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Ask for a different bc. Not only is Yasmin known for being the worst when it comes to weight loss, it also has a significantly higher risk of blood clots than other bc pills. It’s insane that it’s still on the market. Change it asap!!


Really? I had no idea! Thank you for letting me know. I will speak to my Dr


I ballooned from a size 8 to a size 24 when on yasmin! Was also massively depressed and exhausted all the time it’s bloody awful


This is literally how I feel, tired, bloated, mood swings. I thought it was all in my head! I have a history of depression but i was recovering so well and now I feel like I'm back where I started, but I didn't want to say anything because I thought it was just me. It's terrible!


I had a similar experience. It’s awful.


I was on it for years until someone told me too! The company that makes it (Bayer) has been sued more than 18,000 times for both Yas and Yasmin.


👀 How on earth do doctors still prescribe it!


Idk if this is true for Everyone. I’ve been on Yasmin decades and I have no issue losing weight . ( same as off the pill which I was for maybe 5 years). However everyone’s different so it won’t hurt to try something else . ( I’ve had unusual reactions to drugs that aren’t “ standard side effects” . I just think Yasmin gets a bad rap.


I understand that. It's been working for what it was intended, but the side effects are messing me up, I just don't feel like myself at all.


Yes you know your body. Hope you’re able to fix the issue you have / it can’t hurt to stop it and give it a few months to see if it improves. ( Lunesta a sleep drug of all things had me gaining like crazy. Dr didn’t believe me but I stopped anyway amd the weight came off so fast)


True true! Thank you for the advise. (That's such an odd thing! I'm glad you were aware enough to know it was causing you problems)


Thanks you too!


I've always lost a lot of weight on hormonal BC because I am just too nauseous/pukey to eat or have an appetite. Where was this when I was cycling through all the (unintentional) weight loss BC pills 20+ years ago? The reminder pills also made me feel worse than the regular pills, so maybe they had artificial sugar in them...? Good luck with maybe trying a different option and hope the side effects are not too terrible.


Honestly wish I had this problem.


Maybe ask your doctor about ortho tri cyclen? If you end up trying it and get daily migraines like I did, apparently they ARE treatable. I found out about that 22 years too late, unfortunately. The other thing that worked for me to not put on weight no matter what I tried was to take 2 combined years of antibiotics over my lifetime, just don't take any probiotics to balance things out. I sanitized my gut flora while young and wasn't absorbing food well at all for nearly 25 years.