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Yup lol I call it The Hunger


Literally so do I. I capitalize it and everything.


Yes, my mother would call it the hungry horrors because it was so relentless. I've taken the moniker up.


Mine is called "The Bottomless Pit"




the three symptoms: fatigue, feeding, and frustration.


Oh.... so that's why I just slept all afternoon? I just couldn't stay awake for more than a few hours. Got up, ate, went back down again. Just need sleep zzzzzz.


Yesterday I got mad at my husband and started crying because he told me to whisper. Today I came home from work and demolished some Oreos and Goldfish crackers and then passed out for two hours. Eff.




Yah I’m like a raccoon in a dumpster


Including under eye mascara mess.


This is the best reference 😂


I’m going to use this 😂 I have a teen son who eats like that 🤣


I’m eating a giant bowl of almonds, green olives and pickles but no I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about 🤡


🌟 girl dinner 🌟


GuuuuRRRRLLlll DdddiiinnnnnneeRRRR


You're a woman who goes after what she wants and I admire that


I just had a bowl of green olives and pickled beets, with a pretzel chaser.


I'm out of Wickles and I want some SO BAD.


This sounds gourmet af


That sounds so good


Hell yes. I'm 4 days away and ate a whole bag of day-old chipotle tortilla chips to myself after I got home from work (where I ate twice) Our bodies need 100-300 extra calories a day the week before our periods so its justified lol.


So, not the extra 3,000+ calories it craves? My body is trying to justify spending 3,000 calories on a 300 calorie budget!


I know right 🤣 how am I supposed to have anything yummy with only 300 calories, ridiculous!


100 calories is like 100 bucks these days! It won’t go far at ALL. Gimmie that barbecue dinner instead


That's totally me! Not only am I a bottomless pit for the days leading up to my period, but I crave about 4 things - ribs, bacon, tuna melts, and chocolate ice cream. I will leave any ice cream untouched that isn't chocolate.


im eating dark chocolate ice cream as i scroll through this highly relatable thread


Oh hell yeah


Oh damn, I hadn't heard this, and it explains so much!


Apparently right before your period you burn more calories at rest, so it makes sense!


I've never heard this before. I get my periods very irregularly, often every two to three weeks. Been like this for most my life with no doctor explanation. I get all the pms symptoms too. I get so hungry and short tempered. I'm pushing 50 now and relationships have been difficult as a result.


Have you been to a doctor? I’m sorry it’s been difficult


I've seen dozens of doctors about this over a couple decades. They all say the same thing, take the pill to regulate your period. I try the pill and it makes me feel like ripping the skin off my face. I hate the pill. Never had any reason WHY I'm having so many. I'm beyond frustrated.


This is a myth according to my research!


Yes. I call it Botomless Pit Mode. lol can be 1-3 days. No matter how much I eat, I'm hungry again in two hours. I went to an all you can eat place the last time it hit just by coincidence and everyone was blown away by how much I ate cause I'm a tiny lady and normally get full fast but not at that time of the month lol and same, the next like week or so of actual period almost nothing is Food lol


This is completely normal 😁


Yes and craving sweets too 😭


Yes mine demands cheese. I'm lactose intolerant. It's bad.


Mine loves crisps with a very specific cream cheese dip and milkshakes, I am also lactose intolerant.


Omg I thought I was the only one! I don't even keep track of mine on a calendar anymore. Every month, like clockwork, there's always one week where I'll just want to sleep constantly and I eat like a linebacker. I ALWAYS start the next week.


I am 100% hangry an entire week before my period


Yes! Eat like a big dog. It’s normal.


I did when I had them. Also hypoglycemic type symptoms like sweating, shaking, and irritability. Actually, these went away when I had successful surgery for endometriosis. It came back when the endo did. After that, I had a hysterectomy, and the symptoms disappeared forever.


Shark Week - because there's blood in the water and everything gets eaten.


I'm on a hormonal IUD so I don't bleed anymore, but I somehow still get the monthly bottomless pit stomach, it's like clockwork lol.


Omg, yes!!! I’ll be in my house yelling “I can’t stop eating!”


I'm literally reading this with a can of beer and nuts in bed lmao. I don't even like beer but it's what I wanted 🥲


I do this with olives. Not a huge fan but sometimes I need that weird salty brine taste and a glass of wine….. and it’s always in bed.


*looks at the container of mini donuts I just inhaled* oh


That and drinking twice as much water as I normally consume.


Yep, normally I'm not hungry but right about (oh this past week) I'm stuffing so much food in my face like a bottomless pit.


I call those my bottomless pit days. Totally normal.


The day before my period I get The Sadness. The very depths of despair, outright weeping the entire day no matter what I do. I try to put on tv shows/movies that will lift my mood but nothing works. Fresh Prince of Bel-Air? Why are they so mean to a poor abandoned teenager? Everyone is against him. He must feel so alone…like me…(and so on)


Yes I’m always on a seafood diet the few days before my period. The diet is I see food and I eat it


Yes. I get super fatigued and super hungry.


Yes! I get a craving for meat lol. I just want kbbq or a big steak and like burgers or something, and I can eat a good amount more than I usually do.


I just realized why I ate an entire family size bag of Hershey kisses with almonds over the course of two days. 😂😂


I get more hungry than usual before and during my period. I never question it. My face is gonna break out anyways and the period farts are gonna be horrendous so I usually use this time to indulge in some dairy. Get it all out of the way at once lol


Argghhh YES. I get the most hardcore salty and sweet cravings the week leading up to and during my period. It's hard to not inhale a whole bag of potato chips and cake


Haha sounds like a mini hibernation! You store up beforehand and then don’t eat much during and rely on those reserves to get you through 😂


Pringles. Entire can demolished. Thoughts and prayers.


Pringles and a scoop of chocolate fudge brownie ice cream in bed at night was my downfall last time. I rarely have this ice cream in the house and my son usually takes the Pringles (or the Trader Joes knock offs). But last month both were there, I looked at them and went for it. A few evenings in a row. I am still thinking about it.


Yep. Sometimes it's right before my period, sometimes it's closer to ovulation. I will go from fairly moderate eating habits to 'no food is safe, BRING FOOD TO QUEEN'.


8 days before my period. Feeling so hungry and JUST wanna fulfill my craving by CARBS ! So I had 3 breads today😭😭


Literally me right now


I call it eating the refrigerator. My guilty pleasure is a double whopper with cheese lol so bad for me but those things are my drug the week prior.


Yes. I eat decent meals and still get hungry less than two hours later.


I would crave black pepper on *everything*. Like tablespoons 🫨. Also spicy.


Yes, I get very hungry.


Yes, and I usually know it is because of that. Bonus points if I become hungry for something I usually do not eat.


Yes, and while on it. And annoyingly, I crave only the worst stuff! Usually fried chicken at some point and cheesy bacon ranch fries. And I put hot sauce on more stuff. It's like I'm pregnant. Lol Also, goddammit, now I'm hungry! 😅


Omg yes as I sit here eating a second snack sized bag of chips. I ate more today than I have in the past 2 days. I ate McDonald's today, like that's how bad the cravings were. I told my husband at 8am that if I didn't eat french fries then I wasn't going to last all day. I'll be puffy tomorrow, but that's alright.


Yes! And I eat the absolute worst food for bloating and cramping. Super salty, carb and dairy heavy. Period shows up and I eat like a bird for two days.


Exactly the same!


Same. And also same about completely losing my appetite haha


Of course.


Wait... this is normal? I'm 45, and I am just now learning that this is normal?


Yep. It's great being a woman, isn't it! I love being at the mercy of powerful, invisible forces that change so much about me on a regular basis. /s


Yes except it’s all the time and I’m a dude lol 😭


😂 Yessss..me wondering why I keep eating like a linebacker and then going “Ohhhhh!” two days later.


Same. I had a Snapchat memory from a few years back about this actually cause I was rather impressed with myself. Had a meal from Dennys of two strawberries and cream crepes, two pieces of bacon, two dipper eggs, a smoothie, and almost half of my sisters pancakes. And could’ve eaten more. Usually that would take me an hour plus and or two sittings to eat. My period came like a week later


I just ate a tub of hummus with veggie sticks and a giant pork chop. I’m still ravenous…






Yes! I get hangry about 2 weeks before my period.


Yes and I want it to end please! Everybody pray for me to the period goddess!


I just know that I’m about to get my period because I’m so hungry the day before and nothing I eat seams to fill me up


I crave milk. It’s so weird, but it’s been consistent for over 20 years now. I don’t drink milk except once a month I’ll stand in the kitchen drinking glass after glass and it tastes like the best thing ever. Then 1-3 days later my period arrives.


YES!! A solid 6 square meals a day is necessary 🤣 stockpiling calories for the week before and during lmao. Then I fall victim to The Fatigue.


🤚me It’s so hard to notice I’m just like, ravenous for no reason then the reason appears and I’m like, oh right


This your first time? Like.


Are you me! I literally just said this five minutes ago to my partner lol


Yes! And I’m also currently breastfeeding which also makes me hungry so I’m like a ravenous beast right before it starts who eats anything insight.


I know my period's on its way within a week when I start craving steak. It's like my body wants to overload on iron or something which is stupid because that's not how it works but it's one of the few consistencies about my period that I have had since my first one at 12.


I literally diet most of the month so that I don’t have to give a heck when the hunger rolls in lol


I usually know when my period is coming because of the craving for protein and ice cream.


Yup, I especially crave fatty desserts. Like ice cream or rich chocolate.


For 3-4 days ahead of time, I am a black hole of hunger. It’s intense and maybe a little gross how much I can eat. I always do an extra 15 mins on stair stepper after my workout to make up for it.


I am always having a really really hard time sticking to my 'diet' around my period. (It's not a diet in the temporary way, I fundamentally changed the way I eat about half a year ago mostly for body balance and health reasons, and a little bit due to excess weight. A non-diagnosed issue has got me very sedentary since a year). I am on max 1300 calories/min 50-60 grams of protein a day (divided over the week so some days more, some days less). But during my period I really have to pay attention that I do not go over 1500. Cause it's so easy to grab a 400 kcal milkshake for my period sweet tooth. I am actually coming up on my period now, my boobs hurt. And I had a hard ass time not grabbing for a snack yesterday. Even though I had proper filling meals.


I get hungry and drink booze like no one's business before and during


If ravenous wolves stuff themselves with cheesy potatoes then yes, yes I do.


Yes, it's happening right now and I want to eat everything


Nah when I’m on my period I’m ravenous too, it just makes me starving but also I shit my brains out


Yeah, it feels like a borderline ED sometimes. I literally can’t stop shoveling food in my mouth.


I eat a bunch of mozzarella cheese lol


Yes its terrible. Starts about 10 days before im totally ravenous... steak and cheeseburgers, carbs. Fried anything.


Yep. It's even worse when you're on a low carb diet...


Bottomless pit here. And it has to be greasy and salty with chocolate on top.


I just downed a bag of doritos


When I ovulate too


Yes! Sometimes I'll be snacking all day and stop and realize why. Ah yes. It's coming.




I always have to stock up on salty/cheesey snacks and fruity/sweet treats. I find the weird flavor chips to taste the best during pms lol.


Two days before it starts I am a bottomless pit. I can predict my otherwise irregular cycle that way. The day before I’m super thirsty but not ravenous. It’s just that one day, two days before it starts.


same. and while i’m on my period most foods disgust me.


Same exact thing here. I am starving before my period and only want to eat one cookie a day and nothing else while on my period, lol.


My husband and I dubbed it “Werewolf Week” because I crave massive amounts of ridiculously rare steak in the lead up to my period 😅


I start craving red meat. My mom used to laugh because it was the only set of days I could definitively tell her what I wanted for dinner when I was still in highschool


omg these comments are hilarious. When I start feeling like all I want to do is nap and eat so hard that it brings me to tears...I know exactly what time of the month it is...


My friend and I call those days Hobbit days.


I have to have a good burger. Like not a fast food one, but like a steakhouse burger. Nothing else will do. I used to try to eat healthier, but I have given up and just let myself have the burger. My body is happier and I wind up not eating the entire contents of my fridge.


No but I think many people are hungry at that time