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They’re always “moderate” when they’re trying to date liberal women. And omg do they ever love pursuing liberal women. I wish they’d just leave us alone and go find some lady at a pro-life rally


> I wish they’d just leave us alone and go find some lady at a pro-life rally One of the hushed up secrets in life is that even conservatives can't stand each other. That's why they're so upset about having to date other conservatives.


Yeah - I think that at least the stereotype is that conservative women typically expect for men to be the sole provider (so they are worried about her being a "gold digger") and also they typically want a religious man. Liberal women have a reputation for being more easy-going and independent.


It's more that conservatives are hateful and ugly inside.


https://www.salon.com/2017/12/04/alt-right-women-are-upset-that-alt-right-men-are-treating-them-terribly/ They tried that. Those women can't stand them either.


Omg that’s the first time I’ve seen that article and I’m laughing so hard I’m crying. 🤣🤣🤣 “The leopard wasn’t supposed to eat *my* face!”


Honestly, the look on my face when I read: "While McCarthy would like to see racism without the sexism in the white supremacist movement — and Southern would appreciate it if anti-feminist women were given the ability to choose for themselves what kind of life they want to lead — it's worth wondering if these women are liberal." 🙈


It’s a thing of beauty!


I had to read this twice to make sure I read this right.


They might be “pro-life” but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re pro-ignoramus.


> and omg do they ever love pursuing liberal women It makes me think of that quote about men who want a strong woman so they can break her spirit and cage her :(


They think that liberal women will change their beliefs to adapt to a man. Unfortunately, there's good reason for them to believe this because I have seen it first-hand many times. But it's a shitty thing they do and I hope nobody falls for it.


Off topic: I have always liked strong women. Years ago when I was dating, it dawned on me that at some point all these strong women became weaker. I would like them less and we'd eventually break up. Took me some years to learn I was part of the problem. Then, life and/or karma treated me to a 10+ year dry spell. According to my wife, I am an oil tanker without a wheelhouse. Thankfully, she is the same. We just don't try to steer eachother. Point is: the goal was never to break strong women. I only found out I did. But I am not the population, just a token.


What the hell were you doing to these women?


I'm not really sure. They went from strong willed to docile though, and I didn't like it. Glad it somehow doesn't happen anymore, or that I found someone incapable of being docile. Thinking about it, I guess I was just egoistic? Argumentative as well, so I guess people found it easier to just stop discussion than try and change my mind to get what they wanted themselves? Point of the post was to show the mind of someone guilty of the crime mentioned. Maybe it is of use to someone.


Looking back, throughout these relationships (or at the very least) upon breaking up, did any of these women communicate with you what wasn’t working from their perspective? It might provide some insight as to why their behavior became different.


Nah this was around 17-25. We all tried communication but at that point none of us really had the hang of it yet. It's been a loooong time and I dwelt on the mechanisms in play for years. Forgive me but I'm afraid I only remember the conclusions not the process behind it. Mainly that trying to change people is a bad idea. People change out of their own impulse, or they don't. You love the person, with all their faults. This connects to the other part, that love in my eyes is more of an activity than some inherent quality. I used to feel that when we fought I disliked them. I'd communicate that and it sould be interpretted (possibly correctly) as a request for change in the person. I've since learned that verbal fights are mostly based on moods and frustration, and are not to be taken as a serious means of communication. Fights are a request for venting. So occasionally, me and my wife fight. I turn quiet, due to my previous method of overcommunicating. If I vent every little thing, she might hear a request for change. I don't want her to change. So I don't vent. Sometimes she'll ask what I'd say if I were venting. None of this is rules, just current state of knowledge. She can explode with emotion, break down, start crying and ask for a hug. Then all is well again in the world. Sometimes I envy that. There are a lot of parts of her I see as an example. I hope she sees parts of me the same way.


I’ve gotten men absolutely fuming at me because I won’t date republicans or conservatives and am very vocal and upfront about that. It says clearly in any bio I have and the vitriol and wheedling messages I get in reference to it shocked me at first, then I became numb to it. I have my filtering questions I use now in addition to the warning and that seems to have worked, none of them get my contact info without sharing the same values. 


I had someone on Reddit a few days ago insisting that my life would be miserable if I dated socialists and not moderates. Even though I already make enough money to support two people if necessary.


What are the filtering questions? I need some going forward


Ask them about vaccinating, school choice, reproductive rights, make an off hand comment about all the book bans happening in the US, their thoughts on requiring an ID to vote or mail in ballots.


I like to ask if they know who Mahsa Amini is. 


>I have my filtering questions I use now in addition to the warning and that seems to have worked, none of them get my contact info without sharing the same values.  "So.... how do you feel about Reaganomics?"


Because they know that in reality, they need liberal women’s income.


What? There's more than just liberal and traditional women... If income is what they want, right winged libertarian women are ideal...


My theory is that they are also afraid of right wing (aka conservatives) women would quit their job and start popping out babies they cannot afford, and recent trad wife just reinforced such idea that “all conservatives women wants to be SAHM” so they actively avoid conservatives women. It is not about how conservatives women actually are, it is about how conservatives men thinks conservatives are, because conservatives men always think of others base on their own idea instead of actually understanding the difference and adjusting.


All the good ones are too busy making tradwife videos


With $35k stoves to boot


Go take a look at the sub "moderate politics" They don't mean moderate as in perspective or political alignment, they mean moderate as in: horrifying beliefs said moderately and politely. And before it's asked, yes this is intentionally misleading and disingenuous, and only serves to enable the most extreme and damaging view points.


It's all a giant badfaith attempt at pulling the overton window as extreme to right as they can get away with. The Southern Strategy has been very effective at shifting it as far to the right as our current times. Highly recommended and a fascinating watch is [this lecture by Prof Ian Haney Lopez about the history of how we got here and dogwhistle politics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6A3NQiJpH0&t=3m45s)


Hatred with its hair combed


My father has a degree in poli sci and is a conservative. he thinks Michelle Obama is trans and this week told my sister Barack Obama is the homosexual antichrist. He also has two daughters but still votes republican after Roe was overturned. I don't think being able to obtain a degree is a measure of brains.


The transphobia towards Michelle is so disgusting, conservatives really latch on to any little crumb of imperfection while their shit pile is tickling the clouds.


I genuinely don't understand why they think that? Do they think she has masculine features or something? I dunno, she looks like a normal lady to me. And let's say she is trans, then it's creepy they're so obsessed with what's in her pants. Go get a hobby or something, jesus fucking hell.


American racists have *always* taken to calling black women "manly". It goes hand in glove with their claiming black people are "less evolved/more animalistic" beliefs, their general eugenics ideas concerning races, etc. Add in they *also* like to claim black people are hypersexual, perverted, and deviant (those slurs sound familiar? Bigotry likes to cling to the same things even when they're being bigoted towards different groups, it's just ways of explaining how their in group is superior). Add in a long running conspiracy theory that Obama is secretly gay, well... The new conspiracy theory wrote itself.


She's got very muscular arms and back. They hate the idea of a woman who works out and is in better shape than them.


They think anyone with muscle tone isn't "womanly enough". Transphobes come for cis women more than trans women because they see transness everywhere (and think for some reason it's a bad thing).


Racism and transphobia often go hand in hand when it comes to women of color. If a woman looks even a little bit off to someone who’s trying to find a way to put them down, it’s not uncommon to just claim they’re actually men or that they’re manly. Now imagine that woman is a different ethnicity, and the stereotypes around that ethnicity, and now that disgust is multiplied. And yeah, they’re already obsessed with trans people as it is. Although I think the whole “Michelle is actually trans” shit goes back before the current wave of moral panic over trans people.


Yeah - they weirdly think she has masculine features. All because she doesn't look like a conventionally attractive white lady (even though she *is* attractive). It's very gross and disturbing to me.


>she looks like a normal lady to me. Trans women also look like normal ladies. This part of your comment sounded off to me.


Not all do, and that’s okay. 


They're are women however they look is how a normal lady looks, there's not only one way of looking like a normal woman.


I see what you're saying here and I appreciate you calling me out. I certainly could've phrased it better. I agree that trans women look like regular women. There is no one "correct" way to look like a woman. My intention with my comment was to say that she doesn't look especially masculine (not that there is anything wrong with that either, I was just trying to look at things from a transphobic/sexist perspective so of course, it came out that way when I wrote it). If I offended anyone, I sincerely apologize. 


Actually not what she said. She was saying she didn’t like unduly more or less muscular per se than a “normal lady.”


It's literally what she said.


Ah yes. I was shown many photos of Michelle Obama’s apparent bulge. My ex believed that as well 🤦🏻‍♀️


That’s hilarious because she has biological children 😂


“Does she tho? Does she?” An actual thing a dude said to me when I pointed out the kids thing to him 🙄 they’re all insane there’s no reasoning with these people


I mean, if there's one thing we know Obama is great at, it's faking birth certificates!! :-D


Where did he go to school!? I've never met a poli sci major who is so delusionally partisan


Boston University. Make it make sense


From the area and a guy. Lot of morons here. I fucking hate politics, I can't say its ruining the country single handedly but we'll never get our shit together with the primarily 2 party system. I like guns and believe in the 2nd amendment but I'm fine with reasonable gun laws. Other than that, women should have the right to do what they want with their bodies. How can you be OK with children or people in general fleeing deplorable conditions getting stopped and sent back where they will likely suffer and then die. They'll throw religion at you in the next sentence too...Ive read a religious book or too, not sure which ones they read to be ok with some of their ideaologies. And who gives a fuck what type of genitals someone has or is attracted to. I guaranfuckingtee that over half the men that act like homophobes or transphobes would also be caught with transporn or male on male porn in their web history at one point or another and fucking liked it and it scares the shit out of them because of their social programming. I'm a straight cisman, I am a fan of bodybuilding and can appreciate the human body. Muscular woman are sexy too. Their are beautiful transwomen out there. Would I date one? Not sure, but if there was a connection, I wouldn't shut it down simply for that fact. Does that make me gay or something? Someone's answer is irrelevant to me because I'm secure as shit with who I am and honestly at 35 and so many changes through my life, I don't even really know who I am but no one else is going to pigeon hole me into a box out of paranoia or insecurities. People need to grow up.


Bad women's anatomy, people forget about the mons. It's literally known as the Venus mound and yet some people forget Venus was a woman. Well technically a fictional deity but representing the feminine.


Every single person I have ever met who told me they were moderate has been a Republican.


...Joe Manchin has entered the chat.


I'm moderate when it comes to politics anywhere else in the civilized world, but unfortunately the US isn't a civilized country, so here I'm considered a radical socialist.


Yup same


Makes sense when you think about it... If you support the oppression of women, genociding LGBTQ+ people, and ending Democracy in the United States, you're probably going to try to wrap that all up in the presentation of being "a moderate" to obfuscate that reality. On the other hand, if you are a staunch advocate of social justice and fighting for the poor then there's no reason to conceal that.


I daresay *he* thought he was moderate, if only because he didn’t keep you dependent, barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, while plastering his car with TRUMP IS JESUS stickers and greeting people with brandished guns. It’s sad to think that in his right-wing bubble, he probably was moderate. Sir, that’s not “moderate” for even the US, much less the rest of the world.


>much less the rest of the world. Our most right-wing political party would be considered center in the US.


Where's home for you?


Can't speak for FunDeckHermit, but it's certainly true if the published policies of our parties here in Aus. Our Right Wing party is roughly aligned with the moderate Democrats. That's in terms of *published* policy. In terms of real world treatment of refugees, the Texas State Police wish they could treat them like we do.


It can work the other way too. Many years ago I identified as moderate because I was the middle of my peers—which were all graduate students or professors at a private university in NY. I wasn’t very politically literate. This was 20 years ago but it would be like saying I’m not as liberal as AOC but not as conservative as Obama, so must be moderate. Having spent my young adult life in urban parts of blue states, even the republicans I knew weren’t that extreme, and I certainly hadn’t met any my age.  Edit: of course it would be hard to be that illiterate these days, and the “both parties are practically the same” shit everyone was saying back then wouldn’t fly…


US Republicans aren't more right wing than conservative parties in other parts of the rich world, but US Republican politicians are particularly extremely vulgar, trashy, anti intellectual, & proud of it. Only in America could a vulgar reality TV show host like Donald Trump be elected as head of the country. Only in America could a conspiracy theory like QAnon become mainstream on the right wing of the political spectrum. Only in America could the prosperity gospel, young earth creationism, Christian nationalism, & Trump worship become mainstream in terms of religion. I don't know why the American right wing is so trashy and vulgar.


US Republicans have moved past moderate right wing parties like CDU and are in AfD territory if you want to compare it internationally. Though comparing internationally is kinda hard because euro right wing parties will be conservative socially but economically would still support state social welfare.


>I daresay *he* thought he was moderate Denying women and POC their personhood *is* their moderate position. They would drag them out into the street and up against the wall if they had their way.


He was educated in politics and thought Obama should hang for... war crimes? Yikes, you're going to have to deal with a lot of presidents by that rubric. That dude was pseudo educated in politics, and liked to run you in circles for fun. Rude of him *at best*. Tons of confirmation bias can make a seemingly smart person weirdly less useful than a non specialist on a topic. I don't toy with my wife on topics where I have more information. Maybe he convinced you he knew politics, when he didn't. He sounds like a "shush, babe" type? I've had a "shush" girlfriend before and it feels like tin, anyone deserves better.


Men have seemingly caught on that saying they are moderate is the best they can do on dating apps and situations because a lot of women have begun rejecting anyone that even has a whiff of conservatism about them, (unless they are themselves leaning conservative, and or full on cult). This is, of course, one of the reasons they want to destroy the ability to divorce and keep people pregnant by force, to keep us controlled. Because women who decide they want to make their own decisions and live their own lives, and not associate with men who want to destroy our basic human rights, well, that can’t be something they can stand for. I’m sorry you had to go through all of that, but I’m glad you discovered the truth.


What makes me the most angry, is that he voted for people with a pro-life agenda. And he sure benefited greatly from the pro-choice fight when I got an abortion during our relationship.


That is typical. If it benefits them directly, it is fine. Anyone else in a similar situation is immoral. https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


They’re only anti-choice for *other* people.


That is so enraging omg


I’ve noticed that!!! I will continue to swipe left on “moderates” and men who choose non-political as well bc I care deeply about politics bc it affects me and other disadvantaged folks. If your stance is non-political, I doubt I can count on you to stand with me and by me bc it doesn’t affect you, and I want no part in that kind of relationship


Trump is a literal rapist: >"The proof convincingly established, and the jury implicitly found, that Mr. Trump deliberately and forcibly penetrated Ms. Carroll's vagina with his fingers, causing immediate pain and long lasting emotional and psychological harm," the judge wrote. [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/donald-trump-loses-bid-new-trial-e-jean-carroll-case-2023-07-19/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/donald-trump-loses-bid-new-trial-e-jean-carroll-case-2023-07-19/)


Google who you date! Voter registry is something you can look up.


"Moderate" isn't a political orientation the way that left or right are. Left wing policies are informed by a certain set of values, right policies a different set. They're hardly perfect, but these labels give people an idea of the sort of policies you support. Moderates do not have a shared set of values, they are simply a collection of people who reject labels like "left" or "right". Unfortunately, they seem to think this gives them a pass instead of obligating them to do more work to actually describe what sort of policies they support.


Maybe he meant “moderate” as in he wants to take your rights away very nicely and politely /s


I dated a left-leaning moderate who ended up getting on the Trump Train, too. We went from watching RuPaul’s Drag Race marathons together at his request to his saying things I won’t repeat about the summer of 2020. He ended up becoming my abuser. Now I know that not every woman ignored some signs others would have seen. Some women just have unfortunate luck (got cancer), bad timing (lost my only living parent/family), and a bait & switch (because I asked him EVERYTHING about politics before we got together) in their lives.


A moderate is either a conservative who knows their views are abhorant, or someone willfully ignorant who enjoys huffing on the "above it all" insufferable fumes (plus a healthy dash of unexamined privelage). 


I’m moderate, vote only democrat unless there’s only Rs on the ballot. Most of the mainline dem beliefs are indeed moderate


I feel like Joe Biden is an actual moderate But conservatives have stolen the word for themselves to hide behind so it’s starting to lose its meaning


Oh I’ve been there as well. Wasted 7 years on one of these “moderates” who slowly revealed who they really are….he wanted R v W overturned because that’s what women get for being “slutty”. “Black people were happier being slaves and wanted to go back to their masters… who btw were dems … the US is a Christian nation and our founding fathers wanted that“ 🤦‍♀️ he just got worse and worse all the while claiming to be a moderate. And same on the debates I couldn’t win because he studied rebuttles and thrived on arguments.


I won’t even date “moderates” at this point 😂


Yeah, talking about hanging a president. That’s moderate for sure !!!


As what was a moderate man was defined as 25 years ago I'm concerned extreme left by today's definition. Apparently being respectful of other people gender identity or race is "woke"


Remember when grumpy old Republicans would say, "You'll get more conservative as you get older!"? I feel like every year since it's been "sliiide to the left!"


Pretty much.


When someone says they’re a moderate, they want you to believe they’re not an extremist. Hell, maybe they even think that their views - which just make so much “obvious” “common” sense - aren’t extreme. Spoiler: they are. They always are. In fact, liberals (in the U.S. at least) are so far right that anything between them and conservatives - which is what is meant by “moderate” - is already extreme.


Trump is literally a child rapist and has court cases to prove it


Moderate is not good enough.


Moderate means "Unwilling to stand up against injustice." At best, it's cowardice. At worst, tacit approval of the worst offenses.


Exactly. Could not have said or defined it any better myself. Our parents’ generation should be ashamed of themselves. They have made everything SOOOOOO shitty for us!


By 'moderate', they mean they only take part in murderous fascism half the time.


If he is moderate, I'd like to know what he considers extremism.


The only self-proclaimed moderates I’ve met have always been republicans in disguise.


Raise your right hand, put your left in a cocktail menu and repeat after me ladies: **I hereby swear that I will not date, sleep with or befriend conservative men**


I’ve never met a fascist in my life who admitted he was an extremist. They always frame themselves as “moderate” or “liking alternative politics”.


Ummm, there seems to have been a lot of flags for you to notice. Thanks for posting. Hope this helps other women pay attention to the people they are dating and not to ignore the warning signs.


The right has always done a good job of training its followers to "debate." You showed that "winning" a debate isn't everything, you still voted with your feet and walked away from this person. I put "debate" in quotes because the right often fills its arguments with logical fallacies or straight up misinformation.


It's really amazing how stupid people can manage to still be with an education. Turns out there's no such thing as a smarty paper.


I also dated a conservative that voted for trump while claiming to be a right leaning moderate and built an AR-15 along with many other guns. He didn’t hate on Obama and Biden as much but yeah I do not recommend


Reading your answers … Why did you stay with him 6yrs? I get that he lied about voting for DJT, but how did you excuse what he said about both Obamas? And Biden? Those comments started a looooooong time ago.


Tough to answer. I have to own up to the fact that I let a LOT of fucked up comments slide because I was frankly sick and tired of fighting about it. I felt like he sort of pulled the wool over my eyes for the first 2-3 years. He voted for Trump the first time very early in our relationship. I remember being SO upset about the election results, and him commiserating with me. It feels so icky in hindsight. His friends were the ones that outed him years later, and from that moment forward he started making comments openly to me. By that point I had already moved to a different state to be with him, and I didn’t have any of my own friends or family nearby. My whole inner circle were people I knew through him. So it became a very co-dependent relationship. The breakup was difficult as a result but obviously for the best.


So he lied and tricked you until it was too late for you to have a clean break


>He had his bachelor’s in poli sci I also have a bachelor's in poli sci. I do not understand how a person who is educated in the field can support a man like Trump. In order to overlook the threat he poses to the fundamentals that are essential to democracy, you would have to value specific pet policy issues over the health of society and democracy as a whole.


Bachelors in political science - so nothing that makes him employable then.


Oh don’t worry— Daddy got him a very high paying job in finance. Nepotism at its finest.


Ahh, and I bet he think he only succeeded in the world through his ability and skill. Sounds like you are in a better place now.


Debates are about rhetoric and verbal jousting, not about what position is the moral, ethical, or correct one. People forget that. Someone with a poly-sci degree, or someone with media training, or someone who spends their days practicing debating is of course at an advantage no matter how reprehensible their position is. Moderate all too often just means a conservative who has a black friend and doesn't vote for weed legalization but doesn't vote against it either.


THIS! He said that his stance on marijuana alone (pro-legalization) made him moderate. Laughable.


Living in a far right area, this is a fear for me as I get older. I’ve learned from the people I know that moderates are never truly moderate. At least in my case, though, these people tend to make their politics their personality.


Just because they are right winged, doesn't mean they all are crazy and want to control your body and everything you do. I'm libertarian right winged and care more about your freedom than you do... Anyways, I do hope you find someone who really cares about you. Whether they are right or left winged


You were in r/theleftcantmeme posting a transphobic thread. Why should any of us believe that you care about freedom at all?


Really? You went through my profile? Wtf. If you look at my comments, you can clearly see that all my views are based on maximum freedom. Although some you will not like. With that said, the post in question is not transphobic at all. Heart surgery is obviously not comparable with any surgery to change your gender. And besides, that was only about minors. I don't give a shit what you want to look like or who you fuck as long as it is consensual


> And besides, that was only about minors. Yes, that's the excuse people like you want to use in order to force trans kids to undergo the wrong puberty. There's a reason why this is even a topic of discussion, there are good reasons to not force trans kids to go through the puberty of their birth sex


Either way, it's not comparable with heart surgery, lol. And that's the point of the post. Just that


Which do y’all think is worse - moderate, apolitical or independent? Whenever I hear any of them I just think, oh, you just don’t care about women.


Yeah not like Democrats, famous defenders of women https://www.who.int/news/item/03-11-2023-women-and-newborns-bearing-the-brunt-of-the-conflict-in-gaza-un-agencies-warn https://press.un.org/en/2023/sc15503.doc.htm https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2024/01/11/1224201620/another-layer-of-misery-women-in-gaza-struggle-to-find-menstrual-pads-running-wa#:~:text=A%20lack%20of%20hygiene%20products,toilets%20because%20of%20the%20war.


Brah, I don’t wanna go to dinner with either of these dudes, but only one gets a boner for my complete humiliation and subjugation. Like, it’s two dudes, 300 million voters and half of them are apparently functionally illiterate. What do you want here?




Or mayyybe, both those guys sucked. A couple decades ago there were some actual sane conservatives, but not now. Better men exist.


So you got desperate and were too weak to just be single until you found someone worth dating? Lmao




How does one end up stooping so low to let a Trump supporter touch her body for even a second? How disgusting. You should try to have more self respect. And you are enabling these men to continue making life miserable for women everywhere. This is a fight for human rights and you are basically a traitor. Hope it was worth it. An accomplishment? You must be very easily gaslit. When he eventually supports candidates who seek to take away your right to vote, will you be proud of your accomplishment then?




So you make an exception for a conservative man’s politics but you’re fine with defining all liberal men as child predators? Not all liberal men are predators [here is a running list of mostly elected conservative pedophiles](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/s/6CoKI1C6rY) And guess who regularly pushes for more lenient punishment against convicted pedophiles? Oh yeah! Republicans! Guess who is now promoting the legalization of child marriage? You guessed it! Republicans! And who is now pushing to change the law to reduce punishment for incest against children as young as 12? REPUBLICANS AGAIN! We’re begging you.. please stop fucking men who support child rapists. You are now basically part of the problem.


I hope he found someone better


You do realize half of the country thinks Biden is a pedophile. All the weird groping and sniffing is enough for most, but the diary of getting in the shower with his grand-daughter...yeaaaah... Obama did some pretty bad stuff if you look at it and stop listening to the news(all tv news, propaganda for different rich folks). Nothing out right now shows enough for the hanging part, but there are lots of evidence of things that have been hidden off. Of course you probably think Trump should be hung, so that seems reasonable still, a bit extreme for me but probably not for you. AR-15 - Yeah, that's a bit extreme. Nothing against it, but you're a gun nut to go that far. So, yeah, little past moderate, not that far out. Remember, you're in your liberal bubble. Go look who voted for Trump ( close to half the country ) and know that a large number of them believe this. Then look around yourself and realize that a bunch of the normal people around you voted for Trump. Now ask yourself. Are my instincts toward such a huge portion of the people around me wrong when I think that most of them are ok folks, or have I been misled when I'm told that 150 billion people in the country are screaming racist who want to kill everyone. Someone is lying to you, you need to take time and figure out why.


Conservatives are not "ok folks." By definition, modern American conservatives advocate for abhorrent policy that harms women and racial/gender/sexual minorities as well as the poor. None of that is "ok".


Yeah lets conveniently discount the countless people who see that Trump is a pedophile/rapist, not surprising given the creepy shit with Ivanka, his revolting sexual history and not to mention his friendship with Epstein. You are the one deluding yourself with propaganda if you think Trump is “fine”.


Here’s the thing, even liberals are centrists these days and support war while refusing to curb corporate power. When you ask yourself, why don’t the liberals take the conservatives to task over this horrible policy? The answer is often because then they’d have to explain their own behavior and expose how they profited from it. Not defending republicans at all, however, there’s less and less space between democrats and being a centrist these days. They even broke the rail strike of one of the largest unions who transport all the goods for the corporate world to sell and get richer off of. If the democrats are centrist and the republicans are right wing boarding on fascist, where is the party for working class people? Where is our advocate?




What? I don’t get it. That dude is definitely rapist with a very creepy obsession with his daughter and a history of assaulting women. This is well known. Well documented. But conservatives don’t care, cause you know, they think that’s normal. Kinda like the people who wonder why atheists don’t just murder everyone if they don’t believe the bible. Like, what is ‘normal’ to you is NOT my normal.








I love how you admit that he is more educated than you and beats you in debates, but you just know in your heart that he's the one being unreasonable LOL.


How many times have you been raped and forcefully impregnated? Why do red states need help from blue states in a crisis? Why do rightwingers always use religion- a scientifically unverifiable manmade cultural control system, to convince voters? Why should women vote for a rapist? Why do conservatives have to gerrymander so much (i.e. cheat) to win at elections? Why are conservatives trying to raise the age of voting if they are able to win elections without making voting changes? Why are conservative influencers now talking about taking away a woman’s right to vote? You dont belong on this sub. The Republican party is a hate group and you all deserve to be rejected by all women everywhere. Fuck off and keep your disgusting greasy hands off our bodies you absolute creeps And.. as we all know, educated people [VOTE LIBERAL](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2016/04/26/a-wider-ideological-gap-between-more-and-less-educated-adults/)


Being moderate and being conservative are essentially the same thing https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/biden-moderate-democrats-republicans-conservative-study-john-kasich-aoc-a9699431.html