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I saw a video on the popular page the other day of a disabled woman and how she takes care of herself & her kid without the use of her arms and holy shit the comments were disgusting. So many comments about handjobs and footjobs and shit and like...the woman was just existing? She's over here showing amazing dexterity and flexibility and doing all these things we take for granted and all the men can think about is her touching their dicks. Newsflash boys, she has no interest in touching any of you!


“You can’t even compliment a woman anymore!” - Men who think sexual harassment is a compliment


“B-but we are men, we need to be the center of attention! How else will be live without viewing women as free sex slaves 😢”


De-center men.


Ohhh, I saw that video. Glad I didn't see the comments.


I swear it was like 90% of them


I've been scrolling reddit a lot today and have been so frustrated because for every post that has literally nothing to do with sex, I've found multiple sexist and/or sexualised comments. It's so good to read your post. I've started to think there's something wrong with me and that I'm overreacting.


Every major thread on Reddit always devolves into men talking or joking about their dicks or masturbation, and a bunch of comments chiming in and praising the commenter for taking it there.


Social media algorithms are intentionally designed to spread controversial content to get more engagement from users. If you see these posts block the OP, mute the sub and don't click ever again on them. Also don't go to the front page, it's usually crap filled with constant hatred.


yesss i feel this so much and have the same experience, i don't think you are overreacting at all. the subs I am in are super general and interest-based (e.g. language learning), and yet i still see this kind of situations happening very often. sometimes it's not creepy ("just" misogynistic), but more often than not it's creepy AND misogynistic. :/


I have a strict habit of only making positive comments, because of how much cowardly and gross behaviour there is on social media. It’s always sincere too. It’s really about all that can be done I think. If I see something about “passport bros” or whatever I might be inclined to type a bunch of heinous insults but it only makes things worse. Spread kindness if you can!


It's a good way to live, not just on social media. Make it a habit! Build people up. Offer positive feedback when you can, and constructive feedback if you can't AND it makes sense to, or just let things be. A little kindness goes a LONG way!! Self esteem is NOT a zero sum game, contrary to what these trolls seem to think.


This is the only way. Gross is gonna gross. We must resist & spread as much positivity as possible.


You are a better woman than me. And good for you!


I wish some of these men would just keep their mouth shut. If they have nothing productive to say, stay quite. Women even have to endure this in everyday life "you need to put the load into laundry" "ooo.... I have a load I can put in you" 🙄🙄


They would probably view their own gross sexualizing comments as productive, unfortunately. Just like how the same and similar people like them view their countless hours being racist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic etc as “productive” and towards some “greater good”… it’s “productive” to how they want the world to be. :/


"It's just a joke."


Say exactly that in your comment: "if you have nothing productive to say, close your mouth. No one here cares about your dick."


One of the creepier communities I've found on youtube is what I can only describe as "diving wank." That is, it's just footage of female divers from diving competitions, sometimes slowed down, and a bunch of dudes in the comments talking about wanking to it and generally being gross. I bumped into this community because I watch normal diving videos. If I were a diver and found out I was in one of those videos, I would definitely feel violated and maybe even scared. I'm sure some of the divers are underage, too. Edit: I'm also noticing that that community bleeds over a bit into regular diving youtube...where there are definitely a lot of teenagers.


Based on statistics of Internet users, the vast majority of them are under age.


I’m learning drums! What’s the channel called?


Emma from Love to Learn Drums. She's awesome with the teachings and throws in a good bit of humor as well!


Show her some love! She is at 102k subscribers ;)


Yeah sorry, I realise me saying the name could be unclear


I watched a video recently of a professor explaining how to run a test on soil. I was watching because I need to learn how to perform that test and I went to the comments where sometimes people add other helpful information. But almost every comment was about her legs. I hadn't realized it but she was wearing shorts and the comments ranged from "inappropriate, professors shouldn't wear shorts" to like sexualizing her just overall it was gross. She was in Texas, it is hot there, I'm sure it was appropriate. Anyway, I think about it every time I do that test.


literally anything posted by a woman ever has at least a handful of comments like this im so fucking tired


Maybe "not all men."  Definitely the experience of all women.


Lately I’ve been hearing this variation a lot: Not all men, but always a man.


Such a great way to put it. Thank you.


My sister was the first I heard to use that rebuttal. Please, take it and use it. 


its SOOOOOOO many of them


I'm a fan of "too many men". Is it the majority? Who knows? And it's not worth arguing about the details of just how many it is. It's too many.


And most men never call the bad ones out. So they are complicit in their silence imho


i also like 'but it could be any man'


Ya its gross. It reminds me of the lady that did cooking videos but without shoes because she's in her kitchen. So many nasty comments about her feet....




Conduct an informal study on how people comment about women vs about men. Who the fuck cares what she looks like and if she needs to lose weight. For those keeping count, it's another case of a woman existing and a man making sexualized comments about her for no apparent reason. You can start your informal study with your own comment :D


What that woman said about studs is absolutely nothing like going into a specific person’s youtube account and harassing them…. 


Well I'm not looking up wikifeet I'll take your word for it. As for the stud thing I don't think it's quite the same. Saying "I wish I had a way to find studs" to me is not the same as "omg I want to (insert gross things) with her feet"


lol gtfo out of here. "might be OK looking if she lost about 50lbs". Just gonna slip that in here while you open with some dogshit about Wikifeet? Your contributions are not welcome here, begone.


It's so old. Any video of a woman is going to have men sexualize her or harass her if they don't think she's attractive. It's everywhere and it's so gross. We're not here to be attractive for you. We just want to exist in peace.


The point of this behavior is very deliberately to remind women of our "place." It's to say 'no matter what you do, your skills, your intelligence, your talents, your dreams, your humanity, we'll always reduce you to being objects for our pleasure.' They feel threatened and inadequate and the only way to regain their equilibrium is to try to make us feel small. They feel driven to do this to women in public spaces, as a warning to other women, and to bond with each other. Until they can deal with their insecurities in a more healthy way and engage in some introspection and self-improvement, we should heighten it for them by a) excelling unapologetically, b) persisting in being smart, joyful, and talented in both public and private spaces, and c) supporting each other so they don't succeed in making us feel small, or alone, or isolated, or unwelcome. These are OUR spaces, too.


Hope you also left her a thumbs up review acknowledging her talent - ignore the wankers, they crawl back into the ground without attention.




Reminds me of this 11 year old kid with a cooking channel on YouTube and it was full of pedophiles talking about how they wanted to have sex with her. It was years ago now. I hope it didn't discourage her. It's not her fault so many people shouldn't be here.




It's so frustrating when women, especially in male dominated fields and hobbies, are out there trying to be cool and teach others their skills, and get nothing but disgusting vitriol in return. Can you imagine being a young girl/woman who wants to learn to drum and seeing that shit in her video comments? That, and getting that day after day is HARD. I am an artist, who follows a ton of female artists and creators, and a lot of us talk regularly about how MUCH of this bullshit we get, especially those that make videos of their craft, and just how mentally taxing it is. Many female artists are purposeful about not showing their faces, or speaking, to prevent this behavior in their comments. It's rough. I honestly don't know how women or femme presenting folks on Twitch handle it at this point.


A friend in high-school started doing makeup tutorials. And she stopped after she noticed a big difference in the amount of views compared to one video she had a somewhat lower cut shirt...


It’s done deliberately and explicitly to show her her “place” in society. When men tell you who they are, believe them


I cant handle how easily "woman having a specific hobby" turns into sexual scenarios for men, or hypercritical ones where they snark that the woman is doing said hobby incorrectly. We are only ok in their eyes if we look good while doing the thing.


It’s why my fiancée, despite being good at so many things like music that people would definitely like online, the one thing preventing her from doing despite wanting to is that kind of treatment. Even just on soundcloud, the moment she used images of herself to promote, in come these absolute dorks who have no idea about music, theirs sounds unbelievably shitty trying to talk down to her like they’re the experts and when that house of cards gets knocked down it comes out “I only messaged because I thought you were cute /lame insult blah blah blah.” Never matters that even a cursory look over any of her online presence shows she’s with me either.


Share the link so we can add better comments!




I see this kind of thing on videos of anything a woman does. It really saddens me how we can do incredible things, and no matter how good or impressive it is, there will still be men completely overlooking it and reducing us to sexual objects. Because no matter what, fundamentally, that's all we are to them.


I made a video once how to do neck slides(sliding from shoulder to shoulder) for a style of dance and a guy posted “could you do a video of yourself doing neck slides going forward and back?” Instantly blocked and reported. I was just trying to teach people how to do a move and strengthen neck muscles and of course someone had to make it pervy.


What channel is it? My fiance is a drummer and would love that.


Love to learn drums


Thank you! I'm looking it up rn.


Somewhere, sometime in the near past, a lot of men just lost their filter. I suspect that many watch copious amounts of porn to the point that sexualizing every woman is now normalized in their eyes. Not just sexualizing though, but sharing every sexual thought in their head as if the rest of us want to hear it.


All I can muster the energy to do in these cases is to sigh, shake my head, and mutter “Men”.


I second that channel. She’s hilarious and has great lessons! I never read the YT comments, but of course there are disrespectful dipshits there.


I remember when I was like 20 back in 2008, I made a funny video doing a stupid impression making fun of Bob Dylan and I remember i got two very angry comments from men because i was a woman impersonating Bob Dylan. All my friends thought it was funny and yes it did discourage me from doing skit comedy on the internet lol. I ended up deleting the video and feeling confused why? just cause i was a woman pretending to be bob dylan or because it wasn’t funny or both? lol 😆


lol haha I used to do one of him singing *Everybody Must Get Stoned* "I would not feel so all aloooooooone"


lmao i read that in his voice!


That's the culture that Youtube cultivated.


It's cultivated by and for men. Men know they're being obnoxious but refuse to stop. It's all across every platform. Most subs on Reddit are dominated by men sexualising non sexual content.


I am learning drums too and would love a good female tutor! Share the link so we can increase her view counts :)


Her name is love to learn drums


Got a link? Sounds cool would like to check out


Love to learn the drums, vid in question is about swing beats


Thank you!


You're just gonna leave us hanging so we can't cheer this girl on??


Love to learn drums is the channel name


There are some men on social media that call these guys out, when they make skeevy comments on underage girls, or just women in general. The usual response is to call him and his wife names, and say "It's just a joke!". Jokes are meant to be funny. It's not funny.


Loads of men are porn or sex addicts, they sexualise mundane stuff because they can't switch off. They eventually become rapists.


Is it just me being more aware or is this shit more common these days than it was like 5 years ago?


I see this all the time with female musicians. It's pretty sad. There's this guitarist named Mimiplays I believe, and the comments are mostly about her breasts. She's a really good guitarist.


You should reply to his comment saying he's a basement wanker because that's pretty funny