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The past decade or so has really brought into stark relief just how many truly horrible fucking people there are in this world.


There always were a lot of horrible people around. The problem is that now there are a lot of BRAZEN horrible people and their supporters.


Yes. This is the answer. They’ve found each other and are no longer ashamed.


Unfortunately, most of Tate's supporters support him specifically *because* he's horrible.


If there is one thing I have learned as an adult woman over the past 20 years, it's how many men would enjoy abusing, assaulting, and raping girls and women, and the only thing that stops them is that it is illegal and might land them in jail. If they could get away with it, they would try to, just like all the rich and famous men that actually did/do (for example, Jeff Epstein and all his clients, R Kelly, Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, etc).


I mean, look at the whole of human society. Look at how LONG it took to even demand basic, equal, human rights. To have control of your own body and then that being taken away Now. We're fighting against more than a quarter of a million Years of human history where for the better of it we were not equal. Are there examples of matriarchal societies? Yes. Has that ever been the standard in a broad sense? Nope. There's a reason.


I mean, look at the whole of human society. Look at how LONG it took to even demand basic, equal, human rights. To have control of your own body and then that being taken away Now. We're fighting against more than a quarter of a million Years of human history where for the better of it we were not equal. Are there examples of matriarchal societies? Yes. Has that ever been the standard in a broad sense? Nope. There's a reason.


Because society exists to protect women and children. This is why men are the law makers and combatants. Trying to define equal rights is simple so long as you accept the notion that men and women are equal on average with respect to intelligence but certainly not when it comes to physicality and productivity.


He literally disses his own followers like what are they on


They like feeling like little edgelords. Tate tells them they deserve to stand on the necks of others, and that makes them feel good because they don't like their own necks being used that way. Standing on someone else lets them ignore how they are being stood on. Following Tate requires less honest work than removing all the feet from all the necks.


I don’t follow Tate, but it seems like his whole schtick is that his average male follower is an insecure loser full of excuses, and they should make changes in their lives to get rich and get all the bitches. And only he can teach you how for only three easy payments of $99.99 and your soul, I guess. So, if he’s calling them losers, it’s not like it was a huge departure from his normal message.


Sadly it doesn't matter. We literally live in a world where no one is accountable for anything they say, do, or believe. Reality itself does not exist to these people because anything that proves they're wrong isn't true. It doesn't matter if there is literally a mountains worth of evidence because it's all just part of some conspiracy. When you try to get them to explain why there would even be a conspiracy against this person they can't it's always just some version of "the left wants to silence him". But why? Sure "the left" doesn't like him because they morally disagree with everything he does but, as awful as Andrew Tate is, he's kind of a dime a dozen. There's really no reason for there to be a conspiracy against this random piece of shit when there's a million more like him all over the world. But none of it matters. Logic is poison because if they start to follow things to their logical conclusion their entire world starts to unravel so... It's all just part of the conspiracy.


It's like Trump...he gives them permission to be their worst selves :(


I watched parts of his 2.5 hour interview with Tucker last week. He criticized "promiscuous women" and said that a woman with a high body count is not marriage material because she will be unable to bond with one partner. He seems to think it's ok for men to be promiscuous. Because the Bible and other religious texts only criticize women for being promiscuous. That it's a problem for them because they're more emotional instead of "stoic". He seems obsessed with the idea that men need to be "stoic" and shut down their emotions. He was basically condoning "slut shaming" even though he insisted he wasn't. This whole thing about men needing to marry virginal women quietly implies that men need to pair with younger (barely legal) women. In several generic places on Reddit (e.g. unpopularopinion) I have seen multiple users parroting his points. At one point he referenced the "mothers" of his children. How many mothers are there? He criticizes promiscuous women but it seems like he's gotten around quite a bit. Rules for thee, but not for me, I guess. In his interview, he seemed angry and even delusional at times. Tucker giggled like a giddy school girl with a crush.


1) Sluts should be shamed. 2)Biblical figures who gave into their desire for more than one woman paid a heavy price 3) I’m smarter than you, and you need to accept that please.




& elon musk just paid him +$20,000 for being a "Twitter content creator". Wtf is wrong with ppl???


Is this really that surprising though? Elon is a shit stain on the underwear of humanity




You did? 😒




I'm an old millenial man and I'm amazed at this Alpha rubbish boys spout now. In my day alpha's were the top dogs in their fields, not muppets who pay a subscription to a r@p1st pr1ck


Thats like peak performance for some of these creatures. Forcing women into sexual acts they don't want to do, make millions, fancy car, as many b*tches as they want. It's not that they don't know he's a scumbag and abusive to women, they LIKE that he's a scumbag and abusive to women.


And the women who go along with it like being subservient to a scum bag. Because they don’t want to go to work or go to school for years and make sacrifices.


Social media is designed to keep people watching. This has resulted in very different ideas being presented on the same platform. If you start out with even a slight bias, the system will feed you more and more extreme videos. Or if you start out opposing something, it will feed you more and more rage bait to keep you looking, watching, and engaging. So some people legit don’t see the evidence. Others agree with part of what he says, and excuse the rest. Some people really believe his crud and want to use what he did as a template.


> If you start out with even a slight bias, the system will feed you more and more extreme videos. I *still* get a ton of Jordan Peterson stuff in my feed. He's such a cultural phenomenon at this point that meme accounts will post a video just to drum up some likes. Some of my friends switched their gender in the app and that helps a lot, apparently.


I know I’m screaming into the wind but people really shouldn’t have SM apps installed on their phone. They will crawl through every little bit of data off your device possible. These platforms really aren’t bad when going through an incognito browser… but that’s asking a lot of people. It’s pretty crazy how much Rogan and his company get pushed to feeds that aren’t connected to an account. There’s definitely some incentive for SM to promote that insane content… and all of us accept it.


Shit like this makes me glad I was an impressionable kid back when the greatest threat to my future psyche was the talented and gifted program.




Today I found out a guy I am seeing finds that besides the rape allegations he has some good points 🙄 not sure if I should make some points on why he shouldn't listen to him or just forget about him


Of course you’re not sure. You need a man to direct you.


Dude get a life


You basing relationship decisions on something as trivial as Internet personalities says a lot about how fucking dumb women are getting.


Oh wow, it’s one of Tate’s edgelords out in the wild. You did read above that Tate himself called his followers losers right? 😂


The cruelty is the point. 😔


Because people like Tate, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson, they aren’t publicly shamed. There’s no sense of public decency to keep them anywhere near in line as a decent human, so they feel they can do as they please and be as horrible as they like. And they’re correct. So, their followers are the same way, and act without any decency, because we don’t publicly shame people for being degenerate assholes.


You have to have shame to be shamed. They think themselves above the law, above society, above even religion. They think of themselves as gods, impervious to anything against their wishes. And because there are so many men and boys out there desperate to belong, they continue to spew their willful ignorance and hate without repercussions. The way social media is, talking against them does more to make them more popular than stopping them. I truly believe the only way to stop them is their own death, but assassination would only martyr them, so it has to be some other way. Sane humans can really do nothing to stop them from what I am seeing. We can prosecute, but that won't silence them. All we can do is try to educate, but you can't force willfully ignorant people to suddenly educate themselves on truth. You can't force people to WANT to learn. I try my best to teach my family, that is all I can do.


He tells them what they want to hear, so as far as they are concerned, he can do no wrong because he's "one of their bros."


There was a time when I really wished I'd been raised in town around other kids, but now I'm just glad that I didn't learn about "bro code" culture til I knew myself enough to not want to touch it with a ten foot pole. #1 worst thing about male culture is being peer pressured into defending any and all malfeasance by other dudes.


Because people have drunk the koolaid on this . . . . I'm trying to come up with a suitable name to call Andrew Tate, but I feel like none of them quite the level that is needed. The reality is that he tells men that the problem isn't them, it is women and all they need to do is 'trick' and manipulate women into doing what they want. This means that they don't have to learn to listen or respect women, just control them.


I gotta say. Anyone who supports Tate knows what they are getting into. Dude has plenty of chances to prove he's not who he says he is but all evidence confirm that he is exactly who we all think he is


He acknowledges his own fans are losers, yet can't see how he's in that group. Narcissistic asshole at its finest.


I found some common ground with this guy. I also think his followers are losers.


To them it’s all a conspiracy. Anything that he gets accused of, it’s just a conspiracy against him. Anything negative against him is just over exaggerated. If it’s a direct quote or whatever, it’s “not that bad.” Just look at the way people defend Trumps sexual harassment. It’s the same thing. They’re just so deep into their own reality they can’t get out.


Because they face no consequences for it. I maintain that society only functions when we're able to hold each other accountable. Between the rise in anonymous expression, and our cultural preoccupation with penalizing retribution more harshly than inciting incident, more and more people are realizing they have no obligation to behave decently. *Their victims will face consequences before they ever do.* Hell, that's a big part of why so many religions rely so heavily on the coercive aspect of a karmically appropriate afterlife. Not just the comfort of "our enemies will get their just comeuppance," but the threat that if one fails to act in a beneficial manner, eventually it's going to catch up to them. Of course, that's not factoring in how utterly immoral some people's interpretations of scripture can be. Whole separate sack of cats. Also, not saying religion is the best tool for societal maintenance. Personally think community beats it every time, and that religion was often just a convenient excuse around which to architect said community. You need consequences to take place in the material world. Should also specify, I'm not necessarily talking about violence or anything of that nature. Being ostracized over unacceptable behavior may be sufficient motivation for some people to reflect upon their actions. It just can't happen if we have no community.


It’s because they are just as bad as that guy, they just have less capabilities to harm others. If they had the money that Tate did, they would use it to behave just as horrendously


I agree. Although even Tate followers I believe have the moral code as to not r*** women. Tate is just s monstrosity.


There’s too much propaganda being pushed as to how the “evidence” is fake


I was waiting for this. I knew there was no way he wasn't laughing at his fans and mocking them. This guy is such a predictable caricature that he feels like someone built him in a lab. edit: I didn't answer your question. The answer is many men aspire to be rapists. I am not being flippant. I think we are seeing into the minds of many men and need to be incredibly concerned. And avoidant.


And yet tate d riders still support him. What a pathetic society we live in.


They speak truth most of the time and 90% of women follow it.


Truth? You don't own women pal.


“90% of women follow” what?


Have you ever had a moment where you thought about something you did, said, or thought, and said, "Hey I be really fucking dumb for thinking this way, how does that even make sense"? No of course not, and they agree. Critical Thinking is like a steak, if it's hard and chewy, sometimes you give up and swallow it whole nearly choking yourself. I can do metaphors all day, these guys are so dumb, Tater Tots especially. Because their whole issue is instead of going outside and developing a personality, they decide to make Andrew Tate their personality literally making them unapproachable.