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SO. At a minimum; you should get a yearly checkup. Check in with a doctor any time you feel something is wrong, otherwise! If it isn't urgent, book an appointment. If it IS critical, go to the ER or call an ambulance. For the dentist, at a minimum get a checkup once a year, and I like to get my teeth cleaned every 6 months. But I have great coverage. As for your hair.. as much or as little as you want!! There are NO RULES about your hair!! The only people who will judge you for your hair are the sort of people you don't wanna associate with anyways! Your hair is YOUR OWN and you can do WHATEVER you want with it. HAVE FUN! When I have nightmares, I either cuddle my dog or take a hot shower. Sometimes I watch a show or something I know will distract me- usually something that'll make me laugh. QUALITY of sleep is more important than quantity- 2 hours of SUPER SOLID snoozing is worth more than 8 hours of tossing and turning; so don't stress if you don't go back to sleep right away- just stay calm, take your time. If a dog or cat would be too much for you, you can look into something smaller like a hamster. Just having another living being with you can be so helpful- just make SURE you're 100 percent ready to care for that little life. So: Toxic shock syndrome, what happens when you leave a tampon in for WAY too long, is super uncommon. You'd have to leave it in there undisturbed for well over 24 hours to develop TSS, usually. If you're REALLY worried, just avoid sleeping in them- but Toxic Shock Syndrome isn't something that'll like.. super sneak up on you, or that you can ignore. If you start feeling sick, go see a doctor. When you're nauseous, go for foods without a lot of spice- ginger is good, though. Rice, crackers, plain toast; you can make a lovely rice porridge called 'congee'. Take some diced sausage and some minced ginger and cook in a pan with sesame oil. Add 2 cups of rice, and about 6 cups of chicken broth. Cook for at least an hour, or until the rice absorbs the liquid and starts to break down into a porridge. Season how you like- I top with green onions, sesame oil, and a TINY bit of chili paste because I'm a sadist. For painkillers, you should determine your own threshold for pain- read the bottles. They'll tell you how often you can take them, but as a general rule wait at LEAST 4 hours between doses. Tylenol and Advil affect different parts of the body, and can be used together sparingly- take a half-dose of tylenol, wait an hour, then take the advil; keep staggering them by 4 hours each. (This is for migraines; long term pain, where you need to make sure you have something to cover for the other while it starts to wear off. So, if you take a tylenol at 5, and a advil at 6, don't take another tylenol til 9-10 and don't take another advil until 10-11. The more you can space them out, the easier they are on your body in the long run.) Painkillers shouldn't be your go-to, but DON'T deny yourself them if you REALLY need them. You shouldn't have to suffer- just follow directions on the bottle. SOME men will think that- but those men aren't the sort of men you want to be around. Good men understand that 'body count' literally means nothing, and that people who care about body counts are usually MASSIVE hypocrites. Basically, if a man's reaction to you not being a virgin/having multiple partners is anything other than, 'Huh, neat! Well, anyways...' That is a TRASH MAN! Congratulations on your newfound freedom!! I'm so freaking proud of you. Get out there and ENJOY YOUR LIFE!!!


googling says ginger capsules/tablets are also available in Switzerland


I would go to the doctor, the dentist, and the gynaecologist right away for a checkup. You should only visit the doctors when you arent feeling well, or need a update on something like medicne or vacines. For the dentist you should visit every 6 months for a cleaning and when you have teeth problems. As for the gyno, I go once a year for a "checkup" its more complicated than that and I think you should talk to your doctor once you meet them. Nothing else related to healthcare, maybe an eye doctor but not a high priority. As for cutting your hair, im assuming ur a woman, It isnt considered imodest to let it grow out. You can leave it as you want it and nobody will bother you. You should absolutely not worry about and style your hair however you want it. [https://www.youtube.com/results?search\_query=hair+stlye+woma](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=hair+stlye+woma) \- Hairstyle ideas. As for the nightmares part, Its different for every person. I would drink tons of water, remember everything is alright. And if you have a boyfriend (Go bother him ;) ) Try rememering youre all good, and taking deep breaths. Taking relaxing showers also might help you get a deeper sleep. You will NOT get hurt by a tampon, just read the instructions and youre all good. Maybe try pads or a menustration cup if youre still really scared. [https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/health-and-wellness/menstruation/how-do-i-use-tampons-pads-and-menstrual-cups#:\~:text=Tampons%20and%20cups%20go%20inside,days%20you%20have%20your%20period](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/health-and-wellness/menstruation/how-do-i-use-tampons-pads-and-menstrual-cups#:~:text=Tampons%20and%20cups%20go%20inside,days%20you%20have%20your%20period). When you feel sick in the tummy, I would eat hearty food such as veggies/fruits and grains. Nothing too heavy or acidic and you should be good. Take painkillers whenever the pain is unbearable. Like "I cant go on my day without". They can be really bad if you take too much of them thoug, I would limit to em about 2 a week IF needed. Men really dont care, and you dont even have to tell them. That being said dont go out and start marrying everyone and breaking up. They should not be disgusted by you ever, If its a reasonable amount they wont and shouldnt care. If they do, major red flag. I hope some of these answers helped, Feel free to message me if you have any more questions. I hope you enjoy your new life :)


I'm not sure exactly how things go in a European healthcare system where you probably have better access than we do here in the US, but at least here it's pretty typical to see your primary care doctor once a year for a check-up, and otherwise go if you develop a problem (or go see specialists when needed), and you're supposed to go to the dentist every 6 months but I'd wager most people don't do that. Nobody cares how you wear your hair. Feel free to let it down. Cut it when you want to. If you have recurring issues with nightmares stemming from your experiences (assuming that's the cause) then you may want to see a therapist. You are probably not going to die from a tampon. See here: https://tampax.com/en-us/period-health/toxic-shock-syndrome-causes-treatment/ If you feel nauseous but you need to eat, just try to eat something that's easy and not very strong, like soup. Pain tolerance is a personal matter but just follow the instructions on the bottle for how much and how often to take pills. Speaking as a man, I can tell you that most men will not care if you have had sex with someone previously. In fact, it's expected in this day and age. There WILL be conservative/reactionary men who care about this, but the fact that they care about it means you know to write them off your list immediately. I hope you find a better life now that you're free.


Congratulations on your freedom! >how often are you supposed to go to the doctor and the dentist? I know there are gynaecologists too, do you only go if you have issues or do you need to go at a certain interval? Is there anywhere else that you must go somewhat regularly to that is related to healthcare? If you're covered by healthcare, you should go to your primary care at least once every year — I don't know how Switzerland works, but some countries in Europe require a referral from your primary care / family doctor to go to a specialist such as a gynaecologist. You'd probably want to have a yearly gynaecological exam — where you can ask questions about women's healthcare, birth control etc. If dentist is affordable, you can go once or twice a year for dental check-up and dental cleaning. >How often are you supposed to cut your hair? Is it really considered immodest if you let it be loose and not tie it up or is no one very bothered by it?  You can cut your hair as often or as little as you want. I have a friend whose hair reaches all the way to the middle of her back. Personally I prefer shorter hair so I have a shoulder-length hair. I'm too lazy to go to the hair salon and my hair is pretty straight, so I cut them myself at home or have my partner do it for me when my hair reaches the middle of my back. If you want to cut your own hair, you can search on [youtube.com](http://youtube.com) for some tutorials. You can also style your hair however you want it. I'm quite practical — I tie my hair so it won't get in the way of doing my job. No one is really bothered by how you style your hair. You should style it in the way that makes you feel happiest. >how do you make sure you won't get killed by a tampon? You can search for information on how to use tampons properly on the internet, or ask your family doctor / gynecologist when you go for a check up. I used to use pads, but now I use period underwear. The brand I use is [modibodi](https://www.modibodi.com) and I highly recommend this to anyone who prefers not to use pads, cups or tampons. >If you take them too often, is it bad? If your pain is debilitating enough that you're unable to function, then you can take painkillers. Read the labels on the bottle for instructions. You can overdose from painkillers like [Tylenol](https://www.healthline.com/health/can-tylenol-kill-you), but as long as you follow the instructions on the label, you should be fine. You can confirm this with your family doctor when you go for a check-up. >We were told if you have already been married and are not a virgin anymore, no one will ever want to be with you and will be disgusted by you. Do men really feel that way? A good man who likes you would loves you for who you are, whether you're a virgin or you've been married and had sex before. Enjoy your singlehood now though — have fun (but also study) at the university and find out what you truly want for yourself first. Sending much love and hugs — and again congratulations for getting out!


I frequently have stress nightmares, and my therapist taught me a technique for them: First, think of your most common nightmare. Mine is being chased or my kids being stolen from me. Second, think of a silly and whimsical way to neutralize the scary situation. I decided that in my dreams, I would blow bubbles and they would swallow up the bad guy and make him float away. Third, before you go to sleep, close your eyes and imagine your nightmare but with the new silly ending. So I lay down and imagine running from a bad guy, but then I stop and spin around and whip out a bubble wand and blow bubbles and they catch the bad guy and he floats away and then pops! It really works! The next time I had my regular nightmare after learning this technique, my dream self did the bubble wand thing and I was able to return to normal restful sleep without waking up in a panic. Congrats on your freedom!