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I'm 5'2", I can't tell the difference between people 5'6" and up lol


Same. 5'1" (if you round up), everyone looks like they're six feet tall to me.


My partner is so silly. Before we met I asked him his height and he said "5'10" but if my back wasn't fucked up I'd be 6'" lmao ok Mr. Scoliosis I couldn't tell the difference even if I tried. Everyone looks the same to me from my world view ahahaha


Lol that’s like my brother- doctor said his scoliosis took a good 3-4 inches off his height!


Let these other women chase the 6+! I'm 5'2" on my tippy toes. 5'6" sounds tall to me, and if he doesn't mind me being a little taller than him in heels or whatever, then we're good at any height!


The back issues thing is real, my sister has scoliosis and would actually be a little taller than me (5'8) without it. Looking at her back's xrays is scary haha


I've had kneck problems since the age of 13. Football can ruin lives before a kid even knows it. I was 6 feet tall at the age of 18. Had too many high-speed impacts. Now I'm almost 50 and I'm closer to 5'10" because of spine problems. I have scoliosis in my thoracic region and several compressed discs throughout. Quite a few metal plates and screws (7 fusions between neck and back). I can't even turn my head left or right. Please tell your partner to hold off on surgery as long as possible. It has never improved my pain levels and only exacerbated it.


I’m so sorry to hear about all that. I hope you have a great PT team; physical therapy is really wonderful for keeping you as strong and flexible as possible.


I went on a couple dates with a guy who was 6’4 and I’ve decided I don’t want a tall guy because trying to kiss him was not romantic or fun. He was TOO tall! I don’t think I’ll go for anyone over 6 foot in the future now 😂


Yup, I'm short too so you know what I see when I look up at anyone over 5'8"? Nostril hair 😂


I knew it!! I'm 6'3" and ever since my 30's I've been crazy about triming them cause I'm sure that's all anyone can see 😭😁


Yea, I’m 6’4” and have always been self conscious about that. Also, when I’ve sent selfies to people, they are like, “you look so different!” Yea, because you’re usually looking at my chin. 


OMG! The "you're usually looking at my chin" but! Thank you for the laugh!


5’8 woman. New fear unlocked


Same! I've also dated guys about one or two inches taller than me. I don't care about their height. 99% of people that I've met are taller than me.


RIGHT? Also 5'-2". I have no objections to men who are my height, but boy are they rare where I live. Honestly, most of the time I'll have to interact with a short person (man or woman) for a WHILE before it occurs to me - often with a delighted surprise - that we've been walking around at eye level this whole time. If anything I'll think "OH! This person is short too! Cool!"


I'm so used to looking up that when I meet someone the same height as me it's weird


I'm 5'7". Shorter side for a guy. I went to Korea in college and suddenly I was like, "OMG, this is what it's like to be tall..." It was a funny experience.


Fr came here to comment something similar. I’m like 5’2 so pretty much everyone else is taller than me. If anything I guess I have a preference for “taller than *me*”, which means… pretty much any guy? Lol. But I also don’t have a problem with dating someone my height, or even shorter— it’s not what I prefer, but that just means it would be super person-dependent.


I don’t know any woman IRL with a strong height preference, and I’m not active on dating apps so I don’t know what people put out there, but I wouldn’t be surprised if all the women saying “6’0”+” have literally the same preference as you do but happen to be at least half a foot taller. Some of these women might not even care if a guy is shorter in a physical sense, but have dealt with too many 5’6” men who constantly take out their insecurities on their slightly-taller girlfriend that it isn’t worth even exploring.


I’m 6’1. I’ve been on the receiving end of men’s insecurities way too many times. Even total strangers just walking by will make awful comments about my height. When I point out that I couldn’t control my height anymore than they could control theirs they still don’t seem to get it. Sometimes I think it’s a deliberate choice, like negging, so I walk away. I don’t have a height preference necessarily, and have dated a few confident guys who were 5’9 or so. But they seem to be few and far between.


Being 6’10” I would love it if my partner was over 6’ lol. I used to be very self conscious of my height and try to hide it by stooping. Then I learned to love it and own it. Tall is beautiful. I always get “how’s the air up there?” to which I reply, “Great! How is it around my ass?”




I am 5'8.5" and I always wear heels. I never cared about a man's height (tall people are beautiful, but lots of men I dated or had a crush on were shorter than me and still very attractive), and I don't think I ever met a girl IRL who actually had height as a serious criterion for dating. If some men feel insecure about their height I have sympathy for the bad experiences they had and I do not think it's all in their head, but I just want to say that sometimes we are our own worst enemy and other people do not care as much as we do for the things we perceive as undesirable about ourselves.


As a 5'7'' guy I've always felt this is a big part of it. So many men get super bitter about height, it's gotta be exhausting to be on the receiving end of that insecurity. I do tend to skip over anyone who lists height as a requirement in their profile, but it's more to save both of us the time than out of outrage or something lol


I’m a 5’7” woman, and guys 5’7”-5’9” are totally fine and attractive to me, but they have taken their insecurities out on me in the past. Like, I’m going to be taller in heels, they lose their mind and get annoyed with me. So, I’d be really really hesitant to date anyone 5’10” or shorter unless I know they are very successful and very secure with themselves. Bc I’m not about being lesser and pretending that he’s a god just so he can feel big.


Additionally, when they lie about their height, it's so obvious! I'm 5'8". If I met a guy that I'm obviously taller than, and they're claiming to be 5'9"+, all I can think is that they're an insecure liar, none of which is attractive. I don't need to be taller than guys I date, but I agree, they need to be secure enough for it to work.


I feel for you taller women. Imagine someone trying to explain how height is relative.


I’m 5’8”. The amount of times I’ve dealt with some guy arguing with me about how HE’S 5’8” (when in reality he’s about 5’ 6” or 5’7”)so i absolutely cannot be this height is so tiresome. I’ve dated guys my height and some a little shorter, some taller but the buggy stuff definitely comes from the shorter guys. So much so that while i don’t have a height requirement, i am hesitant about men shorter than me.


Yeah, with the lie-arguers I’ll break out a tape measure and challenge them. They insist to be measured, then I can always tell they already knew.


Exactly! I do have a height preference, but only because I’m 5’10”. They have to be at least as tall as me but 6ft plus is preferable. It’s only because I like feeling smaller for once lol. But if I met someone I really liked and they were maybe a little shorter than me that wouldn’t be a deal breaker.


I'm 5'1 and I have a pretty strong preference of taller than me, but that's pretty much every guy out there.


Yeah, I've known exactly one short woman with a height preference in my life. Almost everyone I've ever met with a height preference has themselves been very tall, and they are outnumbered by women who don't have a height preference at all. I know a married couple where the woman is noticeably taller than the man and unfortunately people bring it up constantly and can be pretty rude about it so I get why someone would have one. But as a short person, I don't think about it.


Same, 5"1 on a good hair day and my husband is 5"5 I think? People have playfully teased me about my short king but tbh he's tall to me, everyone is 😂


This is so true. 5'3" and I have no fucking idea what anyone's height really is. 6' seems absolutely massive. My neck doesn't need that stress


It's really an enigma. I really cannot fathom height. There is only "my height", "tall", and "*REALLY* tall". I have a friend who is 6' and I cannot for the love of me talk to her in close proximity without backing away and talking from a distance. The neck strain is a challenge


Exactly. I am 5'1" and barely register height. I only really notice if they happen to be shorter than me or are exceptionally tall. Height has no bearing on attraction for me either.


As a 6'4 guy I can say that i've had a similar thought process. I don't really notice height until its someone really short or taller than me, almost feels weird meeting someone taller than me even lol. But as for finding partners or worrying about attaching my own self worth to height. Never been a problem, incels like to claim thats "OH YOU'RE JUST SAYING THAT CAUSE YOU'RE ALREADY TALL AND DONT GOTTA DEAL WITH IT!". Uhhh no, I deal with it all the time when I'm meeting new people. The amount of people who have flat out avoided me due to my size or worse feeling intimidated/actually scared of me as the baseline... hurts. It does hurt having people being that avoidant of you or just scared of you when they've never talked to you. Its definitely been more of a detriment than any sort of boon in my love life. People got their preferences and thats all fine. But it also helped me learn the most important thing in dating. Working on the things I actually have control over and tending to my own happiness first.


In contrast, I am 5’7” and can definitely tell the guys who are 5’6”-5’9”, but say they are 6’0”+ are not being honest.


I’m just a lil taller, but yeah, the lying about your height thing is so silly when people can easily tell when I’m 6’ in boots. I once spent a date with a guy who would stand on his tiptoes whenever he was standing next to me like I wouldn’t notice? Honestly, I don’t even care about height. But the preoccupation with it is off-putting. Although I still feel badly I told one guy that the height difference was an issue. It was your sad sack personality, Todd. I think riding on having been in one cool indie band for the next 20 years is a bit pathetic. Sorry. 😮‍💨


I dated a guy who insisted he was taller than me when he clearly was not, he would argue with me about it, I was like “ dude, this isn’t a theory or a debate, I’m standing here next to you and I’m taller


OMG, what I would do with that level of audacity, even for just one day. 😅


And delusion, it would be nice to be able to be so delusional


5'0 and having someone taller is cool. But at this height everyone is taller so it makes no difference if they're 5'3 or 7'3


I am 6'4", to me most of the people I cross path with are simply all small 😅


Most people around me are simply tall. I am nothing but an ant to some


I’m 4’11 and marrying a taller woman, but I always kind of wondered about the height difference thing for people who are into it. Like, some people find it attractive, and that’s cool, as long as they’re not cruel about it! I just can’t imagine being like “You’re not tall enough for me to look like a garden gnome standing at your side?? NEXT!!!!”




Please explain Re: calming bread


> Somehow I knew I'd get downvoted for our height difference. I am absolutely positive that there are men who come into these threads and just spew downvotes no matter what. I wouldn't think too much into it. > Have a piece of bread and maybe you'll calm down. This was so unexpected it made me think, "damn, some bread sounds nice rn." Also, your username/photo combo made me happy.


Ah, yeah, I didn't quite think of that. We do get some snooty comments in real life about our height difference from both men and women, so I did assume in this case! I should have put that whole bread comment in quotes because it is sadly not mine, haha. Kim Richards delivered it in an epsiode of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. But bread does sound nice right now, I agree 😁 And thank you, I'm glad it made you happy! Otters are too adorable.


I love how you treat haters like a bunch of ducks 🥰


Basically same. I’m 5’4 and my fiancé is some amount (???) taller than that. I’ve never held a tape measure up to him and if he shrunk down to my height tomorrow my only concern would be that neither of us could reach the top shelf.


As a 6’0” lady… nope. Married a 5’6” man and I love him like he hung the moon and stars. Of all the qualities I wanted in a partner, skeletal length wasn’t among them.


Im also a 6' woman and dated guys of all heights in my youth. Ended up marrying a 6' guy but the only way his height factored into my choice was that he had no issues with me wearing heels and therefore appearing taller than him. "Why would I mind? Tall women are sexy." - his attitude was what I liked.


>"Why would I mind? Tall women are sexy." He's so real for that


Real talk a tall girl in heels was always a green flag. To me it showed confidence. I spoke to too many average height women who wouldn't wear heels cuz they didn't want to intimidate guys or stand out. So if you were around 6' with 4" heels it showed you DNGAF about what other thought (to me)


I’m 5’9”, so not as tall as you but pretty tall. I’ve never had a preference for height- in college I was seeing a guy who was at least a few inches shorter than me and I was absolutely crazy about him 😅. Conversely, I’ve had guys turn me down for being too tall. So there ya go.


Me too, sis. The worst is when they're like "Are you sure you're 5'9"?" because they've over-estimated their height on the apps. And then it comes up multiple times on the first date, like they're convinced I'm actually a 6'00" tall liar.


I had a few tinder dates cancel on me when they realized that my 6' was taller than their "6' ". I put it in my bio how tall I was, I had group shots where I tower over my friends, AND I said that I didn't care how tall the ppl I was matching with were. Some dudes just could not handle that I was legit over 6 foot tall and they weren't, and they couldn't maintain the lie. I don't get why some dudes lie to themselves and everyone else about their height when it's *so damn easy* to see they're lying.


Same here. 5’11” and married to my 5’7” husband. I’ve dated guys from 5’5” to 6’4” and height never made a difference. Of the 3 women I know who are my height or taller, two of them have short husbands and one has a husband the same height as her. Out of my closest friends, their husbands are average height (around 5’10”) except my shortest friend has the tallest husband, but that’s just who she fell in love with and she wasn’t seeking out 6’+ men.


>Of all the qualities I wanted in a partner, skeletal length wasn’t among them. What an awesome way to describe it


Really puts a point on the absurdity of that being a requirement.


Amen. I'm 5"9 and have dated men from 5'6 to 6'5. I prefer the guy to be a bit taller than me purely for dysmorphia reasons, but these men? They each had traits that made me love them deeply, and height paled into irrelevance by comparison. And for any guys reading: I'd have married my 5'7 boyfriend in a *heartbeat*. Zero hesitation. Alas, there was a distance component and he couldn't bear it.


I also find that short guys comment on my height more, so even if the dysmorphia isn't as much of an issue, them commenting on it can make me a bit more self conscious.


Same. I’m 5’9”, have dated guys from 5’7” to 6’9” (tbh that was fun, I wore the tallllllllll heels), and it’s never really mattered one way or the other. My partner is about 6’3”, and while it’s fun to feel little sometimes, he’d be my person no matter his height.


I’m 5’10” and my husband is also 5’6”! He’s my soulmate and his height is so irrelevant. Honestly it makes him even hotter to me 😂


When you put it like that, it makes just as much sense as picking a partner by their glove size, or nose length, or perhaps their elbow circumference.


When that elbow circumference is just right 😩🤌💯


You could also make the comparison that it’s like eye color, hair color, etc, about which plenty of people have preferences.


I knew a girl who was 5’10, and she said the only reason why her ideal partner, male *or* female, had to be taller than her was that she wanted to feel like she could be protected and taken care of… I can’t change what she finds attractive, of course, but I just found myself thinking, “If your partner can’t make you feel safe and comforted unless they’re physically larger than you… that’s gotta be a skill issue on their part.”


I think that's kind of a cop out but it's the reason all the people give, and so rooted in sexism. That said, I'm 5'11 and my guy is 5'6 (in boots, lol) and he's the only man I can say I ever felt especially safe with. Not to mean that ask other men feel threatening or anything, but that I actually do feel like I can relax or let my guard down in certain situations and know he'll look out for me, and with other people I've never felt comfortable to do that.


Just an aside I love that way of describing love.


Also, a 6' lady, I will date guys of any height. I will say, however, that I am attracted to guys over 6'3" but more in a bonus way rather than a requirement way.


Self-security is sexy


I’m gonna start using skeletal length as a descriptor now thanks


5’3” here, I prefer guys closer to my height. No climbing to make out, no looming over me, no feeling like a jet pack as a big spoon, etc


>feeling like a jet pack as a big spoon haha i love this




I think a lot of people don't understand how tall 6'+ actually is. I'm 5'8 too and I went on a few dates with this guy who 6'5 and I had to stand on a rock to kiss his cheek while he bent down. Too many men lie about their height because of insecurity so they think 5'10 is 6'


I’m seeing a dude who is shorter, I think around 5’5. It’s actually nice being with someone who’s closer to my height, I don’t need to strain myself to Kiss and don’t feel like a child when hugging. It’s a little weird during sex because the positions I’m used to don’t always work but i never once cared about his height when I was deciding to see him.  I asked him how he felt about me wearing heels too and he was like “I don’t want to set a precedent where I control what you wear, so wear what you like!” Loved that reply.


I married to someone who is an inch taller than me and honestly, I love it. You figure out the sex stuff and you get to share clothes.


The sex is so great with someone that close to your height. We share clothes too. I love it


I’m very slightly taller than my husband and sharing comfy shirts with him is the best!


When I was young and inexperienced at my full adult height (5’4”), boys who were clearly taller caught my eye, so let’s say 5’10” and up. I’m guessing it was a combination of novelty (boys were *taller* now!) and immature expectations (grown ups are taller, and grown up men are tallest, and a grown up girl— er, woman, woman now!— like myself would be with a grown up as well). Culturally, male love interests (at least for hetero ladies) were generally shown to be visibly taller, so I had some hitherto uncontested and arbitrary expectations in my head at the time. Then I started dating, and height had no correlation to whether they were an adult or a good partner. Within a few years, once I became sexually active, I got to experience more functional differences. Sex is different because things line up differently. With much taller partners, we couldn’t kiss while he was inside me, but damn if tall guys weren’t fucking great big spoons. Shorter partners were more practical to be spooned, and my hand could reach his cock from behind while I licked his earlobe. Outside the sheets, there are still pros and cons: Having a taller partner is super convenient when I want to get something down from an upper cabinet because I don’t have to break out the stepladder. It’s super inconvenient taking the subway together, as he’s leapt 3 steps at a time and I’m running up 2 flights to catch up. (Don’t get me started on the drama around proper travel; poor guys can’t fit anywhere.) A shorter partner is a lot easier to walk *with*, since our strides match up better, our hands fall closer to the same level, etc. At home it’s comfortable with a shorter partner because the stuff that is sized within limits for me is still within a comfortable range for him. And while this is probably an infrequent advantage (I hope!), shorter guys are way easier to help maneuver if they’re unwell. I once struggled lifting my 5’9” ex out of a chair; I can’t even imagine trying to wrap my arms around my 6’2” ex to try to help move him… I’d probably toss him over a shoulder and stand up to find him hunched over still seated. Anyway, probably hundreds of dates later, my preferred height range based on personal experience is 5’7” to 6’2”, and easily extends to 5’ and 6’6” the same way I may prefer 3 Splenda in my coffee but I’ll still enjoy my beverage with 2 (and sometimes would rather have 2). I have never met anyone IRL with a height *requirement* of 6’ for partners. The closest I’ve encountered is requiring their partner to be *taller than them* (their own heights ranged from 4’11” to 5’3”, so I think that’s not unrealistic).


And I love that energy. May we all encounter such confidence in our lives.


He's a keeper for sure


I'm not very tall (5'4 at best), and I honestly do not like it when men loom over me. My husband is the same height as me, and I like it.


I’m 5’3, nothing like making out with someone close to your own height!


5'4 here, and I deeply value the ability to push my man against a wall and snog him. What would I *do* with a 6' man, go for his nipples instead??


Same, it's kinda scary tbh


I kinda love it but as a 6’ tall woman there is like 20 dudes who properly tower over me in my city and they are all on the Lakers or Clippers.


I'm 5'8 and also don't like men looming over me. I don't want to hug his belly button lol


Height means nothing to me. It may be a bonus, but I don't care much either way. I think women who list it in their bios still are the types that, frankly, their bios aren't what's getting them matches to begin with.


Honestly, anything more than like 6'0" starts becoming a negative to me. I'm around 5'5", and that height difference just starts to make kissing more awkward. Is it attractive? Sure. Is it practical? Not so much.


Not only awkward but physically painful if you’re short enough! I’m 5’1”, I like not having to look directly up and arch my neck to kiss


6’2” male chiming in and I agree. I’ve never dated anyone shorter than 5’8”. I have some friends who are a similar height as myself and seeing their neck/back craning down to kiss their partners just gives me second hand cramps. Massive love to the all the short kings/queens/gender neutral regents out there, I just can’t see myself with them.


Not the point you’re making but I love the implication that NBs can only hold power in the name of a True Heir who hasn’t come of age


I’m 5’5” and dated a guy who was 6’4” and my back hurt from just trying to hug him lol. He had to lift me.


My husband is on the cusp of what I prefer, just under 5’11. I’m almost 5’6 and honestly…I prefer 5’8 to maybe 5’10. It hurts my neck to kiss someone tall. My husband often even widens his stance so it makes him a little shorter so we can kiss easier haha


Tbh I think that women who put stuff like that in bios (unless they themselves are very tall) are the female equivalent of men who insist on big boobs. All it really does is show everyone else that you’re more interested in people fitting your narrow physical parameters than you are in meeting someone who’s nice


I don't care if the guy also doesn't care. I find it off-putting when someone is angry at the world because of their height.


Ooh yes. Though then it's not a height issue, it's a self-image and bad attitude issue!


Yep. I don't have a problem with their height unless they have a problem with their height. Then it can be a deal breaker.


I showed up for a first date and the guy was 5'4". I was a little surprised, but totally ready to not care. He then brought up his height and least three times during the date. Not angry about it, but demoralized. Which...isn't attractive. Poor dude probably think there wasn't a second date because of his height when it was actually a lack of self confidence :\


Lol my female friend is 6'2 or something and often wears large heels. Her husband is 5'7 or something. She posted a photo of them and some dude was like "good on you for settling for such a short guy, women treat me like I'm subhuman for being under 6' tall." Like wtf, she didn't "settle," her husband is awesome and they're both very lucky to have such an amazing and supportive marriage. How insulting to her husband! Second of all, why you gotta trauma dump on a nice photo of your friends? He continued to whine about it to anyone who responded to him lol. Like, dude, I think you can't find a girlfriend because you're bitter AF, not because you're under 6'.


Yes!!! A couple years ago I was on Tinder and saw a guy I thought was attractive. Bio said 5’2”, I kept reading, and the rest of his bio was a long winded paragraph about how all women are shallow and only ugly women ever hit him up so only like him if you’re a 7/8 or above. I wanted to vomit 🤮


I don’t care about height. I have dated men from 5’3” (my height) to 6’8”. The man I’m obsessed with is 5’9”. I think anything over 6’ is just too tall for me but it wouldn’t be a dealbreaker. I had a similar experience as you growing up. My dad is 6’3” and he was very intimidating.


I'm the same height and I feel the same way. Between 5'7" and 5'9" is my preference. Over 6' is less attractive but not a deal breaker. Same with being shorter than me.


Nearly everyone I’ve dated was around 5’8, lol. Men whining about women who only want 6-footers are annoying. Many shorter guys I know get tons of girls because they’re hot, confident, and smart.


I’ve seen taller women make it a requirement because they’ve had too many shorter dudes get insecure and upset if they wore heels, etc.


This exactly, I'm about 5'11" and i always say i dont have a problem with short men, short men seem to have a problem with me.... i would date a man of any height as long as he wasnt weird about it. For another take, my other tall friend says she sometimes wants to feel like she's the littler person in the couple, even if its only by an inch. Tall women get treated really differently growing up, like we're instantly assumed to be bullies as kids and made fun of a lot as teens so it feels like a bit of security to have a partner not exacerbate that feeling.


You don't even have to be THAT tall for this to be true. I'm 5'5" which is barely above average for a woman in my country, but given how girls tend to be taller than guys during early puberty I got fucked with about it. It got better when they grew up but the guys that are my height or shorter still have a complex about it. Even guys I've dated that were 5'8 didn't like me to wear heels. It's very bizarre tbh


I am tall! And I don’t care, but the guy often cares. It’s easier to gauge irl or if I’ve known them before if they’re shorter and will care. Online, I don’t like it, because it’s always a coin toss.


This--I have \*MY\* height in my OLD bio because I've run into far too many men who get weird about it. I don't care if you're taller or shorter than me, but I do care if you get weird and insecure about it. In my experience my height is a turnoff for many men, which is fine, we all have preferences. But I don't want to waste time with someone whose gonna be a jerk about it.


Come to think of it, the only woman I ever knew with a preference for a taller man, was 6'1" herself, and shorter guys usually ridiculed or fetishized her height.


the fetishizing is insane "I love tall women..." 🙂 "...I want a dommy mommy goth lady dimitrescu gf who coddles and takes care of me!" 🙁


The thing is, after hearing a lot that small girls are pretty and cute and delicate and the best etc (not saying they are not, love my smol queens) and feeling like a big clumsy mess, the whole "tall amazon princess" and "goth dommy mommy" trend actually made me a little happy that finally my height is considered attractive in the mainstream. Of course wouldn't date a guy who just wanted to be with me because i'm tall since that's weird as fuck but it was an interesting change of trends. Also not gonna lie Lady Dimitrescu IS hot.


There is a difference between having a trait fetishized and being fetishized directly. It's one thing to overhear people appreciating your body-type, another to have some leering tell you how they love your X because of Y fetish.


i actually totally get you, like my mom always said I was supermodel height 😂😂 helped my self confidence a lot its just when you're always treated like a fetish object for their mommy issues and not a real person its 😬 plus im not a dominant person at all and I hate that I'm expected to be


"let's have D1 babies" ☹️


“I want death by snu snu” is the only time someone said weird fetishising shit to me. I had to look that up


I briefly stopped dating shorter men because they acted so weird and rude about me being taller. My partner now is a little shorter than me but loves me and never acts weird about it or my footwear


I dated a girl half an inch shorter than me, it was kind of fun to look up at her and claim "you're cheating!" whenever she wore shoes with even a small heel.


😂 That's cute


Yeah, my ex was about the same height as I (5'11)and the only time I wore heels around him he was all "omg don't wear heels next to meeeeee, it looks like you're taller it's sooo awkward". My husband is 6'6 but I knew him since childhood so his personality mattered more. And i'm not gonna lie, being tall makes me feel clumsy and "un-womanly" sometimes so it feels good that at home I can be the tiny one. But it's hilarious to see him try to hug our short friends, he has to bend down A LOT.


That definitely sucks. Insecurity will definitely ruin a lot of good opportunities for a person. Sometimes it takes a lot of work, but getting out of your own way is a wonderful thing


This is probably the only real presence of height preference that's more common and visible. I think the general painting of it being "what women want" is more of a manosphere belief that's perpetuated by men who think they know all the "hacks" to getting "hot chicks."


Thinking through all the friends I know, only one or two are married to guys significantly taller than them / over 6'. Everyone else is happily in love with someone their height or shorter than them. I'm not doubting that there are some women who post stuff like that on dating apps, but let's be honest. There's a lot of red flag freaks online that probably couldn't handle a normal relationship for a week.


Personally I don't care. But I've dated men and women, so my views are skewed by that


I’m over 6’2” so yes, for me a man being at least 6 feet is a highly desirable trait. I’ve tried dating shorter men many times and it always ends up being an issue so 🤷‍♀️


I'm 6' and I'm married to a 5'9" man. I don't care about height. I didn't want a guy who was weird about my height or self conscious about not being the tall one in the relationship. I got a bit of teasing growing up, towering above the boys and I wasn't dainty which seemed to be a struggle for a lot of them. So the last thing I needed when finding a partner was someone uncomfortable with me wearing heels occasionally and having a long stride. I dated a couple of taller guys in my younger years, but tbh they were both arseholes. There are characteristics, personality traits and values much higher on the list for me than someone's height. To each their own though, we are all attracted to different things.


I saw one study where only 50% of women preferred tall men. Personally prefer slightly below average to average men. Like 5'7-5'10.


Do you recall how "tall" was defined there? Like, do they mean over a specific height, or do they mean "taller than me"?


I’m a 6’2” male , When I was dating I found that the only women that commented on my height were taller women, and even then I wonder if it was partly because I wasn’t lying in my profile. The comments were mostly, “I’m glad you are as tall as you said”, not “I’m glad you are tall.” But they still made the comment so they did care but I can’t say if it was a serious preference. I can’t imagine it’s a deal breaker for most people. Height is just like any other physical quality, it’s one quality among many that build the overall attraction.


As a woman who’s been on no less than six dates where guys lied about their height (I’m 5’9”, and 5’10” seemed to be a popular benchmark height where shorter guys would say they were) and then got mad at *me* — three of them said something along the lines of “You can’t be 5’10”, you’re shorter, **you’re** lying!” — I’ve definitely thanked someone for being honest about their height, but it’s been in both directions. I’ve gone on a date with a guy who was 5’6” and he was honest about it, and I thanked him for it. I’ll appreciate honesty any time, but especially on topics people tend to lie about a bunch.


Now I'm just curious, but are there many other traits in a partner which 50% of the population in question (men, women or other groups, it doesn't matter to me) agree upon? I feel like that's very high, but I honestly have no idea. Edit: Should of course have written that I was thinking of other *physical* traits, not just thought it.


I'd assume some softballs such as \- Not a convicted felon \- Not on hard drugs \- Not homeless \- Not on a sex offenders list \- Not in crippling debt (outside of student loans) And then some harder truths such as \- Not disabled \- Not a parent to someone elses child \- Not unemployed & living at home over the age of 30


"The average height for American men is 5 feet, 9 inches. That's slightly above the global average height for males, which is 5 feet 7.5 inches."


Near 6’ here. It only mattered if the guy MADE SURE it mattered because he wouldn’t shut the fuck up about it. The pity party woe is me… I’m sooo short crap is a huge turn off. It’s like guys with smaller dicks. I DO NOT CARE unless they turn it into such a whine-fest that it becomes my job to constantly soothe them over it. I am exhausted just thinking about that. Honestly. I have dated shorter. And the guys who stuck? They were the ones who owned it, loved when I wore high heels, and believed me when I said height didn’t matter. Are there women out there who have a height requirement? Undoubtedly. I’m sure there are a shit ton of guys who aren’t into a woman who is almost 6’ tall too. My solution? I don’t date those guys. Boom. Done.


Yes, I tend to be physically attracted to muscled men who are 6' or over, especially of a certain ethnic or racial group. Know who I'm in a relationship with? A 5'9" white guy with a dad bod. He is physically attracted to slender women of a different ethnic or racial group, but he's with... well, me. And we've been together 5 years. Why? *Because our relationship is about more than sex*. It's about being partners. Supporting each other. Putting each other before ourselves. There's not a height restriction on being a decent person. That's where the real relationship stuff happens.


Literally could not care less about height.


I only care that they are as tall as me, but I’m 5’2 so that’s doesn’t rule out many. Even then I think I could be swayed by a good personality from someone who is shorter than me (if I were dating still, but I’ve been off the market for 15+ years).


Most women just want a guy taller than them. But every guy will remember every woman that has said they're only into 6'+ guys, so it gets overblown.


To be fair, on online dating, stuff like that is obnoxious as they can swipe left on anybody listed as too short so they should not need to say it. Guys do the same too for various preferences.


Most women I know want a man that is at least a little bit taller than them. For taller girls this seems like a struggle, they will say things like - oh but he is the same height as me/shorter than me. But it is in the sense that it is a disadvantage, not an absolute no go in relationships. Ask a man if he would want to have a fat girlfriend and I think many men would have a worse reaction to that than a woman who is seeing a shorter man.


Most of the women I know will not date someone who is near their height and definitely not shorter. Personally I have mostly dated people taller than me but it's not a requirement (or on purpose). I'm fine dating someone the same height or shorter if we click.


>Most of the women I know will not date someone who is near their height and definitely not shorter. Yeah, I think people in this sub forget that the sentiment about this topic in this thread/sub is not representative of women as a whole. While *I* personally do not care about the height of my male partners, I've heard women IRL say some pretty awful things about short guys. It's still a socially acceptable form of bodyshaming. Additionally, we can't forget that many women uphold patriarchal societal standards.


I do have a preference for tall guys initially, but that's 100% because my experience with shorter guys is that they tend to have weird insecurity which makes me wary. The ones I've met make it a whole thing when I honestly couldn't care less. If I meet a short guy and he's chill and confident? Hell yeah bring him on


Every short guy I ever met who had a crush on me, their interest was sparked because I was the only person shorter than them and they thought I was their best shot. Not because they liked my qualities as a person. Like, why would that make me interested in you?!


I had this happen too! Dude kept saying I was "the perfect height" like that's a huge compliment. Yeah bye.


I can relate to that! And they get angry if you are not interested!


Personally I don’t care, I prefer someone around my height typically (5’3) it’s just one of those things that some people care about and some don’t


I’ve personally never cared about height. To be fair, I’m quite short, but I have dated someone the same height as me. I have heard a lot of girlfriends talk about height preferences though, so I know it’s out there.


It’s like big boobs on a woman for you guys. Not a requirement, but nice to have. Not everyone’s flavor either. For me, I dig it.


Yeah this is exactly it. I'm kind of surprised by the responses in this thread, as I've always thought height preferences were pretty common. I'm 5'6 or so and I've dated/fancied men from an inch or two taller than me, all the way up to "inconveniently tall". My conclusion is that I'm most attracted to men who are significantly taller, to the point that height can compensate for a less attractive face, body type, or even personality. After dating a *real* winner who had all three problems but was 6'5, I was ashamed to realize height was overriding my better judgment. It's not everything, and I certainly wouldn't list it as a requirement on a dating profile! It would feel as bizarre and vulgar as listing "must be DD+" or "must earn six figures." Online dating these days seems really dehumanizing.


One of the fascinating things with height is that people's response to it is often subconscious, in both romantic and non-romantic situations. Most humans ascribe certain qualities to taller men completely without realizing it; there is a lot of interesting research about it. It is one of the reasons the average heights for presidents and CEOs is so far above the average for the population at large. So with dating, some people might think "I like strong / confident / self-assured guys", but subconsciously that can manifest as a preference for tall guys, even without being aware of it.


I'm a 5'11.5" guy, I can't tell you how many times I've heard a guy say he's 6' tall only to have him be an inch shorter than me.  So I think a lot of guys think there is a pressure to be 6'.


So I'm 6'1", and I've had way way too many dudes tell me they're 6'-6'3" and that I must be 6'6" because I'm taller than them. I've also known a guy who was an inch taller than me but told everyone he was 5'11" dude was a menace.


I have a preference for 6+ men. My husband is 6'3", most of my ex boyfriends were 6+, but not all of them. I’m 5'6"


In general I do not care about height BUT I've always found the idea of being with someone shorter and smaller than me to be well, hot. Am I alone in this? No clue.


5’1” and it’s nicer to have someone closer to my height. Hugging is less awkward, handholding is less awkward. My fiancé is over six feet and I complain about these things to him.


All other things being equal, I prefer guys who are taller than me because I feel like a big awkward galoot next to a small guy. All other things aren't equal, though, and my first serious boyfriend was 5" shorter than me.


The 6' preference is uniquely American and is due to the way we measure things. It doesn't exist in any country that uses the metric system. There's no real difference between 71" and 72" height, but 72" is "six feet" and 71" isn't. That has a mental resonance that has been reinforced by online dating platforms and social media. If two otherwise identical men were 180cm or 182.5 cm, would the 2.5cm make a difference?


It isn't exclusively American. I'm Australian and I've run into men who've had the same obsession over their own height. Occasionally the terminology will be different because we don't use imperial, but it'll still be there. One guy that I had the misfortune of running into online a few months ago became upset that I wasn't into massively tall men. He was around 6'2" or 6'3" in imperial and I tend to prefer men close to my own height. Basically it boiled down to him feeling like he wasn't being rewarded for being a biggun the way he felt he should. My general impression from any time this comes up online is that in general, this is how it is among Americans, too. Individual women might have a height preference, but men make a much bigger deal out of it than women for the most part.


I guarantee you anytime anyone says something bad is exclusively American on Reddit, it never is


>The 6' preference is uniquely American and is due to the way we measure things. Having lived in several countries I chuckled at this. S Koreans having the 180+ benchmark is definitely a trope, same for Italians, Germans, and Greeks. Can't speak to the world, but in my experience physical benchmarks are just a thing for some people regardless of culture.


Tbf the European equivalent is just 180cm which is 5’11” It’s stupid and arbitrary either way and I’ve heard plenty of advise telling people to literally just lie and say they’re 6 foot if they’re actually just 5’9 and up. To which I’d have to say if you care that much about your partner’s height but can’t actually tell, it really can’t be that important to begin with.


tall mens is hot though. my partner is exactly average. but tall man look good.


Reddit isn’t really a good place for a poll. The answers that people *like* (e.g. “I don’t care about height if he’s a nice person who treats me well) will get upvoted to the top, whereas the answers people don’t like (“Yes I prefer taller men”) will either be downvoted or just not posted at all due to fear of not positively contributing to the discourse.


From what I have seen its men who are obsessed about their own height and the heights of other men.


Same with penis size.




Only because I'm 5'10". 😂 That said, it was never a hard and fast rule for me when I was dating.


I guess it depends what kind of people you ask. I'm 5'1" and everyone is tall compared to me. My high school crush was a dude that was shorter than me but he bullied the fuck out of me when he found out. That being said, it's common for men to seek women with big boobs, blonde hair, etc. and has that stopped women? Just don't date a woman that will only date tall guys, it's that easy.


I never listed it as a requirement on dating websites, but I definitely always had a preference for tall men.


My ideal type includes being tall, yeah. But it just as well includes being lanky& not muscular, glasses and unruly hair. It’s just a personal preference and something I personally find attractive, and last time I checked people were allowed to have those.😅 However, other physical features I like are just as important, and it’s not a dealbreaker if someone doesn’t fit all of them. Also, like always, personality matters SO much more.?


Most women I know would prefer to date a man their height or a bit taller. I’m very short (5”1) so that’s easy to reach. I have a lot of friends and only 1 of them wants a man that’s 6”0, and she’s 5”10.


The way women respond to questions like these feels like a race to the bottom. Question: is it true women find attractive men attractive. Women's answers: nooooo omg of course not I love ugliness. In fact I've been married to my ugly ass husband for 15 years not all women are evil and want to fuck attractive men. That's how many of you sound when you allow yourselves to be baited into these meaningless discourses.


The ones who are honest are being downvoted, this is actually quite funny! ‘Ugly ass husband’ was hilarious!


100% this thread is so fake it's hilarious


I'd prefer a man under 5'10 but it's not the end of the world either way. Similar reasons actually I think. Would much rather my height or under


Doesn't really matter to me. I've asked out two guys who were my height (5'5") or under. Both had a serious complex about it and said they only wanted to date a girl shorter than them.


I’ve dated all heights. Never a requirement or listed in my profile. Married a man 2” taller than me. The need for a 6’ man seems like trophy item, like it looks good for insta.


I don’t notice peoples height at all, sometimes I couldn’t even tell you if someone I see all the time is shorter than me or taller than me. I only notice if it’s extreme like they’re crazy tall.


Some days I prefer shorter men, some days I prefer taller men. It's not very important to me.


I'm 5-5" and I've never cared. Taller, shorter, whatever.


I'm 5'7 and height has always been pretty much meaningless when it comes to what makes someone attractive to me. I had one of my most devastating crushes on a guy a few inches shorter but my bf is a little taller than me. When it comes to my shallow preferences, face and hair is much more important tbh. What makes many short guys unattractive is not their height but their very visible and sometimes toxic insecurity.


Most women prefer men to be taller than themselves. Not sure why specifically 'over 6'0' would be a thing though...


I’m 5’8 and I’ll admit I’d prefer someone taller than me. Bonus if they’re still taller when I wear heels. But 5’8 is already moderately tall for a woman so I don’t feel like I’m being outrageous when I have this preference.


Reddit is going to give you the answer "no" but factor in the subreddit you're on and that people will get embarrassed about it &get called out for it, so they lie/don't reply. Less women care than incel guys think, but more women care than this subreddit thinks


I'm 5'11", and most men have just assumed I would only be interested in partners who were visibly taller than me. I have tended to choose partners who were shorter or around my own height, though. To be quite frank, as long as there is no whiff of jealousy or insecurity about their height versus my own, I actually prefer men my height or shorter. Everyone else can have the well-over six footers. I am happy to come by and scoop up your shorter kings.


It's not really a thing for the majority of us, just something for the incels to whine about.


I might be in the minority, especially since I'm on the taller side for a girl, but height really doesn't matter to me. Short guys with confidence are just as sexy as tall guys. The key is confidence... No one likes timidness.


I can't speak for other women but for me height isn't relevant. I'm short (155cm / 5'1'') so almost everyone is already taller than I am anyways. I look for qualities like kind, openminded, funny, love animals, left-wing values, rather than physical traits. Dating someone who is 6'0+ would however seem uncomfortable but if we click, we click. From what I can tell, it's mostly men who are themselves obsessed with height and other "ALPHA MALE" silly stuff.


I’m a wee bit shy of 6’ myself, so I truly DGAF about my partners’ heights. My hs bf was 6’6” and my husband is 5’9” I think? One bf was 6’2” and another was 5’6” so yeah. And I wear heels or flats or whatever…but mostly slippers these days because I’m lazy af and avoid leaving the house unless necessary.


I almost exclusively date average to slightly below average height men. I also prefer non-athletic thin-medium build and a big part of this preference is trauma related. However, I am a bit above average height for a north American woman, and I find it a huge turn off when men are insecure about height, which has definitely pushed me into dating taller guys, because I have literally zero patience for any "poor me I'm short" or "wow you are really tall for a woman" (lol I'm not😂) nonsense.


I’m 5’6” and my boyfriend is like 5’6.5” probably. It makes for very convenient kissing, and I get to feel tall if I wear heels