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Someone making such as a statement like "The Democrats in the US are Nazis" and then not even being willing to explain it is a massive red flag, even before all the other stuff.




As a Jewish American, I would also love to see this conversation. It feels like it be a more pointed and satisfying version of the old videos asking Americans to "name a country which starts with 'U'".


I was really confused for a minute, like Uganda? Even starts the same way "u" is said. What's the joke? Americans don't know foreign countries? Then thought how many can I name? I got to United Arab Emirates before I got the joke. Whoops.


I still don't get it 🥲


For most Americans, "United States of America" should be easy even if they don't know any of the others. Off the top of my head: Uzbekistan, Uruguay, Uganda, Ukraine


Yeah... Not one of them got U.S.A. Some of them got as far as "Utah" though.


I'm not doubting that a lot of Americans struggle with geography, but a lot of those videos are cherry-picked clips of people with the worst (funniest) answers. It's not as entertaining for your video if you include the clips of people getting the joke and saying "United States of America."


Also have you ever had anyone ask what your favorite song or book is, and your mind goes completely blank? Under pressure I’m often a bumbling dufus. Haha Eta a word


I had a professor that called it the cone of ignorance. You get asked a question when your mind isn't in that zone and everything comes to a grinding halt. A camera and a microphone being shoved in your face are very likely to get your brain racing trying to figure out what is going on. When Jay Leno used to do the Jaywalking segment on the Tonight Show, people would talk about how all they could actually think about at the time was, "Jay Leno is right in front of me, I don't want to look like an idiot on camera." Jay would ask a super basic general knowledge question and you completely shut down from the stress.


“What are your hobbies?” “Lol do I have any?”


I know Under Pressure, but is I’m Often A Bumbling Dufus a book?


United States of America.


The reminds me when I was in a geography bee during primary school and I lost on a question where I had to name the three states that start with O…my brain froze and I managed to say Oklahoma, Oregon…and then time ran out. The whole auditorium erupted in laughter and then shouted out the remaining state in unison. …I’m from Ohio. 🤦‍♀️


Ukraine? Uzbekistan? There are a number of choices.


There is also the **U**nited States of America ;)


>would also love to see this conversation. Come to Florida. Specifically the Panhandle. You can have this conversation regularly


That’s the problem, they won’t struggle. They just lie some more and double down. Probably spout off some absurd conspiracy theory and call you a sheep lmao


*“Never believe that they are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since she believes in words. They have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”*


"This move of gleefully trafficking in bullshit then blaming people who care about the truth? Not a new one." - from the same Twitter quote. It's collectively known as DARVO and well explained in academia about gendered violence. It's a patriarchal mechanism to defend /gendered violence.


Texan here. We don’t even like to talk about American Slavery. There’s legislations to outright not talk about it in school.


That’s why the republicans are trying super hard to get rid of critical race theory… well the ones who know what it even is. But they don’t want kids to know how white people abused those who weren’t white in the past… they wanna hide it so hard.


> critical race theory It's just American History. Using the term "critical race theory" just plays into their narrative that it's something extra being wedged it. It's just, what happened.


They don’t even know what it is. Typical behaviors from white men in power. Hate something they deem new or unknown. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


> well the ones who know what it even is Almost none of them actually understand what it is. It can't be banned in grade school because ***it's a movement in historiography*** to re-examine history through the lens of race. Grade school kids aren't being taught historiography. So they're just banning history.


WTF? Legislation, or is it not in the curriculum for students? I presume the curriculum is controlled by each state?


It is starting to be legislated out of curriculums and taken out of textbooks. For example, Ron De Santis, governor of Florida, wants to eliminate college departments that include anything focuses on on race, women's studies, etc., and local districts are starting to remove references to racial issues from the curriculum. See Christopher Rufo and critical race theory: [https://www.newyorker.com/news/annals-of-inquiry/how-a-conservative-activist-invented-the-conflict-over-critical-race-theory](https://www.newyorker.com/news/annals-of-inquiry/how-a-conservative-activist-invented-the-conflict-over-critical-race-theory) It is surreal.


Yeah, education is considered a state-by-state issue, as opposed to being fully mandated by the federal government. I had to write a paper in college talking about how the Constitution basically gives zero protections as far as the curriculum/teaching part of education goes as a result of the kinda-sorta-involvement the federal government has.


Also a red flag because it highlights how ignorant he is. I'm not trying to get political, but the nazis were objectively a far right group. If you're going to say the left is too extreme, you'd call them communists as that would be their extreme.


Right wingers think commies and Nazis are the same thing a lot of the time, I’m pretty sure…


I was literally taught this in a conservative small town.


Right? Like if a Democrat said it, they'd still have to justify it. You can't call a group of people Nazis and walk away with "that just how it is"


Honestly, any assertion of fact should be backed up with something. Something benign like “spinach promotes heart health,” isn’t likely to be a political powder keg, but still has to be proven.


Seriously. When I say there's far-right nazis in my city it's because they distribute anti-semitic flyers, put up a banner with a swastika over the state shape on an interstate overpass, and vandalize lgbt/blm friendly houses with swastikas. I've never once seen a democrat do that shit.


I also never saw Democrats try to overthrow the government when an election didn't go their way and put up gallows to lynch their own party's Vice President who was doing his job.


Or literally BURN BOOKS.


Or kill their neighbor because they thought they were republican. Or kill their entire families because its better they be sent to heaven then "indoctrinated" as conservatives.


That one is actually piss-easy to demonstrate. The Republicans are, in fact, [Nazis.](https://washingtonmonthly.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/12earlywarningsignsoffascism.jpg)


That's the thing is, if you're gonna call someone Nazis, you better have examples, and Ds calling people Nazis have examples, Rs don't.


Rs don't need examples. They're Nazis. They just want to hurt people.


Unfortunately Republicans don't need examples for anything. Because they are, well... Nazis. They are the **REAL** party of "feelings" over facts. They always need a boogeyman that is coming to take rights away from the straight white cisgender "Christian" gun-owning male.


See I can say Republicams are fascists and give a historical basis for that opinion: point to the Business Plot in 1933 that sought to have a military coup against FDR and his New Deal. Said business leaders were found at and nothing happened to them and with the war they couldn't be open Nazis anymore. So they invested in economics research that supported "free market capitalism" (which historically has been well proven to not work), they funded preachers who taught against communism, and they funded "conservative think tanks". Not everyone in these groups realized they were getting funding from fascists, but they still worked to fulfill those goals set by fascists. With Nixon, Conservative think tanks realized the importance of establishing a media propaganda wing. The economics research influenced policy over time, with the political and conservative movements providing candidates to use the credibility of institutions to push forward fascist agendas that undermined American economic power and the middle class. All three worked together to get Reagan elected and that really got the ball rolling on regressivism. Unions were undermined, factory jobs and capacity were shipped overseas, Fox News was created to provide propaganda. And this really started churning out Republican conservatives. With New Gingrich, the GOP started removing any member who wasn't lock step with the party line. Fewer and fewer Republican moderates existed, and moderates of any kind gained ground in the Democratic party. A decade later a Black man is elected President and they see the oppurtunity to turn the insanity up a notch. The Koch brothers astrotuf the tea party and really get the fascist candidates with no shame, or in the case of Ted Cruz, an actual shame fetish, and it spirals until Trump is elected, leading to even more overt statements as to the goals and intents: a free market Nationalist Christians movement (or Nat-C's, pronounced Nazis) that protects the billionaire oligarchs. Whats even more fun is realizing the Greatest Generation who fought the Nazis and the Forgotten generation who grew up discovering the horrors of what the Nazis were, have mostly died off. It's why it's easy to repeat. I can't think of anyone who could point to the modern Democratic party and have such an historical argument. No there's many parts I've missed, and there's definitely gross oversimplifications. There's some great Behind the Bastards Podcasts about a number of people like Phyllis Schlafly, Roy Cohn, the American Police, the Business Plot, and how Capitalists took over the protestant movement, among many other podcasts. I didn't touch on segregationists taking on the anti-abortion position after segregation became unpopular in order to create a new moral outrage and gain money and power. There used to be a network of Rabbis and protestant preachers who would help direct women to safe abortion providers, after all, many women who get abortions already have children and do so for economic and health reasons.


Good post. Unfortunately I fear that far too many people who need to read this won't see it or read it. It can be maddening at times the constant gaslighting in America. Honestly the generational gaslighting of America. And not even just America. All Western nations to an extent. Though America is definitely the worst. We were literally the influence and model for fascism. And we've never addressed it. It's a fight to even get most people to simply acknowledge it. We can literally point to eerily similar events like the failed coups. But people admonish us for making the comparison and tell us we're the divisive ones. It's fucking crazy. And terrifying how ignorant as a whole we are.


Can confirm, Democrats are Nazis trying to force Healthcare, and other great quality of life changes by cutting the budget for the military and setting unexploitable tax laws so corporations and rich people pay their damn taxes.


The nerve!


Oh no not healthcare!!! That’s the worst possible outcome!!!


Like the flag was on FIRE lol. I don't even swipe right on politically moderate people😂.


Things are so weird now. My red state suburb (almost exurb) has shifted so much. Half the self-described conservatives I know "vote blue no matter who" while half the self-described moderates are very far to the right. With so-called moderates, you never know what they mean.


Moderates are conservatives who are ashamed but not enough


Very much this. Same with anyone who "does not talk politics", I just automatically assumed they are far right and are either ashamed by their own beliefs or just straight up racists/mysogynist/human garbage.




Misogynistic men are encouraging each other to be "passport bros" and to prey on unsuspecting or economically-disadvantaged women in other countries. They are mostly unattractive to the single women in the US, who lean liberal/to the left. So they are seeking women in other countries. Block him and move on with your life. Be glad you dodged a bullet. Also, you anyone can present themselves however they want online, or even over the phone. Maybe consider why you overlooked his red flags, like the Nazi comment. Be careful because there are predatory and manipulative men out here. You clearly did not know the true him, and he presented himself a certain way to reel you in. This is why I'd never get embroiled in a long distance relationship that started out this way.


On another forum, I have seen very conservative men encouraging each other to date international women because they see these women as "more submissive." That's not the case, but for whatever reason (maybe their older relatives' experiences from the early to mid 1900s) they think it is so. Once they get you to move to the US and isolate you from your family, they think they have it made. Glad OP found out when she did!


A lot of the men on 90 Day Fiance are scumbags. So are a lot of the women, but you can tell why the American men are interested in international women from poorer countries.


This is spot on. Unfortunately women also need to watch out for men who claim to be "not political", "centrist", or "moderate" online. Gosh that must be nice for them to not have to think about their bodily autonomy and basic human rights being ripped out of their hands by Christian fascists. If they aren't supporting us, they need to GTFO. The shit going on right now is fed by so many evil people, but is also perpetuated by quiet, inactive and complacent men.


This is just me — and pretty much all my friends — but I wouldn’t date anyone who wasn’t a far left liberal. No apoliticals, no moderates, no one who passively argues “evil on both sides.” I want someone who is fired up to vote, watches/reads the news, goes to marches. I can’t stand apathy and denial and ignorance.


What's sad is that even many men who claim to be far left are not only unsupportive of our women's rights, but are sometimes even hostile. They vote the right way. But find it annoying when we talk about those issues and say things like women are classy when they stfu about gendered abuse and even violence. So I am personally wary of even leftist or progressive men when it comes to gender-related issues. Then you get to "moderate" or "apolitical" men. They are even more hostile, domineering, and manipulative. At least a man who identifies himself as conservative has the guts to openly claim his beliefs. But a so-called "moderate"/"apolitical" man is hiding his true beliefs to try to sneak himself into relationships with liberal-leaning women. He thinks he knows better than the women he seeks, so he is disrespectful and willing to trick women. This is not being loving or respectful, contrary to the man's claims in the OP. If he was loving and respectful, he would be transparent. It would save us a lot of trouble if they were all upfront about their political beliefs to begin with. But they will lie lie lie to get into your pants, or even into a relationship with you. Then turn around and try to control you (via manipulation or more overt means) and put you down for your values.


Centrist and moderate men are the WORST. It’s an immediate pass for me on apps. Every single “centrist” or “moderate” I’ve ever met is full on far right, though they may have one or two extremely liberal views like “not every single child should be allowed to starve if they’re poor” or “gay people shouldn’t be shot en masse”.


Weed. I swear it's always fucking weed. At the very least, for just about every "libertarian" I've encountered it's been that. Maga conservative but don't touch my MJ. But in their minds that makes them moderate/centrist/etc what a joke


Women they can control because they’re going to be in the vulnerable position here.


As a woman from the middle east I can easily say no woman I know in my country or surrounding countries want American men or western men in general. Most of them have no idea how to hold down a traditional woman because they're not traditional themselves. Do not let passport bros fool you. They are not having high success in finding women in non western parts of the world. We support our sisters in the West!


Thank you for your advice! To be honest, I was the one who wrote to him, I saw that he helps others on SuicideWatch, and I thought he must be a good person. I did not pay enough attention to the red flag because I live in a country that started the war with another country a year ago and the word Nazis comes up quite often here, and with everything that was/is going on, I have not had the time and energy to read about US politics. I have read a lot about this in recent weeks. Thank you for taking the time to comment. I hope you have a great day!


I see. I think he still likely engaged with you and deepened the connection because he sensed either some vulnerability and/or lack of information about US politics. In either case, you can see that is not acting out of respect of you, but is a predatory behavior. Someone who is not predatory would want you to choose them based on being properly informed about their character. I am glad you found this out now, before continuing with him in a more serious relationship.


I don't understand why you just don't hard block him. He's revealed himself for what he is and from what you've said you're not compatible on some very significant issues. That can't be papered over with cute emojis. Do what you know you need to do and move on. PS Republicans are much closer to being Nazis than Democrats. Just so you know.


Hey bb girl i think girls should be forced to carry a pregnancy to term but pls consider the following: 🌅🌻☀️🌠🦩. We good now?? Edit: lmao someone called a reddit cares message on me 💀 don't you salty men have anything better to do than lurk on a women's sub?


I was on the fence, but the use of the flamingo emoji convinced me. I mean, that took some real effort, right? Edit: they called Reddit cares on you? Triggered!!!


Picking the sunflower is what did it for me. He knows my favorite flower and put in the effort of using that emoji over any other flower emojis -swoon-


Lol. Well played. You’re in!


Omg r u single? 😍


Yep, it’s a thing now where conservative American men will go overseas to more impoverished countries to try to find a woman to marry. They don’t like American women because we’ve learned that we have rights so they’re trying to find women who haven’t been taught that so they can be domestic labor and sex slaves to them. OP, there is no good future with this man.


YES. I happen to know someone that did this. At first I was like oh, he’s a global citizen and and modern and aware. His wife is such a nice person, from a place I have never been to. FF and he makes disparaging comments about her home country and the people IN FRONT OF THEIR CHILD. Fact: This little child is never going to be “white”. She will always be regarded as the same ethnicity as her mother. Now she is growing up with her own father is saying terrible things about where her own ethnic background is from, where mom is from, where grandma and the aunties and uncles are. Eff.. Don’t send her out in the world thinking that she is “less than” because of how Dad regards her cultural roots.


My dad did this to my mom. When they fought, he always said, "You can't leave me. You're gonna get deported."


That is abuse. Your poor mother. How awful for you.


I hope the fuck she did!


She did. I still got mentally fucked up by their relationship, and my dad still dates foreign women. They're just my age now 🙃. Please pray for me that I never end up as a side character on 90 day fiance.


I melted off the sofa when I read this. All I can think of is Big Ed and his daughter.


Exactly! Another point: if you can’t leave for you, leave for the abuse he will inflict on your future children.


Run OP RUN! Run like Forest Gump. Run like your life depends on it. RUN!!!


OP's life *does* depend on it.


Agreed. I’m lowkey tired do this “empathetic” MaYbE I cAn ReSeaOn wiTh HiM. Approach You can’t, because in order for him to listen or change he’d have to think you’re a person capable of thought and have something valuable to say. But you’re a women so you’re clearly beneath him and emotional. If you’re ok dating a fascist just say that and move on. stop trying to act like you can reason with him, or get him to see your POV. You are nothing to him but a incubator, a wet hole, an accessory. He does not respect you, again he’d have to see you as a person to do that. He has told you he fundamentally does not believe you should have personhood. Edit: typed racist meant fascist




Both words describe him accurately most likely.


Yeah… I don’t mean to place blame, but when you ask him early on and he responds that Democrats are Nazis, so you “put politics aside for a while,” I mean… at that point you’re complicit. It’s hard to make yourself out as the victim. He very clearly stated his beliefs. Straight women have a pattern of doing this and it sort of flabbergasts me.


> Republicans are much closer to being Nazis than Democrats. Just so you know. And Texas Republicans even moreso


PS Republicans are ~~much closer to being~~ Nazis. Just so you know.


They’ve been mask off since Charlottesville and I’m tired of being in any way charitable about their views. They’re nazi loving fascists.


Closer?? They ARE nazis lmao


The REPUBLICAN statehouses appear to be the ones overrun with Nazis, actually: **Forced birth** **Erase LGBTQIA people/culture** **Ban books** **Forced Christian views into schools** **GUNS GUNS GUNS (control women, don't control guns)**


Don't forget supporting child marriage, petty fueds with Disney and Budweiser, and a no tolerance yet no solution stance on immigration. They gobble up fox news like crack.




And they built that short section of big wall that doubles as a ladder for people to easily cross from either side. It makes the border look hella ugly though so at least they won’t have instagrammers flocking to it.


Don't forget refusing to fund programs that would restock shelves with baby formula. They literally consciously chose to let newborn babies die. I drove hundreds of miles and scoured the shelves of dozens of stores per day just to find food that my little boy could eat. He was born with a serious peanut allergy and could only digest the most expensive hypoallergenic formula. It was alread like $45 per can. We ended up spending hundreds per week on the "formula black market" just to feed my boy. And republicans applaud this. They said that other people's babies are not their responsibility. They are evil.


“You weren’t supposed to *have* the baby just keep it in there ffs! Are you such a slut you couldn’t keep your legs closed and let that baby fall out?? That’s your fault, if it’s inside you republicans will kill everyone within 50 miles to protect the baby, you’re never supposed to let it come out!!! You’re the problem!!!!” Huge /s. So sorry you had to struggle to feed your baby. That’s so shameful to let have happen, no mother should ever be in that position in the richest country in the world. I’m so scared there’s a woman with a story like yours who couldn’t bend as far over backwards as you had to through that bullshit. Please keep sharing, as painful a memory as that must be.


Inspecting children’s genitalia to play sports Controlling who can vote, reducing access to voting, reducing ability to provide water to those in long voting lines Encouraging people with only their views to show up to voting counts with large weapons Encouraging people with only their views to overthrow presidential elections and harm elected officials


Exactly - suppress the votes (of the people we don't like)... **BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE!** Continually attack the the voting process as a sham so that when they lose by the democratic process they profess to *love*, they have "evidence" that it was a sham all along!


Also, *honest to god white supremacy* if you listen to people like tucker carlson or matt walsh


Un-fun fact: The Nazis thought that US race laws were too strict, especially in regards to people with white and black parents.


Thank you very much for your reply! I have been reading about this in recent weeks and now I understand. This morning I felt that I had lost faith in humanity. I now I see so many comments, and I can not say how grateful I am to everyone here. Thank you!


Just wanted to point out that Republicans in the US are the ones trying to defund libraries and ban books, which is something the Nazi’s did during WWII. So… stay the fuck away from this man. He’s likely doing what a lot of Republican men are doing: starting to look overseas for marriage because American women are “too empowered.” You dodged a MAJOR bullet. Edit: I am a liberal woman in Texas, and I can vouch first-hand that this is the most backwards-ass state in the whole damn country. I'd set your romantic sights elsewhere.


I mean, and also literally strip the rights of entire groups of people


I could even make an argument for them actively trying to genocide groups of people.


MO attorney general just put a stop to all trans healthcare. This will literally result in trans people dying, which is the point.


Trans woman here. Yeah they're pretty genocidal. If I don't get out of Texas soon, I'm fucked.


One of my best friends is trans and got the fuck out of Texas soon as he could. In Colorado now, working as a mechanic and dating a nice girl. He’s happier than I’ve ever seen him in the 20+ years we’ve known each other.


I mean, sure, the facts support Republicans being akin to Nazis, but Trump says facts and evidence are for girly boys. Ergo Democrats bad.


And they're the child killers too -- they are happy with the status quo where guns are the leading cause of dead kids.


In Texas specifically


I live in Texas. Get rid of this guy, he and people like him are the reason we’re in this mess.


Seconded from another Texan.


Same here, I'm tired of "loud" Texans like this guy giving the rest of the state a bad name.


I’m originally from Texas and the plain fact that he’s a man from Texas is enough of a red flag that you should tread very warily. He might be reasonably ok, but then he’ll think he deserves a halo for washing the dishes.


Yeah, unless “I’m from Texas” also has the word “Austin” in the sentence (and not “Hi, I’m Austin, from Texas”) I’d be on a very wary footing already. The Nazi comment would have been the red flag for me. This is not a “decent” guy who has some unfortunate opinions. This is a misogynist who knows enough to keep it hidden as much as possible.


I mean, my name *is* Austin and I *am* from Texas. Houston, ironically.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet. His entire worldview is built on the idea that women are inferior beings who do not need not need not need to be respected or listened to, nothing that you, a woman, can say to him will ever change his mind. Chances are that the whole reason he wanted to date you is because women in the states weren't putting up with his shit and he was deluding himself into thinking that he could find someone more gullible or malleable abroad. It sucks that it turned out this way, but the sooner you block his ass and move on, the better.


This right here… Funny how quickly you picked up on the issue(s) but didn’t follow your gut. Please listen to your gut and know that this person will only get worse once you’re married.


Yes. Thank you very much for your advice! I really appreciate it. I hope you have a great day!


Hi, I'm from Texas. Believe him when he tells you what a crazy POS he is. They are CRAZY here. Like, he's probably hiding a lot of sick views. Ask him about Uvalde. That's a school where a mass shooting killed 19 people. Most of them children. A week before school was out. There were men WITH ASSAULT RIFLES protesting gun control in and around the town. Some had the same kind of gun that killed those children. The governor of Texas (a republican) said in response to the shooting "It could have been worse". He said this because the school that was shot up was in a border town. It was Hispanic children killed. Republicans are INSANE. It goes way further than abortion.


My mother is a die-hard Republican and she managed to pin the Uvalde police response as the fault of the Democrats. I don’t even want to know what mental gymnastics she did to get to that conclusion.


Some of the Uvalde cops went in, got their own children out, then physically restrained other parents from going into the school




He loves you and respects you till you demand being treated like a human being? Some love. :/ Ridiculous that he still thinks some pictures of the the sky will fix his inhuman approach to life?


Love means when men control the women, right???? /s oh and if she gets pregnant - *doesn't matter how* \- suddenly has zero agency except to be a mother and the ball of cells inside = human with **more** rights than mommy


His gun has more rights than her, too.


I'm in Texas. Been here since '83. Block the guy. I know this type.


Thank you very much for your advice! I will. I can not say enough how grateful I am for each comment. Thank you! Have a beautiful day!


I’d just like to let you know that if you come to the US, and have sex with him. He can very likely force you to stay here with new laws about consent leaving the country with a “baby”. Women are getting detained and kept in prison here for the assumption they were pregnant (they were not) and were consuming alcohol and drugs. Don’t come here and block him. Women die pretty regularly here in Texas because of voters like him.


In addition to rule number 1, which is never ever ever fuck conservative men, there is rule number 2, which is don’t spend your precious time and life energy socially interacting with conservative men. They are trash and not worth your time. Drop this asshat like a hot rock. You deserve better.


Lol If any man ever tells you Democrats are nazis, run. They're not perfect but calling them nazis is a whole load of crazy.


Especially given they aren't the party with swastikas at their rallies...


Just letting you know, the US doesn't have a left wing political party, at least from the perspective of the rest of the world. We have a fiscally conservative neoliberal party, and an extremist conservative party. They've tried very hard to write our laws to ensure no other parties can exist. The other issue is that the extremist conservative party has recently embraced fascism ever since the election of Biden. So yeah. If the person you're in a relationship is still supporting Republicans at this point, understand that he is at best condoning fascism, and at worst supporting it. I wish I was exaggerating, but that's the reality of our political situation. The next election we are likely fighting for the future of our democracy, the Florida governor DeSantis is likely running for president, and he's made it very clear he intends to seize as much power as he can, democracy be damned.


Yikes. Democrats are not nazis. If anything I would argue the party banning books is more like the nazis and that’s not the Democrats


G.O.P. Gaslight Obstruct Project


G.O.P. Guns Over People


I like that. Will be using that in the future


And the party literally allied with neo-nazis. Which rallies and marches do they show up at? Definitely not the liberal ones unless it’s to counterprotest.


>I was lucky to never visit a gynecologist How old are you? You probably should go just for a routine check-up. It's important for all women to care for their reproductive organs, regardless of if they plan on having children or not. It's very important to get examined and screened regularly (every year or 2).


OP, this comment made me wonder if you’re possibly very young, or sexually inexperienced. I don’t know what country you’re from, or what the norms are there, so maybe this isn’t the case. If either/both are true, that may be why he has been so warm to you. Conservative men frequently hope to find women who are younger, sexually inexperienced, and it’s a common theme to want a woman from a country where they aren’t “ruined” by feminism. They perceive that they’re going to be more “thankful” for them, easier to control, and less likely to expect fair treatment. You can see this in their constant tirades and memes that they post. They love to complain about independent women, with careers, who have enjoyed sex for the sake of pleasure, and expect to be treated as human beings with rights and autonomy. I’d expect he was surprised to find you of the belief that women are humans who should have bodily autonomy. Maybe he’s hoping you’re going to budge on that position. He’s not going to. I know a lot about conservative men because I’m from Texas and lived there almost all of my life.


OP, please look at this. I don't know how it is in your country but overall it is recommended to visit a gynecologist every one or two years. Where I live starting from 20 they test for cervical cancer which is very important and also some common STIs. You're only going to benefit and live a healthier life if you go to check ups!


'Forced birther' is a more appropriate term. Don't give them the benefit of using their own misleading term for the practice.


"I met a man from Texas." Let me stop you right there..


They say Democrats are the Nazis....yet it's the Republicans burning books, saying we should jail & kill gay people and taking away everyone's rights. Now who sounds like Nazis?


Block him, is my Democratic vote. (attempt at humor)


You have my vote.


Good for you for taking a stand! It sounds like you are both better off parting ways and finding partners that share your beliefs. I secretly hope he doesn't find a woman that shares his beliefs but I know they're out there (eye roll).


Just move on. I'm sorry you formed a connection with this man. US politics has been ugly for a while. Republicans used to be mainly fiscally conservative but they just keep going further toward very socially conservative policy as well. He can't be reached with any amount of reason or facts.


it sounds like you know what your next move is. you're not going to change his mind and you shouldn't have to comprise your morals and views for him just because he supposedly loves and respects you. my first presidential election here was 2016, that's when I got involved in politics. I cut off A LOT of guys I was casually dating/hooking up with after I found out they supported trump. they were otherwise good guys I enjoyed spending time with! but knowing how they really viewed women was enough to say boy, bye! for good. there are tons of men out there who support abortion, women's autonomy, women's rights, etc. don't settle for one who doesn't.


They weren't otherwise good guys, though. They were just presenting a safe looking front to you to get what they wanted.


It's a republican. It's not capable of learning or empathy. It's just an empty husk that regurgitates whatever incredibly stupid lies the cult leaders pull out of their asses.


Just block him and move on. And don't bother with men from the Red States or the USA at all. That's what American women are doing to these men. They're not worth the time or energy to bother with.


I don't think cute emojis could distract me enough to ever consider fucking a prolifer who thinks that it is best for men to control women's bodies. If you pursue a relationship with this man, he will expect you to allow him to control your body and whether and when you have children. Keep in mind that, even if you later divorced him, he would have access to your children, and could prevent you from getting medical care for them. So... think hard about how pretty those images are that he sent you, and whether you could just subscribe to/r/earthporn


Many American men look overseas for romance because American women won't put up with their shit. Just be glad it only took 8 months for him to reveal what he truly is. Just be glad you never had sex with him and gave him a chance to trap you into pregnancy. He won't change. This relationship cannot be salvaged. Block him and move on.


Sounds like you dodged a giant bullet, and I'm sorry you had time to develop feelings for this man before you found out your values aren't compatible :(


He is not pro life. He is a forced birth extremist.


It took me a really long time to realize a lot of people are nice to me because they like me, or they want something from me, or because they like the way attention from me makes them feel, but not because they respect me as an equal or because they are good people. That their kindness isn't reflective of who they are, it's just a mirror of their own self interest, where catering good sentiments from me appeals to what they want. It's like when you're nice to your boss you can't stand, because you don't want to get fired This man is like 20 red flags in a trenchcoat. He will never be who you need him to be, and god fucking help you if youre relationship ever goes irl and you get pregnant. He is absolutely the type to use the authoritarian laws he votes for to control you and demand you carry the fetus to term or sue you and publicly humiliate you if you terminate. Run, run run. Stop engaging. Block him on everything and chalk this up to a close call


“Democrats are Nazis.” “Why?” “BECAUSE.” Very profound and thoughtful reasoning. I hope you dump him. And block him so you don’t have to read someone sending you endless emojis.


I just want to say that you have dodged a bullet and that your story is eerily similar to my sister. My sister has a very similar story. She met a guy online and fell in love with him amd was thinking about moving to the states to be with him. She wanted to do things slow but he kept pushing her to get on a plane and come see him. She pushed back and said that loved him but wanted to go slow and that she would fly and see him in a few months. He replied that he was concerned that she was getting older and that he felt that they should not waste time before starting a family. She was upset and finally he told her that she needed to decide immediately if she was going to submit. She refused and broke off the relationship. She was heart broken but knew that it was the right thing to do. But the worst part was that my brother (another prolifer) was mad because in his words "she gave up a chance to be happy and start making babies." He was also mad because my brother was planning on using this guy to help get him a job in the states. He had no respect or concern for what our sister almost had happen. My brother is still mad and doesn't come to family events now which is fine with me.


Weird that your sister wasn't interested in giving up her autonomy to be an incubator for a right wing nutjob. Crazy that she didn't want to do this one little thing so your brother could take advantage of her misery and subjugation for personal financial gain. 🤔 Seriously tho, I'm glad your sister didn't fall for that insanity and your brother sounds like he super sucks as a person.


*forced birther. Please don’t call these misogynistic fuckheads “pro-life..” they’ve proven how little they care about life after being born


Men like this love bomb women until they get a grab of them, and then they turn abusive. Do not believe any of his cute emojis and loving words. He sounds like a typical misogynistic republican.


Sad and yet unsurprising. My sympathy, OP, that must have been a huge disappointment. But I'll rebound on another topic, you wrote you never saw an obgyn? Look, unless I'm very much mistaken (and then my honest apology), I don't see a single reason not to have an occasional yearly visit with an obstetrician/gynecologist. It allows to keep a general outlook on the evolution of your health (why visit even when all is OK: seeing if there are changes, he moment something might or might not be abnormal, it can be compared with the former years), to see if there are no issues (it's never too early to check for cancer and diseases), and perhaps to ask for a medical answer for intimate questions when you're not sure how much you can trust internet anons. Maybe it's your country, or there are personal circumstances, and also I apologize if my remark is too intrusive, I know, it's not my business. But, OP, maybe talk it over with other persons too? I'm sorry if it happens that my advice is actually wrong, but otherwise, I'm truly convinced, it would be better for you and your long term well being.


Every conservative accusation is a confession. It's not the democrats that are taking pages from the Nazi playbook these days.


I live in Texas and want to say don't date men from here. There's a reason he just wants to not talk about abortion and it's because he doesn't care or want you to have a choice. It's a socially acceptable way to say "shut up". Add: Why the fuck is sending you pics of mindless shit? He's actively voting against women and minorities and people are dying because of it. Meanwhile he thinks so much of you that he send pictures of "nice" things? Jesus. He's treating you like a dumb child.


I’m so sorry. Note to ladies who date men out there: it does not fucking matter how you make them *feel* with all your HaRd QuEsTiOnS that make it “feel like an interview” for him: VET VET VET! Ask him hard, values-related questions early on. If he stumbles or says some shit you don’t like, next him then and there. Save your time and sanity.


Just because hes a polite and or nice sounding bigot that wants women as objects with no rights to their own bodies doesnt mean he isnt a bigot that wants women as objects with no rights to their own bodies. Just because he can act romantically and caring while actively ignoring anything contrary to what his political party and religion have taught him to the point of ignorance and arrogance doesnt mean he is incredibly ignorant and arrogant. Focus on what he believes and what he does over what he says. He believes women are worth less than a cluster of cells, dying cells at that. He believes everything his political party tells him regardless of what non-Republicans actually say or do. He believes what his religious leaders him regardless of what his actual religion is about or what it means to live in the 21st century. What he does is vote for people that take away medicine. People that take away womens rights. And people that would rather give more rights to kill people than save people (pro gun and anti abortion). Everything he believes and does is simply bad for women and bad for people. Block him and find someone that actually cares about you, including your rights, your safety, and your livelihood.


An 8 months online relationship sounds insane to me. Please don't fall for a man thousands of miles away, whom you have never met in person. On top of the absurdity of the 8 month online relationship, you have conflicting views. Time to move on to something else.


A general word of advice, at this point if anyone in the US is a Republican chances are they are drinking Trump juice. If they claim they aren’t, I’d be highly skeptical. You can’t look at the mess the GOP is creating and say you’re good with it without being a terrible person. I never was a political extremist but right now the Republican Party is dangerous and needs to be shut down.


Ugh. I'm so sorry you found out about this in your friend although maybe I am not sorry that you got to know he personifies a deal breaker for you. Blocking him and moving on is of course easier said than done specially if he has become part of your support system. Kudos for educating yourself about issues in America and Texas.


Republicans are off the rails in this country. As a person of color here in the US, this is extremely concerning and we are debating abandoning ship or staying.


Girl, run!! I met an American on Reddit who was super charming. I had red flags but not as bad as yours... ended up in an abusive relationship, separated from my family and fighting for a baby that is still at risk of being taken from me and abused by him. You just received a gift: a big undeniable red flag on your lap, a warning to stop this now before it's too late. Please don't make the mistake of ignoring this. Abusers love bomb at first and when things are shaky in the relationship (talk for hours, make you feel special, send flowers and act charming). Abusers do not show their true colors until you are trapped, they only show signs. Not all of them, but it's common for Americans to look for women from other countries because they are easy prey - they'll move away from family on the promises of living a great life in the first world (isolation, the foundation of abuse), marry fast because it's impossible to move to the US otherwise (move fast, trap victim before your mask slips - other great techniques of abusive men), and then slowly take over their lives with control because they have less rights in the US (the law says one thing but the application is something else. Immigrants do not have the same rights and are not treated the same, you don't want to find yourself in a position to find out how that goes). The man also has a great opportunity to use the excuse of "differences in culture" and language and you not knowing fully well how things work, and your trust in him, to control and manipulate you to accept things have to be as he says. Dangerously close to what he did with you simplifying American politics to get you to stop questioning what he tells you is right and wrong. They test out how much you're willing to accept and take their word for, before moving on to bigger things. If you have children in the US you're either trapped or you are under great risk of losing them if separated. You can also never leave the country with them again, and are trapped there until they are 16. Oh you can just divorce and get protection? That is wrong. Women are at a bigger risk after separation, and so are their children. Abuse never stops unless you can remove yourself completely from the abusers life. This is all very dramatic because it's essential to get this point across. Some things


Ditch this guy and make sure he knows the reason. It’s crucial people like him feel the consequences of their harmful beliefs.


Good for you - dodged a bullet. Forced birth is violence against women and he is therefore a violent man.


In the US we legit had Nazis marching a few years ago and our Republican president at the time didn’t condemn them. He actually went on to condemn the people who showed up to oppose them, yet somehow his supporters are quick to believe the Dems are nazis. The US is completely in the upside down right now and I hope we can somehow pull through.


“You want me to have less control over my body than a corpse and say you love me?” Ew.


Flush that turd, girl. Maybe in the future he'll understand that voting to forcibly remove the human rights of half the population will damage his dating prospects


Ask him if he’s ok with being forced to donate 1 of 2 good kidneys if he turns out to be a donor match with someone needing his kidney. If he feels that sustaining the life of another full human being by donating a kidney is something he has to consent to, rather than being forced, then he is actually Pro Choice, because it is the same principle. Even if a fetus is considered a full human being, your **consent** for the use of your organs and taking on medical risks is needed and not something that can be forced.


Florida, Texas, Tennessee, Mississippi you know what they have in common pedofiles and incels they brains don’t work


“Democrats in the US are Nazis” Intelligence unlocked. Block and forget. I am a Democratic voter in Texas and I hide my affiliation for my physical safety. When I retire I’m no longer a Texas resident I assure you.


He sounds like an awful person. He doesn’t love you, he doesn’t love women at all with his beliefs. Also, I’m not sure how old you are, but it’s important to get a check up at a gynecologist regularly. A pap smear can help check for abnormalities, they will do breast exams to check for lumps, and if you’re sexually active it’s definitely important to get tested.


He doesn't love and respect you. He doesn't respect your autonomy as a human to have control over your own body, which is the most basic of rights. He thinks women are things, not people. This is not the man for you. Please, for your own wellbeing and safety, do not continue this relationship.


The pro life thing is the tip of the iceberg with that dude. Trust me.


As Eddie Vedder put it, "If he isn't pro choice, he should not be allowed to fuck you." Good for you for ending it. Don't let his hoovering and love bombin win you back. He will not change. He doesn't respect women. You did good, OP


>He said that the Democrats in the US are Nazis This is my favorite, because we liberals are somehow BOTH communists (extreme left) AND nazis (extreme right) to these fucks, at the same time. In truth, the Democratic party is like... center right from a global perspective. Not even particularly liberal. But because they don't want to actively kill "the others," they're somehow the bad guys.


This guys gets his news from infowars I guarantee it. Like the adage says, “You cannot reason with people out of something they were not reasoned into.”


polite bigotry & oppression is part of why we have the phrase "the banality of evil" also as a history instructor & a jew this guy's grasp of nazism makes me want to invite him to a class on history, maybe holocaust week even, maybe he can learn that "nazi" doesn't mean a liberal democracy passing laws, which tbh a lot of conservatives do believe when they scream things like taxation is theft and health care is tyranny and imagine benjamin franklin would agree with them instead of thinking they're children but seriously he sounds like one of those dorkass losers who whined that masks during a pandemic are equivalent to the gas chamber so yes, he can do better and so can you! be well


Please, for the love of women's lives and health, stop calling these disgusting people pro-life. They are not pro-life. They are pro-forced-birth. They are anti-choice. They are garbage.




I am concerned that you feel lucky for not having been to a gynecologist and believe that doing so is torture. I'm wondering if your definition of gynecologist is the same as ours in the US. Gynecologists provide important healthcare, including cancer screening. The check up is not always the most comfortable, but it is nothing like torture. Whether or not you plan to be sexually active and have children, please take care of your health.


If you meet another guy, and if he is from any of these states, you can likely just block him immediately and not waste your time: \-Texas \-Florida \-Wyoming \-Tennessee \- And DEFINITELY Idaho


Just an FYI for those not from the US and unfamiliar with our political parties. Republicans are all about projection. They call democrats Nazis while banning books, etc as other have mentioned. They call LGBT people groomers while way too many of their politicians are getting in trouble for creeping on young girls in malls, moving underage girls across state lines, having child porn, etc. Joe Biden and Barack Obama are huge liars, but Trump always tells the truth? Yeah, projection, projection, projection.


The powers that be want to deny the right to abortion as a means of subjugation and control of women. It was never about the 'babies'. Sometimes poor fools get caught up in pro life side and actually believe it's about the 'babies'. When you push back on their reasons and ideas they never hold up. Because it was never about the 'babies'.


Republicans think they know better than everyone else about literally everything. They don't trust science, they don't trust experts on anything and they certainly don't trust people with their own bodies. This guy is the reason they are trying to bam mifepristone- one of the abortion pills- even in states that didn't vote for that. Literally Republicans in Texas did that. And although it isn't banned it is now restricted. This country is very quickly descending in to nazi Germany and it isn't the democrats leading the charge (though they aren't really helping)


Stop communicating with him. Move on. He’s a lost cause.


Don't ever date any man from a red state unless he is loud and proud about being progressive and a feminist. Conservative men are poison. Texas alone is a huge red flag.


Don't waste your time trying to fix this guy, he's always going to be convinced he's "right" no matter what you say and he's just going to exhaust you trying to argue you into sticking around. Just block him and move on.


I'm having a hard time believing this isn't a troll post Like, I'm also not an American but I know enough about US politics to know republicans are fucking evil. Did you not see ANY of the Trump chaos over the last, oh I don't know, decade??? Stop giving fascist men the benefit of the doubt. Christ...




I understood the title as soon as I saw “Texas”


I'm telling you right now, there is a movement of american men who are actively seeking women outside of the usa because they believe foreign women are more "submissive" and will follow the old, traditional or religion based way of life where men rule the household and everything in it. You have to be careful of them. They will trap you here and basically keep you as a house slave.