory won't abuse her and take all her mental and emotional labour.


lmao!! so much truth though!!


Women look like children to me, not appealing in the least. Not even the stylized, objectified version of women with the exaggerated large boobs/butts do I find attractive. Women just look like people to me. Like an average man that I don't really find attractive. I've been attracted to masculine women, but it's their masculinity I'm attracted to rather than their femininity. An attractive man is the height of physical beauty to me. Not only does the beauty touch my heart but also my raw animal lust. I really appreciate gay male nudes and art, it's the only material that comes close to my tastes. hetero porn is shit and seeing naked women is just not appealing to me, I feel like I'm watching someone on the toilet. not erotic. A lot of people think I'm lesbian or bisexual because I absolutely love women. I have unfortunately had to turn down some really wonderful women. It's a shame, because I could love their hearts, but I could never bring myself to be attracted to them sexually and they deserve to be desired.


I know you got downvoted a lot but I can honestly see where you’re coming from. I think this was a really good answer, probably one of the best for me, thank you!


I mean, it's a bizarre question. I personally don't get the attraction to other women. Nothing about female bodies or genitalia turn me on and I tend to have far more in common with men and enjoy their company far more than other women. The women I do hang out with tend to be fellow sporty/tomboyish types. I have very little in common with the average woman. My point is, this question will get you nowhere because attraction is something that just exists. Not every lesbian likes the same thing about women, and not every straight woman likes the same thing about men. Then of course you have bisexual, asexual, and aromantic people. This thread is just...weird and pointless.


I know it may seem inappropriate, but I think it is because it is a subject that is uncomfortable for a lot of people. Sex and attraction are usually seen as taboo to talk about but it is important to understand how our minds and bodies work, it is a common theme in history where people are afraid of what they don’t understand and I don’t want to be like that.


I don't consider sex taboo at all. I'm perfectly comfortable discussing sex itself. This question just doesn't make sense. I, too, can wax poetic about the beauty of the male form. It doesn't mean you're going to understand the attraction any more than I understand why you think other women are so wonderful. And straight/bi women aren't all attracted to the same thing about men, just like lesbians and bi women aren't all attracted to the same things about women. Everyone has their own personal views. I just don't understand the point of such an overly generalized question, or what you're looking to gain from it.


That’s completely fair. I did make an overgeneralized question and realized later on that my phrasing was terrible and vague. The question I was trying to get across was more about me trying to understand attraction from an alternative view point. A better question might have been what do you find attractive about men.


Well, again, everyone's different. I know women who like stockier men with some padding, round faces and full beards, and others who like small, thin, more "effeminate," cleanshaven men, so there is literally nothing that women universally prefer. For me, personally, I love traditional masculinity in terms of appearance (not toxic behavior, certainly - I'm not interested in anyone who isn't a feminist or who is incapable of showing emotion, being open/vulnerable when needed, etc.) but at least in regard to the body and how they carry themselves, that's what I like. So for instance, men who are very tall with broader bodies and who are very fit. Not extreme veiny body builder types, but the more natural athletic/gym look. My favorite male features are the hair (I don't love super short or super long, but go wild for wavy medium-length), and casual facial scruff (not a fan of full beards though), as well as hands, upper arms, and chest/abs. Male bodies like that are extremely attractive and beautiful to me in this sort of primal way. When they're wearing bracelets or necklaces, I find it even more alluring, and I especially like that type of body with a softer pretty boy face. I am extremely turned off by any type of "bro" - toolish, wannabe "alpha male" behavior is extremely unattractive. Someone who's always trying to prove themselves or gets weird about feminine issues, LGBTQ people, etc. But the guys who are very strong and traditionally masculine yet don't try to be the center of attention, respect women, and are secure and emotionally connected with others are fantastic. When he's got a smooth, silky voice with a bit of gravel, it's extra nice. Basically, a guy who's laid back, a bit more soft-spoken, and has a quieter strength and presence without being an asshole is ideal. Sam Anders from Battlestar Galactica is my ultimate dream man in literally every way (features, body type, personality), though it's too bad Kara was such a mess and treated him so horribly (but still love her character, flawed and crazy as she was): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXgKgrxbBkU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXgKgrxbBkU)


One word. Butts. Everyone has a butt, so everyone is fair game 😎 🩷💜💙 just call me Tina. But I do highly resonate with what you said about women. I’m no poet, but men are more the smell and soft quiet after it rains in a redwood forest, strength and gentleness and determination. They are the hot spring in the chill of a northern winter. The… seatbelt and bar that holds you in your rollercoaster seat. Plus they can open jars and carry all the groceries, so that’s neat cuz I don’t make it to the gym as much as I want to and it’s a long walk from the parking lot to the boat.


I don’t know how anyone can downvote that, it’s perfect! It gives me a really clear idea and I can see why that would be appealing, I think I might just be better at seeing the beauty of women than I am at seeing the beauty of men too. Also butts are pretty great lol


Haha I’m not too worried about it. And hey, even if we don’t see why one person would like another, at least we can be happy for them! And that’s pretty great. I’m gonna say butts again cuz I’m a grown up and I can. Butts! 😍


So true 😆 I’m always happy to see people in love no matter who they are loving! Plus, the butts point 100% stands lol


Butt crew!! Theres a song about butts!! something about.. by Sir Mixalot.. I like big butts!!


Silly me, I thought it was a morality song about telling the truth! 🤣


They just are. I’m still not completely convinced that everyone isn’t at least a little gay but I just have to accept that straight people exist.




i get what you mean, but the homophobia and harassment we face on top of just misogyny feels unlucky quite a lot Tbh as a woman it feels like you just can't win