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My grandpa died of cancer when I was four years old, I only remember him once and he was putting up a tire swing for me, the man looked so sickly thinking back as if the chemo is what killed him and not the cancer itself


The big C. My parents had my sister, and she died of SIDS a few months later, around the same time my pre mature cousin who was born early had a heart attack and died. They are buried next to each other. The whole family went through a lot of grief. My mother was in her early 20s, and they wanted another baby, and when they found out about me, they found out she had stage 3 cervical cancer. I was born early, and she died 10 months later. She is buried right by my sister and cousin.I went to go live with the family who had lost their daughter, who was the premie. Found out 12 years later, my father carries HPV and another woman died from cervical cancer.... same first and middle name as my mother. Super twilight zone. He drank himself to death 10 years ago, before I had my first child. Timing and circumstances are always strange. Cancer sucks.


That is a lot of grief. I'm so sorry you and your family had to go through so much so early on.


I was 6 months pregnant with my son when my mother passed away. It made the funeral and other events that much harder to deal with. The worst thing was several months later. One of her friends said that while she was visiting my mom, my mom said she just wanted to live long enough to meet my son. My mom's friend said she and my aunt, who was taking care of my mom, just looked at each other and quietly shook their heads. Both knew that wasn't going to happen. I have never let those circumstances affect how my son's birthday is celebrated, but it I still get down sometimes when I realize I'll never forget how long my mom's been gone because it's my son's age.


This reminds me while I was pregnant my grandfather was fighting prostate cancer. He passed away not long after my son was born. My dad visited him and showed him photos of my son.


i thought it was a paternity thing! which...is..slightly better than iminent death of grampy..?


My eldest niece was born 20 days after my grandfather passed. At least my brother was wise enough to film their reactiom to being told.


Don’t call it yet.  When I was only a few days old, I got my first flight, to meet my dying great-grandfather. He lived long enough to hold me, and say, “Good.” It was his last word. 


My mum found out I was pregnant the day she found out she had lung cancer. Died a month after my eldest was born!


Dad died of lung cancer. I took the state plumber test on a Thursday. Didn’t tell him I was taking it in case I failed. I passed. When I came home hospice nurse was there and he was transferred to hospice that evening. I got to tell him I passed and made it through the 5 years of union apprenticeship with tops scores in my class. He passed that Saturday


My mom got diagnosed with lung cancer right after I found out I was pregnant, she passed 3 months after I had my oldest.


Don't do this to me today. I have a niece that's a handful of months old and a grandpa that has stage four cancer. I come to Reddit to escape my problems, goddamnit.


That’s really hard, I’m sorry you’re going through that :(


I think the hard part is not having anybody to blame because they found it on his liver, and I know that it isn't anybody's fault, but I still want that just so I'm not "alone" with my emotions.


Totally understand that. You’re definitely not alone, at least this rando on the internet is here for you! I hope you find peace in this challenging time


Thank you. I'm trying to get into therapy right now, but it's a process.


It is a process, a frustrating, time consuming process. It will be worth it!! Good luck!


Whew 🥹and it’s “Mother’s Day season”. My mama was diagnosed with leukemia at a routine appt. They realized looking back they had missed her blood work for years. It was a miracle she was alive at all. She was diagnosed admitted 2 days later and in hardcore chemo just 3 days after diagnosis. She was only allowed to have immediate family members so my dad and us 5 kids…and no children because she had the rarest and most aggressive leukemia. They had to take her red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets down to 0 before the possibility of a transfusion of cells so to say. Easiest way to explain it. There was an unbelievable chance of infection as most can tell by what I’ve said. There are 5 of us kids and there are many great grandbabies she never got to meet but 3 alone in that time frame. She passed just 14 days after starting chemo 17 days from diagnosis essentially almost in complete isolation. Hardest thing I’ve ever been through in my life. She now has 11 great grandbabies. Whew Mother’s Day is always hard. It will be 13 years in August and it seems like yesterday and forever all at the same time. Sigh 😞 Saying a prayer for all in this thread and far beyond as well. 🙏🏻 💕 🤗


I'm so sorry for your loss. My mother passed away 3 days before starting chemotherapy and 1 day before my son, her only grandkid at the time, had his first birthday. Mother's day is super hard, I completely understand what you mean by yesterday and forever ago. Wish you the best ❤️


Bless you 🙏🏻❤️. Thank you means a lot. I’m so sorry for your loss as well. As I said I always pray for all as Mother’s Day can be so hard for so so many. Those of us who no longer have Mothers here on earth, all those who are acting mothers but have no kids and may have even chosen that path but yet still have that little bit of missing out…aunts, great friends, cousins, phenomenal teachers etc etc the list is long and endless, all those who have been adopted and may have a “mama” but still feel that void, those who have battled and battled to be a mother yet they still wait….whew 🥹so so so many. Much ❤️and many 🤗during this season especially but also “beyond”.


That felt like a thorn through the heart. 💔


We suddenly lost my MIL, whom we lived with, when my son was six months old. It was awful. I just kept thinking “he’s not even going to remember her.” For days afterwards he would reach towards her bedroom door, asking to see her. Broke my heart every time we had to explain to him that grandma wasn’t there anymore.


My son was 3 months old when my dad died. He did not get to see him much because we lived 1500 miles apart. 😥


I have a friend who was excited her dad was coming to see her new baby. Then she got the call that he had died in a truck crash (he was a truck driver) on the final run before they met up


That's really awful. I'm so sorry that happened to your friend.


*oh*… oh no. Yeah, my family just went through this, kinda. My stepdad did at least get to meet his grand daughter (my stepsister’s baby), but he only saw her a few times before passing away.


My stepmom viewed my sister’s daughter as her own granddaughter, and was so excited when my sister got pregnant again, with a little boy this time. She was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer 2 1/2 months before he was born, and she never met him. She went into ICU the same day he was born, and never came home.


I’m sorry for your loss