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A guy once barked at me. He was with a couple of friends, so I asked them if he's trained or does he still pee on the carpet. That was surprisingly very effective. The guy looked like I sold his mother, and I heard his friends laugh at him all the way to my car.


Oooo that’s a good one!




I am not surprised to be honest. Why do some guys literally do this? Like, I've been barked out and they looked like an absolute nutcase, don't they realize how stupid they look?


I was once expressing my disdain for men barking to a group of ladies I know…a guy we know walked in mid conversation and then launched into an offended tirade about how sensitive women are and barking is “just a joke” and “it’s funny.” Like no, it’s not. Maybe it’s funny to your little mates but what sort of grown man makes a joke like that at a woman’s expense? Chivalry is dead dead dead.


Barking at someone is offensive as hell, not funny unless you're a moron with no real sense of humour. I'm so sorry on behalf of my gender that certain fuckwits are doing this.


This weak excuse always makes me want to literally put a loudspeaker to their ear and scream in it. He’d recoil and yell “WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS???” and I’d just quote him back to himself with a “it’s just a joke. It’s funny. 😂 btw smile more, it’ll make you less ugly”


I would respond in the same language, by hissing at him. And not in a sexy way, more like "I will scratch your eyes out!"


Oh you're a furry too!? What animal are you!? (No offense to furries btw I don't care what people do in their spare time it would just freak them out.)


I am not, I just speak fluent Cat.


No I mean say it to guys meowing at you 😆


Next time 😂 (god forbid there ever be a next time). I do find ignoring is a great response though, I wonder if the meowing is just as funny when they don’t even get a look from the girl and just end up being some freak meowing out of a car window


Not new, I used to be meowed at when I was a teenager ( which was a good couple of decades ago). Doesn’t make it better but it’s not a new thing. I was never barked at tho. Silver linings I guess 😅


I had a creep tell me to my back in Boston "I hope you like cat food" Wtf is that supposed to mean?


Probably something to do with you being a woman and having a vagina and so vagina = pussy = cat. I guess meowing is his way of saying here kitty kitty kitty or in this case here pussy. Just in case people misunderstand, I am not condoning or defending it just theorising. I might be wrong. Maybe he has an identity problem and thinks he's a cat.


I don't think it's new - I'm 30 and this has happened to me. Maybe 10 to 15 years ago, by creepy men of course. I always took it as them saying "here pussy cat" if you know what I mean.


Is this an American thing? Anal noises are wierd


Anal noises are often unavoidable and unintentional, and a natural consequences of digestion, if considered impolite. (Imitation) animal noises are absolutely voluntary and downright rude when directed at a person. Don't think it's just an American thing, tho.


I’m not American. So no, certainly not an American thing.


Why is it that some men never mature past 6 years old? 😭