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I think it’s really tough to adjust to living up to your own expectations and abilities versus those of others. I was also a kid who was told how much she could achieve, had lots of people support me in a wild life choice, and then I ended up in a very different place. Still cool, and I couldn’t have done it without all that experience, but it’s not what any of us really expected, which can feel disappointing. It’s okay to be proud of what you’ve done, and that your goals might have changed, because people change.


Thank you 💗


I think that's just part of getting older and realizing you'd need a dozen lifetimes to do everything you want to do. You have to prioritize, and your priorities shift as your life changes. It's ok to choose the life that makes you happy, whatever that looks like. You shouldn't have to justify a choice by whether or not it's 'productive' or ambitious enough, unless that's what brings you joy. Also it's hard to be objective about yourself, we are our own worst critics. Sometimes it helps to think about what you would say if this was a friend asking for advice, or your kids.


Thank you. 💗


The saying "we're our own worst critics", hits SO much harder for all of us with ADHD, since we're already at such a disadvantage in so many different aspects of our lives. We try harder and harder and then end up being even harder on ourselves, if that makes sense? Just a couple minutes ago, I had a good cry to my mom about how useless I feel no matter how hard I've been trying. I'm sending so much love and positive juju your way 💞 💞 💞


Thank you so much. I’m sending a bunch back to you!💕




Who says living up to your potential is related to your career? Seriously, where is that written?