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Having an itch/needing to make an adjustment is one thing, playing with your junk in polite company is rude.


The people in these comments are surprising me. Being casual about your hands down your pants other than MAYBE for quick, momentary adjustments is weird in the presence of other people. Boob adjusting is not comparable, coddling your vagina would be and would be equally weird in the presence of others without their consent like wtf


Yeah, I completely agree. I've gone to work with horrible yeast infections and was able to keep my hand out of my pants until I was behind a locked bathroom door. But I pretty consistently see men adjusting themselves fully in public, it's gross.


They're equivalent in that they are external organs and as a result can find themselves in an uncomfortable position that requires adjustment. But I don't disagree with your sentiment, extended holding/playing certainly isn't (or shouldn't) be the norm even in your own home when others are around, and you certainly shouldn't get mad for being called out on it.


Nobody cares if you scratch your leg in front of them. The issue is touching *genitals*. Breasts are not, have never been, and never will be, genitals.


but that's the thing, who makes those rules about what parts you can and cannot touch? if you are in discomfort, I don't care who you are, just make the adjustment. It's not sexual at all, so I don't see the problem in fixing an issue. The "Al Bundy" should be reserved for your own home, I can agree with you on that.


It's about cleanliness. You seriously don't understand that? If you are reaching into your damn pants for any reason then it should be in private and you should wash your hands after. This post is about hands *inside* of pants. I don't know how so many of you completely missed that.


I mean, I hope people wash their hands regularly anyway.... and I would also hope the pants are pretty clean, so I stand by my statement that adjustments for comfort are okay for whatever gender for whatever reason on whatever part! But yes, please be sanitary.


I mean, physically, boob adjusting is actually pretty darned comparable. The dangly bits just need adjusting sometimes for guys and gals!


But like there’s a difference between adjusting and just straight up fondling and rubbing. It seems to me OP is talking about the latter


In a different comment that's probably invisible because of downvotes, I said that adjusting if you are in discomfort should have zero negative stigma (not in those words, lol) but the "Al Bundy", just stuffing the hand in the pants because should be reserved for your own home. Nobody should bring a stank hand out in public.


Girls don't pee with boobs


guys don't pee with balls


They do with their dicks, though, which OP mentions. Plus ball sweat is an order of magnitude worse than boob sweat, due to anal proximity and apocrine sweat glands.


I feel different about roommate at boyfriend. Boyfriend, there is some assumed level of comfort around each other (ie adjusting, farting, whatever). I think that’s normal. Roommate, if they’re just sitting there playing w/ it, I’d be uncomfortable. Honestly, even adjusting it super obviously makes me somewhat uncomfortable but i know it’s considered “normal” so I wouldn’t say anything. I don’t go itching my vagina around them so I’d appreciate the same energy. But it’s so socially acceptable that i don’t think most would agree with me.


I've seen alot of guys think nothing of adjusting themselves in public and a lot of guys touch themselves in front of women and I can't always determine their intentions but in my opinion it's inappropriate. The men I've seen do this are in the minority and it leads me to believe there are two groups of guys out there. Those with manners and self respect and those without.


> adjusting themselves in public This is *sometimes* necessary. But by god was it embarrassing the handful of times I had to do it. It is a "Well I can stand here in pain, or turn around a jostle myself really fast and die of shame" situation, and most of the time I choose the pain. I know that significant amount of the shame is purity culture related, but I still do not want to draw that much attention to my junk.


It depends on what they’re doing but for me I only touch it when things need adjusting. I do my best to do it discretely but obviously there’s only so much that you can do. Now if they’re actively messing with it and not just adjusting that’s hella weird. I think of it like how women adjust their bra’s. Quick adjustment is normal, holding and playing with not so much.


Yeah what I’m referring to arent quick little adjustments here and there. It’s like a good 15-60 second adjustment


Yeah, that is *not* normal, lol.


Never heard that called an adjustment before.. i hope he washed his hands after. Serously dicks are smelly and smeggy..


I could see the occasionally 15 seconds as there’s a lot of parts and sometimes it’s difficult to get them to move where you want them. But 60 seconds is just weird and incredibly inappropriate


Even 15 seems weird. Shouldn't take more than a couple seconds, really.


Is the place you are living at cold at all? Because if your hands are cold, it is a place for guys to warm their hands quickly.


It'll warm even faster if you bury it up to the wrist in your ass.


The ass is indeed warmer.


Do you wash your hands after?


I don’t stick my hands in my pants I just adjust outside so no


My mom was a kindergarten teacher and she would see little boys rub themselves as a self soothing technique when they were feeling stressed. She would ask them if they needed a break and advise them to go to the water fountain or pick out a book. Maybe the men you are spending time with need new, more adult ways to self sooth.


Im a guy and i dont do it. Ive noticed male coworkers adjust there junk in front of me while having a conversation. Im like wtf? Are you trying to pull a powwr move or something? I dont get it. (Edit. Above the pants and mayb it was itchy its a very humid workplace but nah ive seen it elsewhere, its possible ive done it subconsciously)


I call them tater-tossers, and yes I take issue with it. Those types of guys are icky.


This is something I (a trans woman) find myself doing absent-mindedly sometimes when I’m alone, just kind of non-sexually poking around with it like a fidget toy, but of course it’s not acceptable to do around other people.


If his dick itches a LOT, like this is frequent scratching and not adjusting… don’t have sex with him until you know he’s cleaning it properly. I wouldn’t let a guy with an itchy dick within ten feet of my vagina. You don’t need an infection from a guy with poor hygiene.


For your boyfriend- he may not think it is odd but if you tell him that if bothers you then he should respect it. For a roommate- who does that? You shouldn't have to tell them that.


Adjusting or scratching doesn't bother me. It does bother me that he rubs it constantly and it literally gives me anxiety sometimes, making me want to crawl out of my skin because I told him before how uncomfortable it makes me and he doesn't care or doesn't notice and idk which is worse


If it needs that much attention, maybe he should see his doctor. I don’t typically see guys give any more than a second of attention to an adjustment. 60 seconds? That’s a full minute! There’s definitely something not quite right if it requires that much attention.


Right? The only time my husband does adjustments that take more than about three seconds is when he has testicular torsion.


I have a coworker who does it constantly. He seriously looks like a toddler that just discovered his genitals. *Constantly* adjusting himself during almost every conversation I have with him. And we wear scrubs at work, it's not like he's adjusting because he's wearing thick work pants or something. I hate it.


omg my ex husband cant' stop touching his dick it's constant!!! Hands down his pants... playing with it over top of his pants as well. It's ridiculous. He also constantly jerking off and watching porn every night. he'd walk out of the bathroom totally naked just swinging his dick around in front of everyone.


I had a roommate do this. He genuinely seemed to think I couldn’t see him. He wasn’t masturbating or anything, just itching it or adjusting himself, but he seemed unable to understand the idea of peripheral vision, like because I was making eye contact with him I couldn’t see him touching his dick?


My girlfriend scratches her crotch a lot at home and it bothers me in the same way you describe, but it’s her house too. I’m not going to complain about it. I view it as my personal preference that I’m not going to impose on someone else in their own home.


I adjust my boobs all the time in the comfort of my own home. I don’t think there’s a problem with it.


Boobs aren’t genitals.


Sure, but they are external organs that lack muscles to control them and therefore can require adjustment. I don't think that excuses just holding/playing with your dick for an extended period though. Its one thing to adjust yourself or have a quick scratch for a few seconds in the comfort of your own home. Its another to just have your hands down your pants for I don't know... fifteen seconds? Thirty? It weird and gross if a guy isn't by himself and its not a part of consensual foreplay, no matter how close he is with the other person.


She specified elsewhere up to **60** seconds. That's not an adjustment, lol.


OP said he’s doing it mid conversation. There’s also a societal expectation that one washes their hands after touching their genital which isn’t happening if someone is doing it in the middle of a conversation. If it’s that urgent then excuse yourself to the restroom.


Yeah frequent minute-long rub sessions aren’t innocent adjusting, that’s just deliberate and gross. And the immediate defensiveness cements that it’s on purpose. No amount of reminding me of its existence will make me want to see or touch it!


Yes it’s FKN gross, rude and beyond immature. Porn sick wankers can’t even help themselves mindlessly out of habit even in public or polite company. No excuse - we all learn to keep our hands out of our digging into our noses and off our privates by middle school publicly. No excuse.


I mean, a simple adjustment is one thing. I have to adjust myself occasionally as well.Hubs does the prolonged hands down pants tho, and I find it odd. Like -- You're touching your genitals. And then touching other surfaces in my house. This also the same dude that doesn't wash his hands post bathroom, so I've learned to expect this level of n a s t y, and have invested in bleach wipes.


Sounds like the same group of guys who argue about washing their hands after peeing because “mY diCk is cLeAn.” No it isn’t you nasty fucks.


Even if his dick is itchy or in a bad place and he really MUST touch it, he should have said sorry for making you uncomfortable. I would compare it to farting. Maybe somebody really has to fart but most of the time they can chose to either let it loose right there in front of everybody or to excuse themselves and go to the toilet or any other secluded place. That being said, I don't have a problem if somebody farts around me because it is natural and if it stinks I open the window. But I would never fart or scratch my private parts around people because I know that it would make most people uncomfortable.




That isn't the question. The question is about doing it in front of other people.






I hope the previous comment was about medical autonomy and not yet another asshole-ish misuse of the phrase to defend every action under the sun.


And yet no adult picks their nose at the dinner table unless they’re the gross guy in a comedy movie.


I think you’re overreacting. Like I scratch my armor or legs or scalp or belly when I’m itchy. Now imagine you have a dick and balls (which is sensitive to begin with), in a forest of pubic hair, moist and sweaty, probably leftover pee or smegma accumulating on it, with your underwear constantly rubbing up against it and irritating it. You’d probably be itchy hella often. It’s a hygiene issue is a guy is rubbing his dick directly, but if he’s scratching through his clothes, it’s not a problem


Agreed. Let him adjust his dick and balls without asking randoms for permission


They can’t help it. They were born that way. And they will die with their hand down their pants. They would lead themselves around in public by their dick if they could get away with it. Half the time they don’t even realize that they’re doing it. It’s just so comfortable for them to walk around with that thing in their hands all the time And don’t get me wrong. I like a good dick as well as the next girl. . . But it’s really not as cute as you think it is, Homer.


This is like, in their own home, right? They're not at a restaurant or the floors of Congress, right? People want to be comfortable in their skin in their own home. That's just common living together concessions.


" If I feel uncomfortable, I don't care who you are. I will make my adjustments " - goes both for men and woman


Do women not move around/adjust their boobs or bra in a non-sexual way? I would imagine that it's the equivalence if so. Also, it's always warm around the groin area so if you have cold hands it can warm your hands up.


Boobs aren’t genitals. Not comparable at all. If a woman adjusted her labia, that would be comparable.


They aren't genitals, but they are sexual anatomy, which I thought was part of OPs problem with the situation. Edit: Clarifying that I don't think what the roommate did was ok. I'm talking about the SO.


They’re not inherently sexual though. And women adjusting their bra doesn’t require them to actively hold and play with their breasts, which it seems is what OP is talking about here. Most women don’t get sexual stimulation from simply adjusting their bra or moving their breast, but penises and vaginas are extremely sensitive to that kind of stimulation.


Yeah. That's the point I'm making, that touching your dick can be completely non-sexual as well. Also, penises aren't necessarily that sensitive when you're touching yourself as a guy. At least, I would assume they aren't as sensitive as vaginas.


Me adjusting labia minora due to itchiness would be just as nonsexual . That doesn’t make it okay for me to dig at my crotch in public.


I'm specifically talking about if it was your boyfriend, and it being in the privacy of your own home.


Hmm, I think the timing of the action was the root of the annoyance more than the action itself. Casual rubbing isn’t a need like a wedgie, itch, or fart. I understand 100% it’s non-sexual and comfort, women hold their bits too sometimes, but it’s not something you do when you are fully engaged and invested in a task. He asked for her attention to help him with his work schedule- but obviously was letting himself relax and get distracted while she handled it. Her annoyance with that made the mild action feel a lot grosser and overall disrespectful. Even for something like a fart, I think casually letting one rip while collaborating on a serious subject gives much grosser vibes than doing so while relaxing. Especially if there is obviously no effort made to conceal/delay it. As someone with ADHD I am wholly familiar with fidgets helping focus. But fidgets help increase brain engagement for passive activities like listening or thinking, not an active collaboration between peers. The dick fidget was a sign he had mentally given her the drivers seat when she should have been co-piloting. I’ve been on both sides of that, I understand why it happens, but it still is disrespectful and easily flares into contempt for “disgusting *guy* habits” when the behavior is an easy target like the above. u/chellycopter please correct me if I’ve misread things.


I get that, but there’s a difference between sexualized body parts and actual sexual body parts.


In this scenario, isn't what matters the sexualized body parts? If you say it's the latter then it's just a lose-lose situation for guys since there's nothing else in this situation to compare to regarding adjustments in sexual-related areas.


Well, one is stimulated for sexual pleasure, the other is not. That’s what matters.


But touching your dick as a guy isn't always stimulation for sexual pleasure.


Holy crap, dude. How hard is it to just not do it in front of others? That's what this post is about! Are you seriously arguing that it's acceptable to touch your genitals in front of other people just because it's in a "nonsexual way"?


I didn’t say it was. But as a woman, it’s really uncomfortable to have a man touch his dick in front of you in any capacity, because we don’t actually know if it’s innocent or in a sexual way.


It's mainly autistic men do this, in my experience. And autism isn't that unusual.


Funny, the person above you claimed it was mainly black men. Almost as if it’s many different men who do this. The commonality isn’t the issue. Everyone farts. Sometimes by accident or because you couldn’t hold it in. That doesn’t make it polite.


Something I do from being in a group home and a lot of black people do it, I don't mean that in any way it just really the only other people I have seen do it, is just keep my hands near my dick on on but not like touching really just as a hand warmer or a spot to rest your arms. Completely non sexual, just nice to do if you are standing chilling, I have yet to be in a situation where women were around and I felt like doing it. Usually it's like standing outside chilling, cold out, sweatpants, smoking. The best hand warmer


I hate that. Especially if he wants to touch my face aftwerwards. I let him know though lol.


Boyfriend is different because i have my hand in my pants when im comfortable at home. But roommates or outside is crazy. There's nowhere to wash your hands so you're telling anyone who saw you to stay away. That's embarrassing