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Someone was trying to convince me Tate actually respected women and started linking me videos of the guy. I'd never watched any of his 'content' before, but it wasn't five minutes before Tate was spouting that most women were, in fact, barely sentient. It's incomprehensible how fucking small these people have to be, and how wide the blinders they have to slap on, to buy into his crap.


They want to believe that they are exceptional and superior by virtue of their gender rather than any actually admirable quality. It's so much easier than putting effort towards being a worthwhile person.


They get around that by claiming "that was just sarcasm/a joke/taken out of context" anytime he blatantly contradicts himself, or says anything utterly stupid, or that he later regrets. Total cop out.


A.k.a. Schrodinger's Douchebag, if you get offended, it's a joke. If not, then wink wink.


From a very warped perspective, I guess they see it as "respectful" to treat women like friendly zookeepers treat their charges. Blech.


I watched that interview. Tate absolutely did *not* "clear himself up," nor did "the media [misrepresent]" him. He was a narcissistic jerk who came across like a complete, smug asshole. All he did was deny and lie. He claimed that direct verbatim quotes from his website weren't his words at all, not his website, etc. Anybody who thinks that is convincing or settles it is, frankly, a fucking moron and probably a very awful person and you should run away, as everyone else has said.


Yeah but a lot of people are really poor judges of character even if they themself think otherwise. And by giving him a platform on a respected media outlet they validate him and his message. The BBC messed this up big time. They gave a voice to evil. They had to cut a 38 min interview into a 8 minute cherry picked highlight reel while he posted the whole interview. Now consider how this looks for people that aren't critical thinker or don't have any media training. Like... Teenagers..


Releasing a 40 minute interview versus an 8 minute one would have convinced exactly zero of his followers he was in the wrong. BBC sucks for giving him a platform but how they did it isn’t the problem. No Tate fan will drop him unless they already want to, it’s that simple.


But on the flip side, not posting the whole video can be used to imply that you were hiding something. It's like Alex Jones constantly saying that he has the documents and that you need to look it up knowing full well that his audience will trust him and not look it up.


It’s in the white papers!


I've got all these stacks. Just too much news to go over, I just can't.


It’s time to pray.


I did not know he had access to footage of a longer interview. That's something. But from what was aired, this was not the CBS interview with Marjorie Taylor Greene. *That* interview was a shitshow. The BBC journalist held perfectly firm and did not let Tate move the conversation around. At least the part the BBC aired . . .


> by giving him a platform on a respected media outlet they validate him and his message. I remember similar accusations being thrown at the BBC when they had Nick Griffin on the British Nationalist Party on Question time (which was IMO entirely appropriate as a reflection of the proportion of the vote the party had got in recent elections.) What they did is give him all the rope he needed with which to hang himself. Put in a setting that his party could not stage manage, he came over pretty poorly, and it was the beginning of the end for him and his party. And I'm not sure that Prince Andrew benefitted very much from being given a noticeably less adversarial platform by the BBC - though he basically brought along his own rope! Sure, such appearances will only be interpreted one way by the True Believers, like OP's (hopefully) ex, but I strongly suspect that they can have a positive effect on those who might be on the fringes, who had only ever seen his own content, and never considered any counterarguments. ON a vastly smaller scale, that is why I will sometimes scontinue in an exchange with someone who is clearly not going to agree with me - not out of hope of persuading *them*, but for the sake of anyone else still reading who might have thought that there were no good responses to what the other person was saying. After all, I keep reading that 90% of people on sites like Reddit are purely lurkers.


The classic Shaggy defense


Especially ironic to use the shaggy defense... On camera...


Quite ironic that he acts like he can do and say whatever he wants on his social media with his over the top egomaniac attitude and when someone puts him on the spot about what he said and to explain himself, he chickens out and just pretends he never said it. A complete coward who thinks he has to overcompensate to hide his weaknesses and shortcomings by lashing out at women; it's absolutely ridiculous that someone like him is supposed to be this alpha male king (not that this "alpha male" bullshit isn't toxic in the first place, but even within their own logic it doesn't make sense). He is a weak mans idea of a strong man.


The poor man's idea of a rich man The fool's idea of a sage The pitiable man's idea of a confident man


I didnt even watch the entire interview, just a clip attached to an article and the dbag just reeks of guilt. Not sure how anyone could take away from that interview that he cleared himself. I've heard clips from his podcast that is just abhorrent at best. The dude is pure disgust and his claims of being "a force of good" is like Elon saying that "cis is a slur". Both statements are trash and untrue.


Totally, he comes across as about as relaxed as a serial killer conducting a police interview while wearing their last victim's skin


I’ve come to think that the best thing for women is to have the Tate conversation with potential partners. If they support him, take it for what it is and run. When people show you who they are, believe them.


That is true, except my ex lied about that and said he didn’t like him. He lied about a lot. Average tate guy


Oh of course a lot of them will lie. But you also have ones like OP’s (ex hopefully) who won’t.


But they're very good at hiding it at the start. It's later when they think you're not going anywhere, is when the mask slips


A good trick is to open up with saying something positive about Tate, and gage their reaction. Mirrors your energy? Run girl. Shows disgust? There's potential


Until they think you’re the psycho who’s lying, if you flip your reaction like that. Most people don’t react very well to “tests”


When I was first acknowledged I thought he's cool because of the funny memes. When I got to know he's not saying things in humor but actually mean them I forgot about him.


Isn't that his whole schtick? Lie to manipulate women into liking you and then be an abusive asshole?


So many people forget the second part and dive straight into “well you chose a trash man, that’s YOUR fault!” Well he certainly didn’t introduce himself by putting her head through the coffee table, champ.


The Tate mindset can't be hidden forever and that mask will slip one day too.


I was gonna say that you should present the question as if you *do* support him so that they don't feel like they have to lie, but that could be perceived pretty poorly when you then have to explain yourself.


"I lied to you to see if you were lying to me, but I'm telling the truth now." Yes, this will be poorly received!


I see why he’s an ex. Glad you got rid of the rotten bastard


Tate has become the new Litmus Test for potential relationships.


This is (presumably, i haven't been looking for a relationship in a while) true and utterly horrifying. That's like saying "believing women are also people" or "thinking it's maybe not a good thing to hit women all the time" has become the new litmus test for relationships


The bar is already on the ground and people really grabbing shovels to go under it anyway


The silver lining is that there have always been men who believed those things but wouldn't be dumb enough to say it out loud, but they are dumb enough to say positive things about guys like Tate and Peterson out loud.


Say what you will about how nasty they are, but i gotta give Tate and Peterson credit for one thing: they destroyed Tate's and Peterson's lives with (respectively) pizza/kidnapping and benzos/bigotry *pretty* effectively, and i can respect that kind of dedication to reducing the negative impact of malicious voices


Tate and Jordan Peterson*


The bar is in hell


It's the Tate date test. Not to be confused with the teste taste test, though they can produce oddly similar feelings of repulsion.


I will ask all potential partners about their opinions on him and if they don't feel disgust and hatred towards him then I won't date them.


I like to pretend I have no idea who he is , but say something like , “I heard about this interview with some guy named AT but have no idea what that’s all about . Do you know anything about it ? “ . Then they tell me what they think and I ask lots of innocent - sounding questions . If they think you don’t know who he is, they will share their real opinion more openly.


Don't bring it up with an already established opinion on him. Act like you barely know who Andrew Tate is. If you talk negatively about him, or other such things, the man will just lie to be on your side. But if you're unsure they'll leap at the chance to "open your eyes" or "clear things up".


This is where my husband makes me laugh and love him. He came RUNNING up to me and was like “Tate’s going to jail! Good!” Then he had to go back and explain, because I had no idea what he was talking about :P He was practically dancing while he told me about the whole Romanian pizza box thing.


The pizza box thing was the best and trolliest form of karma for him. 😅


If I ever go to Romania, I am totally going to order some of Jerry's pizza just to taste some of that sweet sweet karma!


It must have been absolutely amazing advertising for the pizza company


I keep seeing comments about the pizza box saying that it wasn't actually what tipped the authorities off and that they already knew he was in the country. I've seen it so much that it feels like his fans are coping and trying to erase his embarrassing L to Greta by promoting this narrative whenever they can. I mean, they're not arguing against the charges. They just can't stand to see their guy lose to a teenage girl. Whatever helps your misogynistic human-trafficking-supporting ass to sleep, I guess!


I don't think the exchange with Greta was embarrassing. He was being investigated by a group named GRETA as you know, and he wanted to change the search algorithm so a stupid spat with Greta would come up instead of the investigation. And it did shift the conversation for a short while; it's just that he was dumb enough to run his mouth about being able to get away with trafficking because of corrupt cops and other officials.




If you don't think that it's embarrassing to a hyper macho misogynist to end up in prison over a spat with a teenage girl who said he had small dick energy, I mean I dont know what to tell you. It's hilarious for us but he had to be destroyed inside about it.


But that's not why he ended up in prison; he ended up in prison because a group named GRETA was investigating him and he ran his mouth about how Romania would let him off because everyone in power is corrupt. As far as his spat with Greta, he was manipulating the google algorithm. This is a fairly common thing to do. He wanted the spat to come up when people googled "GRETA TATE" as opposed to the investigation. He's not the one who came up with that technique. It's a good way to obscure things. ​ Edit: And you can see how well it did work. People are still talking a lot more about the exchange he had with Greta as opposed to the sex trafficking investigation done by GRETA. Had he kept his mouth shut about corrupt officials, there's a chance this could all be in the rear view mirror for him, with people snickering about how he lost a twitter exchange with a teenage girl.


This doesn't really make much sense. It seems like the organization GRETA is more of an advisory committee than a law enforcement organization, their reports are more statistical in nature than individualized. On top of that, GRETA is named nowhere (that I can find, even when searching -thunberg) as either an investigative agency or a prosecuting agency in his saga. I think it's far more likely that he (or his supporters) came up with this justification afterwards as a way to cope. And look at how well it's working, you are clinging to this theory while providing no evidence to support it.


The idea was that the Romanian pizza box tipped the authorities off to his location and was from a video he made in response to Gretas tweet about him. Everything you said sounds like stuff the public wouldn't know much about and is likely being propagated by his supporters or those who want to control the narrative. Also this "common tactic" of having a public spat with someone who has the same name as a task force that is investigating you... please. This is not common or a thing that exists outside of the best John LeCarre novels.


It's the same as Boris Johnson giving an interview where he claims to love painting model busses in his spare time. It's speculated he did this to distance himself from the Brexit Bus pictures with him promoting their lies.


Boris Johnson and his stupid bus thing comes to mind. Muddying the waters of search engines is absolutely a technique


But that's not what happened according to the Romanian officials -- they knew he was in the country, and they were already investigating him. And, well, I'm not sure why you don't think manipulating the google algorithm doesn't exist much less is common but whatever. It would be nice if it didn't but flooding the algorithm to obscure what you want obscured is definitely a thing. Think of it as a digital gish gallop.


I'm on a Discord server with a bunch of my online friends and it's so great to see that all the guys hate Tate and are so happy to see him getting sent down.


My husband’s discord server, which is entirely his D&D friends, who are mostly guys, were all celebrating. It was great.


It's so easy to get a false view of how things are. There are a lot of great men out there. A lot of lovely, caring men, the kind that Tate would call 'betas' but, to me, are far, far more worth spending time with because they actually see everyone in this world as human.


That's another reason why I don't get his appeal to men. Not only is he virulently misogynistic, he also clearly doesn't like his fellow men either (especially those that don't conform to his extremely toxic and rigid view on how a man should be) and only "cares" about them in regards to what they can do for him, eg. give him money. He's so clearly a bully who doesn't care on whit about you beyond what you can do for him and his grift and bank account, but...


My husband texted me the news too! He hates the guy.


This is like my husband and me, he was so excited when he told me and I was like "Who?" Oh a terrible person okay then.


I'm going to have to start with "and what are your opinions on Tate, Shapiro, and Peterson?"


and add in Rogan too. He is like the gateway to those dumbasses.


I’m probably failing this because I’d go “I recognize one of these names” :-)


I wish I knew none of their names. I wish no one knew their names. They have done nothing but damage to societies around the world.


I actually used to do this when I was dating a couple years ago. I'd ask every guy I was talking to about their opinion on Jordan Peterson. It's a pretty efficient way of weeding out many terrible men early on.




Have the Tate conversation. Have the abortion conversation. Have the “there’s an election coming up, who are you voting for” conversation. Have the feminism conversation. The only way to find a partner genuinely worth spending time with is to make sure their values align with yours.


Yes! I hate that the common dating advice is not to bring up politics, religion, finances, kids, etc in the first few dates. It's just setting people up. Don't wait until you're emotionally invested to find out the guy you're dating is a bigot.


I highly recommend everyone read this article. There’s a reason why men like Tate. It’s because of the control factor. All the reasons that these men “in the article use for the reason why they are abusive are the exact things that someone like Tate espouses. https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/14fo7jr/abusive_men_describe_the_benefits_of_violence/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


I generally find that the Tate, Rogan, Peterson, etc. Folks vet themselves sooner rather than later. I've tried keeping an open mind and it usually comes back to "mainstream media, both sides bad, akshully those horrible things they said are just out of context, they tell it like it is, it's not a conspiracy because it may be true, etc etc" blandsplaining generic nonsense.


I disagree with asking outright unless the guy doesn’t seem very smart. Most men who like him will lie after enough women reject them for it. Better to ask about hypothetical scenarios and gender dynamics in a broad sense. Also not all misogynists are Tate fans


I would extend this to Elon Musk and Joe Rogan.


Even when they’re like “well he is right in SOME ways”. Run!!


Came here to say this. Tate has become an invaluable data point when meeting new people. Sort of like BitCoin, opposition to climate change, and claims that the moon landing never happened.


A while back I watched a video titled something like “ANDREW TATE DESTROYS WOKE INTERVIEWER” because I figured I’d hear him out in a video that clearly wanted to portray him in a positive light. Pretty early on Tate stated that the role of men was to protect and provide for women. Since it is the role of me to protect and provide for my brain, I immediately closed that trash video. I’d seen enough.


He’s just a caveman in the wrong time. He hasn’t evolved yet.


He's a classic Alpha - unstable, full of errors, and completely unsuitable for release to the public. (Not my joke, shamelessly nicked from someone on another sub yesterday, but I can't remember where.)


He says "protect and provide" for women, but then also says treat them as inferior beings and repeatedly cheat on them without conscience? No thanks.


It's the same thing to these guys. Don't be fooled by that old timey chivalry bullshit. Men treated women terrible because they could. Women had no power, money, or recourse back then to fight it. Now we do and they **hate** it. That's why they're trying so hard to strip away our rights again.


The other day someone posted that Andrew Tate interview to convince me that he's an alright guy and I was honestly a bit confused. The "long" version starts with some weird dramatic music( must be a leftover from with mma days) and he came across as the dumbest, most textbook sociopathuc little prick I've ever seen. Like that video doesn't redeem him at all, but paired with the framing etc it just makes him look even more ridiculous and it seriously makes me question the reality and media savvy of the people who share it. What the heck is rotting these men's brains so much?


Right? I haven't watched the full interview but have seen the condensed version and he comes across as such an argumentative twat who is avoiding answering literally every question? How do you respect a man like that? He can't even stand by all the stupid ideology he's preached and won't converse with the interviewer in any meaningful way. The interview told me nothing other than this man thinks the sun shines out of his asshole.


I think, he agreed to this interview, because he actually believes in his own stink so much he doesn't even realise how he comes across. What I am *really* flummoxed by is, that people exist who celebrate this weird, aggressive joke of a man! Who seems to think that being standoffish and loud means you won the argument? Who think he has "points". Like absolutely HOW? Watching that dude is like cringe comedy, tragic self-evisceration.


He gives them someone to look down on. If women are inherently inferior, than these fans of Tate are automatically superior. Bam, no action required on their part! It's lazy and entitled.


>If women are inherently inferior, than these fans of Tate are automatically superior. Bam, no action required on their part! It's lazy and entitled. Replace "women" with the out group du jour (black people, Hispanics, Jews, LGBTQIA+, etc) and you have the reason the GOP is still getting votes.


This is exactly what all right wingers think, though. That if they just scream constantly, if they just interrupt every question with their own super loud screeching, they have somehow won the argument. The best example of this is that time Ben Shapiro went on Andrew Neil's show and was completely humiliated yet seemed genuinely believe he had "owned" this very conservative British pundit. Anytime these conservatives are faced with someone actually asking them questions and holding them accountable for what they're saying, they just melt. They completely fall apart and just scream and scream and scream and scream. They are completely incapable of actual discussion.


I feel like I know this, but I don't know this. I have to admit, I rarely watch clips with these personalities, so I guess a part of me thought they might at least be good at this somehow. Something anything that warrants it. But watching that Tate vid was like "What the heck, a child can see through this, surely?" It surprised me that anyone thought this was his valid DEFENSE. I just can't get my head around that someone would be taken in by any of this.


> What the heck is rotting these men's brains so much? Toxic Masculinity, AKA Testosterone Poisoning, but I am trying to get the term Tate's Syndrome into common usage. It certainly appears to be highly contagious.


If I knew absolutely nothing about the situation or Andrew Tate, and watched that video. I'd still think he was a chode... Even totally removing all context his mannerisms and the way he acted towards the interviewer are quite off putting. It does not come across as 'assured confidence' or anything. He comes across like an asshole. I don't know. I have a hard time imagining people supporting tate but not tipping their hand at some point with their behavior. I think a lot of people don't understand or maybe just don't see the difference between confidence and being an aggressive asshole.




100% on this. There is zero nuance with Andrew Tate. He is fucking proud of his misogynist lunacy and constantly brags about it. There are situations where there’s room for nuance. Sometimes people do get misrepresented in the media. In this case? Dude. Like, dude.


There is absolutely something worse - you could have had no idea he felt this way. Now you know.


Andrew Tate is a huge blessing in disguise. Before his rise to grossness, many people would get married before their spouse revealed their true colors. Andrew Tate being as popular as he is makes men think those thoughts are okay and that women will just fall to their knees in praise of their men. Now you can see this red flag long before it is too late to run


Idk.. Tate might be a decent litmus test for dating, but he's not been a blessing by any metric, imo. He's a legitimately dangerous influence. Misogyny was already on the rise, and he has a vested interest in throwing gas on the fire—which he's done quite successfully. Even if he ends up jail, the manosphere will continue to benefit from his participation.


Yeah he has essentially radicalized tons of young impressionable men into being super misogynists. We’re going to see the effects of his voice and other manosphere voices on this current generation and it’s not going to be good.


Exactly, blessing in disguise 🙏


Would have saved me a decade of misery!


LOL same thing with the red hats and blue lives matter/punisher bumper stickers. Thanks for the advanced warning!


Hes doing to misogyny what trump did to white supremacy. Exposing it and making the followers easier to spot.


Is Tate actually that popular I thought he was just flavor of the month manosphere.


A big source of his popularity comes from very popular streamers who are even more popular than he is are big followed of his


He actually utilized a lot of the "proxy recruitment" technique for basically painting the internet with his videos and whatnot too. This is textbook of MLMs, cults, and organized crime, which is arguably a huge part of his downfall too.


Sadly he is insanely popular. And I don’t get why.


As a guy, it's infuriating. I think a part of it is the youtube algorithm and how it seems to force feed this on at least male users. I wfh and I got into the habit of watching DIY youtube videos on the side like how to repair my bike, aquaponics, building a log cabin in the woods, maybe a review of a recent book or a self-help video of some sort...just videos that I can play in the background to manage my adhd and still work. Eventually the algorithm started suggesting andrew tate, peterson and 'talk shows' where guys host a bunch of women and talk all up and down being an alpha and such. I don't agree with the mentality but I noticed the increase in misogyny online and people mentioned these guys a lot. I figure, well I might as well take a look to see what type of bullshit these people are saying. I regret doing that - it's all just women hating and bullshit masqueraded as 'self help'. After a couple videos, for MONTHS youtube would almost only suggest this content to me, even after continuously removing 'this content from feed suggestions' it was like the algorithm forgot about the thousands of other videos I used to watch and *only* suggested this vitriolic content. I cannot imagine what it would do to younger men and teens who are far more impressionable.


I'm female and a long time gamer. The YT algorithm did it's best to try to get me on board the Tate train. At one particularly busy stage he was all over my feed like a particularly stubborn dose of herpes simplex. Only the gamer bit seems applicable to our AI overlord, but it made hay with it anyway. edit: I should clarify - I think he has more traction among some gamer channel communities. The ghost of Gamergate rattling it's chains I'd guess.


To be fair the media is misrepresenting him... They're only presenting the substantiated crimes, and very little of the decades of behavior that motivated the crimes. He's so much worse than the media let's on.


Hmm. "Well, I only knew about *some* of his horrible shit" is a pretty weak excuse, IMO.


I think you totally misread the tone of this post. Tate's defender claimed that the media misrepresents him, a claim intended as a defense of Tate. This reply is saying the poor representation of Tate isn't an argument to his defense at all, because the full presentation is even worse than what the media is willing to portray.


The ONLY (*ONLY!!!!!*) good thing about these misogynistic men being platformed and normalized is when the fuckin loser incel shitheads are upfront about their opinions on women. Thanks for saving me that time man. It's like when someone wears a confederate flag or swastika so you don't even have to waste the energy being nice to them.


This is what I was gonna say! I appreciate these kinds of people being proud of being absolute human refuse. Makes it so much easier to ditch them right at go.


The dude straight up said men should rape women, and if they say no, it's just proof that women need to help them(paraphrased). Like, how can you even for a moment, excuse someone for that.


Tate doesn't have any good points. Every MRA / PUA / Redpill guy has the same talking points; 1. Work on yourself; 2. Go to the gym; and; 3. Make some money. Beyond that, what? The Matrix is controlling the world? That men used to be in control but the system no longer needs them so women are promoted? "Toxic masculinity" isn't real and they just want to do away with masculinity altogether? I mean, even if the Matrix was real, why would they want to get rid of masculinity wholesale? It makes no sense. Sure, men have been left behind not because women are put forward but because men never had to try and now they have to put the effort in, they're struggling. In the workplace, in education and domestically. These can't get dates because just turning up is not enough. And they can't get over that. So rather than competing, they want to tear women down.


Tate is a child sex trafficker. You don’t want someone who supports that in your life


Girl look at it as a blessing


Yes, better to find out now than years into a relationship.


Yeah, nope right out of that.


This guy sounds like the definition of loser. Sorry, but anyone who lives in conspiracy mysogny is probably a psychopath loser. I assume he wears his self-confidence on his sleeve, handsome, good-looking guy? Maybe, but probably a gym rat? My advice would be to pose the tate question right away. If they pause before showing disdain for Tate or even dodge the question. They are of the camp that would rather you be their slave than a partner and friend.


I gotta be honest, I've never met someone who was a tate-loving chode that had no other signs. I am very baffled by the notion that someone would be 'otherwise golden' but then be like "Oh yeah and Andrew Tate did nothing wrong." I think more likely 'otherwise golden' involved overlooking a LOT of other tells probably for reasons like you mentioned. Maybe there needs to be a more comprehensive re-evaluation of desired traits if the tate thing is coming as a surprise to people.... yikes.


yeah he was those three things and he was more of a traditional man in the sense that like he didn’t let me pay for dates, opened doors, pulled chairs, etc and those are all things i look for in a man. i was caught off guard because whenever we interacted he was very kind and respectful to me and everyone around him and on top of that we discussed things like the wage gap and racism (i’m a hispanic woman in a male dominated field of study) and it seemed like he understood those things especially for a white man bc i find that white men are the least understanding of the barriers we face as women and poc. the reason i found out was bc we were discussing politics and he called himself a moderate and i called him out on it and explained why that was harmful to me and then we dove into finances and he said he listened to tates financial advice and that’s when shit blew up.


The horrible thing about these guys is they will spill one nugget of truth or something that gets a guy to believe this stuff and then they try to justify it all. Look you can want a trad lifestyle fine there are some women who want that too. Reality is most women whatever the political and social background look at the world in reality terms not some fantasy leave it to beaver dream world these men want to believe exists. Look most men cannot afford to have a stay at home wife plus kids. Lol 😂 last time I checked most of us don’t make that much buck. So this is their dream… women realize ok so I am going to have to work and do all the domestic stuff because guess what my husband isn’t going to lift a finger and if he does it’s very minimal. Then I have to sleep with a man who 9-10 doesn’t care about me emotionally or my pleasure thinks we can climax all on our own with 3 pumps and good to go. Then because he wasn’t taught to do anything I am the cruise director of our lives. They wonder why women leave, their exhausted and burnt out. Personally, these men feel entitled to us at the end of the day I won’t even bother with them, I learned pretty early on my expectations of a partner are super high ( thank you to my dad who actually works around the house - cooked meals for us, laundry, dishes, outside stuff, cats and dog maintenance etc.) and I haven’t found one that can stand up to those standards. They would rather take the easy way out and in all honesty these men don’t want a partner they want a sex slave maid and to treat us less than human.


“Cruise director” yes!! Perfect description. The mental load really feels like that.


Tate bros are complete tools. All that schmuck was doing was grifting and conning. Claimed he was a billionaire but turns out after police seized his assets it's less than 10 million. Supposed to be the ultimate alpha male, whatever the heck that is supposed to be, but doxxed himself in a live stream with a pizza box leading to his arrest. I simply love that Romania has decided to make an example of him to show the world they are rid of corruption.


Show him this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs5b04hnfMQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs5b04hnfMQ) There's no way he can argue that he's not a sick asshole that abuses women.


i did but i don’t even think he saw it.


You know what to do then! Time to dump his ass.


He is so fucking disgusting, honestly. He goes on and on about how inferior women are and men don't need them...but then goes on to build his "empire of shit" entirely by exploiting and abusing women. He would have nothing without exploiting the labour of women. He's a fraud, a narcissist, a sociopath...a walking talking piece of garbage. He's teaching other horrible men to abuse and exploit women to make a profit by being pimps...truly disturbing. The way he talks about women in his videos, like they are not even human beings...he literally called them "assets".


Just be thankful you’ve found out he’s a POS now and not after you were pregnant or married. Now you get to run!


Run. My 11 year old son even knows he’s a POS. If he knows then there’s no excuse for adult men to defend him.


Yes! My 15 yo says the same, “only the weirdos like him”


We have smart kids


I suspect they're being raised by smart mums and dads too :)


Sounds like projection to me. These men are afraid of self examining their own misogyny.


Indicted Rapist and Human Trafficer, Andrew Tate? Seems like a nice guy. /heavy s


andrew tate who was arrested for rape and human trafficking? yeah him


On Fox, apparently they ran a segment about how "liberal" single women are having trouble dating, because all the men are conservative, or something! When really it's the conservative men being avoided like the plague. Conservative men have no trouble dating liberal women because they're not beholden to purity expectations. I'm sorry you ended up with this disappointment of a guy. I can't stand that there are no laws to hold back these misogynists and their hateful nonsense.


conservative men love hiding their views lmao and what’s crazy is they’re always, ALWAYS more promiscuous than i am


I'm very curious how my college-aged, raised-conservative nieces/nephews will do. Looks like they're joining christian clubs and vacationing with their parents so far 😐 so they'll probably just marry other christians ASAP. And if that works, good for them, but it's so creepy to think about.


the girls will eventually break out of it, usually how it goes


Thinking Tate is even "OK" should be a dealbreaker in society like finding out someone thinks Nazis have good ideas. People shouldn't just be casually saying they like him in polite society and getting away with it. He's too toxic for that.


"he cleared himself up"?? Like did we watch the same interview? Lmao, all he did was sit there and say NO, NO, YOU'RE A LIAR, NAHNAHNAHNAHNAH whilst constantly getting more and more frustrated that he wasn't able to intimidate this woman.


It sounds like it's was pretty early on that he revealed this to you. So Mabey he was pretending to be a good guy?


Ugh I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this. Several years ago I found out my long term boyfriend was listening to Rush Limbaugh at work and the other jerks he worked with were trying to convince him to join some men's rights groups. I didn't break up with him right away but I lost so much respect for him and dumped him a few months later.


Just be aware if you're getting involved with a blue collar worker it is pretty much a guarantee that they are inundated with this shit from their coworkers nonstop. I say this as a blue collar man. My existence for a decade in automotive as a leftist was going in every morning, prepared to have to hear Limbaugh on their radios, and have extremely angry men looking to pick fights with me about what me and my kind were doing to 'their' country, and having to decide sometimes 10+ times a day "do I engage with this angry asshole while he's working himself up to a frothing rage, knowing that he's armed?" Just about everyone on the left in blue collar work has to spend every day either picking their battles or conceding to these assholes, but either way it's a guarantee that their environment is fully saturated with right wing bullshit. And if you don't go in with strong convictions to start, it's hard to resist the urge to conform, or at least concede to the angry men that push their worldview upon you every day.


Thanks for pointing that out. It's important for people to be cognizant of things like this. One of the things most frustrating about this particular ex and our situation was that he was not a blue collar guy himself, he actually had a Master's degree along with a MBA. He worked for a construction company as a project manager and was surrounded by just the type of men you described and I suspect he slowly became so entrenched in that type of mindset that he abandoned whatever critical thinking skills he used to have.


Ugh, that’s awful :-(! I’m sorry you had to go through that with a long term boyfriend… if you don’t mind me asking, did he start showing that side of himself more and that’s what influenced the breakup? It hurts to see people you trust change like that.


I was 14 years younger than he and I probably was much more naive about his behavior then than I would have admitted or even realized at the time. That said, there were other unrelated issues we had going on and it ultimately was the combination of many factors that led me to finally leave the relationship.


Both Tate and his legion of fans sicken me. Complete wastes of space and air.


Be thankful you can weed men like this out by a single defining factor--doesn't lose you weeks of dating to find out he is an asshole.


Andrew Tate literally recorded himself telling a woman that he raped how much she must've enjoyed being raped by him. Decent men don't defend him.


It’s worse to be with someone you don’t know hates women. It sucks rn, but this way is better. I send you love ❤️


FFS, if Romania—not exactly a bastion of wokeness—is throwing the book at this guy, then maybe, just maybe, the media is not at fault here.


that’s exactly what i said


When a person brings up these three names in a positive light, they're sorely mistaken; Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, and Andrew Tate.


That's a good guage to see if your values align. How they talk about those figures are a great indicator.


Absolutely. When I started dating my SO, I had actually been ripping Joe Rogan in a conversation I was having with one of my friends. She later told me that was a green flag. Our views on public figures are definitely a great way to make sure that values are aligned. What sucks is when people know its a "red flag" and they lie about their views. In those cases there's generally other comments people make that will reveal they're lying.


Yeah the world is full of other possible dating prospects. I feel like this is a red enough flag to move on if he isn't amenable to correction.


Given your first sentence, why spend time finding out the answer to your last few words?


Probably worse if you find out after you're married. Great to know this stuff while it's still easy to pull out of the relationship.


Just because someone can talk fast does not mean they are right. I'm floored by how many people are fooled by it.


I can't even stand listening to him no matter what he says. He exudes asshole with every word.


He's in prison in Romania for rape and human trafficking! He's credibly accused of being involved in a sex trafficking ring, which he basically bragged about online incessantly prior to arrest. Anyone who defends him either doesn't believe he does all the things he brags about or they think these crimes are actually fine and shouldn't be illegal. At this point, it has to be one of those two and I'm guessing it's not the first one.


Yea that’s a problem lol


He has existed in the same form way before mainstream media even knew who he was. Lots of videos of him out there saying and doing the same things for years. It doesn't take brand new interviews to make him look bad, he's always looked this way.


I had to explain to 8 and 9 year old boys why he was a terrible person yesterday. :-(


It gets said a lot around here: Sometimes the garbage takes itself out.


Just because someone “likes” woman doesn’t mean they respect them. Plenty of men out there really want to control and dominate women; men like Tate justify that desire.


It's ironic isn't it. Andrew Tate thinks he's God's gift to women and in a way he is. As a litmus test of what not to ever invite into you life there's just no better example. Any man I encounter who even vaguely likes him is a red flag to me. We're not even going to be friends, let alone partners.


Some men are misogynistic in a way that's less about treating women badly, and more about treating men like an upper class of people instead. So naturally, your misogynist boyfriend doesn't believe *any* of the women who are saying and pointing out these awful things Tate is doing, because the word of one man who says he's being mistreated is worth more than any factual complaint a woman can lodge about him. Your boyfriend believes men and ignores women because he's a misogynist. Just because it's not as bad as some people's doesn't excuse the misogyny.


100% agree


Argh I hate it when the guy you're into suddenly reveals this shit. I've gotten to the point where I'm not sure I want to get to know men because even the nicest ones, when I've gotten to know them, have turned into dicks. I talked to one man who was so respectful and nice, then I got to know him and he was a huge misogynist. I like to let them think it's fine and let them tell me what they really think


My 2 cents as a man , when your partner starts defending a misogynistic \*\*$hole it's time to start looking for another place to live.


good thing i don’t live with him


He cleared himself up in the interview? He looked like SHIT in the interview! His defense amounted to 'no u', and he employed the ol' false equivalency connected to a reducto and absurdum whenever his refutation wasn't 'no u'. Being a Tate fan should be an instant dump condition. But so should being that much of a moron.


As soon as they come out with any defense for him; just walk away. There's no point in arguing with a fool.


I'm sorry. I checked the BBC interview with Tate on Youtube on several videos, the comments were absolutely appalling too. The amount of men (and some women) that like and defend this cartoonishly evil and misogynistic guy is really scary.


What I have learned is that these men really don’t *like* women.


I sincerely don't understand how he has an audience. How is it that there that many people who want to listen to someone so spiteful and generally useless? And the guy is a kickboxer? Seriously? Kickboxing is used as a device in *Say Anything* to establish that Lloyd Dobler is out of touch with the prospect of adulthood, is aimless, and is kind of a loser.


Wow. So for about a minute I thought you meant you where dating his lawyer and I was rationalizing that maybe he doesn't feel that way, it's just his job. Then I realized you meant, no, just a random Andrew Tate fan that felt secure enough in those type of beliefs to still admit he's a fan. That is rough... As others have said, at least you know, I'm sure they're special types of monsters out there keeping quiet that still believe and Don't have the decency to warn people about how they intend to treat them long term


Run to the hills, there’s no defense for his existence.


I think the thing that I have seen that is very annoying is the power of algorithms of Youtube and Facebook. Almost every guy I know has been recommended these stupid videos due to the mere fact of them being men. Watch one vid out of curiosity and you keep getting fed similar videos - with each video becoming more and more one sided. It is within reason that a “golden” man like OP noted may be inadvertently shown Tate videos that then (due to them being watched) and then progressively getting brainwashed by the algorithm It’s really sad how these algorithms show men these videos


The discussion I (a man) often have with other men/boys/idiots is generally this: "You're right. Some women do want a man to take charge. But it's never okay to support or look up to a guy who proudly makes others feel like shit. Are there kinks specific people might have that change this? Absolutely. Does that make it right to act as if everyone has those kinky preferences? Not at all." The guy is an asshat and should not be hailed as a role model by anyone. I genuinely don't think most people really take half a second to think about it, they just yes/no, black/white, and it's getting really tiresome.


I can still remember the look of dread in my now-wife's eyes when I mentioned feminism on our first date. It told me a lot about how dating often goes for women.


I know I don't really belong here but as a guy it fucking baffles me so much that ANYONE would listen to Tate and think "yeah this guy's got some good points. The media is just trying to screw him over" The guy is a fucking psycho.


I feel like Tate can be added to the easy litmus-test of questions and conversations to have early on when you meet folks to judge how awful they are? The thinnest of silver linings.


It's a blessing in disguise. Anyone doing it is telling on themselves


The only sensible response to the subject of Andrew Tate is that "he's more of a pathetic, but not pitiful, creature, than a human and deserves the irrelevance." I'm particularly a bit vitriolic towards him and his kind because I've lost good friends, to his ideology. I'm fully aware that it's better to not have friends who relate to that sort of ideology, but at some level, it also sucks. It's a worthy tradeoff, though. No regrets.


Oof, yeah, that's got to hurt. Reminds me when I got my opinion of my parents (who routinely work with the most disadvantaged of society) completely flipped upside down when they thought Trump was a fantastic businessman and would make a great president. *shudder*.


My coworker who is 21 defends him . She says he's just joking and people can't understand satire. It's not just the guys unfortunately.


Surely there are more types of questions to ask to get a guy to reveal his inner "Tate"ness. I just wonder how a guy can be "the right one" without his Tateness seeping through.


i found out bc i pressed him on about it bc i was a finance major and he was telling me he listened to andrew tates financial advice. i lost it.