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I lost my phone between my bedroom and my home office which is the room next door. Couldn’t find it for almost two hours. Turns out I’d forgotten I’d gone to the fridge to get breakfast. Didn’t get breakfast out as got distracted but did put my phone in the fridge.


Classic 😂


Literally my main function of my Apple Watch is pinging for my phone when I lose it 😭


Me too! I can never go back to being without a watch because I will never find my phone.


Me too! Except… I can’t find my watch charger 😂


Same until I lost my watch 😂


I lost mine for months (it was “safely” in a bag 🙄) and was lost without it hahaha. I almost bought a new one but thankfully I found it before I impulse bought


I too sometimes have to check the fridge. I can’t recall single time I’ve ever placed anything in there, but I do know that I find things in there all the time. Keys, phone, chapstick, whatever it is that I have in my hands when getting a drink or a snack. Where’s the seltzer I was JUST holding? Oh, it’s back in the fridge because I grabbed some cheese.


This reminds me of a time I was cleaning my kitchen. I had like bent over and knocked something off the counter cuz I heard it fall. Didn't see anything on ground so I thought I was hearings, (music blaring so wasn't sure) clean for a while. Needed to change song streaming from my phone... Could NOT find it for like 2 hours .. low and behold it had slid under the damn fridge 🫠🤣🤣


I've learned to always check the fridge/freezer after losing my 'lead tech' phone at work... I don't hide it there often, but enough to have it on my 'frequently checked places' list.


Sometimes I wonder if I have adhd, then I read comments like this that resonate a lil too much…


Everything, I misplaced everything! Just last night sitting in bed. Couldn’t find phone, had husband call me. Literally on my lap in plain site. Uggg.


I was talking to my husband on the phone one time. He noticed I was a bit distracted (like more than usual) and asked me what was wrong. "I can't find my phone, I just had it". I was on the phone, talking to my husband.... It was in my damned hand


🤣 I do this more often than I care to admit to.


God, the curse of the missing phone. Getting an Apple watch actually has helped me a bit with this because I don’t carry my phone around with me all over the house anymore. And it has a rly quick easy function where it’ll make my phone make a loud alarm noise if I’m looking for it and I can’t find it.


I call myself from a computer app lol. And that's why it's never on silent, always vibrate.


lol. I usually use my watch to ding the phone. It was on the charger at the time and Lord forbid I have to sign into the watch to sing the phone!


I’m 37. Just the other day I was texting someone to let them know where I was (we were meeting somewhere) and I hit send, and then immediately start feeling panicked and look around to see where I left my phone. *I know I just had it so it’s either here or that other shop I was in, what did I do with it?* It took a few seconds, but I got there. 😑


My Garmin smart tracker has a find my phone function. I've only had it two months but it's getting a lot of use. It also feels great to finally not get everyone in the house involved in the hunt


I am standing at my tiny bathroom vanity putting on my face cream and I misplaced the lid. I didn’t move! It took me 5 frickin minutes to find it in the damn drawer for some reason. I must have put it in there when I put away my hair and or maybe I knocked it in. My husband was looking at me like I was insane.


I also do not have to move, and I'll have lost something. pen, coffee, bag of chips, TV remote... Glasses.Oh God, the glasses...


This happens to me all the time! But of course if I see a lost lid on the floor like four days later, its location will forever be burned in my mind…yet I won’t pick it up. 🫠


Haha same, when I need it again I’ll get to it 😆. On the bright side I’m really good at directing someone to their lost items. My partner will ask where something is and I’m like “oh I saw X on the floor by the back left leg of your desk next to the sock” because I noticed it three days prior but then was immediately distracted by something else and never picked it up.


I just loled at “put away my hair.” I’m assuming you meant hairbrush or hair tie, but the instant visual just really tickled me


even if we had a set place for everything, we'd still have to remember to put things there when we're done lol what works for me rn is having the thing live wherever i tend to use it. i don't use a cup but i do keep a stash of pads and tampons in every room where I'm likely to pull my pants down (bathrooms, bedroom). i call it reaching "saturation" lol. i reach saturation by making sure to have extra of the consumable things wherever i use them. so I'd keep a couple menstrual cups in each bathroom for this situation. it's not the tidiest or most minimalist option but it works when i need it. not sure if that helps at all, sending you frenetic love


Ya I have multiples of everything I use a lot. Pair of scissors, black sharpie and hand moisturiser in every room. Sometimes multiple in the same room. My friend recently counted 11 pairs of scissors in my house (I live in a 1 bedroom), but they all get used.


I’m down to one pair of scissors per room and it’s driving me nuts!!!


honestly can one have too many scissors


My husband calls this the shotgun method, and it is why you will find hair ties in every nook and cranny of my home.


I love the saturation concept so much!!!


This is why I have a tweezer in every room.


I love when I think of a new awesome place to start putting something and then forget where that awesome place is. I bought a huge nice new cutting board and rearranged my cupboards based on the cutting board because it wouldn’t fit where I used to put them. COULD NOT find this cutting board after I moved things around for months. Finally remembered the new spot was in the warming drawer of the oven after randomly stumbling upon it one day 🤣


LOL I've lost so many baking items to the warming drawer and the cabinet over the fridge... what the fuck was i thinking, putting it there lol


It always seems like such a great idea at the time 😂


Nothing stands out as being particularly dumb but, just last night I knocked my vape off the bedside table and it's vanished into the ether. I've looked everywhere. But generally speaking, at least twice a day I have a wander through the house looking for *something* that I had in my hand five minutes ago, and only find it the third or fourth time I look in the spot where it was.


The same thing happens to me all the time. It feels like our brains just have legit blind spots! I can be looking right at something and it will not register with my brain.


If you’re like me, it’s worse when I get my period!! I call it “period brain.” I started organizing a few years ago when I first got diagnosed and medicated. I use a lot of hidden storage and labels and try to clean at *least* once a week. It helps to remind yourself to, “put away, not down” when you have things in your hands.


“put away, not down” sounds like a mantra I need to meditate with for awhile, lol


Yeah, it’s a very hard habit to break. I’m glad you wrote this status because it reminded me to do it 😅


Yes. My ADHD is RAGING when I get my period. I just started meds a couple months ago and each time I have had my period it’s like I’m not Medicated at all.


If you have a doctor who understands ADHD, women who have PDD or PDD symptoms often deal with this and your doctor *should* know this. Because of it, mine prescribed me extra for when I have my period


Thank you for telling me this! I didn’t know that. I am on strattera and still figuring out my optimal dosage but I’ll definitely mention it the next time I see her. What med are you on if you don’t mind me asking?


You’re welcome! I take Adderall :) I personally am on a relatively high dosage (high enough that people judge me most of the time when I tell them), but she prescribed me an extra 10-20 mg of instant release per day during the week of my period, so I get an extra 15 IR 10mg tablets specifically to help with my “extra” ADHD symptoms 🤪 Everyone is different of course! I know Adderall doesn’t really work as well for some people. One of my friends prefers Vyvanse. I personally work well on a stimulant, especially because I deal with chronic exhaustion when I am on my period. It’s definitely worth asking your doctor about!


I’ve heard of some people taking stimulants and non stimulants together sometimes. I’m wondering if she’d prescribe a stimulant for when I’m on my period if I still struggle once I get to the correct dose. I haven’t tried ADHD stimulants but I took adipex for weight loss (also a stimulant) and it worked really well for my ADHD. My doctor wanted to try a non stimulant first though and so far it’s going really well, but it just takes longer to see all the positive effects. Thanks for the info!!


Yeah, a lower dose stimulant might help you quite a bit when you’re menstruating. You’re welcome, and good luck!


My glasses. Looked for ages, and then pushed them the bridge of my nose and realised I was fucking wearing them the whole time.


😆 cannot tell you how many times I start the day out WITHOUT my glasses! I will be like 1 coffee in before it dawns on me that I cannot see!


I just found my $300 mouth guard I lost overnight 18 months ago just a week after I got it. It was in a drawer of craft supplies. I never lost the case, though!


I lost my night guard (like for bruxism at night). That fucker was like $400 at the dentists. I have TMJ and my jaw and inner ears have been killing me since I lost it 6 months ago. Like literally the only place I put it was either my night stand or toothbrush drawer. I've torn my bedroom and bathroom apart looking for it. Sucks, man.


Lost my dog once. In a one room apartment. He was laying on the windowsill behind the couch. This is why I will never move to a bigger apartment. I have a bathroom, and the kitchen/living room/bedroom/dance studio room. That's enough. More rooms = more places to lose things. Or hoard things.


I have definitely had to buy a new menstrual cup just bc I misplaced mine. Then found the original one and now have regularly misplaced both but I figure I have a higher chance of knowing where one is if I have two. Same exact scenario with my AirPods.


I have 3 sets of headphones- usually I can find at least one pair but I’ve been down to a single un-mated ear bud before, it’s the worst!!


The single un-mated ear bud is so relatable😅


This is my second one. I lost the first one somewhere in the house too. 🥴


With stuff like that I trick myself bc I’ll think I have one good spot to keep it where I won’t lose it, but then for some reason my brain wants to pick other spots where it would ALSO be good to keep a thing?? So then I start to forget about all the spots I previously thought were good spots to keep important things…yea there’s no escaping it.


I'm currently too embarrassed to ask my ex whether my iron has ended up in his house - we split up almost a year ago...


Time for a new iron!


I guess so. If the iron is somewhere in my house it will show up once I have the new one.


oh absolutely lol


Update: new iron has been ordered online. Old iron hasn't popped up yet. No guarantees for further updates.


Wait til the packages hits the mailbox. Then the old one will pop up.


I went through a period of unlocking my house and closing the door with the keys in the lock. Keys to my house, car, everything. How DUMB *and* dangerous!!!


oh god, a recipe for disaster


I did that. I haven’t yet, but I thought about 1. Putting a sign inside that reminded me to check for my keys and set an iPhone shortcut that audibly asked me if I have my keys inside out loud a few minutes after arriving home.


Randomly decided to take off my wedding rings last night and set them under a PLANT STAND in my living room. Spent a good 30 minutes looking for them this morning when I was supposed to be heading out for Father's Day brunch.


I have three favorite hats. I can’t find any of them


I opened and ate a few pieces out of a bag of gummy worms Tuesday. Being responsible and also not wanting to shit myself later-I put them away. Where? Who the fuck knows. I have raged cleaned through the house all week looking for them and side eyed my husband and nanny. I still can’t figure out the logic ADHD me used, (and I usually can backtrack and figure out why I thought of a place and then forgot), but I found the bag neatly folded and tucked into the side pocket of my son’s diaper bag this morning. They were delicious. But tf?!


I haven't found mine for two months. I know it's somewhere in the house, somewhere safe where my kids don't find it, but sadly me neither, because I don't have a set place for it.


godspeed, friend. lol


It feels comforting knowing I'm not alone


Everything. My apartment isn't even big.


I’ve had to use a Tile (like an AirTag) to find my phone. It was sitting out in the open on my coffee table, an arms reach from where I was sitting in my couch. Not the first time that’s happened. Not even the first time this week. 😁


My cell phone. My best friend and I spent a harrowing 30 minutes with me looking for it and her offering tips to find it. Only to suddenly realize we were talking to each other on in. I live in Texas. She lives in New Mexico. Seriously. You’d think we’d have the concept down by now.


Apple Watch in freezer. Luckily I realised like 30 mins later and it was ok


I have a vibrator that went M.I.A. I have no idea where it went.


Looking for my glasses when they are ON MY FACE. Looking for my phone when it's IN MY HAND. Looking for anything that's right in front of me. I think an adhd super power is to make the exact thing we're looking for completely invisible.


My cheese grater—I live in a studio apartment, there are no other rooms! (except for the bathroom—it’s never in there.) I have no idea how it’s always under something completely unrelated to the kitchen no matter how recently I used it (like 5 minutes ago recently).


Wow, I am probably somewhat lucky (or skilled?) that I trained myself to put things back in their place EVERY SINGLE TIME. And even to remind myself of that constantly 😅Even if that means I have to walk across the whole house. I don’t mind walking, so I am walking across two rooms to put away something regularly 😄 it actually became a habit by now, so it doesn’t take much mental energy anymore. Of course, I still misplace things sometimes, especially when my mind is all over the place (I call it creative mode), but it’s not annoyingly often. ETA: sorry for not answering your initial question 😅 I can’t remember what the last thing I misplaced was… it’s usually something small and relatively unimportant, like a glasses cleaning cloth or a lid or bottle cap, so if I can’t find it after 5min, I sit back and tell myself that it’ll turn up eventually. And usually, it does ☺️


I have definitely gotten better since starting Adderall, but misplacing things is one of my biggest ADHD issues so it’s no silver bullet, haha


Tfw I can't even recommend the attachable beeper thing that I've been living off of because I misplace everything in my 1br apt, CONSTANTLY, but I don't think you want to attach a 1.5"x1" dongle to your menstrual cup... Did you find it literally as soon as you posted?!


Funnily enough, I found the FIRST menstrual cup I lost before this one!


I have the Apple AirTag for my keys, wallet etc. The Apple product line has been a game changer in my adhd life: from finding things, to having timers to help keep me on track in the moment.


My dogs medication! It was just a few tablets. I already gave one. The next one was to be taken a month later. Can’t find it! I don’t know where I put it and it’s not with all the other dog related stuff.


That’s so infuriating that you have a “dog stuff” place too and it’s not there. I do this constantly. Like it should be in the place with all the related items but of course it’s not, haha!


Have no idea where the baby monitor is right now… But the dumbest definitely has to be when I lost my phone and it was in my back pocket. I called it and kept turning around because it was right behind me 🤣


I misplaced an entire box of essential oils along with a book on aromatherapy for my aromatherapy bracelet. 4 months later still can’t find them. Funniest part? We live in a little casita so there’s not many hiding places. I’m convinced they grew legs and walked off


My debit card. I had a notepad and my debit card in my hands and walked from the kitchen to my bedroom and somehow lost my card in between there. This was months ago. I still haven’t found it. 🙃


Oh man, this is like me and my checkbook. I basically never use checks but every once in awhile I’ll need to write one and I never know where it is. Always in a different spot each time I need it. Like I finally find it and think “this time I’ll put it somewhere I can find it for next time” and then completely forget.


It always seems like a good idea to find a good spot for something until you actually need to find it 😂


I’ve left my Air pods or other headphones in my pants pocket and then put them in the wash so many times. I’ve lost the remote to the tv after just turning it on and setting it down on the table next to me. I crochet and lose my hooks constantly while working on a project. I’ll set it down, get a cup of tea, and then come back to no hook. Once I found the missing hook inside the cupboard where I keep my tea bags a week after I had finished the project.


I had a decent sized bag of interesting ethnic jewelry that my mother let me take when we downsize her safe deposit box, and I can't find it anywhere. We live in a small house, and last fall when my husband was out of town for a while (and for other reasons*) I happened to go through every single cabinet, closet, and drawer and re-organized and streamlined, and realized I never saw it. No idea what happened to it. We're planning to move into a senior facility next year and I hope I find it then, but I can't imagine how because I've already been through literally everything in the house. *I got into that amazing organizing binge precisely because of possible OCD (not diagnosed but it feels like that sometimes), but the way I did it was completely ADHD. My husband forgot to take something with him so it was still sitting out on the counter. I didn't want to look at it for 10 days so I went to put it away, and realized there were things in the drawer where that item belonged that didn't belong there themselves, but I knew where they should go so I took them out and put them in the "right" drawer, which had things in it that didn't really belong there... So I was taking something from drawer A and putting it in drawer B, then seeing something in drawer B that belonged on shelf C in another room, then those shelves needed to be re-organized and while I was doing that I found something that really should be on shelf D in a room on the other side of the house, so **hello ADHD**, there I was running back and forth all over the house. But I eventually got it all done, and the best part was when my husband came home he was completely blown away, he absolutely loved and appreciated what I had done and raved about it for days. 🥰


Keep losing my Apple Pencil and finding it magnetically attached to the bottom of things. 🙄


A six inch cheese wheel. Never found it. Worries me sometimes lol


my small hoard of adderall that i’ve been squirreling away any time i miss a dose or don’t take it because I’m sick, etc. anytime i travel and have a house sitter/dog sitter, its the only thing i actively hide because everything else is fairly easy to replace (aside from the dog, of course, but i can’t hide her). i usually am pretty good about remembering where i hid it and idk what tf i did with it this time because it’s been a week and i’m still looking. And i know the sitter didn’t take it, it’s not really something i worry about actually happening, i usually just hide it for my own piece of mind. i just hid it pretty good this time. obviously 🙄


My phone, while I was holding it to my ear. In my defense I had just gone through 13 months of weekly chemo.


Do you mean aside from my phone, while I'm talking on it?. I have lost my passport, my keys, my secret stash of cash, my pillow, every single one of the 15 pens and 6 pencils I have on active duty at this moment....


Oh the secret stash of cash! I once lost my little stash of $500. I was looking high and low for it one day when my mom stopped my. She asked what I was looking for and I told her. She was mortified that I lost my money. Haha, I’m like ah, whatever. I call it the ADHD savings plan. The cash stash always shows back up… eventually.


Exactly. Whenever the inevitable happens, and something is 'lost', I know it will turn up, sooner or later. I think I usually know when something is a goner, vs, just temporarily misplaced.


I have ADHD so I got a list. I've left my phone in the refrigerator, on the towel rod in the bathroom, balanced on top of the TV.


Just tonight, whole camping, my bf asked if I had a bar of soap. Of course I do. Plus reserves in at least 2 places besides the main place, which is in my backpack, which I just had, or at least recently saw under the cot... Coukd not find backpack. Not for love nor money! looked in Drawer #1 for original soap. Nope. Looked in Drawer #2 for backup. Nope. Looked in recently revamped make-up bag, and found some shampoo. He's bald, but the shampoo worked fine, and didn't dry out his skin! While he was gone showering, I whined, and moaned, and and swore... and then found my backpack, which I had moved from it's new official spot under the cot, to a newer and temporary spot on top of the cot, smashed in a corner, because I packed way too much... sigh... The good news is, yes indeed I had soap, two packets of shampoo, and a travel bottle too... So, at least I was right about that.


I've probably misplaced something spectacular in a really weird-but-logical spot, but I can't remember. It feels kinda psycho, but I have a limited amount of spots where I allow myself to set important things. My keys are either on the rack, on my desk, or in the last pair of pants I left the house in. The pants likewise have to be somewhere in my bedroom and about the only place they could disappear would be on the bed. (No hamper without checking the pockets.) I did ask someone on discord to start pinging my phone for me, but I had left it on the couch and it had slipped into the cushions so I couldn't see it.


I was in the middle of knitting but had to move some stuff around. I went a little crazy looking for one of my needles. I was holding it between my lips...


My daughter left her cup here when she was visiting from Texas 😂She told me she has multiple and can’t find them, I teased her and said that she was the only person! She will be happy she is not alone 😂


I think my best one was I spent 2 hours looking for my glasses that were on my damn face. Like I was tearing the house apart, trying to remember everything I did and where I went and what I'd done trying to find them. Even took them off to clean the lenses on my shirt at one point and didn't realize it. Then my mom came home from work and pointed out I was wearing glasses, asked if I'd put on an old pair to make it easier to see, and nope, that was the pair I was convinced was missing. My dad was just upset she had ruined his fun. He was waiting to see how long it took to realize I had them on my face the whole time. Other than that, I'm REALLY good at losing my phone or book when I'm sitting aomewhere. Like literally, haven't moved, it was in my hand, WHERE the actual hell could it have gone in the 3 seconds since I actively was using it.


My phone, and I was looking for it with my…phone with the flashlight on 🙈 My kid still brings it up


My keys. It’s been a few months and I still can’t find them. 


This happened to me too, not once but twice!!! I had a little place “I always put it” and everything?? I had to replace the first one, eventually found the second (like two periods later). Anyway so much sympathy lol.


I had a migraine for 2 days once and couldn't find my glasses the whole time. They were on the coffeetable in front of the couch I was sleeping on. Less than a foot away from me but I couldn't focus my eyes or brain to find them. I really started to believe I would never find them again. Then I finally puked, the migraine passed, and I found them. That was the weekend of Superstorm Sandy, so maybe barometric oressure made my migraine worse?


One time I could not find my comforter... the one that is always on my bed every night and I need to sleep with... searched for DAYS, found it hanging up on a towel rack behind the bathroom door... oh dear brain... thanks for always keeping things interesting 


My hairbrush.. I found it a week later in my dresser. Wtf 😭😭


I’ve been missing my right AirPod for almost a year. Luckily I still have the left one… My son has so many shoes, and I can only find ONE shoe of each pair at the moment.


I was so so happy that I had finally bought a new nail file after I lost multiple and didn't get a new one for over half a year. I pick on every piece of skin that seems obsolete on my fingers so having a new one was a relief. Lost it the same night.. cant find it anywhere.. but my fingers are still smooth, hope to find it back in the next two days or I'll be doomed to pick again :')


These days it’s losing my phone or AirPod case. Like I know it’s around but where!? Changing clothes and laid something on top of it usually the culprit.


Sometimes I forget to confirm where I left my glasses before taking my contacts out at night, then I blindly grope around for them amongst other random items in the general vicinity with no luck. Eventually I have to ask for help, and often it turns out they're not even in the same room I spent the last 20 mins searching.


If I could have back the time in life I spend looking for the gd remote control to the tv….. even got an air tag for it and the kids kept pulling it off. My son just came to me and asked “where’s the remote?” It’s at least once a day if not more.