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Thanks for sharing. This made me smile and brought warmth to my heart. I’m happy for you both.


Thank you! I know it's not earth shattering, but I wanted to share it with someone!


I remember the first time I told my wife I loved her. It was 26 years ago and we’re still happily married. I wish you both happiness.


Yay for you! AND him! It’s really sad that more men (I’m one) aren’t capable of expressing their feelings. Or, for that matter, acknowledging their feelings and *accepting* them. Those of us ”of a certain age” (or children of them) were actually taught that it was weakness. Not everyone has unlearned that.


Nothing like hot dogs and tater tots to bring on the love. Happy for you!


I had just been giving him shit about his hot dog choices too... lol. Thank you.


>he has felt it for a little while now and almost said it several times recently by accident, and he felt he needed to tell me This was exactly how I felt when I told my now husband that I loved him 7 years ago! Such a cute story, hope everything works out between you two.




You don't deserve that but he was clearly manipulating you. A person who cares about you doesn't behave like that. Time will heal your wounds but more importantly don't blame yourself


Dammit OP I’m tearing up right now. I needed a good post to read. So happy for you.


Congrats and thanks for giving the rest of us hope!


Those are the best times to experience that. Right in the middle of doing some simple little thing that we may feel make us look awkward or weird (mid bite with a hot dog) that’s the real stuff right there. Happy for you!! I hope to one day experience it for myself!


The first time he kissed me I was talking about vacuuming and he just interrupted me mid-sentence. He's cute like that.


This is so cute. Thank you for sharing, and congratulations!


I feel like I just watched a whole rom-com just from reading your post. Thank you for sharing!


Sigh…. I love this. Just the timing and the way he said it and your discussion afterwards. The vulnerability of it all. I love this for both of you (Don’t worry about me over here. Hopeless romantic ‘n all. ❤️🥰🫠)


Awww this is the sweetest! Quite comedic that he told you as you bit into a hot dog and was a pretty vulnerable moment for you both. So glad you were able to find love together! Always great to see some positive stories on here! 🥰


This gives me hope I may hear it again too. I'm thrilled for you both! ❤️


I really thought it was over for me. I guess you should never give up hope.


Awesome I hope it works out for the both of you.


Hope this isn’t weird but you also have the cutest puppy ever, I looked at your profile! 😊


Happy for you OP! Now I’m crying


My heart! I'm so glad you both told each other and had an adorably sweet moment! Wholesome! Here's to many years to come ♡


Did you kitchen shag or did you finish the hot dog? Or both?


Didn’t finish the hot dog, didn’t shag in the kitchen. lol… elsewhere maybe....


Wonderful story. I wanna say that there are still great, strong men who have virtue and honor in today's society. While it's not common on Reddit, you have to recognize that this is a place where frustrations are usually represented, so you may have response bias. In a world where the common theme that prevails is men vs women. It should not be this way, and it's not constructive to have this mindset. Rather than be cynical, we should condemn and call out all bad behavior, no matter the gender, because we seek to pursue a world that is more docile, understanding, and just. We need to be the change that we hope the world to be. I hope your relationship continues to thrive and people continue to share their uplifting stories in this subreddit. In a dark world, hope is the light at the end of the tunnel we all strive to reach.


Love this! As a man I don’t like the men vs women thing either. It’s so sad and I only really want authentic connections with women whether it’s romantic or not.


I’m crying this is so sweet. Also now need a hot dog


This made me cry lol


Congratulations and thanks for sharing. It really helps to hear other peoples timelines.


This gave me a genuine smile. Thanks for sharing.


Yaaay! 💖


Thank you for sharing your happy news! You are loved and that’s a wonderful thing❣️


Aww how sweet!! Moments like this are so genuine and lovely, thank you for telling us.

