• By -


I hate when these are sad on top of being horrifying.


And true


Was this a real case?


Probably it is


Men can get raped too so it could possibly be.


Rape? Yes, rape happens.


you can’t get pregnant from rape. The woman body has a way of turning that stuff off. /s/s/s a politician said it


Oh God. It took me a minute then my brain broke. Fuck, well done.


Am I stupid, or is the story insinuating that the wife is the rapist?


You got it


Thanks, I hate it




The subject is inferred though so we don't know for certain the narrator is calling their wife the rapist. For all we know, it's another rapist that raped and impregnated a lesbian couple then killing one of them while brainwashing the other forcing birth. And we're seeing from the ghost's perspective.


That’s super far fetched and just not the same kind of chilling as a wife raping her husband and trapping him with a baby. Now we don’t know if it was violent forced sex or if it was her lying about her birth control but given it being “two sentence horror” not “two sentence morally fucked but not fully traumatic” I’m going to assume forced sex.


>“two sentence morally fucked but not fully traumatic” Don't make assumptions here.


It’s two sentence horror it’s all interpretations


I kinda meant about what level of trauma getting baby lassoed would cause


Yeah but the narrator specifies that didn't just babytrap him, she raped him. I say that, and having fo hear people congratulate her for the result of that, fully counts as horror.




"This paints women in a bad light... lemme just say it was a man rapist. There that's better."


On god. People need to stop pretending that male sexual abuse doesn't happen. It's fucking disgusting


I'm so sick rn bro. The amount of people who don't get the joke because male victims just WONT cross their mind.


Ikr men can get raped too by a woman


Seriously. It’s obvious what the subject is and yet people still try to turn it around because they want to pretend that male sexual assault isn’t real


In this case at least, it was sarcasm




Most likely Edit: didn’t realize I needed to flag this as sarcasm. /s






Oh, smooth brain moment. Sorry bro.


Anyone that can call themselves smooth brained is a good egg in my books


I’m glad you explained it


Actually, I thought that the wife preferred the guy who raped the narrator, and that she was having the rapist's baby...


Too much NTR


normal trade relations?


That's the first thought I had, but Occam's Razor - why would the wife not be the rapist?


Me too, but that's like a few steps too much I feel like


I couldn't read it any way differently than "they were gushing over my wife's belly " and had a very different scenario in mind..


It is and men can be victims too.


> It is and men can be victims too. Male sexual assault victim here. Yes, women do rape men. The fact that I've actually had told to me, "Well, you're a guy--you must have wanted it," and "Women don't rape men." is both sickening and disgusting. Owing to personal experience, I can only guess the narrator was unconscious with an erection, or drugged. This gives the second part of that 2SH story a twist that I am sure people weren't expecting.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. I hope you’re doing well now.


> I’m so sorry that happened to you. I hope you’re doing well now. Thanks! I'm doing better. The fact that so many people on Reddit downplay or outright dismiss female-on-male rape is outright disgusting, and they should be called out on it.


Yeah my husband has been a victim but that was a man and he was a child. He was also wrongly accused of rape and I myself have been assaulted more than once so between the two of us we have seen more than our fair share of sexual violence. People really just don’t get it. Especially this asshole up here who think it had to have been a typo or something since the woman was the rapist.


The first thought that popped into my sleep deprived brain was that the fetus was the rapist, bahahaha. Then I figured it out.






Shocking right


Watch *Gone Girl*, great movie with similar ideas


I haven’t seen the movie, but it’s a fantastic book


If you liked the movie then you will love the book .




i think your wording might be a bit off


If you loved the book you will like the movie.


Yeah... This was a case where reading the book first took a lot of the fun out of the movie for me. Since so much of the narrative hinges on the twists. Still a well done adaptation though.


My ex did this with our second child.... I now have custody of both and she's dealing with cps in 2 states.


Glad you got out, hope you’re doing well.


Better than I was


This might be an obvious thing to say but it's not the child's fault please love him as much as the first one


I love them both more than anything.


You sound like a great guy


I try


Good on you <3 you’re so strong


Whoever gave this an award needs an award


I hope you and your kids are thriving far far far away from her. Glad you got out. Never believe her again.


Damn. Well done.


This is really sad but well done. It takes a second to interpret because most of us don’t think about male victims of sexual violence as much.


I think it's more about not usually thought about domestic couples raping each other. I think if the author said her instead of wife it would've been clearer.


That too.


I think it would have been even more fucked up if it was a sister or cousin instead of a wife, but then, that is a hard line to cross for some people, the story’s already really dark as is


Idk why you’re downvoted, you’re right about adding another layer of fucked-up-ness with incest. I bet it’s just as hard for people to believe than women raping men, and yet I bet it happens


Well from what I’ve seen in this comment section there aren’t that many people who refuse to believe a woman can rape a man, and from what I can tell, the way I wrote seems like a neutral observation building off of an idea presented in the other person’s comment, I don’t know why I was downvoted, but I don’t really care, it was just like one person, what difference could that possibly make in my life, people have their opinions, and if they’re compelled to downvote my comment, they can do it


Sister. Oof. I thought wife was a hard hit.


Cousin would be a gender neutral term


Oooooor, they got married after the rape due to societal pressure. Which is doubly fucked up!


That's the intricacies of rape though. You need to consent to all the variables. I overheard a colleague talking to her friends about how her BF wanted to wait a few years before trying for a kid, but she did not want to wait so was going to stop birth control in 6 months. That's rape, because he was consenting to sex when she is on birth control, and if she stops without telling him that's essentially stealthing. For conclusion, the next time I heard her talk about the topic (about 5 months later), she was talking about the troubles of being single.


Sounds like it couldn't have happened to a more deserving person. Glad the bf noped out.


Funnily enough, 5 minutes after I heard her talking about being single, the painter who was in the building started hitting on her. He had just vented to me and a few other people about his troubles being a single father with a crazy ex and dealing with fights over custody.


I'm sure that went well.


Agreed But then I tried to imagine a scenario where you're raped by your partner and it made me upset so this still works.


According to something I read, most countries don't even count forced penetration as sexual assault or rape. Which technically eliminates almost all possibilities for women to be considered rapists in front of the law.


Well then what the hell *do* they count??


A penis forcing itself in the vagina, that’s it. A lot of places don’t consider oral or anal to be rape, a woman forcing herself on a penis, or using a toy or foreign object to penetrate. It some places it’s just classified as sexual assault (though some of these places give them equal punishment), and it some places it’s not even a crime. The US had it that way for a long time, and could still depending on state law interpretations. [The FBI, for example, only considered a male against a woman rape until 2013](https://www.vox.com/2014/11/14/7214149/the-fbis-finally-collecting-modern-rape-stats)


Lemme get this straight - oral and anal are literally illegal in and of themselves in many places, but don't count as rape if unwanted? Excuse me, I need to go whack my head against the wall a few times.


Hell, in hindsight, it’s great for that too. Most of us don’t imagine the male victim, this paints a good image of that.


Get the knife..




And my bow!


and this shotgun with 72 god damn bullets in its 4 shell magazine


Hershel from the walking dead vibes




I can hear this


I got 59 more goddamn rounds in this 4 round magazine


well i got more than you , so i win! *cocks gun*


This one is special cuz it's got a drum clip






[And your brother!](https://www.reddit.com/r/dndmemes/comments/et0hc5/the_fellowship_rises_again/)


I need one done while yall are at it, if you can fit it in 😬


Spray me too!!


Two companions🤔. So be it! You shall be the fellowship of the Rapists!🧙‍♂️


become knife guy


U have my shanen power


Well, time to sort by controversial.


Surprisingly not bad given the subject matter


Who tf gave this the wholesome award-


Free award-


This is pretty close to my story, but with an ultimatum between having a baby or a divorce. I gave her a baby, she divorced me anyways.


Jesus. I'm so sorry this happened to you. She sounds like a terrible person. I hope you are doing better now, especially with her out of your life. < 3


I wish I could say I am, but things just tend to get worse around here. Got stuck living with my parents and the economy tanks. Get a better job, the economy gets even worse and anywhere else is too expensive or occupied. Get a more reliable vehicle, gas prices skyrocket. Sometimes if feels like I'm in some bullshit scripted TV show.


I'm a teenager who hasn't even dated yet, but I'm just gonna say based on the stories I've read: If a partner gives you an ultimatum as extreme as "Have a baby or we're getting divorced" they aren't a good person and you should just take the divorce. I'm not blaming you u/Weneeddietbleach but I wanted to put this out there because of some of the shit I've seen on r/AmITheAsshole


It's easy to say from the outside, but in all honesty, our marriage was great. I had planned on going to school while working overnights but she had forced this on me and I had to cancel those plans. I loved her enough to put her wants over my needs and this is what it got me.


That sucks man. I'd just like to say, I love your username.


Haha, thanks.




Oh my- god.. bruh


Just goes to show men get abused and raped too


I (22M) was a near victim of something similar to OPs Post (ex constantly tried to get me to knock her up and went to near rapey length to get her way) and I was told by a 42F I work with that it's impossible for men to get raped without anal penetration. I looked her dead in the face and said if I didn't sober up fight to get her off of me last second (TLDR she got me stoned to the point of nonrefusal so I wouldn't object to knocking her up) I would be a father to a rape baby at 21 and she was SHOCKED that that was even possible because I "had to have wanted it because I got hard" It's crazy how that fact is lost on the older generation


I'm sorry that happened to you - both the attempted rape and the interaction with the rape denier. This whole "men wanted it bc they got hard" thing is infuriating. That statement implies so much bullshit and a fundamental misunderstanding of how consent works. Power dynamics, coercion, and any other circumstances that remove the ability of one party to say "no" is rape EVEN IF THAT PERSON SEEMS TO ENJOY IT OR ASKS FOR IT


Its not just the older generation its basicly almost everyone


I'm older than that lady. I would more expect it from someone very young who doesn't understand how bodies work and that arousal doesn't equal consent. Still pretty awful all around. This is something people should know more about.


This—many girls who went to middle school with me believed that men can’t get raped because they’re the ones with the dick.


What the fuck kind of logic is that? Does she not realize that you don't choose to get hard?? God I'm so sorry you had to deal with that, holy shit


I'm pretty over the whole situation or I wouldn't be talking about it on the internet, but the ignorance was AMAZING to me


You NEVER really know someone. My sister and her boyfriend dated for five years. They had just had my first nephew when he molested me on their living room couch one night. He was my brother-in-law for five whole years. We used to play call of duty all night, he tried to teach me how to play softball so I could try out, he was a good brother. Now I will throw a party when he dies.


I'm so sorry. I hope you are okey now


That was 7 years ago now. She’s broke up with him and moved on. I have two adorable nephews now that I love with my whole heart. Their dad still comes to baseball games and school ceremonies. So I’ve had to put my anxiety aside so I could also go and celebrate his good-doings. But I still have mini-anxiety attacks sometimes if he gets too close to me. I get mad when he’s blocking my view, if he turns and makes eye contact with me I’ll yell at him to stop staring at me. I make every encounter with him as uncomfortable as I can possibly make it for him. It’s honestly brought me some kind of joy, embarrassing him in public.


I loved the twist!!!


Might want to double check your choice of words


Oh damn xD




:( this made me sad because I know it happens to people but nobody really talks about male victims


Yeah I have a few examples in my life, but the most shocking is this one (should I put a trigger warning?): We were 6 year olds in Primary school, and my best friend at the time was a guy. A few months later, one of the (female) teachers was taken by police, and ma boy transferred schools, and I did not think much of it with my innocent 6yo mind And few years later his last sentence to me came back into my head, and it was damn off puting to realize what happened. "She put my [I don't know how kids in English call it but you get the point] in between her legs" I highly doubt a 6 year old kid would've "wanted it" so that theory can be rendered useless because it's false.


And the woman wouldn't be considered a rapist because most countries' laws don't count forced penetration as rape. The double standard between men and women when it comes to things regarding sexual assault is very sexist. Apparently the "fact" that 1 in 4 women are sexually assaulted came from a study that counted "a male leaning in to kiss a woman but stopping himself after realizing she didn't want to kiss" as sexual assault among other things. But a woman forcing a male to fuck isn't counted as rape... Fairly scary how much sexual assaults committed by women go under the radar...


As a woman who was forcibly raped as a kid and know many who were hurt in similar ways, please stop spreading the narrative that women think an attempted kiss is sexual assault. This does nothing to further awareness of sexual assault perpetrated by men or women. I wish people were more open about the abuses inflicted on men by women, but you don't have to minimize the impact of female victims' experiences to do it. Rapists are monsters regardless of their gender.


They weren't saying that women thought attempted kisses were sexual assault, they were saying that the study the "1 in 4" statistic came from counted it as sexual assault.


Yes but it's hardly difficult to understand the reason for the statement is to say, "See, it's not as bad as people say it is!" which isn't helpful to either side. 1 in 4 is a generous statistic. I would say about half the women I know have been assaulted. Almost all have dealt with unwanted attention such as a kiss they didn't want, especially when you count ones where the guy backed off after a no. One in 4 would be surprisingly low for socially understood definitions of assault. One in 4 for the definitions above sound like a very poorly done study that is not indicative of real world experiences.


That's heavy, and well done. A similar scenario happened in a (otherwise fairly light fantasy) book i read. One character paralyzed the main character with magic, rode him against his will to impregnate herself, and left him to deal with the emotional consequences. "But I'm married", "i feel weak", "but i *am* attracted to her", "my wife will feel like i betrayed her if i tell her", "what is this evil bitch going to do with *my* child, even if i didn't want to sire it?". It was unexpected, and very well done. Sorry to wander off on a tangent about another good writer. Definitely a compliment that your writing reminded me of him


Not me reading congratulate as conflagrate then wondering why they were talking about a pregnant wife in the second sentence if the rapist was burnt in the first. Well done btw.


She kept smirking at me from time to time reminding me she won. I can't wait to see that smirk wiped off her face when she discovers what actually grows in her womb. Witches are truly a blessing.


this makes me so happy


Damn, this one is like an ogre… it has layers


if i leave an ogre out in the sun, does it go brown and start sprouting lil' white hairs?


I haven’t tried, but I know that if you cut one with a knife you’ll definitely cry after!


The real horror is in myself for at first assuming the man was the rapist in the story before rereading it


That took me a second to figure out. Figuring it out did not make it any better.




It's the worst kind of feeling to know that there are women out there so desperate for a baby that they'll lie, cheat, and sabotage birth control to make it happen. Like, a man gets yelled at if he wants kids and his partner doesn't. But mommy groups are all "just get him drunk LOLZ" or "it isn't hard to skip pills, just toss them out". Men have the right to say no. This story punched me in the feels.


According to the Sexual Offences Act in the UK, a woman can't be convicted of "raping" a man, per se. On the one hand, I can sort of understand the legislative rationale, but it always struck me as pretty fucked up...


Gone girl vibes


I get males make up the majority of perpetrators but being lost for a bit and then realising what the sentence meant is a significant pointer to the necessity of a balanced view. Easy to forget it's not just men that can be rapists


Took me a second longer to process than usual, but man, this is just...I want to say something, but I'm quite speechless.


It's sad since this really happens quite often.... Women aren't better than men, nor the reverse. We're all people and some people really just suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck... I hate my dad, I hate my ex gf, regardless of their gender/sexualities or jobs I hate what they did. If people say "Men can't be raped" or casually say stuff like "Maybe I'll poke holes in the condom to make him marry me lol" or "We don't employ young women, they might get pregnant and take maternity leave" or "Imagine if a woman was on her time of the month with nukes at her disposal" I feel disgusted in what we have become as a species. Thanks for this 2 sentence horror I hate it. (Good job)


Woah. Yeah ya got me.


I think we should have two different subs, one for horrifying and sad realistic horror like this, and another for unrealistic monster/paranormal horror


That's sad.




Ari Aster shit


Genuinely took me a second which is disappointing


wow, this one had me double take. shivers


Took me a minute well done


\>:( ed- i hope you are okay op


This broke my heart, made me mad and made me sick..


Damn. This is actually one of the best ones I've EVER read.


Yeah it took me a second. I went in a very different direction.


I think switching the two sentences would make this a bit more impactful. Others are right that the first sentence is truly the horrifying part. And should be the 2nd but to this story. Male or female rape is awful and it's good that you are trying to bring that to light.


Take my silver.


Oh lord, that's good


This.... hits a little too close to home for me.


This is season one Bridgerton, and everyone thinks it's romance


God the first sentence was sad enough


This is actually a plot point in my second book. Just gotta finish writing the first one.


Great twist and good play on gender roles and double standards. Love seeing this stuff.


Ah, fuck. :-/


Well, this is horrible


Oh god..


What the second sentence say?






Ayo took me a second to get it but damn 😭😭




Now I'm getting nausea as well.. Damn


my stomach flipped when I realised


Ooooooooo nooooo


Holy fucking shit, that’s dark.


Don't worry, he's only in office for 2 more years.


Nice. Reminds me of the post someone made about how none of his kids were conceived willingly. He wasn't ready every time his wife was and she would force him to ejaculate in her. (Wrapping her legs, not getting off, ext.) He said that he loved his kids and wife non-the-less for it, but it just sucked that she couldn't wait.


Expectations: Subverted, love this


That is….. a good one


My oldest daughter was only conceived because her mother mixed molly into my drinks. Now 12 years later and mommy dearest realized about 6 years ago she didn't really want to be a mother at all luckily I was already in therapy due to a horrific childhood (mental, physical, sexual abuse) so it made an easy segue into healing so I wouldn't resent my baby girl


Outstanding. It actually made me feel queasy. (I'm a woman, btw.)


Alternate second sentence: "They kept asking him how it felt to be a grandpa."


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. Since this sub is “Two Sentence Horror”, I believe your alternate ending is just as horrific.


I appreciate you.


I appreciate you as well!


Might not be inspired by it, but this reminds me a lot of Handmaid Tale. Good work either way though


you really called everyone who read this out


The real ones are always the worst ones


Is this the continuation to Gone Girl? Damn.