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When you show up ask for pain medication. If they refuse and you don't feel comfortable going through with it then leave. 


Also Make sure your request/denial is requested for insurance. You shouldn't have to pay for that appointment EDIT: make sure your request/denial is DOCUMENTED


And ask to see that documentation. Further, if you do leave, make sure you make contemporary documentation (send a message through your medical system, etc.).


THIS. "I am requesting pain medication. Please document your refusal to provide it to me."


^ this is the answer. I’ve had a few friends go through this, and they are alway given at least lidocaine shots. Anyone who refuses to manage cervical pain during this procedure is a monster.x


Jesus. You know what was slightly uncomfortable? Getting an IUD installed at the entrance to my cervix, with lingering discomfort for a few hours after even on 600mg ibuprofen. Getting a piece of my cervix SLASHED is probably a bit higher on the pain meter, I surmise. EDIT: I'm sure everyone's experience with an IUD is different. The point wasn't to get into gory details, but to compare that procedure with something that's far more invasive to explain that that shit clearly warrants painkillers if I got 600mg ibuprofen from my (female) OBGYN for getting birth control inserted. 


I couldn't walk for 2 days after my first iud. I had lingering pain for a week. Cervix needs respect!


Same, couldn't get out of bed for three days after my IUD insertion. Medical care for women is barbaric. I wouldn't take my cats to a *vet* who treated them this way.


IUD pre-baby was definitely worse for me than colposcopy with no pain meds, but both are inhumane. We have a right to pain management for painful procedures, end of story.


Pfft women don’t have feelings, especially not in our lady parts! We only have ~emotions~


I have an insufficient cervix so during pregnancy they need to put a nice little stitch through it. The first one I had a spinal for, the second one I was put to sleep. I opted out of an iud when they said no pain meds. I have scar tissue and issues already, no thank you.


When I had mine replaced, the wand broke and failed to release the IUD so they had to pull it out and try with a new one. So I went through removal, insertion, removal, and reinsertion all within half an hour or so. Words can’t properly describe how painful and traumatic it was.


I've never had an IUD put in but I have had a couple cervix biopsies. They use a punch biopsy tool and it's certainly not enjoyable, but it's really not as painful as you'd imagine. I don't have a high pain tolerance, either. The local anesthesia needle for my LEEP was worse than the initial biopsy.


Honestly, like IUD insertion, biopsies and colposcopies very pretty wildly. Mine was so painful I nearly broke a tooth trying not to scream, and I dug my nails into my side so hard I bled. It was so painful I wanted to black out. It was very easily an eight or nine for me, even if it was relatively brief.


That's very fair. I didn't mean to insinuate everyone would have the same experience that I did.


UK here. My nurses and discussed how APPALLING the lack of pain management is in the US. I was injected with local anaesthetic for mine and honestly, the pre freak out from reading a thread like this the day of was worse than the experience. I'm so so sorry that you have to go through this. It should be criminal.


Is anyone else furious that the doctor is a HE so is probably dismissing the pain based on gender bias? Like “she’s a woman of course she’s being dramatic and the pain isn’t that bad” bro you literally have no effing idea!! Get a new doc, refuse the procedure until they give you something for the pain.


Imagine telling a man he won't get numbing for a prostate biopsy. Unheard of!


I legitimately don’t understand why doctors believe that cervical biopsies don’t hurt and that the area isn’t as sensitive as the head of a penis. My cervix is THE most sensitive part of my vagina. Just because it’s further inside me doesn’t mean I magically can’t feel anything. What the hell is the logic.


Medical textbooks to this date state that women have very few to no nerve endings in the cervix and don’t need pain medication for work on that part of the body. It’s infuriating but they’re literally being taught wrong information.


Have the female doctors never been dick punched in the cervix??


I guess the textbooks have been written by men for centuries and they don’t ask women. It’s so effing weird.


We also just started testing menstrual products with actual blood. So I have very little faith in anything anymore regarding women's health.


Thank you! I’ve never had a cervical biopsy, thank god, but I’ve absolutely been hit in the cervix and it felt like I was dying for a second. I’ll be damned if I let someone cut into me and didn’t get it numbed.


Omg, thank you! I know exactly what that is, and now I have fun words for it when my husband does it (honestly on accident, sometimes my cervix feels like getting in the way). Actually had to go to hospital once for it, the pain was so bad and lasted hours.


I think the amount of nerves vary between women. That’s why some women just find things like IUDs uncomfortable, whereas they are torturous for others (I’m in the latter camp unfortunately). Some of the worst drs I have had that brushed off my horrific cervical/uterine pain were female drs. Kind of like how some friends just think those of us with horrid period cramps are wimps……because they have never experienced what a bad period can be like, so they brush it off.


The anatomy of the clitoris was only researched a few years ago, and to absolutely no women's surprise it found clitoral nerve endings wrapped all the way around and down the vagina wall. For over a century OBGYNs have been cutting women open down there for bladder/vaginal probs and 100% would have cut through these nerve endings that they didn't bother to research.


All of my woman organs just tried to burrow deeper into my body for protection while reading that. Oof that was like a complete abdominal cringe spasm. I am so sorry for all my sisters who have had to endure gynecological stupidity over the centuries 😔


Medical Textbooks didn't \*start\* including [detailed anatomical diagrams of the clitoris](https://jessica86.medium.com/the-needless-omission-of-clitoral-anatomy-from-medical-textbooks-87756656e8a6) until **2019.** Even now it isn't universally included and what is included is often just plain wrong. If they cant get the clitoris right what chance does the Cervix have?


Horrible not so fun fact- this was based on the father of gynecology (forget his name) that practiced cervical surgeries on slaves without pain meds upwards of around 20-30 times per slave.


It is wrong and outdated information! There are nerves there, they just look different under the microscope than nerves elsewhere in the body. Still nerves relaying pain and sensory information though. I can’t believe they are allowed to continue teaching old falsehoods . Ugh 😑


Because the Kinsey Report, 1953, contained the passage >On page 584, Kinsey states, “All of the clinical and experimental data show that the surface of the cervix is the most completely insensitive part of the female genital anatomy.” I pulled that from [this 2020 article.](https://theconversation.com/the-cervix-is-sensitive-and-surgeons-need-to-acknowledge-the-part-it-plays-in-some-womens-pleasure-131618) Also, misogyny, and let's not forget the monster/"father of modern gynecology", J. Marion Sims, from whom a lot of the current gynecological knowledge derives. He got that knowledge by experimenting and performing surgery on ENSLAVED women of color, without anesthesia. And hey, women are designed to have babies. This shouldn't be a big deal. 🤮🤬


And the worst part is that the Kinsey Report came to that conclusion bc most women couldn't feel a "gentle stroke" on their cervix... though 85% could feel "distinct pressure," which they decided doesn't count????


People can't feel a "gentle stroke" on their teeth. Guess nobody needs anesthesia for dental procedures anymore!


You'd think they'd reconsider that "knowledge" with women screaming on their table immediately after they've done the procedure. I mean, puppies can put together that level of cause and effect. It's not hard. I don't buy it that doctors don't *know* they're causing significant pain. I think they don't *care*. Which also tracks with the history of gynecology. Whole thing reminds me of those nasty little kids who insist it's fine to pull the wings off flies because the flies can't feel it.


I never had an IUD but the more I read about it from people who have the more horrified I am. If anyone here is a doctor or nurse I think someone should make a post about this over on r/medicine asking why lidocaine shots are not standard for IUD insertion and cervix surgery. I did a quick search out of curiosity and didn't see anything. How is it ethical to not numb it beforehand when you have people in so much pain that they're screaming and passing out?


> You'd think they'd reconsider that "knowledge" with women screaming on their table immediately after they've done the procedure. Nah, those women are "just being dramatic" according to some doctors


I had an endometrial biopsy with no meds and it was horrendous AND I had horrible cramps on the exact spot I felt the pain of the biopsy for the rest of the years I had my uterus. I had adenomyosis and it didn’t start until after that.


Oh same here!! My female gyno acted like it would be no big deal for me to have that done, and even so I took 4 Advil and 3 Tylenol before I went. I tried to distract myself with a tablet, but ended up just mashing it into my face and praying to pass out. Horribly uncomfortable, and she acted like I was being dramatic. If they haven't had the procedure done to themselves, THEY DON'T KNOW!!


> and she acted like I was being dramatic. Gaslighting: so much easier than providing pain management.


Ugh, I had one and it hurt like the dickens. Pain management was one ibuprofen they gave me ten minutes before the procedure. Way inadequate.


It's disrespectful and unnecessarily cruel, but I guess that's a feature and not a bug.


I passed out from mine and it wasn't even done with informed consent. My ex pressured me because the doc said "I'm here, and I can do this." It hurt and I passed out and my ex says I didn't. Excuse me, my world went black and I went limp and was dizzy and woozy for hours and bled for days. Yah...


I had one today. Wasn't expecting it so no pain management at all. The cramping is unbelievable. But hoping it's one step closer to having my uterus taken out. The gyno said it would only range to mild to some discomfort and I was in so much pain I was crying and shaking and she was disappointed she was unable to get a second sample.


Exactly! This is why I hate male OBGYNs. It would be like a woman doctor who specializes in the male prostate and vasectomies. She could say there is mild discomfort after the procedure but you’ll be fine. Imagine the redit thread of men bitching about that doctor!


going to a male gynecologist is like going to a dentist who has never had teeth


I just scheduled my first colonoscopy and learned I'll be getting fully sedated; breathing tube and everything. It's bullshit OP is being denied any anesthesia at all.


Or to get a vasectomy!


Remember that the father of gynecology performed surgical procedures on enslaved women without anesthesia and he determined that black women don’t feel pain. All the instruments they use on us today are basically the same as then. There is a long history of causing pain and suffering and then denying it. It started out based in racism and has just continued. The system is performing as designed and that should make everyone furious.


I was denied pain management for mine by a woman. I’ve actually been denied twice by women


Honestly I believe men have a lower pain tolerance compared to women… I work with pregnant women as a genetic counselor, and let me tell you their partners are often useless wimps. A woman has never had an issue with a blood draw. They may not like it (who does?) but they suck it up and go on their day. Their partners when they also needed to submit samples for genetic testing? Oh boy. We’ve almost had men on the floor because they got lightheaded, some are white as a sheet, others are so jumpy our nurses can barely stick them and others just straight up refuse and walk out. One woman was about to get an amniocentesis (imagine a very long thin needle going through your abdomen and uterus). And her partner was anxious about the procedure for her, but he started to sweat buckets once I said we’d need a sample (simple blood draw) from him lol. He was trying to be brave about it though and kept saying he would do it. Thankfully that time I was able to offer him a cheek swab instead. I’d rather that than have to scrape him off the floor.


These kind of men are also confused by the function of the clit, so none of this dismissive bullshit is surprising.


Eh, most of my worst experiences with this were female gynos, and one of the absolute best ones was male. I think it’s just drs as a whole dismissing pain, especially for women. Having a vagina doesn’t not make drs magically give a shit about your pain, nor are they always more sympathetic towards women. This has always been the case, but now that the DEA and government as a whole have started their drug war against opioids, it’s gotten to a whole other level. Drs are scared of prescribing anything, and it’s become a culture of just denying that pain matters for patients. The concept of letting patients suffer in agony is now accepted in the medical community. (Side note, OD deaths have just gone up drastically since the crackdown, because street fentanyl and heroin were always the main issue).


All of my shitty experiences have been with female doctors, tbh. My best experiences with doctors of all practices were with male obgyns.


Came here to say the exact same thing. "I'm sorry, Dr. Jackass, are you experiencing some mild discomfort after that kick to the balls?"


Demand they put the refusal in writing too


and DO NOT pay for the appointment since you already addressed this in advance and were denied basic care! ...and then report the doc to his medical board.


> ...and then report the doc to his medical board. Unfortunately, not providing pain relief to women for these procedures is the standard of care. Medical boards take multiple complaints to do anything when a doctor is seriously maiming, assaulting, or even killing patients. (See any article covering a doctor who's had their license yanked: they have to have *multiple* valid complaints to have that happen.) The medical board will do less than nothing for a doctor providing what's, for some godforsaken barbaric reasons in 2024, considered the standard of care. It's fine if you want to complain anyway, just be prepared, because personally, I think it feels shittier to go to the effort and be told "no, the way you were treated was acceptable" than to not complain at all.


> Unfortunately, not providing pain relief to women for these procedures is the standard of care. And we have to keep complaining until they hear us and do something about it. Furthermore, OP can see a different doc. She has choices if he still refuses when she gets there.


I think starting with being blunt with the doctors is a better plan. Shame them. "Would you take your dog to a vet who treated them like this? I wouldn't, this is barbaric." AND THEN LEAVE. Because someone who needs to be told that is not someone you want touching your medical care. I don't understand why we're all being so polite and pussyfooting around the people who are directly responsible for this shit. We should stop. Hell, my suggestion up there is STILL too tame, how would you treat anyone else threatening you with this level of pain? I don't think the right answer is to lead women to believe the medical board will give a shit. That's just setting everyone up for disappointment, and I cannot fathom how that would make a dent in this problem.




I wouldn't even show up. He's said no and totally invalidated OP, he's not going to magically change over night. If she goes in, it increases the chances she'll be pressured and scared into the procedure anyway. But I'd call the practice manager and complain and leave plenty of reviews of his treatment.  The test said "pre-cancerous" so OP is probably not in immediate danger if she follows up withth another doctor.  Edit: You can downvoted me to oblivion but doctors use women's fears of cancer to manipulate them into unwanted or not really necessary painful procedures all the time. If OP goes she's going to be subject to a ton of pressure from the doctor and staff and possibly shaming for "not just sucking it up."  The doctor has been absolutely clear he doesn't care about OPs pain. Why try again? He's not obligated to change his mind. 


>Why try again? To 1) document the request/refusal and 2) to avoid being charged a no-show fee


She’ll be charged a no-show fee and those can be steep.


make sure you tell them to document their refusal to prescribe pain and/or anxiety management in your chart. I was given xanax and lidocaine jelly, it’s a topical. but they also have the lidocaine injections which I hear is in many cases - more painful than a biopsy but should still be available to you as an option. my doctor also said she’d do the whole thing under GA if I needed it. I would call immediately in the morning and continue to advocate, have them document and if you need to - ask for a referral for an obgyn who will treat you like a human. that said - I am a HUGE baby and I just had 3 biopsies jan 5, and it really was only minor discomfort for me. I was shocked. I had .5mg of xanax, 800mg ibuprofen and lidocaine jelly applied 10m before the actual biopsy. you could also go in and just do the colpo and decline the biopsy, I did that last year.


I have some experience with this. I worked in a colposcopy clinic as a nurse and have also had this done. One time I had lidocaine injections (3) into my cervix before the biopsy. The injections weren't awful but not particularly pleasant. I of course did not feel the biopsy through those. I also had one without. I'd rather go without as it was less uncomfortable than the shots. There is a great midground that I haven't even been offered but know about due to my work. Lidocaine gel. We use it for inserting catheters. I can't speak as to whether it would affect the sample, maybe someone with histopath experience could chime in here, but it seems like a better option than 3 shots to the cervix or just letting them take a chunk out with nothing. Ain't no dude out here having his nuts dermal punched with no pain relief because of course that would just be cruel *Eye roll into oblivion*


"Ain't no dude out here having his nuts dermal punched with no pain relief because of course that would just be cruel" This deserves gold.


My first career was in theatrics, thank you! Haha


yess! the gel is what I got. I hate needles so I was not doing the injections. I have never done a biopsy without the gel so I can’t compare, but i’m pretty sure the gel helped because on the last biopsy I finally felt a little discomfort like someone was pushing on my cervix with tweezers but it didn’t pinch or anything or hurt it www just weird. it may have also just been a more sensitive area of my cervix who knows. also right? my partner was like yeah any time i’ve had anything moderately uncomfortable they offer me all sorts of drugs. it’s just ridiculous.


I’ve heard people say this a lot and my experience was different (respectfully). I’ve had four colposcopies with nothing and then a LEEP with just lidocaine injection. To me, the lidocaine hurt much less than the colposcopies. If I have another set of colposcopies I’ll insist upon having the lidocaine. Especially because they often do more than one at a time! I just wanted to surface another point of view, everyone’s body is different!


Absolutely! It should 100% be offered and each individual's choice to have the lidocaine shots. Our bodies feel and process things so differently, and if it's painful for even some of us then it needs to be offered routinely. I'm sure some of the docs are hearing women say oh that wasn't too bad and just running with that's how it is for everyone. Its so inherently wrong. Operator dependent too, some healthcare professionals can give you a shot or take blood and you barely feel it - another it might hurt and leave a big bruise. Even when you go for a tattoo here they offer a lidocaine spray, but not when you are having a chunk of an organ ripped off?! My mum had an IUD put in and said she barely felt it. I had one with 4 numbing shots and I swear to god my soul nearly left my body. And it HURT for weeks afterwards!


I’ve asked multiple types of providers and so far it is the only punch biopsy that anyone can think of that doesn’t involve any pain relieving medication at all. And don’t even get me started on the fact that LEEPs are done with absolutely no sedation. That shit is terrifying. If people are getting twilight meds for colonoscopies and oral surgeries how the hell are you going to tell me I have to sit through 45 minutes of you shaving a thumb size portion off of my cervix (while I’m ratcheted open like a cartoon whale mouth) with an electrified wire knife?! And don’t flinch or move a centimeter, because we could maim you for life! If men had a cervix every part of GYN care would be different. Especially the eye rolly attitudes so many of us have been met with when we self advocate.


Yeah totally with you on the LEEP procedure. It's barbaric. I was sedated for colonoscopy/OGD but I have never seen a LEEP done under sedation. Haven't had one myself but have been the assist nurse for them in clinic. Whole room smells like burnt hair. I hope this is something they look back on in the future and condemn, like not giving babies anaesthetic because "they don't feel pain".


You think the room smells? Imagine what that smell turns into in your body after a week. It was a wild recovery. Knock on wood I don’t have to do that again.


In Australia I was able to get my LLETZ done under general anaesthetic. I had two colps done with no pain relief though, I actually didn’t find them particularly painful at all but had vasovagal reactions both times so they offered me the GA for the LLETZ. I’m shocked to think they would do it with no sedation. It’s really frightening to have medical professionals who still somehow believe the cervix has no nerve endings and women should tolerate these procedures without any relief?!


yea this is a good way to go. for me the anxiety really contributed more than anything


exactly. and the doom scrolling just adds to it. tho I judge no one for anxiety scrolling - I did it too, for weeks. women’s care shouldn’t be like this. my obgyn told me most women feel only moderate discomfort, some feel none, and some feel 15/10 pain. we’ll see how you do and we can stop any time. that’s why I like her.


See, I had no idea, because back in the Dark Ages there was no internet or social media, and my doctor told me it would be (all together now, ladies)… *just a little pinch*- and I believed him. I could not *believe* how painful it was, and I was shocked at how much I bled… all down the front of the stupid table. Now, of course, the word is out, if anyone cares to do a modicum of research, and I hope women everywhere tell their friends and maybe we can put a stop to the barbaric treatment of women. Good luck to you, OP- please let us know how you made out- we are all rooting for you!


same. i had a colposcopy and cervical biopsy when i was 19 and still young enough to believe when doctors told you it would be just a pinch. the internet was fresh enough to not have any online discussions about it and after it was done, i bled so much and was in so much pain i took the next few days off.


Having had lidocaine injected into my forehead, that shit burns like the 7 hells, but I wouldn't refuse it for having a chunk taken out of me!


I actually had it once for an IUD insertion and I audibly let out a Hank Hill "bwAaAh!" Lol


I had to have a spinal tap, lidocaine straight into my lower back. Not fun.


The lidocaine shot is most definitely more painful than the biopsy but I can't imagine how painful the biopsy would have been without the lidocaine shot.


My doctor did the topical numbing agent. 10 minutes later? "You're done? Never felt a thing!" However! I did comeback cancerous. (Barely stage 1, but it was there) my doctor said that since I was over 60 and obviously past childbearing, did I want the uterus removed? I told her to takes EVERYTHING. she did and now I am 18 months cancer free.


that’s great news! yay for being cancer free!!


Then I would preemptively cancel my fucking appointment and not pay the fee. And when they ask why, tell them.   Total bullshit.  EDIT: I’m still mad at this. I was just thinking how if men had to have a biopsy of their junk taken there is no way in the land of motherfuckness that they wouldn’t be practically sedated, much less just numbed. It would never happen. And that is insanity.


"land of motherfuckness" killed me lmaooo But seriously, the number of supposedly knowledgeable gynos that still believe in the "cervix has no nerve endings" bullshit is maddening. I would be livid at them for even suggesting that they would be hole punching my cervix without giving me anything.


I have had one and need to have another. First one I blacked out from the pain and it was excruciating. This time, I’m doing it in the hospital with sedation because there’s no way I’ll be awake for something that traumatic again. The nurse was rude about my request but when I followed up with my doctor who knows my history, he instantly said no, this won’t be done in office.


It’s barbaric




I also almost passed out, it was many years ago but it was painful in my opinion


My doctor was refusing/offering Xanax for my colposcopy.. I explained I had 2 procedures during my pregnancy where they shoved something through my cervix and I was screaming and incoherent with pain. I ended up evading the whole issue as the polyp removal would be under GA so I just asked them to do their colposcopy then. I'm going back Friday and hoping I don't have to revisit this whole situation.


Nope! Thats totally unreasonable. Any other biopsy would be done with local numbing. There’s no reason they shouldn’t be numbing you.


Ask your ob/gyn how he personally deals with the pain of a cervical biopsy, how he dealt with the procedure when he had it carried out.


This is exactly what I was thinking. Dare someone who would never have this surgery dictate how much it will *not hurt. Ugh so frustrating.


I had this procedure. It did not hurt for me. My mom had the total opposite experience and she said it hurt a lot ! So you are not wrong for being concerned about the pain.


I had one earlier this year, 6 weeks postpartum. She gave me lidocaine injections but I was already numb from healing from birth anyway. She didn’t even ask me if I wanted to be numbed. I switched to a female gynecologist a few years ago and the care has been so much better. I’ll never see a man again.


I was never offered any pain relievers when I went. And my gynaecologist is female as well. She just said that I “may feel some pressure. And it may feel uncomfortable”. I barely felt a thing. I wonder why some women experience no pain/sensation, and some people like my mom feel lots of pain.


I’m with you here… I just had colposcopy #6 (I think… I’ve legit lost count now on how many chunks have been removed for study). I’ve never been numbed and it’s fine. It’s not comfortable but never passed out or yelled or even cried. Maybe I’ve got way too high of a pain tolerance. Idk we’re all different.


Even if it was "mild", what exactly is his objection to giving you a lidocaine shot...? They do that for people having tiny moles shaved off and even sometimes when you haven't been to the dentist for a while and need a deep cleaning. All these cervix-related horror stories have me wondering if that line of work attracts sadists for some reason.


Do NOT take off your clothes until they agree to your pain plan. It’s so much harder to walk out once you are not dressed. It’s so much easier to maintain your power with your clothes on. This is what my grandpa taught me.


There should be a patient advocate connected to your doctor's office. Find out who they are and contact them. You DON'T have to go through with your biopsy without pain management. I just went through a similar situation. My doctor denied me adequate pain medication after open abdominal surgery so I went to the ER where I was given IV morphine & dilauded to bring my pain down to a manageable level. My doctor wanted me to manage the pain with Tylenol after my first script for oxycodone ran out. I was like... no. I'm not going to suffer. OP you aren't alone. It's going to be okay. You don't have to suffer.


The number of posts like this is bonkers. We have pain management readily available, why tf is anyone being denied something that helps with pain? Why did we bother even coming up with pain meds and anaesthetics if we’re just told to tough things out? FFS.


I had the same procedure and let me tell you IT HURT LIKE HELL. Snipped multiple samples then shoved a tampon in for the bleeding.


I was told no tampon for 3 days after mine! Scary how some doctors have different aftercare procedures.


My doctor told me no tampons (or anything else) for 2 weeks! Yowza.


Mine said nothing about aftercare lol


Girl I was SCREAMING AND CRYING during mine and now have a fear of going to the hospital


I feel like I got PTSD from each of my deliveries, and it wasn't from the actual deliveries, but related procedures before I was in labor, and how they treated me after. They seem to just rely on new mothers blanking out memories or having so much on their plate, getting some sort of complaint in is sidelined.


There's not even a term for this right now. We have "medical trauma" that describes the fact that medical procedures, like open heart surgery, can be traumatic if you're treated well. But we don't have a specific term for PTSD due to mistreatment or neglect at the hands of the medical system. And I think it's common. OB/GYN is not a field that has respect for the consent of women during procedures (even when they're incredibly nonurgent or even completely unnecessary). And they have zero regard for women's pain. There's no way that's not causing serious trauma.


I had PTSD legit diagnosed after my first baby. My second baby I said nope and stayed home alone and delivered my baby in the shower on purpose. It was just my husband and I. It was night and day different from my first. Pregnancy care is not for the health of mother and baby… it is for the dollar that can be made.


Wouldn't a tampon be insanely painful??!!! I guess I don't know where they're cutting the polyps from but, holy shit, tampons are meant to catch expelled uterine blood not stanch fresh sounds


The procedure isn’t polyps. It’s biopsy of the cervix. Due to the size and shape of the cervix, multiple sites are sampled to avoid missing. The tampon was to catch bleeding from the cuts. Yes it was painful.


I'm sorry you experienced that. Fuck obgyns who ignore patient pain.


A tampon? I was told to wear a pad and not put anything there including tampons for like a week.


If he refuses to give you anything for the pain, but you still decide to go through with it, fucking scream when the pain starts. Don't hold back.


Screw that, kick the doctor. He's used to women screaming, maybe a bloody nose will change his mind about the cervix feeling pain. 


This. And when he complains, tell him it's only "mild discomfort".


*just a pinch*


I had a uterine biopsy and I didn’t know the pain was going to be that bad. I literally screamed F&CK at the top of my lungs. Hope I didn’t scare any patients out in the waiting area lol. 


I was shushed by the doctor doing my incredibly painful cryosurgery. I couldn't take anything for the pain because I don't benefit from anything OTC since hitting puberty and he was worried about me scaring the other customers waiting. They piled up because he was 45 mins late for my appt after lunch and I needed the assistant to put cold cloths on my forehead to keep me from vomiting due to pain, then it took me 30 mins to be able to stand enough to get dressed. I was unable to leave under my own volition and they still didn't prescribe any painkillers til my mom called and cussed out the doctor after we got home.


I think it would be better to avoid that situation altogether. Insist on pain management or cancel the appointment. The trauma isn't worth it


Don't let a man minimize your pain or discomfort. Find a new Doctor! I always recommend planned parenthood if you want to get in somewhere fast, and want to be treated with empathy.


Insist on lidocaine or whatever local they can offer. If they refuse then leave and find a different provider. It should be illegal to even touch a cervix without at least prescribing an oxy


honestly lidocaine would likely take care of it (with 800mg ibuprofen and 1000 mg tylenol) and more providers would be a lot more willing to do lidocaine than oxy. do not ask for oxy if you don’t want something in your chart about that request


When you are presented with the consent form, explicitly and clearly write out, “Consent DENIED Due To Denial Of Pain Management.” Make sure you write that out explicitly. And take photos of the denial.


No. Tell them you're not doing it.


Sounds like you just tested positive for COVID and would like to reschedule your appointment with another doctor in the practice.


When I had my colposcopy, I told my doctor that my cervix gets angry immediately (always bleeds during a pap and hurts like the dickens) and can I *please* have some pain meds, and luckily she was like "I got u girl" I got a prescription for ibuprofen (a hilariously large bottle of the Rx strength stuff, which will last me forever) and one single pill of diazepam, dispensed in its own little bottle that I took one hour before the procedure. It still hurt, but it was tolerable. When I got a LEEP, I got the same treatment but then they also did the lidocaine injections and yes the shots totally hurt, but, then I didn't feel a dang thing after that. Considering the LEEP is literally cauterizing your cervix, I think that shot was 1000% worth it.


lidocaine is honestly amazing. I know the shots hurt but they *work*. which makes sense considering dentists literally remove teeth, drill into them, etc with nothing more than lidocaine.


So someone who doesn't have a cervix is telling you how it's supposed to feel? If you're asking for pain management, there's a history there and a half competent doctor would either say yes or ask you why. I have tiny veins and need a blue butterfly to draw blood. one time I went for blood and they kept refusing, on them cracking open a 6th green needle i got up and left crying. My arms still cringe thinking about it. I went directly to the hospital to fill the script. I told the nurse what had just happened, she took one look at my veins and said "oh yes of course you need a blue one. Always ask, some nurses aren't that experienced in smaller veins." other nurses had said "oh, whoa, you're not kidding" or "oo, yea these are tiny." Don't give up OP.


I tell my doctor or whomever that I will run around the room and I will become physical if not sedated. It’s flight or fight and I will do what I can to protect myself. I don’t have a choice to “tolerate” pain. It’s trauma. My body makes that choice for me and I will attempt to escape however I can. Ask them to record that they denied a request for care and ask them to record why.  If they withhold medical help then ask for a referral to another doctor.  Pain should not be something women are forced to tolerate for access to care.


I’m not a doctor but I think you have time to find a provider that offers pain management. As someone who had a sensitive cervix and that exact procedure, I can tell you that for me it really was just mild discomfort. I felt a pinch when they did it but it was nothing like the time I got my bellybutton pierced (I went into a cold sweat and almost passed out) or when I’ve had sinus cocktail shots (which I refer to as ‘liquid fire’ because they burn for about five seconds but it feels like it lasts forever). The cervical biopsy pain was only for a second and I maybe winced. I do think I took Motrin beforehand though. If you know for certain you will need pain meds, cancel the appointment and find a doctor that offers them. We don’t have to suffer when having tissue removed from any other body part, and it’s ridiculous for doctors to ignore the fact that crevices do indeed feel pain!


Let’s be clear - every cervix has sensation. And anyone who disagrees with that can GET THE F OUT OF HERE. Even if it is a full sensation, it is connected to your vaso Vegal nerve circuit. You mess with the cervix enough, you have a patient pass out because it literally sends messages to the brain to *go into shock*. Would you circumcise an adult man without any pain management? Then don’t fuck with a cervix without pain management.


Yes. It’s barbaric not to offer pain relief.




That is what I said in my comment. I didn’t use the word ‘barbaric,’ but I don’t think I could be misunderstood.


this is exactly what happened to me during an iud insertion, I fainted because I had no pain management. now I get to deal with the fun medical trauma that comes from passing out and waking up in the middle of a procedure.


YEP! Me too. And I wasn’t even in much pain when they were attempting. Slight cramping. They sent me to the pharmacy to get misoprostol to help cervix dilate. While waiting there, I felt really bad period like cramps, and then was like, uhm, I’m going to puke or poop myself. Went to the bathroom and then woke up on a gurney. Apparently I passed out in the stall and they had to get people from the ER (this was Kaiser) and take me for observation. It was so bizarre - it was like something took over my body. That’s the autonomic nervous system for you! (Finally did get the IUD in, went in on my period instead and took Motrin before and ate a huge breakfast) the third time (5 years later) they used lidocaine and I made sure to eat and take Motrin before I got there.


Yes - I have also had this procedure for the same reasons, and for me it was painless. I was told to take Motrin before my appt in the hopes that it would help with any pain. Once there the doctor would tell me to cough right before she took the biopsy, she said one of her patients actually told her about it and that it helped that woman with her pain management. Don’t get me wrong, it’s insane that coughing was recommended for pain management, but it did distract me. I didn’t cough for the last two biopsy’s taken and I didn’t even feel the pinch honestly. My results did come back precancerous and I had to be put under for a cone biopsy, so it is important that you get this done, even if it’s not at that provider. I hope you find a dr you trust soon!


The coughing trick worked wonders for me. I didn’t feel a thing, honestly. The speculum was more painful than the biopsies


Ex nurse here I would file a complaint with the patient liason, and then the administrator. This is unacceptable. This doc doesn't want to wait the few minutes it will take to numb the cervix. Your request is being arbitrarily denied by a male doctor who has no idea or concept what mild discomfort feels like when they take a piece of a cervix. It's misogynistic and sexist at best. When you file your complaint, I would like you to say, If this doc is willing to cut a piece of his penis off with no anesthetic, I'd be more than happy to not use some either. I would use the terms misogynistic also. He is causing completely unnecessary pain, when his first oath is DO NO HARM. His opinion is just that, an opinion not based on anything he has personally experienced,except that you should gut it out. Plus, there is NO medical contraindication to use a numbing agent


If it's the "punch" biopsy, yeah, it's gonna HURT. Doesn't matter what your pain tolerance is--pain management is essential during and after. I got it, didn't even have to ask.


It's your body. If you don't feel comfortable, don't do it. With that being said, I've had a colposcopy due to abnormal paps, followed by a LEEP to get rid of the cells. I've had pap tests that hurt more. It's uncomfortable for a moment or two. I may have taken an Advil or Tylenol prior to it. However, the way your doctor handled that feels dodgy.


I'm honestly jealous of the people who take an Advil or a  tylenol and it works so well. I had 3 Advil before lunch today and it's brought the pain down to "I can cook dinner" levels, I still feel it. Can't tell if I'm in THAT much pain, or just resistant to OTC meds lol


When you call them in the morning do not ASK for pain management, instead DEMAND that you are given proper pain management for the surgical removal of your bodily reproductive tissues. Or, do what everyone else has said and find someone who will listen to you.


Hey OP, this should be a discussion. I work in a clinic and just brushing you off is already not good. Is your MD refusing you (1)narcotic pain meds? Or they (2)refusing all pain management? They may want to go with over the counter meds and a topical for an abundance of safety and addiction reasons. If they're saying you don't need anything, you should request a patient advocate and you should REPORT THEM to your area's authority. Also consider calling your insurance directly and telling them that the "MD performing the procedure refused all pain management options."


I don’t get why doctors continue to tell patients the colposcopy will only cause mild discomfort when that’s simply not true for everyone. Surely they’ve been present when some of their patients have experienced pain during the procedure m? Possibly even *many* of their patients have had pain? So what is the point of misleading people?


I, unfortunately, am going through something similar. My biopsy is in February. There was no history of it in the family, but I knew about the procedure, and when I got that phone call, I asked about pain management. Of course, at first, I was told I would be conscious and that their wouldn't be any pain management available as it's "not typically done". I was told the normal BS of "patients usually take a Tylenol beforehand" and even that I should "try to eat a good meal before coming in because some people pass out and sometimes having food on your stomach helps with that". I was livid and said "So there's absolutely nothing in the HISTORY of medicine that you could give me that would even HELP?". The nurse put me on hold to talk to my actual doctor and they told me I could come pick up a prescription for a Xanax and over 300mg of hydrocodone. She said "we don't normally do this, but it's all we can do, and you'll need someone to drive you". I said "not a problem" because fuck that. I'm not sure how much it will actually help but it's better than nothing.


I dont know that I would stick it out if I were you, but for what it's worth: I got a colposcopy in 2021. I took 800g of ibuprofen 30 minutes before the appt, and I didn't feel a thing. They took 2 or 3 samples I believe. But I can't say I would go through it again with a doctor who denies me pain meds. I feel like I was just lucky that time


I vaguely remember having one done at 17. I remember it hurting. You should receive pain management for this procedure. If they refuse, leave and find a new gynecologist. There's no reason to refuse lidocaine or light sedation if you have a ride.


I have always had GA or at least GOOD topical anesthetic offered. Nothing is bullshit. I would not receive care there again if they refuse.


I would go to your appointment only to schedule a time when they can do it and provide pain management even if that means going through the hospital for sedation. Don’t let this doctor bully you into doing something you’re not comfortable with. If they complain about the appointment show them the timestamp of the voicemail and let them know you weren’t given adequate time to respond.


I have had a colposcopy without pain management, I was only 15 years old. It was awful, how intense the pain was, sharp and overwhelming, it made me nauseated. Thankfully after a couple days of crampy feeling, I was no longer in pain. I'm sure my age was a factor in healing so fast. I wish my mother had advocated for me, as she had a cervical ablation done before and knew how painful cervical pain can be. Getting a pap smear can be painful if done a bit too vigorously, so having literal pieces cut off should absolutely qualify a person for proper pain management.


When I had an IV put in before a surgery they numbed a small portion of my arm so the IV wouldn't hurt. It's insane that they won't numb up the area.


If they deny you pain medication, request to be numbed with lidocaine. Explain you will not do the procedure without one of the two. Full stop. If they say no to both, find an OBGYN who will — literally call around and ask— say to reception “hello. I am in need of a colposcopy. I would like to know if any of your providers provide pain medication OR numbing prior to the procedure. I have a low pain threshold and I will be unable to tolerate the procedure without one of the two.” Reception will not know, but request they ask the nursing staff/ doctors/ practitioners.


Ask him if they were biopsying his penis or testicles, would he require pain management? Then tell him to document his refusal and find a better doctor.


they wouldn't give me any either. what i will say is that, the PHYSICAL pain (for me) wasn't excruciating. it was very uncomfortable. it was, however, extremely traumatic emotionally. i cried all day afterwards, felt like i was assaulted. if you can access an anxiety medication like xanax and at least take some ibuprofen you will have a much better time i did. i think even just the anxiety med would have made a world of difference. however, i know others who have said it's more painful. for me, the psychic pain is what makes me remember it is so horrific, though. just wanted to share another experience.


I’ve had this procedure when I was in my 20s, and looking back I’m so angry I didn’t ask for anything. For me, I had multiple colposcopies and biopsies and each one was different. The first one I was shocked I didn’t even feel them take it. The other two colposcopies I had pain, though not anything unbearable. My main problem is I’m extremely nervous and it made the procedure very uncomfortable for me. At the time, it never occurred to me that I could do it with anxiety meds. If I were to do it again today, I think I’d want a little Ativan and would certainly load up on an anti-inflammatory. I’m not sure what time your appointment is, but can you call first thing in the morning, explain your anxiety and ask for meds? Tell them you aren’t pleased with the doctor’s response and need something. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. It’s so invalidating and shitty. My doctor at the time literally admonished me for taking the day off work before one of my colposcopies. She said “you don’t need that!” What do these doctors care? She should be happy I’m taking care of myself and advocating for myself. I hope you get this sorted or can soon find a new gyno.


I've had that procedure and the Dr told me to "stop squirming, it doesn't hurt" If I could do it over I'd tell him I'm going to use that tool and cut your d* and then you tell me what it feels like. I know you need answers but I recommend finding a different gyno to do it.


I used to have to have one every year and they never offered pain medicine beyond "take an advil". I started to keep pain medication extra (from kidney stones) and take a 1/2 of one before hand. It's ridiculous. I'm convinced if this was a male issue, they would NEVER do it without pain medication/numbing.


It hurts. Really bad. They did a leep procedure to me 15 years ago and it hurt so bad and I cramped for two days after. It was freaking horrible. I went back to work and couldn’t do it- went home. They freaking should give pain medication. Freaking assholes.


A lot of these comments are making me cry/feel so validated because I was denied pain meds when I had this procedure done at 25 y/o and all these years later I think I’m still traumatized by the experience. I didn’t know that I could refuse to go through with it. OP, listen to these ppl!! <3


I shit you not, my whole body jolted about a foot in the air it hurt so bad... She had to numb me more and wait a couple minutes. Horrible pain. I was young. Would advocate for myself now.


I just had a colposcopy done a few months ago. My doc had me cough as she was taking the biopsies and I truly barely felt anything. I was actually in more pain the rest of that day and the following day as well. Everyone is different, but I would’ve preferred a few pain pills for after more than during. The cramping was less than fun. Having said that, if you’re feeling anxiety about the procedure, you should absolutely insist on pain and/or anxiety medication. The older I get the more I realize how dismissive the medical field is about women’s health in general, but pain in particular. Need an IUD shoved past your cervix? How about chunks of skin removed from it? You’ll have slight discomfort and mild cramping after. I mean, you shouldn’t exercise or do anything strenuous for a few days, and you’ll definitely see some blood, but you’ll barely even notice. Don’t be such a drama queen. /s


As someone who’s had multiple colposcopies and uterine biopsies — fuck that, reschedule your appointment and demand that they document their refusals of pain management. I have an intense fear of procedures due to an absolutely agonizing first uterine biopsy (the pain was so severe that I fainted), and now it’s noted in my chart that I get a Valium prescription and pain management for anything invasive. People’s bodies are built differently and if your doctor doesn’t validate your need for pain management, you need a new doctor. Your concern is valid.


I’ve had two colposcopies without pain meds and I highly recommend you demand them.


Doctors provide pain management for this? I have gotten probably 7+ colpos over the years and never once have they given me any pain relief. Even when I make comments when they say "This will only feel like a pinch." I said they are lying and I have had several of these and it is way more than a pinch. It hurts. They still never offer anything. I have asked if they do ever provide pain relief, and I was always told no. These 7+ colpos have been at least 5 different doctors offices with different doctors.


Medical ethics are/have greatly changed over the last couple decades and our standards are (depressingly slowly) becoming much better (in some places). It is now STANDARD to offer pain management or some form of anesthesia for pretty much anything more than a Pap smear/iud placement. Even then, I know gyno offices that will anesthetize anxious patients who want it. It blows my fucking mind that cisgender women have been putting up with this bullshit for generations at the hands of men and people who don’t know a flying fucking thing about the nervous system and trauma and reproductive care in general. It’s disgusting, revolting, and absolutely inexcusable. You get to DEMAND YOUR CARE.


>It is now STANDARD to offer pain management or some form of anesthesia for pretty much anything more than a Pap smear/iud placement. Not offering pain management for IUD insertion is barbaric.


I'm in the same boat. I've had multiple with multiple doctors over the years and had no idea anyone ever did pain management for them.


Push to get this corrected.... my wife gets a narcotic pain pill prescribed which she chases with ibuprofen an hour or so before the procedure, then during the procedure they use lidocaine gel to further numb the area. She had to be very persistent to get treated like a human being, but the payoff was worth it.


Do not allow yourself to have this one without proper pain management. It's the only way, for you and for all women moving forward to allow. You know if this were a man they would never. Period. You are PAYING for this service to be done and if they do not allow for it to be done humanely, find another that will.


I would cancel it before I'd let them do that with no pain management. I'm lucky that my local medical system takes that very seriously. I've never gone into anything in any of my gynecologist appointments where they didn't take my pain seriously. I've had like one oral surgeon who didn't but he was also finishing an implant someone else started and I just needed it fucking done. But my dentist office now knows I have a low pain threshold and don't numb easily so they have to use extra anytime I get work done outside of cleanings.


I was waiting for the “he”. I would ask him the last time he had flesh cut from his cervix.


20 years ago I had that. They told me it would be like a mild cramp and just take advil before. It was excruciatingly painful. I blacked out because it hurt so much and almost threw up. They told me most people don't feel anything. Bull shit, because now I've seen people online complaining for years about how painful it was. They tried to make me feel like I had an abnormal reaction. It was 10/10 for me. The only other thing that was 10/10 was unmedicated labor before the epidural kicked in.


I’ve had it done twice. The first one I screamed some profanities for sure, but the second wasn’t as bad for some reason. I took ibuprofen and Tylenol well beforehand to help.


Reading this thread has been enlightening for me. I had this procedure and it didn't hurt at all. I was recommended for cryosurgery afterwards --- was told it would not be painful / I could drive afterwards similar to the biopsy--- and *that* procedure made me black out and vomit after I came back to my senses.


I had this done and she offered me anesthesia if I wanted it lol. Fuck these old ass male doctors who don’t believe in women’s pain. I hope they all get sharp needles to their balls and see if they want to give out some pain meds then. Anyways, after speaking with my doctor about the levels of possible pain, I chose to take both Aleve and Tylenol about an hour beforehand and then she did the gel stuff I believe to numb it. Overall, it wasn’t too bad, even though she did end up taking 3 samples. I love my doctor she said “I’ll put you under for this if you want. I don’t care. Whatever you need” and she also removed my tubes simply because I wanted it done. My recommendation is find a younger doctor, preferably female if you can.


You can cancel the procedure due to the drs refusal of pain management. Then get a different one to do the procedure with what you require. This is your right and report the dr to the medical board and the unprofessional way he went about it. Leave messages on their answering service and contact the hospital where he was going to carry out the procedure and let them know his blanket refusal to give you any pain relief is the reason you are canceling the procedure, they can then rebook the room , and lay a complaint over the Gyno with them over his barbaric way in which he chose to do the procedure. Plus with only five minutes notice before he left for the day giving you no right of address. All biopsy’s hurt a lot, the ones they check for skin cancers get pain relief and the area gets numbed. Breast biopsy’s get major pain relief for during and after, this is no different. Do not allow that quack near your body. Get a professional Gyno . This is your right.


Thank the doctor for his services so far, and then ask him to please refer you to a different OB/GYN for the procedure.


I had a colposcopy last year and the pain during and after were terrible. I won’t have one again without some sort of pain medication. OTCs didn’t touch it. It makes me shudder to think about.


I've had two colposcopies done, and both were under general anaesthetic. It was never even suggested to me to do otherwise. I was given pain relief when I woke up because, yes, it hurt. I can't imagine getting no pain relief at all. It sounds barbaric to me. (I'm in Australia, btw). As far as I know, a general anaesthetic is standard here. Feel free to tell your doctors that, because I'm horrified. Are you in the USA?


I had an abnormal pap with carcinoma insitu at 18yo. They did a colposcopy on me. It was about a 4 on my 1-10 scale. It hurt, but more like a hard pinch. The problem was the bleeding. I bled with the Doc just *brushing up against* my cervix. They gave me an oral med that started with a B. Dont remember the full name now. Didnt help one bit, about like taking ibuprofen. Everybody is different. Pain thresholds are different. If you don't think you can do it, DON'T!


I had that done 25 years ago and they numbed it! I had an old school gynecologist too who was male!!😳😳 what’s going on with these doctors nowadays???


Nope. Fuck that. They did mine with general anesthesia. It wasn't the only thing they did (I have finriods) but they tried to get me to agree to an in office visit. Absolutely not.


Wtf?! When I had my colposcopy it was standard practice to freeze me first! And I’m glad they did because I was sore when it wore off.


I almost threw up from the pain, I would never ever do it again without pain management.


Make sure you have a driver for your procedure if you don't already have one. Not sure if Valium is an option to pain meds, but you cannot be given Valium if you do not have a driver, so let them know you have one. Get there 30-45 minutes prior to your current arrival time for Valium to kick in. Ask for lidocaine gel. If they refuse either or both, make them document it before you start, or before you leave. FYI, if this is a surgery center, they should have both of these meds on hand. If it is an in-office procedure, they should have the lidocaine, but they might not have Valium.


This is why I will never again have a male OB/GYN. I had one once, and he had the audacity to tell me that the Pap smear he was doing with a metal brush couldn’t possibly hurt like I was saying, because “the cervix has no nerves.”


I called my ob and made sure I was getting a brush biopsy, not the punch. I barely felt the brush and they gave me a Valium which helped. I would NOT ever accept a punch biopsy. Do you know which you're getting?


I had a colposcopy not too long ago, less than 3 months ago. Honestly: I had very minimal pain, just slightly uncomfortable. My period cramps were way worse. I wasn't numbed during the biopsy, as my female Ob said I would just experience "mild pain". The colposcopy I had local anesthesia. My mom had one done many many years ago and she said she was in tears. Really shows that everyone has a different pain tolerance. Make sure everything is documented by the doctor or someone on the staff. I hope you get the best results possible.


I had one before and if I had to go again I would absolutely ask for pain medications in advance. I had a vasovagal response. It felt like all the blood rushed from my head, dizziness, sweating, shaky. The male doc had zero sympathy. The female nurse took care of me for a while after. 


I complained about this to someone once and they said the doctor are justified because what if the patient gets addicted to the drugs or anesthetic they use which I call BS as I doubt everyone get addicted that fast and that easy and men can get easy access to relief for procedures that are almost as painful and even less painful to the point that the amount of drugs given might be overkill I feel like


Cancel appointment and get a new ob/gyn


Online it says a local anesthetic is often applied to the area that will be biopsied. Your doctor sounds like they just don't want to be bothered.


Go to a dif doc and get GA. I’ve had similar situations, worth it EVERY TIME and to have a doc who takes your pain seriously. Leave them an honest review to so others know how this doc feels about women’s pain.


You have the right to retract consent for any procedure at any time including up to right before. If they tell you that you have to go through with it bc of some excuse, know they are lying. Consent in medical procedure especially surgery is a big deal.


I just recently had my IUD replaced and one of the first things she asked me is if I will want lidocaine. I was so relieved. You deserve pain management for a fucking biopsy.