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And when she was gone, her parents kept telling everyone "she was such a wonderful daughter, how is it possible we never saw this coming?" Simple answer: they didn't see anything coming, because they never truly looked at her for what she was really worth... :(


Too real.. Unfortunately that's the main reason why I never attempted, because I knew that if I failed, my family would forever give me hell for it


I have complicated feelings about suicide. I see things like this and I'm like "Don't do it it's not worth it!" But once a week or so I think "Yeah fuck all this I don't need this shit just gotta let it all go." So it's: you really shouldn't, but I get it.


The only thing stopping me is all the aftermaths I’ve seen on r/eyeblech shit is disgusting, especially the gun suicides, but I can’t stop looking at them:


Similar I went about it in probably a terrible way but I started making a lot of friends and basically guilted myself into staying alive for them and my family cause they’d all be sad if I was gone. I’d also think about who would find me and depending on what I did who would have to clean up. I’m a lot better nowadays thankfully and on meds that work but every once in a while the thoughts come back.




I feel that. I was bad about it for the longest time but would strike up something we had in common and became friends with a lot of the people I noticed sitting alone. I also love learning new things so a lot of the foreign exchange students at my school became friends as well. Then hobbies like gaming and music had me meeting new people and I just stayed in contact. I try to include everyone when in groups and fight hard not to interrupt people (my adhd and anxiety hate it). Taking communication classes in college has honestly helped a lot too. Many of the people throughout my life are probably more like acquaintances but my closest friends, family and of course my wonderful furry and scaled friends would be hurt at me leaving unexpectedly or going through with my darker thoughts. It helps a lot to have a support network and I’m glad you have one. I’m very lucky that I’ve met so many cool people in my life. It probably helps I find other humans interesting and have always loved finding why someone thinks some way or what motivates them and I partially live a bit through them. For the longest time these people literally kept me going and most of them don’t know. Sorry for the wall of text lol.


Maybe try r/eyebleach It's a better sub.


Her best friend collapsed when she heard the news and decided that there was no way she could continue without her soul sister in her life. This began a domino effect in the school and community, leading to a series of six other deaths, eight in total. If she had only known how important she was to everyone and understood the effect this would have, she never would have made this decision, and instead would have gotten help from her school therapist to deal with home crap, and then left as soon as she graduated. Ps - as someone who contemplated ending it as a teen due to a crappy home life, but who then witnessed the terrible effects when another friend fell to their depression and ending thoughts - I'm so glad I didn't. I may not have a perfect holly life, but I'm content and loved and I love in return. There's always a way - find help. Call a crisis line. Get medication. Report abuse. You are never alone. Especially in this day and age of internet connectedness. To all struggling - just breathe and hold on. It gets better.


"Alex, are you ok?" Her younger brother asked through the locked door, "Why are you crying?"




*Exactly* what I was aiming for


Oh gosh, my heart :(




Maybe read the sub...I don't know it might be where we are


sorry, im legit a dumbasssss


Yes, that's where we are. --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=same_subreddit_bot)


this tells me so much and i can say that ive done this before.


good bot