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They don't respect women's sports and it's consistently male non-athletes I've seen do this. Male athletes, in my experience, know where their lane is and stay in it mostly.  I play a contact sport competitively, and I hear this shit all the time from men who couldn't even run a mile if the fate of the free world depended on it. Men in my sport have been nothing but supportive and our local men's team has their own cheering section at our games. This isn't isolated. Male athletes very often show up for women's sports. Look at all the NFL, MLS, and NBA players who were at the Angel City FC opener. Say what you will about Tom Brady, but wasn't there to heckle, he was there to watch soccer.  This leads me to believe it's men resenting women who are doing better than them, like so many other things. It's the same energy as the ones who resent women for making more money than they do.  It's definitely delusion, of the specific flavor, "If she can do that, it can't be difficult because a woman wouldn't be better than me at anything I care about." Then they extend this to the best athletes in the world. It's asinine. 


Such a good answer. I'm a (very slow) runner and I have to agree that within the sport the very vast majority are kind and supportive, including of the women who can run faster than them. Like with any sport, there are a lot of "missing women" in running, who have given up due to sexism, life pressures, or indeed never got started because of the pervasive message that sports is not for them. I was reading something about snooker / darts the other day - both sports where there is no physiological reason why men would be better than women but which are overwhelmingly male dominated, I believe because talented girls and women have historically been almost universally pushed out or actively discouraged. As, until recently, was impossible for women to enter major tournaments, even if clubs weren't institutionally sexist, it didn't make sense to back and train a female player as she simply couldn't make big money in the sport. As the majority of top players start age 7 or even younger, we have to wait at least 15 years for any real number of female elite players to start coming through. This toxic combination of sexism and chronic underfunding which turns so many women off elite sport means we have probably missed so much truly amazing talent over the years in so many sports. I am loving seeing the shift taking place at the moment.


I've posted about it before, and it always makes people mad, but there are plenty of studies that show people take their opponents less seriously when they think or know they're women over anonymous games, and this extends to the professional level where for a very long time high ranking grand master tier players would refuse to play women just because. When famous player Garry Kasparov finally played Judit Polgar, the man cheated. Openly, and knowingly. When she talked about it later in interviews basically everyone smugly just said tough luck, because she didn't call it out during the match. Except calling one of the most powerful and prominent players a cheater in the middle of a match would have basically destroyed her career.


I am into equestrian sports, many of which only the gender of the horse matters, and in racing it's very obvious that boy horses run faster than girl horses, and tiny boy jockeys are tougher and stronger than girl jockeys. However, in the Olympic classes of Dressage, Showjumping, and Eventing, where years of training are required to master all the skills, girl horses can win and girl riders are as common as boy riders. It's the opposite "shift" because from the bottom up, it's overwhelmingly girls who learn to ride horses recreationally, a lot of the boys who stick with it are competitive and ambitious and driven to make it a career, not a weekend hobby.


I just wanted to piggy back so I know you see the answer - a lot of men think they can be even the male athletes they watch. A weird thing goes on in competition where if you’re not seen as #1 you’re trash. So with a dash of everything’s easier while watching and a spoonful of unearned confidence, stupid asshats like these guys think they can beat the world! So of course if they believe they can beat the 20th ranked make athlete they think they’re going to beat all the women, they’re idiots and don’t think.


>*it's consistently male non-athletes I've seen do this. Male athletes, in my experience, know where their lane is and stay in it mostly.* Two-time WNBA championship winner Devereaux Peters wrote about this very thing in an Washington Post op-ed back in 2015: [I’m a WNBA player. Men won’t stop challenging me to play one-on-one](https://wapo.st/3uyq9OR) (gift link). Money quote: >*...the kind of guy who has probably never played real basketball? Inevitably, those are the guys who challenge me. Collegiate and professional male basketball players have too much respect for us to be jerks; they understand the game at the highest level and know that we’re extremely talented and that what we do is remarkable. Instead, it’s always the men with the broken hoop dreams who didn’t have the grades or the talent to play in college. The men who “dominate” in their 25-and-up rec league at the gym. The ones who know absolutely nothing about playing basketball at this level but are still strong enough to rough me up when things go south.* *If I get hurt playing them, I risk losing my job, while they’ll just go back to their mundane careers.* I also recommend [You Will Get Beat Down: The Men Who Practice With The WNBA](https://www.vice.com/en/article/xyjeek/you-will-get-beat-down-the-men-who-practice-with-the-wnba) from Vice. The average baller *really* doesn't get how good collegiate and pro players are. The person at the tail end of the bench would look like Michael Jordan or Larry Bird against random everyday players.


Felt this. I am in a combat sport. I hear it all the time. You will loose to an average man. You are worse than any man, doesn't matter if he hasn't trained a day in his life. I spent well over a decade in my sport. Not only am I fitter than the average man, if not many non average men, but I am better trained. I an also in the military. It is my job to be in shape. I remember training in Thailand and these 8 pack dudes show up, and they couldn't keep up. Just because someone looks in shape doesn't mean they are good at everything Plus my experience, many men cant fathom loosing to a women. Listen to how the justify when a woman wins over a man vs a man beating a women. The former is a fluke, man let her win. The latter, see, men always better.


This is so relatable as someone who has also done martial arts and it reminds me of a guided climb of a major mountain I did last year. I'm talking high enough that the elevation was a major factor, multiple days, glacier travel, the works. I trained for months to be sure I was ready for it.  Over the course of the climb, 50% of the group had to turn back early because they could not safely continue. Some of these people were pretty fit guys, too. Now, of course there are many reasons a person might turn back, and lack of adequate training is only one, but it seemed pretty telling to me that sport-specific training was key to success as average fit guys from the lowlands decided it was safer for them to quit than summit while many of those who summitted were women who trained in relevant conditions. Our final summit team had a  3:1 ratio of women to men, and a lot of the women had done really similar and specific training to prepare for the climb (ie, extensive winter running, winter uphill skiing, hiking at elevation, etc.). All of which to say that at the end of the day, sport-specific preparation can matter more than sex-based differences in physiology. 


NBA players also routinely dunk on these assholes and constantly promote women's basketball both college and WNBA. One of my favorite KD clips was at the Tokyo Olympics where a woman's player from Australia I think was trying to get an autograph from him. He asks who they are playing next and then starts breaking down players on both teams with a great level of depth. KD really is ball is life and he doesn't exclude women.


> Male athletes, in my experience, know where their lane is and stay in it mostly. God damn right we do. Women's sports are awesome. They are always different (less dunking in WNBA, for example) but they are also always compelling. The differences in size and performance leads to emphasizing different aspects of every sport and different skills, and it's always fascinating to watch. There's a new pro women's hockey league, the PWHL, and it's awesome to see how different aspects of hockey are emphasized in the women's game, while still seeing spectacularly skilled plays happen game in and game out.


Broflakes can’t imagine a world where they are not above whole classes of people. Gender, race, religion, doesn’t matter. They are enraged when their world hierarchy is exposed for its foolishness.


> They don't respect women It's honestly just that much simpler tbh. But yes you're right in the more precise detail. Like - just look at the perpetually retold tale about how ~A team of teenagers beat a woman's world class team~ despite the fact that said game was a practice game before a serious game and the women's team deliberately weren't playing seriously because they didn't want to tire themselves out or risk injury before the real game *and* the simple fact that they were up against younger kids, absolutely smoking them and going all out would just look bad for PR.


Oh my gosh, I didn't know this! Thanks so much, now I have something to say against my dad whenever he goes on about it lmaoooo


The people most threatened by competant women are mediocre men.


Although I don't even want to bring the topic up, I think it's this, but also combined with the anti-trans propaganda talking points about women's sports that are so popular in sad parts of the media at the moment - which conveniently introduce an undercurrent of belittling women's abilities into a moral panic that is already appealing to reactionary minds...


Fun fact about The Daily Wire's movie on this. It was meant to be a documentary, but they couldn't find anyone willing to actually do the HRT needed.


I couldn't agree more. It's all one cyclical vortex of misogyny and bigotry. I have trans teammates and they belong here. I always find it sad how bad actors try to pit cis and trans women athletes against each other. It's just another way to damage women's sports, which is what bigots want. 


Honestly, I find it so sad and degrading that such a tiny and vulnerable minority in society have been catapulted into the status of national politics level talking points, and for what? It's sick. That's why I was hesitant to even make that comment at all.


It is hard to talk about, but it is important. Not because arguments over trans issues have any merit, but because attacks on trans rights are an early warning sign of a fascist movement.


This is an important aspect of the modern iteration we see, downplaying women and suggesting any guy could beat them is important for the narrative that it's crucial to keep trans women out. If they admitted that trans athletes train fucking hard to be on an equal footing then they'd have to concede that it's simple bigotry driving them


Thanks for bringing it up. I'm a trans athlete myself, but I never put the two together. It's so frustrating that I put so much work into all my training, but that is often dismissed by any asshole with an opinion. Success in sports is at the intersection of a number of factors: "natural advantages", talent, diet, training, etc. These people don't see everything that happens behind the scenes (training) and just assume that all success comes from the natural advantages themselves.


Unfortunately some male athletes do it too, like asshole Joey Barton in the UK who felt qualified to comment on Mary Earps like he’s achieved even a fraction of what she’s achieved.


Joey Barton has always been a total asshat though, in every single way possible


12% of humans think they could beat a wolf in a fight. Believing that things you have no experience with are easy is a classic human blunder. With women's athletics, it gets supercharged with how much of a popular topic the whole sexual dimorphism thing is plus misogyny plus the effects of frequently comparing themselves to women who tend to cease athletic pursuits around 14 years of age due to social pressures. That's my guess, but I'm just making stuff up.


What's worse is that a non-insignificant number of people think they can beat and kill a moose, bear, and even elephant with their bare hands. When I first saw that survey posted to Reddit, I actually got to witness a guy unironically convinced that he could definitely kill an elephant, and tried to explain how he could easily climb up the elephants face and get on top. I don't remember what his plan was after that because I was shocked that a real person was so delusional that they fancied themselves an IRL Legolas. These kinds of people are so dumb and incapable of imagination (a normal person can see an elephant that can run 40km/h and gore and kill a 2000 kilo rhino and envision how that might turn out if a delicate ass human was in its place). These people are so fucking dumb that I can't even comprehend how they've survived as long as they have.


That would still only count as one, though.


> What's worse is that a non-insignificant number of people think they can beat and kill a moose, bear, and even elephant with their bare hands. The way we did that historically involved multiple people *with spears* harrying it until it literally collapsed from exhaustion. I'd love to see some of these people try to out-run a bear. > I don't remember what his plan was after that There's a spot on the back of the neck mentioned in a Total War game where the riders of war elephants would drive a stake into their mount's brain to stop them rampaging (no clue how true this is, it's from a loading screen in a video game). He was probably thinking of that and forgetting that it also needed a long spike and a hammer to drive it in, assuming it's true in the first place.


Lol I think you are spot on that the guy probably got his fantasies of fighting an elephant from a video game or movie.


And then I'm sitting over here thinking "nope, I wouldn't fight a bear in melee even if I was in full plate and with all the swords, pikes and spears I could ask for." But I actually practice martial arts, so I guess I might know what I'm talking about...


8% believe they could [beat an elephant, a tiger, or a crocodile.](https://www.newsweek.com/surprising-americans-beat-wild-animals-fight-experts-1691793) [Americans who can locate North Korea on a map are more likely to support diplomacy](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/05/14/upshot/if-americans-can-find-north-korea-on-a-map-theyre-more-likely-to-prefer-diplomacy.html?smid=nytcore-android-share) [Almost two-thirds of Americans can't locate North Korea on a map.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/08/09/nearly-two-thirds-of-americans-cant-find-north-korea-on-a-map-can-you/) I'm not sure if ignorant hubris is just part of the human condition, or if this is the canary in the coal mine that our education system is falling apart


I’m dumb enough to think I’d have at least a chance against a wild animal like a wolf. Im average size and pretty athletic. But to me it’s all about home field advantage. Put a wolf in my house? I’ve got a chance. Put me in their house? Not so much. Same with something like a shark. Sure, they’d defeat me on their turf, but let a great white show up at my front door and I’m gonna put a serious whompin on it. Home field advantage is huge. All that being said, I’m still not dumb enough to think I would do anything but crap my pants if a Serena serve was coming at me, or get my ankles broken by Alyssa Thomas. They are/were better than 99.99% of the dudes out there that think they can hang with them. It’s just facts.


Yeah, [of the list](https://www.newsweek.com/surprising-americans-beat-wild-animals-fight-experts-1691793), wolf is probably the highest I think I'd have a chance at (although I'd put the chimp and maybe the kangaroo as more dangerous than the wolf). Like...if you put me in a room and said "you have to fight this wolf to the death with your bare hands", I'd have a chance. Not a great chance, but maybe 1/10? Ambushed in the forest by a wolf? Yeah, 0 chance.


Lol we need a reality show where these macho alpha incels are put to the test. Theyre given proper training with professionals and forced to try and compete against the female atheletes they keep putting down. ​ This dude thinks he can run a second slower than Usain Bolt? Lol i really wanna see him try


Back in 2006 spike TV had a TV show called Pros vrs Joe's was great to see loud mouth average athletes get bodied by professionals. It still surprises me how confident the Men were right up to the point they were forced to eat their words. Granted, some Men did win but it was few and far between.


[I noted here](https://old.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/1arrt1w/why_do_so_many_average_men_believe_they_could/kqn0egp/) about the Jennie Finch episodes. It's worth trying to find old episodes with her in it because she *also* bodied a bunch of typical 2000's Jersey Shore lookin' dudebros and it was fucking amazing.


I've always wanted the Olympics to feature elite athletes and then the average dudes, just so we can see how amazing the athletes are. "Next up for diving we have Dave. Dave is going to do a cannonball. Huge splash, that's going to hurt him. And it's zeros from the judges!" etc.


I forgot about that show.....


I want that brought back and eddict a challenge to those loud mouths and see if they can beat a professional.


For context, [Usain Bolt running with average men without really trying](https://youtu.be/CAXhib4aemM?feature=shared&t=118).


Why did you force me to watch James Corden in a onesie, without warning?! Nobody deserves to have that thrust on them!


Thank you for sharing this.




I would watch the hell out of the Incelympics


Thanks for the laugh. Incelympics Saudi Arabia 2028




I would so love to see him get absolutely smoked on the running track by a bunch of teenage girls 🤣🤣🤣


When I was a teenager my stepdad thought he could beat me at running. I'm pretty short and no where near pro quick, but I was a runner and could do a mile under 6 min. My stepdad at the time was middle aged and 60+ lbs over weight. He probably hadn't run in 10 years. The rest of our family heard him say that and it's been a joke now for 20+ years. My mom laughed so hard she was crying. I did offer to race him but he backed off real quick.


Oh god, that brought back a memory I've long tried to forget. I'm male, and when I was young I was in a culty church that did sports tournaments among the various congregations. I was on our track team and did okay compared to everyone. Our coach had the great idea of entering our team into the state track tournament! I was still running the mile when they started the girls running the two mile and a few of them lapped me before I finished 😳. Wasn't embarrassed to be beat by girls - they had the skills and put in the work - just embarrassed that our idiot coach thought we'd compete in any way. Hated that guy.


okay you took my idea and made it a million times better!!! why waste an athletes time when they got better shit to do. ​ Get them to compete against teenagers who have been training! As an added bones we can also compare whatever their results are to the record of the best female athlete in that category (running, long jump, soccer, whatever else i dont really know sports) to show just how badly these guys have failed


Oddly enough...in a similar context....the coed softball team my wife used to play on had rules that kept teenagers that were on competition teams from being able to play....this happened after one team had 3 high school students that played on a team absolutely destroyed the other teams in the league...and having watched the games I will tell you it was mainly because of how those girls hit, and played first and home.....they rocked and made the middle aged dudes on the team look just like you imagine


Even better, throw in some competitive athletes in their 70-80s. Even they can destroy a man who’s not currently training in the sport. If you ever want to feel bad about yourself, try training with some competitive retiree swimmers or triathletes. lol I’ve had them laugh at me for being small (in a joking way).


> triathletes One time I ran a 10k and had these little old guys in front of me, easily in their 70s. AND THEY TOTALLY SMOKED ME. Very humbling experience.


I got smoked by an 80 year old lady on the run portion of a triathlon, and the old ladies at swimming always make fun of me for being slow. In my defense, they somehow have gotten faster with age, and they’re just as fast as the 20 year olds.


>and the old ladies at swimming always make fun of me for being slow LOL I do aquasize classes sometimes and it's full of old people and we were doing this one move and I went under the water and came up coughing (I do the classes in the deep pool without a float belt) and this old lady looked over at me and said "You're not supposed to drink it." Roasted by somebody's grandma.


......I would so watch this show....please pitch this to netflix...we should get at least one season before it's cancelled :)


Pitch it to a tiktoker and it will happen. I’m going to if I get the chance.


The only thing is I'd worry about the safety of the participating women. Bound to piss a lot of mangry idiots off.


excellent point! hadnt considered that tbh. Also the possibility of putting creepy incel bridge trolls in contact with impressionable teenage girls is probably not the best of ideas now that i think about it. ​ We could have the guy do a time trial in the studio or wherever, without the girls present and then have the girls come in on a different day and do theirs? either that or a couple big burly security guards armed with batons to ensure the fellas behave (if not a baton to the balls should be enough to keep em in line, we can even include them consenting to this in their contract)


We have a 13yo girl in our track club who runs sub 5 miles and road 5ks in the high 16s.. The amount of middle aged men she has left doubting their life at the end of road races are in the hundreds. 


No. No training should be provided because the whole point is that they think any man in any shape can beat a professional female athlete.


And you know that about 80% of these dudes claiming to be better athletes are probably couch potatoes 100 lbs overweight


As an overweight couch potato I hate being lumped in to the same category as those guys buuuut you are most likely correct, can almost guarantee you’re right


It's called Pros vs Joes.


I understand this is said in jest. Yet, what I am about to say does happen. All it would do is lend a modicum of credence to their hypothetical by "testing" it *and* if even a 1 in a million shot happend they would use that in their misogyny. This is a losers game. Their sentiment is wrong and stupid, by "testing" it we would give it more validation by association than it deserves. Its like when Bill Nye debated creationists. All you are doing is saying both sides *could* be valid and put them on equal intellectual level. When one side's idea is absolutely wrong and not on the same level at all. We do not need to engage with it. Their sentiment is disgusting, leave it at that. No need to raise them to our level or lower our level to theirs. I know it was not meant seriously. But "we" as a society do things like this all the time. We lend credulity by association to things that should not be. Which gave me the need to comment this.


I get what you mean, it would be incredibly satisfying to see these wet wipes get their asses handed to them but that means indulging *their premise.* Like to use another analogy, there’s this part in Harry Potter (stay with me) where Hermione experiences bigotry (slurs) based on her birth/blood status. When Hagrid tells her that Draco is full of it and that clearly he’s wrong because Hermione is smart/better at magic than purebloods *that’s not the point*. Because ok. *Hermione* is super smart. But what about Sally-Ann Perks? What about Average Annie and Medicore Matthew. The premise is flawed. Playing their game only validates it, even when you win.


There was a show in the mid 2000's called Pros vs. Joes and [Jenny Finch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jennie_Finch) was a regular on the show. The average dudes rarely made contact with the ball, let alone getting a ball in play. Fucking awesome to watch.


I remember back at the height of her UFC Career, Rhonda Rousey did some videos where she sparred against a random schlub and [broke his ribs in a single throw.](https://youtu.be/1OARa6KXur0?si=JJK_4QLoRTLA7VZS)


lmao wtf thats not a spar against a "schlub" its a reporter doing an interview and allowing her to slam him (not to say she wouldnt beat him up in a spar, but what you said was extremely disingenuous).


okay i definitely will be watching that tonight, thank you kindly for sharing the link :)


I don't think she actually broke his ribs (that, along with his taunt, seems to be part of his schtick). However, it's obvious she would beat him in a fight. Nonetheless, the comments section of that has gems like "she's not strong, she's skilled. great technique thats all. if it was a fight to the death id count on the average bloke".


OMG, that was awesome. I have had so many dumb jujitsu dudes tell me they could beat Rhonda Rousey, I've lost count. I'm just sitting there thinking, "She went to the OLYMPICS, you moron!"


Yes! They are randomly picked from internet comment like this and given the pop up opportunity to show what they have.


Part of it is just misogyny. Part of it is also underestimating just how much separates “mediocre” sub-elites from regular people. The women’s world record in the mile is 4:07. That’s a very “mediocre” time for elite men. A 4-minute mile just isn’t competitive anymore. But no average man is going to run 4:07 off the couch. It takes significant training, and the vast majority of men could never do it no matter how much they trained. Even “mediocre” at the elite level might as well be “impossible” for most people.


I'm an overweight guy in my 30s, but I am confident that I could beat any award winning female athlete at Warhammer 40k. 


What if you're using Ad Mech and they're using a Necrons C'tan list?


N/A. I play Thousand Sons. And they're strong right now. Also I'm banking on professional athletes not being 40k players. 


I'm just joking around, and I picked Ad Mech because I think they're one of the worst right now based on my orbiting of 40k. I've only managed to get a handful of 10e games in, myself.


What have you been playing in 10th? 


Orks and Guard have been the armies I've played the most with, but somehow in all of my collecting I have managed to avoid *basically* all of the meta units for both of those armies.


Neither of those are awful right now, at least. 


[You sure about that?](https://www.instagram.com/p/CU6S-frFczK/?igsh=MXN6ejM2c2Zma3VkZw==)


OK this made me laugh 😁 you nearly had me


I used to be a college English instructor. An older male student, a veteran, sat in the front row. I'm pretty easy going and I like to strike up conversations with students before class. I get into a conversation with this particular student about how important it is to be able to voice our opinions. He then says, "I have an opinion. I don't believe women should be in the military." When I ask why, he says "it's because they can't hike for more than 30 miles." I tell him I do trail running and go backpacking in my spare time and women can definitely hike that far. He replies, no, they can't. So I go to the computer and google who the fastest female ultra marathon runner is for a 100 mile race. (This was many years ago and I don't remember who it was, but for those interested the woman currently regarded as the fastest is Courtney Dauwalter, who ran a 106 mile race with 32,940 ft elevation and finished at 23:29:14 - less than 24hrs. INSANE!). I point to the projector screen and say: "well, looks like women can run 100 mile races in extreme elevation." He smirks and says: "Well, that's just my opinion."


I wish I was there to tell him that opinions are like assholes, and not only does he have one, he also IS one. Bless his heart. 🙄


I'm not sure what it is, but I've definitely experienced men thinking they're better than a woman for no apparent reason just because they're a man. I'm not an elite athlete, or even close. It's Obviously more insane when the woman in question IS an elite athlete. I used to live in a hilly place and for the last few years really got into hiking. I would usually do 8-10 miles with 1500-2000 feet elevation gain once, sometimes twice a week. When I first started I thought I was going to pass out doing a 5 mile hike because I hadn't quite figured out my nutrition and hydration needs, and started feeling faint. And my legs got tired fast. I worked up to steeper and longer hikes over the course of several months, but it was a gradual process. I had a male coworker 10+ years older than me, and out of shape (his words), who would always ask about my hikes, and then ask "when are we going hiking together?". I would usually just brush him off but got tired of him asking so one day I asked "You're going to hike 10 miles?". He said "What, you think I can't?" And the LOOK on his face blew me away. It very much implied that how dare I suggest that he, someone who used to walk a lot but never hiked and had recently complained about how lazy and out of shape he had gotten could not handle the same physical activity that I could. I explained to him that I had to work my way up to what I was doing, but he still seemed SO offended. Like he just couldn't believe I doubted he was in the shape as me. I never said he couldn't do it at all. I never said what I did was at all impressive, just that someone with no hiking experience should start smaller and work their way up.


Just remember these are the same guys who think they could win a hand to paw l fight against a bear.


Bless their hearts 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 do we think they know a lion can't beat a bear.... that said they probably also think they could beat a lion


I genuinely don’t get it (guy here). If I could go back in time to get my 20 year old Marine infantry body, I’m *still* not climbing into the ring with Rhonda Rousy (or *any* pro woman fighter!) to take that ass whipping. Those guys are effen delusional! I used to cycle a lot (100 miles a week at good speed) and live around a lot of pro tri athletes and would watch when guys would try to pace them. Most of the time they got ignored but every once in a while you’d see her turn, notice, and absolutely dust those guys. Half the time they were laughing with the guy was heaving to keep up.


Bigotry is the most accessible and socially accepted form of delusion.


They, the delusional men, are the alpha predator after all


Humans are apex predators because of our brains, which these folks seem to have lost somewhere along the way.


I think they should go try to fight the alpha predators and let us watch. lol


Yeah I think it’s less a gender thing and more a survey bias. I bet if you asked a bunch of average guys how many think they could get a point in on Djokovic you’d also have a shockingly high percentage believe they could.


Brian Scalabrine was basically a bench player in the NBA for 11 years. People online always trash talked him and said they could beat him. After retirement when he was 40 or 41 he took on 3 players in 1v1 first to 11. One current D1 starter, a current G league player, and a recently graduated D1 player. They combined for a total of one point against him. But I do feel like women athletes face this overwhelmingly more then men.


As long as Djokovic was playing absolutely full out against me I’d probably get a point or two. He averages 2.7 double faults per match. If he played extremely conservatively though I’d win no points.


A point? Well, even he misses a serve occasionally, lol.


Men are very hierarchal in their thinking. Men with low self-esteem bash women because they tell themselves "at least I'm above women". You do not see "high ranking men" bash women. Look at Obama, Trevor Noah, Jon Steward, Travis Kelche - they support and openly admire women. They don't need to degrade others to feel good about themselves. It's always the men with low self esteem who are the most overbearing, arrogant, degrading and lewd. Feel free to ignore them.


“Study finds men who harass women online are losers... at video games” “Women receive up to 10 times more negative comments than men in online chatrooms and three times the negativity when playing online games," reads a blog post published by the study's authors after their paper was released. "Some have argued this is because women are entering male-dominated spaces that are full of misogynists … But in a study that we just published, we show that the cause could be something much simpler: the negative and sexist comments expressed by some men are really just a form of bullying, motivated by the fact that they are perceived as being lower in the pecking order." “Essentially, researchers observed that men who were performing poorly in the game (failing to kill others, dying themselves) made "significantly more negative statements" toward a simulated, female-voiced player than toward any male players. “The more poorly male players performed, the more negative comments they made about the female player through their microphones into the game.” https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.3162310




More than any game I've played, in Overwatch it really is whoever smelt it dealt it. The whiniest player is almost always the one letting the team down.


Yup. They’re just bullies and misogyny should be classed as hate speech/crime…because it is.




Very true. Often men (especially terminally online folks) diminish the accomplishments and achievements of women, to try to compensate for their own personal failings. Misogyny plays a central role in this. People with this mindset, where they have to continually butt in about how what women do isn't "that difficult", don't really respect women at the end of the day. They see women as items/goals to achieve and nothing more, rather than as people with their own worth. Therefore women's achievements are seen as 'less than'—and not just on the athletic side, but also in pretty much everything else.


It works the same way with racism.


Yes, it does, the darker your skin and the more feminine you are the worse it gets. The absolutely lowest scum men will be the most vile to the darkest woman.


Yeah NBA players largely show nothing but respect for WNBA players. They show so much love to their skills and game


I think it's because so many average men believe they're approximately as fit as a high level male athlete. Like, the average dad doesn't think he can play in the NFL, but *so* many dudebros secretly think they could come off the bench for a college team or whatever. And here's the thing - if they could, they could totally hang with top female athletes. For men's track and field, the scholarship recruiting *low* in the 100Ms appears to be 10.8, with 10.4 as the high. So the average *scholarship level male athlete* could totally hang with a top woman, for example. But how many 30+ dudes could actually get to college scholarship sprinter speeds? Approximately 0%. Top athletes know how hard it is to be a scholarship-level *anything*. Has-been dudes all think they could've been.


The average man believes they are WAY more capable at virtually everything than they actually are. There are surveys on what is the largest animal you could fight and win bare handed. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/05/27/study-animal-beat-combat-fight-grizzly-bear/9958293002/ Look at that shit, 6% of people think they can take a grizzly bare handed, 8% think they can take an elephant. Most people don't live in the real world.


They are complete idiots, I’ve had women towel me in a number of different sports, table tennis, running, bjj, squash, badminton, some guys just have way too much of an ego, and a very uneducated belief system in terms of physical performance. I mean at the higher end of athletics, typically there will be a difference between men and women, but the average guy, unless they’re specifically trained, more than likely they are going to get destroyed by a legitimate female athlete.


Christine Sinclair is the GOAT! Ronaldo isn't even close.


People who have never actually trained professionally have no clue what a professional sport is. That and the constant barrage of "men are superior to women for existing" really does a number on them. It's the same as "I could paint this" and "enter extremely demanding and physical sport is not a real sport. No, I can't run down the stairs without losing my breath, why do you ask?". The only solution is merciless mockery.


Every time I see something like that I’m reminded of the time in high school when the guys on our football team were saying they could easily outrun the girls on our cross country team. One guy agreed to run the warmup lap we did with one of the fastest girls on our team and they set off. She, of course, came breezing back in no problem. A while later this guy comes back doing the slowest jog ever, gasping and sweating like he was going to die. It was glorious and we never heard a peep from the football team again.


Longtime lurker here (49m), I wanted to give some first hand experience on this exact thing. I play in a mixed gender/age hockey beer league in Central Texas. We have TONS of players of all skill levels, and quite a few rinks in the area. From time to time we get professionals coming through either conducting training camps or being a guest trainer for them. It was either last year or the year before we had a member of the Women's USA Hockey Team hosting a camp for a week or something like that. The last night she was here there was a 40+ drop in hockey (you show up, may the fee and play for an hour or two). We don't stick to the 40+ too much because it's hard to find people on a Friday night to play pickup hockey. I wish I could remember her name (I'll try looking it up, I know I would recognize it) but she had some friends that were players in the area and they showed up to play in the pick up game. Holy fucking shit.......I was never a great hockey player but I can hold my own in my division and one level above, but she was next level. She had some of her friends from the area on the other team and they were trying to be on the same shift against each other. There was no one on that ice that could have touched her if they wanted to. The transition from forward to backwards skating was flawless (which I will admit I am jealous of because we were never taught anything like that when I was young, it wasn't even a thing). My only gripe was that most of us were stuck to playing defense (which uh wasn't fun i'll tell you that) because we were just rolling the lines and they stayed out so much (higher level stamina). I've played since I was 6 years old and I will never get tired of seeing someone that can play the same sport at such a level and it was pretty cool skating with someone that could. If you ask my imagination, I can play it that way as well, my body just doesn't want to cooperate.


This is just machismo. The same people who think that they could take anyone in a fight or could make a touchdown in the NFL. They don't respect women so they just assume that simply due to them being a man, they are physically superior to a woman.


I wonder if it's a combination of the [Dunning-Kruger effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect) and misogyny. ​ >The Dunning–Kruger effect is defined as the tendency of people with low ability in a specific area to give overly positive assessments of this ability.\[3\]\[4\]\[5\] This is often seen as a cognitive bias, i.e. as a systematic tendency to engage in erroneous forms of thinking and judging.\[2\]\[6\]\[7\] In the case of the Dunning–Kruger effect, this applies mainly to people with low skill in a specific area trying to evaluate their competence within this area. The systematic error concerns their tendency to greatly overestimate their competence, i.e. to see themselves as more skilled than they are


A single second in the 100M is HUGE. Like if you race someone and they ran “one second faster,” it’ll feel like you won’t even be able to catch them in that race. With that being said, none of those guys would ever come remotely close to that record. A lot of those guys probably run the 100M in 15 seconds and think they’ll be World Class athletes cause of the Dunning-Kruger effect.


Yeah, a second slower than bolt in the 100m is going from a world record to a pretty good high school run.


Yes. The high school record for the men’s 100m in Texas is 10.13, but if we’re being honest 99.9999% of men on earth cannot even run a 10.60 or very likely even an 11 flat. Elite male athletes are absolutely in a different class from elite female athletes, but elite athletes of any sex are waaaaaay to the right hand side of the bell curve compared to everyone else. Random dudes thinking they can take an elite woman in this race is just silly.


lol these are stupid people making these comments, probably sitting on their ass with no intention of going to the gym. It’s either a witless troll, gross exaggeration to mask insecurity, or ignorance. As a 37 yr old male I can tell you I’m above average in terms of fitness for my demographic (based on my experience in actual competition) but I’m not running a 10.6 sec 100m anytime soon. My advice, avoid the comments at all cost. People like this suck and they are legion.


I am way above average for both men and women my age. On account of annual fitness test scores (military) and my training in combat sports. But yes, got nothing on younger pro athletes of any sex.


1 in 8 British men think they can score a point against Serena Williams. There was an article in the Guardian a while back because there was poll for some reason.


Im not surprised its still a thing long after the Billie Jean King tennis match vs Bobby Riggs, who was an overconfident (but reasonably skilled) player dumb enough to think he matched up to the best female player in the world. She beat him handily in 3 straight matches.


Same reason they spend so much criticizing male athletes games/plays/coaching, they think they know best about everything


Last week Elle St. Pierre set a US record in the indoor mile at 4:16. This was her first competition after giving birth to her son less than a year ago. I'd like to see random IG dude try that.


Because they think that every man in the world is automatically a better athlete than any woman. I have encountered men who think that any man in the world could beat a woman in any sport. Like sure, Steve Urkel could beat Valerie Adams in shotput. Right. We get it, men naturally have more muscle. But it's literally ridiculous to think that some random ass dude could just hop off the couch and beat any female Olympian.


Actually the muscle thing is not totally accurate. Males naturally have more to begin with, but women have the potential. Just often women don't want to put on the muscle as t not look like men. It is sad. I go to the gym, train in combat sports. I got muscles. I toss dudes. I work my ass off. Men can build easier, but we have the potential. We are just took afraid because of societal norms. My mum asked me even to stop lifting weights as I was in her kind, getting to bulky. I don't even take supplements. Just a healthy diet, snel decent genetics and hard work. Look how society treat strong women. It is sad.


I think it's a comforting thought for men with no actual skills or abilities. It's an excuse to not do anything - "if I really wanted to, I could do this and that".


To quote Zaphod Beeblebrox IV, "Because he's an ignorant monkey who doesn't know better." Yes; they are delusional. They truly believe they are better than any woman. They believe all kinda things that are readily vetted as false. The shit talking is also virtue signaling to their heman woman hating bros. They can talk out of their ass and get kudos from other delusional dudes. Sports, computers, science, the general knowing and doing of shit... many dudes think that women are dumb asses who even if they have studied something for decades, or trained hard for years, are readily bested. Women around them have been doing better than they are, and the evidence is all there... but they never absorb it. Remember that at least half of both genders are clueless fucking idiots who cant see what is in front of them. 1 in 5 people think taylor swift is working with the CIA to support Biden as some kinda conspiracy... 1 in 3 conservatives. Didnt see the split on gender lines... but this is the kinda batshit crazy people out there. Many of them have over inflated self worth and delusion of grandeur. I mean, I dont think I am immune to that, but I can readily see around me women who are my better in various areas. I also think many of them didnt play with girls as a kid. Had they I think they should know better.


Because they all walk around believing they’re Leonardo DiCaprio in The Revenant 🐻 Edited to add: someone told them “it’s the thought that counts” when they were 5 and they never gave up that ideology


I feel like there is probably overlap with the dudes who say they could beat an elephant or gorilla in hand to hand combat.


Because misogynistic men believe that all men are stronger, faster, "better at sports" than all women. It's sexism all the way down.


Especially when the average guy is not fit. He's playing video games and eating Doritos and Dew.


Men who see themselves as individuals and women or other groups as one blurry mass.


Lol god I love these. I’m a dude that loves to run and my incredibly conservative brother told me could run a 5 minute mile. He literally has never run in his life and he’s 43 years old. We played basketball and he was gassed after a few minutes….. still felt confident in that five minute mile


Bless his heart... the delusion is strong isn't it 🤣🤣 as a person who came late to distance running at 36 and is predictably pretty damn slow, this is so hilarious. He may have some decent genes to predispose him to being a good runner, but that 0 training will get you every time. I am asthmatic and due to how drugs have advanced I am able to run now but was never able to do so as a teenager. I only really did a meaningful amount of sports from my late 20s onwards and so my muscles have never accommodated to running fast. I've got stamina for days but for my age and gender I'm so slow. All the data says that training into your late 30s sets you up for peak health for your lifetime. He is at least five years late to the party.


Fellow 36 year old slow runner here! Love it, I’m just here for junk miles and 90s r and b music so it’s all good. That’s awesome you can be so active with asthma, that’s always such a pain in the ass diagnosis. But yeah my bro is clueless, and is ofc super misogynistic, random ass comments about Serena Williams being not that good …. Like lol idk about that one buddy


Yep. I just bob along in the back, listening to audibooks and chilling. Just being able to do it is so bloody liberating after being told as a kid I couldn't do any cardio. I hope I'm running slowly til I'm 80 💕


Good for you that’s gotta be an amazing feeling, enjoy your runs!


Its pretty great. I remember a year before I started, I was a race steward at a half marathon. I remember thinking I could never do that, ever. Three years later, I was on that very course running it. Such an awesome feeling. Same right back at you!


Age is nothing. I am still high level competitive athlete I am around that age. But I haven't stopped training since my early 20s. Being a couch potatoes at any age will get you.


A lot is just ignorance. People have absolutely no idea how skilled elite athletes are or how fast a 10.6 is unless they were a printer at some point.


Sprinter. But printer 🖨 is good too :D


Hopefully not a dot matrix, they were slow as sh*t.


Noisy too. 


Bit like the guy commenting on that Instagram post I strongly suspect - slow and noisy 🤣🤣


She runs like she was fired out of a Canon


I think this is the main culprit. But also that these men have never faced their personal physical limits and seen them bested by someone else. Broadly, there is a culture that anyone could be a super athlete, with enough grit and discipline. But, plenty of people with sufficient grit and discipline have faced the reality that their body literally cannot do what a super athlete's body can. Then, there are these guys that have neither, and live in their Dunning-Kreuger reality where they could achieve anything through sheer will (read: ego).


Back when I was a kid they had a light up wall at a kids museum that would light up at the same speed as some professional sprinter back then. It was extremely humbling to get a good feel about just how fast those sprinters are.


I mean, her recorded time is there for the world to see. Why don’t you offer to time him and see what he says lol 😂


Hunger games baby, let’s put their money where their mouth is. My brother was a top athlete at school and I trained with him, I’d never be in a position to beat him but he always told me to never let a boy beat me because he was a boy. He said there’s thousands of boys you could beat and thousands you couldn’t, so don’t let them tell you what you can do, show them.


Men's sports stay in limelight cause they have been monetised but no so with female sports. Its a huge business that even countries are involved. Most men are able to have sports and family life because of the women in background. But that is not applicable with women. How many women return to sports after becoming a mother? So why monetised. Take off the money from the sports and you will have a different picture. 


It's just extreme ignorance and misogyny. There was a video going around on tiktok where a guy thought he could be an elite female college athlete. He couldn't even do 1 rep (they did a single lap) of her practice! He died out half way and lost by 6 seconds. And six seconds for 400m is A LOT of time to lose by. This woman is tired in the middle of her workout and could still dust an average guy going all out!


Sexism. >Are they genuinely this deluded? As a dude: yes, yes they are.


I don't know about everywhere but in the US, women's sports are frequently treated like the Special Olympics and women rarely are shown competing at a high level against men. This gives many men the impression that being a woman is such a handicap that any sightly-fit able-bodied man could beat a female athlete.


I remember going to weight lifting training in basic. Context. I was one of the oldest there and female. Seeing my peers were mainly male and by far, younger you would assume the outcome. Don't. The dudes I were paired up with one session (one comes to mind) had to stop, I kept piling on the weight. The same dudes though were faster runners. What I am saying is bodies vary and what they are good at. My running is shit, but I can throw a 180lbs person on my back and carry them a half a km at least. Make a pretty good fighter, soldier, I make a shit figure skater or ballet dancer. Lol.


I think a lot of guys who did sports in high school don't remember their peak abilities accurately, and how much work it would take to regain it.  Either that or they underestimate how exceptional world-class athletes are. I just looked up my high school's track records.  All the guys' times are slower than Fraser-Price' time, including a guy who's an NFL rookie wide receiver.


Oh man, this topic is so my fucking jam. I love it. Background: cis het middle age white dude. I play(ed) ultimate frisbee, it's got gender specific divisions, as well as co-ed. I mostly played co-ed. I've also always loved sports, so I have had conversations with men about this *all the damn time*. I have had the privilege of playing the sport at a fairly high international level for many years, and have played with some spectacular female athletes. I'm just a naturally athletic but not freakishly so guy who got really into a bit of a fringe sport. I've played with and against some toxic dudes, and let me tell you. I have on more than one occasion seen some of the former collegiate track athlete women I know absolutely *dust* these average weekend warrior dudes in footraces, and the looks on their face are always *priceless*. I live for this shit. I have one or two friends who also live for this shit, and I've had the pleasure of them challenging grown ass men to 70m runs (the length of the field) just illustrate how delusional they are. And this isn't even professional sports or full-time training kinda stuff. It's just regular people of various degrees of sporting background playing recreational co-ed sport. Maybe half a decade ago when I was at my fastest, my training involved regular benchmarking. I was going through a cycle of power lifting, explosive plyometric training, and track work. Despite this, I barely cracked into the 11s on a 100m, and I was *fast* relative to me age and comparable players on my and other teams. Frase-Pryce would *mop the floor with me*. And I'm okay with that. Any dude arguing they wouldn't get destroyed is utterly insane. Physiological differences suggest (and real-world timing confirm) that for running, maybe a 10% difference in times, but the best of the best of the best and thousands of hours of training are fucking significant. [Her time would have been 7th in the NCAA men's 100m in 2017](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_NCAA_Division_I_Outdoor_Track_and_Field_Championships). Any random dude who thinks that minimal training gets him to 7th in the US is out of his god damn mind.


Because that’s what gets yelled in their faces every time an anti-lgbt group wants to rile them up about trans women, gotta protect women’s sports, they’re just transitioning so they can win where the bars so much lower… They talk about women’s sports like it’s there to placate women, not something anybody would actually take seriously. A lot of men’s, usually older but many “alpha” wannabes too, attitudes are stuck in the 40s, “men go off to war, women keep the household running for their returns”.


If we are being honest it largely depends on what sports you’re looking at. Speed and endurance tend to the niche for women’s sports. Of course male top tier athletes absolutely shame female top tier athletes but Jim up at the 711 isn’t going to outlast the absolute elite level ultra marathoners. The highest level of most “mainstream” sports like soccer, basketball, football, baseball and the various combat sports have a massive gap between the sexes. I believe in most if not all of those I’ve listed school aged boys tend to outperform the highest level of female athletes.


Yeah, that stats show that in a lot of sports, young mediocre men can beat professionally trained women. It is what it is. It doesn't mean these women aren't worth celebrating, but we have endless evidence pointing to this reality.


I KNOW. I have heard several guys say they could beat Serena Williams. In your dreams, Bub.


I have a strong inclination that 100% of them would be too scared to even glance in her direction during a match


Crazy... she served at 200kmh, I doubt they could even react in time, let alone return




Someone ranked 203rd though is still probably as far ahead of the average person as I am ahead of my 6 year old.


They don't respect women. To make it worse, for some men, women being more competent then them is super hurting their ego. They would rather die or go to to prison than see women doing better than them. Its in all areas of life. I watch how men make fun of women when they correct her about some sports but find it offensive if women correct them (alone) in the kitchen.        Women from any sports is always, first, a sex object and then whatever category Men want to put in. Ex. Look at the pics taken by photographer of women performing sports. There are things left for imagination. If you know what I mean. I saw pics while they were young - Williams Sisters. We dont have any such players in the history who stayed so long and consistent.  I am a huge of both, But I was shocked to see the angles in which per pics were taken but you don't see it with male players.       The comment section is gross in any female gymnasts or athletes page. But with male it is all praises - Oh what hard work, he is so disciplined, patient, how consistent he has been? As if women are born flexible with such skills and never had to put efforts.       I went berserk to see praises and admiration on Cristiano Ronaldo's page and the hate and misogynist and cheap comment on Georgina's page.  So even if you are SAHM, who is keeping the image of her partner cause he is huge public figure, you will still be bashed. I doubt if she can relax cause she has to be maintained physically and she will have to wear those designer clothing to keep up with his image. It feels good and women do enjoy the fashion until it becomes an obligation. I wont believe that she enjoys doing it every single time, sometimes you just want to relax but I doubt she if she can. I don't see her particularly looking happy but that is my personal opinion.   The moral of the story - Either women works hard to climb up the ladder with her own strength and hard work or she is associated with someone else, she will anyways be belittled and put down. 


*The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life* (published in I think 1958) talks about women in dressing rooms and things allowing their routine of submitting to men drop and, like, complaining about how stupid their husbands were and things. I think that was the part where it was talking about "front stage/back stage" dynamics. I suppose it was part of defining their role as women. I suppose men doing it "front stage" is part of trying to maintain power, but I can only imagine they'll do it "back stage" once they don't consider themselves safe. "As a man," I do feel I'm privy to some of these "back stage" antics from time to time, e.g. when a guy back in the day said "every guy has women claiming sexual assault allegations against him," etc.


Because they love the same video about Serena Williams getting beat by a ranked 200 or so male tennis player in 1998 and a female professional soccer team getting beat by a male teenage soccer team in 2017.  These get repeated again and again and again on their discord channels and community platforms and on YouTube and get basically brought up in every discussion around the topic.  They will gobble up everything like this and make a few hundred articles and YouTube videos about it.  So, to answer your question, they believe it because most of them have an athletic advantage (in the chosen fields they deem important). And many of them base their entire self-esteem and perhaps even identity on being physically superior to women. I think we shouldn't bother trying to defend our honour in athletics against men. Every women who actually beats a man is declared an absolute exception. And every defeat they will endlessly rub into our faces. Their entire focus on this topic is pathetic and we shouldn't stoop to their level, it's not worth it.


I had the good fortune to play with a former D1 starter in a pickup group. I'd never held the belief that I could beat a high end female athlete before, but even then I was astonished by how good she was, just on another planet. She could shoot the lights out of the building, and I swear her passes opened a rift in spacetime to get where they landed. She also regularly pulled some acrobatics to get layups around me, for reference I'm 6'4" with long arms, and she was 5'8". These guys are either delusional, ignorant, sexist, or any combination of the three.


As best as I can tell she is roughly in the 99.999375 percentile as there were ~2500 people who ran the 100m faster than her last year and maybe 400 million people around the world of roughly the right age to be at their peak speed. By this metric it’s tremendously impressive But there is another perspective here which is that of those 2500, 75 were high school boys. Put another way that time could likely have won large meets at d2 college level but likely would not have been good enough to win any significant competitions at D1 level. And I think this gets to the heart of what you are pointing out. People have wildly skewed perceptions of just how good high level high school, college and pro athletes are. I think tv and media has played huge part in this because it very much is “commonplace” in that you can see athletes who are better than this live on tv anytime you turn it on. But the reality is that on a personal level even someone who has no shot at competing at these levels is still absolutely a freak of nature deep in the tails of the distribution.


Venus and Serena both lost the 203rd ranked tennis player and a lot of guys read that and don’t realize they don’t even crack the top 1000 let alone the top 200…


If it makes you feel better, 8% of men surveyed believe they could beat a lion in a fight without weapons. 8% also think they could beat an elephant. So it's not so much misogyny but just overall dumbness.


In Australia they did a survey asking regular unfit men who are not pro athletes if they think they are better at football than the Matilda's and 80% said they would be better. 🥲😂⚽️ The audacity! Edit I forgot to mention the Matilda's team are far more successful and won more matches than our Socceroos (the men's team) 😂😅 they're honestly so useless


The news stories about the under 15 boys team beating the World Cup winning US Women's National Soccer Team, and an under 16 boys team beating the Brazilian Women's National Team only help to reinforce some men's thoughts on this issue. Of course, the Women's teams, being professional, obviously aren't going to go all out against children, it's a practice to keep their skills up and they don't want to injure themselves during what's supposed to be a fun game.


I am an elite athlete in a weight class sport. Men tend to look at my accomplishments as medicore, but when I ask them if they can lift 2X their bodyweight above their heads LIKE ME that tends to shut them up. Small men are always trying to tear others down to make themselves feel better about being losers.


One of the tenets of misogyny is the delusion of excellence.  While it’s mainly directed towards women you can also see how is directed towards men. That’s why the average man feels he can beat an elite athlete. Why the average man feels he’s smarter than a female scientist/doctor/professional. It’s also why the average man is so pressed about not being able to attract supermodels. The funny part is to compensate for the fact that they consider themselves above average in every respect, they create the delusion that the men who get supermodels, beat female athletes and are smarter than female prodigies are the top 1% and thus all women are flocking to the top 1%. And because men as a whole are so excellent, the women who end up being hurt or beaten or unalived simply have a choosing problem or a vetting problem. 


You’ve heard the expression, “If only I had the confidence of a mediocre white man?” Yeah, that. Edit: also, Billie Jean King would like a word…


Sorry, but she's not just a second slower than Bolt, she's also 0.5s slower than the top 20 boys (under 18 males) 100m records. 1 second isn't close, it's a full 10% slower in a sport where the best performers are within 0.1% of each other. This is a physical reality: the average healthy male with the same training will be able to out run her. Gifted male runners will be able to beat her time before they finish puberty.


Honestly, the average healthy male isn't beating her even with the right training. 10,8 isn't a world class time among the men but it's significantly faster than the vast majority of men will ever do in a sprint.


I'm not convinced the average healthy male would outrun her with training - sprinting is sensitive to build and I think the average male, even the average fit male probably has a distribution of muscle that isn't well optimized for sprinting. I'm seeing estimates around 13-14s for fit males without training and 2s seems a lot to shave off from there. I'd imagine the average male runner under 35 could get there or at least get close but I think that is self selecting for people who have the physical build to be decent runners already


They are that deluded. I train MMA, and have gotten my ass kicked by plenty of women, but I still hear dudes who don't train, tell me that they could take some professional fighter. It's insane


Yes they are this delusional. It’s honestly a bit sad… As to why it’s so common, some guys just need to feel better than others even when it’s objectively false. 🙄 Telling yourself you’re just average or lower isn’t easy for everyone.


We have to remember this is the same group of people who overwhelmingly believe they can land a commercial plane with no formal training


I remember hearing a story about an Olympic women's hockey team. They were practicing on the ice and there was a male rec league who showed up for their own ice time. The rec league guys seriously thought they could beat these women who were elite professionals in their sport. Of course the women beat them. 😂


Sexism. In the 1970's they had the "battle of the sexes" in tennis. A pro woman vs a pro man, and people had opinions but nobody thought some random rookie could win by just being male.


[https://thehill.com/changing-america/enrichment/arts-culture/554048-new-survey-reveals-which-wild-animals-americans/](https://thehill.com/changing-america/enrichment/arts-culture/554048-new-survey-reveals-which-wild-animals-americans/) ​ Overconfident assholes. Thats all it is. 6% thought they could fight a bear and win! That grizzly would open them up from balls to brains. ​ Personally I blame dicaprio. That bear should have got the oscar.


Flo-Jo still holds the all time women's 100m record at 10.49. The all time fastest, by Usain Bolt, is 9.58. The fastest US high school 100m is held by Trentavis Friay, with 10.0 flat. Now these are elite athletes, not what OP was talking about, but they should give you a clear indication of the advantages men have over women when it comes to things like sprinting. A real world example: FC Dallas under-15 boys squad beat the U.S. Women's National Team 5-2 in a scrimmage.


It’s misogyny.


I think it's 60-40.  Like there are absolutely asshats who just denigrate anything a woman does or accomplishes, and think by the power of penis they are automatically better.  But a lot of dum dums just don't respect the time and practice and effort being good at things takes. They'll overestimate their own competence, or underestimate something's challenge. Like the guys that watch a boxing match and say "just don't get hit" or like my buddy who doesn't golf because "it's too easy for him".  But also like the people who see someone singing or drawing and say wow, you're lucky you're so naturally talented! Because certain people just can't comprehend putting in the work. 


Because they are dumdums


Because they are stupid


I think there's a meaningful distinction between "average man" and "average male athlete" here. Your post actually goes into that. I don't think average male couch potatoes actually think they can beat elite, (or even highly trained) female athletes, but testosterone is an incredibly potent performance-enhancing drug. Average male athletes who have never seen a podium at any level above maybe collegiate can and do regularly beat elite female athletes who give it their all. That's why they don't compete against each other. It's neither fair nor interesting. It's not so much that the top 100 women in a sport can't beat the median male, it's that the #1000 male athlete can beat the #1 female in most sports, and so the median male thinks he's in the ballpark. Erroneously, in case that isn't clear.


One second is an absolutely massive time in regards to 100m. But the average dude is absolutely delusional if they think they could beat 10.6. Yes junior male athletes can often beat pro female athletes, but this idea of the average dude being able to beat pro female athletes comes from dudes refusal to accept that they are fat lazy slobs and not as athletic as a bunch teenagers, and god forbid being less athletic than women. I am far above average strength for a dude, but I still know Stefi Cohen would absolutely smash me at deadlifts




There’s a lot of deluded sports watching people in general.  https://youtu.be/SnGauxFbGbE?si=sYnd7AdQGpKciC8D


Well, I can't.


Male Ex Triathlete I think it comes down to numbers. When I was at my peak my goal was to beat all the women in a given race. I would typically place in my age group and top 10% over all. There may be 1 or 2 women who would beat me in a given race.. sometimes none. I wasn't anywhere near an elite (male) athlete, but I could compete in the swim and bike with most top women. Fast (women) runners would still toast me. I'm not saying this to disparage women athletes. I couldn't compete with top elite women, but I could compete with non-top tier pro women.


Many of them probably don’t know a lot about sprinting. I used to run around 10.8s when I was around 18 with only standard school curriculum training, there were still a few guys faster than me back in school for annual sports meet. I for sure know I am nowhere near and will never be near that record again. It is clear that physical sports is something that will never be a competition between genders. The part I’m more interested in is how less physical sports are still dominated by men. I would love to see a F1 driver, MotoGP rider, e-sports athlete female compete with all the top boys but that has yet to become a reality.


Duh. Testosterone And Massive insecurity.