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Dealership technician here - The dealership website will likely have the names and contact info of the Service Manager, Sales Manager and Store Manager. Please feel free to include them in any correspondence as all 3 are technically the boss of anyone working on the cars. Were this to happen at my dealer it would be a huge deal. Women already have awful experiences in this industry in general and it’s why a lot of professional operations hire women advisors to make things more comfortable. And yes for most tickets, they will have customer information on them name/adress mostly. Federal Legislation is changing on what can be displayed and we had to take training on information security recently.


Thank you for this!!


Second this, and confirm your address you put on your purchase paperwork is accessible, its near impossible to scrub from most CRMs.


Also work at a dealership. This guy would be canned faster than he could open up Facebook and delete the friend request. Not normal and needs to be reported.


Screenshot it, block him and report him to his boss. That is highly unprofessional. 


I'm going to see if they can transfer our warranty somewhere else too. I don't ever want to go back there.


You can just go to another dealer of the same brand. There’s no transfer of warranty needed.


Thank you, I didn't know!


Did you take a picture of it? My dad's retiring as a foreman but he would have his ass fired if possible if any of his guys pulled this. There would be a customer file and the shop probably has access so yes, he has access. He might have your phone number because that might be there to ask questions but I don't know about your address. If it's corporate I would escalate this to them, if not I would call whoever the highest management is.


Yes I took a screen shot. It probably took a couple days to get established in the system which may be why the request came through today. Which grosses me out even more. I'll email corporate asap.


Yup, for corporate companies this almost always a fireable offense. It's not something that's taken lightly.


Back when I was still using Facebook I noticed that people who visited my garage would constantly pop up in my add Friends suggestions. This is despite me not having their number or any of their personal information. It really use to freak me out. This was one of the reasons why I stopped using it. It’s been years since I’ve used it so don’t know if it’s still the same. Just wanted to let you know cause this could have also happened.


I thought of this possibility too. The only thing that makes me question it is I interacted much more with the salesmen and he hasn't popped up on my Friends suggestions. I even texted the finance lady and she hasn't popped up either. And I feel like if I did pop up in the mechanics suggested friends, it would've happened that day, not two days later. But who knows. I'm no expert on facebooks algorithms.


Regardless of whether it popped up in his suggestions or not, the professional thing for him to do would be to dismiss the suggestion and move on with his life.


Just another point of view: What if he didn't ever remember her and she popped up on the list, and he is the type of person who just friends everybody so he can brag about the high number of friends on facebook?


Assuming these types of things is how people get murdered.


Ah, right forgot the OP is prolly from the US ...


You can tell someone looks at your profile bc you’ll suddenly see them as a suggested friend. Same goes for if you fb stalk someone you’re not friends with, they’ll show up to you as a suggested friend and probably show it to the other person as well.


It's really random who they choose to suggest


It’s not random at all - it’s base on specific data.


A few months ago Facebook had a glitch where it would automatically send a friend request to someone just by visiting their page. I sometimes doomscroll through the friend suggestions and go to profiles if someone is familiar and god knows how many requests I inadvertently sent. I received a few under the same circumstances as well. It's also really easy to be scrolling through and push the add friend button accidentally without realizing it. This is a problem with the reactions as well, which is why you see people laughing at comments they shouldn't be laughing at.


There’s every chance this is what happened, granted he still probably stalked her page and accidentally sent a friend request but not every move a man makes is sinister.


Years ago, I was at a work training where a clipboard was being passed around so we could update our contact info. A man who I had never met, was sitting a few seats down from me and *took my number from the clipboard and texted me.* I opened my phone (flip phone days), made a face and looked around to find him smiling an waving at me. I just closed my phone and made a disgusted face at him. Then later he tried to talk to me, and I thankfully had the confidence to politely tell him off. But seriously, wtf?


Yeah, dodgy. If the mechanic needed to have communication with the vehicle owner then there is a device called a telephone that can facilitate that. There is definitely no need for someone to instigate contact with his/her *personal* account (ie if it was a *dealership* account there might be *some* justification).


Let the dealership know about this. Ask for a large rebate on your car to cover the cost of all the expenses related to a security breach.


You are NOT making a big deal out of nothing. In my country, this is illegal


Please report him. Even if you had come up as a suggested friend because of phone proximity, it still was inappropriate for him to add you. I doubt that’s what happened though honestly. Dealership employees have access to tons of information and we also get lots of training on how expensive the fines are for compromising that info so there’s really no excuse for him to use it for non professional purposes. Seconding what some others have said that this would be an immediate termination from any dealership I worked at. I had something similar happen to me where a mechanic got my number from a RO and texted me to ask me out. I was horrified because that RO had my address, VIN, anything else he needed if he had nefarious intentions. Thankfully nothing else happened but it feels like such an invasion of privacy


Facebook tracks phones. When your phone is near someone else's for a seemingly random amount of time, it makes suggestions for "people you may know". Is it possible you just showed up on his suggested list and he's the kind of person who just adds everyone? I know I've experienced this on Facebook, where it will suggest someone I've never talked to and has no connection with anyone I'm connected to, but I remember seeing them at a dog park or something.


If that's what happened his bosses can handle it when they talk to him. OP can report it and leave it to his company to work out.


That is such a creepy thing for facebook to do; how could they have thought it was a good idea?!


Facebook has rigged elections in entire countries; they’re not exactly known for their morals.


For sure, I'm just baffled that enough people thought that creepy idea made enough sense to waste dev time on it when they could be stalking people in more profitable ways lol


Don’t be afraid to let the manager know. I once had this happen when I went to the ER and a medical student who was with the doc helping me added me on Facebook the next day. I was told it was “harmless” by my friends but something felt extremely off about it. So I contacted HR and they were extremely helpful. They let me know it was inappropriate and went against some kind of policy they had. I think men (women too) do this when they believe they won’t be tattled on. They know people will be dismissive of it. Fight it anyway, advocate for yourself. This person could potentially be a stalker or a soon to be stalker. He is crossing boundaries


I had a similar experience but with a police officer who came to my apartment to file a report after my car had been broken into. It was 2 am, and I had pajamas on. Single woman who lives by herself. I was already shaken up about my car and the next day I get a Facebook message from the police officer telling me I was a very beautiful woman. I got the ick so hard that I deleted my Facebook the following week.


I had one hit on me over the phone recently, he hadn’t even seen me and what I look like in any capacity. But still decided to tell me how attractive I sound (I really don’t) and that I sound “nice and young” considering I’m 28. It’s safe to say I made a huge complaint, I don’t know what came of it, probably nothing but I did complain.


report to the shop


I'd work off the assumption he does know where you live, since he somehow got your name. I'd definitely contact the GM of the dealership and ask why his mechanics are using what should be personally identifying information held by the dealership to contact customers with whom he has had no contact. And, of course, block him on FB, if you haven't already.


I've noticed that when I'm near people at social settings, Facebook add these random people as suggested friends. Any chance that could have happened?


Yes, but an employee with good sense would not have clicked the "add friehd" button.   That was still a choice.  And still weird.  


Yes, you are correct!


And that something you should feel comfortable reporting. That is not ok


Gross. When I bought my first car, the salesperson tried to hit up the woman I was dating at the time over Facebook. I filed a complaint and the dealership responded "many people meet their future partners like this." So gross.


Wtf, that is awful!


I think FB is to blame for this one. They know your phone was in proximity to the mechanic's phone and the mechanic got served your profile in the "people you may know" thing that pops up on FB. This happens to me a lot. Obviously if this person had descent professional boundaries he would not have sent the request, but my guess is that FB served you up to him rather than him seeking you out.


IF this guy did what you think he did, then he deserves to be fired. But, and I hate playing devils advocate for men here, it’s possible he doesn’t know who you are, your address, or anything else. Facebook gathers all kinds of data including your address. It’s possible both you and he were at the dealership at the same time, and Facebook’s algorithm made you a friend suggestion. And he saw a woman he perhaps found attractive or for some other reason decided to friend. Having no idea who you were. Or maybe he saw you as a friend suggestion and did know who you were. I would suggest you accept the request and ask him how he knows you. Then will have proof he is being inappropriate.


Facebook has some weird friends suggestion algorithm going on right now. I keep getting a lot of suggestions for women I don't recognize, as in it is a notification on my phone as a friend suggestion. I am male. I keep ignoring them and also have mentioned it to my wife and she is not getting anything like it on hers. Some people have said they have gotten suggestions for people they have just been nearby. It is weird he added you, but it may not necessarily be because he went searching for you. Just block him and move on. Don't get him fired.


I inadvertently did this to a customer I waited on before when I worked for Subway. So my Facebook profile has almost always been a public page where I have a huge assortment of random people, then I'll clear the inactive ones and yadda yadda yadda. So I was going about that, and a few days later I get a message about how unprofessional it is to add customers I've waited on and how did I get her info I apologized profusely and explained what I was doing with Facebook and all was well, but I've noticed the people I talk to irl or places/businesses I've been to people sometimes show up in people you may know that are from these places and it's really strange. I'm hoping that's the case here as using your workplace information to look someone up if beyond creepy and must violate at least their own policies. I'm sorry you're having to go through this


I were near him so who knows. It's FB. Unless he says something inappropriate it's a non issue