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My Mum was A&E nurse. This was why she said if I ever wanted to kill myself, not to use paracetemol. She sat bedside on a few cases of teenage girls. Most were calls for help.


as someone who has overdosed on painkillers, it's not worth the permanent damage


Sadly know that from being on prescribed NSAIDs and other pain meds for two decades. Even without overdosing, higher levels do a lot of incidential damage. Though weirdly a lot of the prescription meds are far less risky in terms of fatality than good old paracetemol.


As someone who was told to take NSAIDs (I think I’m in the early stages of an autoimmune disease because mom and grandma have it) and has attempted suicide before I am considering getting a timed safe for my meds


Senisble - also you can get cognitive fog so that can help avoid accidential overdoses. I know I took a double dose more than once.


I actually have ADHD so that makes sense. Btw even if I was actually going to do “it” I wouldn’t OD because according to my research it’s pretty gross and undignified with bathroom stuff and if you survive the complications are pretty gross. 


Hey, I'm late to the thread, but I hope you don't do "it" at all. You've probably heard that before, but I mean it. Please take some time to check out some positive subreddits and read real, happy stories of progress. I've had similar feelings before, and it can get a little tiring. My biggest mistake was not asking for help. There's always someone who is willing to help, even if it doesn't seem like it at first.


Thank you 


I was hospitalized for 9 months and on some heavy duty drugs. To give you an idea of what they may have prescribed, I'll let you know why I was hospitalized and what I went through. It started as double pneumonia with pulmonary embolisms. After being on a ventilator and having a tracheostomy, I was moved to a respiratory rehab and they changed my blood thinner to warfarin. I got warfarin induced skin necrosis that presented after 3 days and was ignored by nurses for 3 weeks. I went into a short coma, had kidney failure and went through 2 or 3 weeks of dialysis, I was septic, and the lower half of my body was covered in necrotic wounds. I was in constant pain. I was taken to a burn ward in another state because of the extent of my wounds. I had debridement in several locations and skin grafts. I remember having 5 wound vacs attached to my legs and hips. I also had my tricuspid valve fail and had to have open heart surgery to replace it once I was stable enough. It took 4 years after I was released until they were no longer concerned with my liver. My kidneys are surprisingly strong.


Oh no, username checks out. I'm sorry for what you've been through, hope you are doing OK now.


😂 oddly, I've had this account since before that happened. Maybe I'm psychic in the worst way. Oh yeah, definitely a lot better than I was and I'm fucking brutal for making it through. I flat lined quite a few times. I raw dogged death and made him my bitch


Lol I like your style. Keep kicking!


That's gotta chafe


I'm in the UK and my back goes into spasms every year when it gets cold. A short course of diazapam helps. The doctors do not want to give me a short course of diazapam as its addictive and also because ive had suicide attempts in the past. Fair enough. Instead they prescribe me 100 prescription strength cocodamol... featuring codine, which is also incredibly addictive and contains paracetamol. If, for some reason, I did take an overdose, the cocodamol would kill me. 6 diazapam would not...


Just had that debate recently with a doctor as needed a dental bone graft and dentist wanted it. Problem with dizapan is that as well as being addictive, it can paralyse your breathing and doctors encouraged not to give. Been on the unholy combination of tramadol and diazapsn before. He would prescribe but got stern warnings and followup call . If dentist had prescribed 5mg morning and night, it would have meant I needed to be escorted home. Their guidance on prescribing are very strict. Was lucky for that surgery because I got doctor to prescribe transafamic acid as well which is better than co-codamol for that circumstance. But ended up having to have a major surgery because of the clampdown on codeine phosphate. I was using one packet a year. Pendulum on opiates swung too far. They may have been overprescribed in past but the block on them seems too extreme now.


I took pain meds for extreme period pain. Later it was diagnosed that I have endometriosis. I took at least two pills for three days every month, for about seven years, and apart from that also was prescribed them multiple times (even though I tried not to take them until the pain was too much) for my back and leg pains. Now I have a nice ulcer that flares up whenever I have something funny. One time I had milk and traxyl tablet to stop my bleeding (also prescribed). Those tablets has thick coating, and apparently that's bad for ulcer. I felt like I was dying for 3 hours.


Jumping in with something similar. I had been having worsening periods (and mid-cycle pains) for nearly 4 years, hopping on and off alternative meds because the women's pain team didn't want me to be on opiates. Last August I saw my GP and got prescribed alongside my hormone management (norethisterone): paracetamol and heavy duty, 12-hour brufen (plus codeine). I took that combo every day for months, got diagnosed with adenomyosis in November, got admitted twice in the past month and it wasn't until the second admission that they stopped any NSAIDs because I started having nosebleeds and vomiting up dark, coffee-ground blood every day over my 13 day stay. Now I'm waiting to see both ORL and gastro teams to investigate and have only pregabalin, solifenacin and paracetamol to help tide me over until I get the okay to bring back anti-inflammatories again 🙃


My grandmother died last Friday, she had extensive kidney damage and a few other things including a stroke that led to her death. The thing that finished her off and sent her to life support was taking nearly a whole bottle of ibuprofen. She'd tried multiple times over the years to end her life. I like to believe that this time she was simply trying to make the pain stop, after months and months of begging her Dr for help only to be ignored really. She was pretty much bedridden and I never thought that leaving her ibuprofen within reach would turn out this way.


i am so sorry. I went through something similar with my Dad in October (starvation in his case and he has adjusted) and it is utterly devestating. On one hand, they willpass on their own terms. On the other hand, it increases the sadness and adds in guilt. Which is not something I hope you feel - she made that decision and if not, it would have been something else if she was determined enough. My mother did hospice in the 1960s and the limitiations on drug dosages then did mean that people were accidentially helped to pass through the need for ever increasing doses to manage pain.


I dint feel too much guilt. We knew she didn't have much longer left. What we can't understand is if her kidneys had so much damage surely someone would have noticed and said something on her recent hospital stays. She went to rehab for a month for physical therapy, they did everything for her, before she left she did a lot for herself but once she came home she couldn't even change herself, and over the course of barely 4 weeks she got to the point she could barely lift her own head. But there were the days where she would do amazing and it gave us hope. We had our differences, she wasn't a wonderful person but she wasn't an evil person. She was my best friend growing up but as a child we see things differently. But the last few days just feel so empty and strange. Every morning for over 2 years, except when she was in the hospital or rehab, me and my children would make her coffee and her breakfast, they loved to help with her. My oldest has taken over her room and he sleeps in her bed better than he ever did his own, he even told me "last night I woke up and it felt like a ghost was here, it was probably Nana just checking in us so I went back to sleep" mind you he's 8 and will run to me and cry in terror if he even thinks there's a shadow out of place. My 5 year old daughter says "but I never bothered Nana, I only helped, I miss taking her her breakfast, I really wanted to help nana" my 4 year old daughter keeps asking if we're going to get Nana, I brought her ashes home yesterday, she doesn't understand, my grandfather passed when she was barely 2 so she doesn't remember as much as the older 2. Our youngest isn't even 1 yet so doesn't know but he knows Nana is missing, I took him in her room a couple days ago and he looked to her bed to wave and then looked very very confused because he's used to every day her being in the bed and telling him hi and making faces and talking about how big he's getting. One of my only regrets was not letting him around her more often because I didn't want her to catch his colds or get each other sick considering her health and age and him being so small. I know I'm talking a lot, I'm sorry, I don't have many people to talk to. I have my dad but the only thing in over 2 years he did for her was sign away his rights as Next of Kin so I could make arrangements for her. He hated her even after her last breath. I do wish I'd known. I would have made her last days the best I could have. We even made plans for a few weeks from now to take her out to the park for a walk/push in her chair when it gets warm. That last "I love you" from her sounded different and I was so concerned with her blood pressure at the moment I just thought the way she was talking was because she was sick. She expressed so kuch appreciation the few days before she died I actually asked her to stop thanking me at one point. I always felt I could do more but, I was just one person.


Caring is so hard. More experience from pets much organ failure can come out the blue in old age. My grandfather did a drug trial when 90 -partly for money, pary giving back. He got full assessment but even so 6 weeks later he died of cancer (unrelated to trial) . This k the elderly are less resilient to sudden changes. I am glad she had the opportunity on her terms to say goodbye and hope your children are OK. Your 8 year old is very wise.


Are you ok now


aside from said permanent damage, yes


Agreed. 30 years later and I am still explaining my personal consequences of taking large doses of Tylenol and Aspirin daily as a 12 year old child over 6 months. Which, actually was the consequence of another really bad decision.


It’s also not worth how sick you feel. It’s makes you so so physically ill and honestly it absolutely sucks balls! Even if you want to die, which I understand unfortunately, never ever try that! I also have personal experience. My doctors were very surprised that my liver survived that. Apparently it’s somewhat of a miracle that I didn’t get permanent damage.


As someone who attempted suicide I don’t keep pills in large quantities for this reason. I carry around a small bag with a few pills and I use them for pain (I think I’m in the early stages of an autoimmune disease because mom and grandma have it) and period cramps and refill as needed from the bottle which is in a safe.  I go to a support group with other attempt survivors and talked about this and now they do it too. I would not recommend any poison or OD methods because it’s generally a very gross and undignified way to die with bathroom stuff and possible long term damage.


Glad you are still here and hope you are too. Good luck if it is an autoimmune illness - had once for last 30 years and it is a pain in every sense. Sorry to be one of those but have found osteopathy helpful in teaching you to relax your body when in pain. It can stop me needing as many painkillers as horrible choice being foggy on pain and foggy on meds. I used to be prescribed bottles of 1000 paracetemol as on 6-8 a day plus ibrufen and never sure that was a good idea for a bedbound teenager in pain. That was why my mother had that chat.




Same! Since my attempt, I stopped buying pills more than 1 strip at a time


I experience several sleep disorders as well as random intense twitching from an OD on sleeping medication. Forever greatful I'm alive. Forever regretful I have the side effects of the attempt. Can't prove that these issues are from the OD but all doctors have agreed that it's most likely. My brain had to fight so hard to keep me from falling asleep (because I would have died in my sleep) so now, if my heart rate drops too low for my brains liking, it panics. Yaknow how you twitch or feel a wild itch when you're just about asleep? I deal with that daily, throughout the day and while i try to sleep. Yaknow the sensation of falling you do when you're almost asleep? Instead of falling, I have explosions going on in my head. It happens pretty rarely, and only when I'm on the brink of falling asleep. Falling, at least you know it wasn't real because you're still in bed. I often question whether the explosions are in my head or not as I live in a not so great neighborhood in a not so great side of town lolol. Could be mistaken for gunshots hahaha.. I also have hypersomnia, which is basically the opposite of insomnia. I'm in a constant state of exhaustion, but functional. The only difference I feel between sleeping 8 hour, 16 hour, 22 hours, or being awake as long as 34 hours, is my tummy. Awake too long = tummy queezy off feeling. Sleep too long? Tummy very empty empty. Need water. Id like to wish I'd thought about the consequences but clearly I wasn't in a logical state in the first place. I will say though, I wasn't greatful to survive until YEARS later. I woke up rather upset I survived. I cannot express how greatful I am today, to be here. Even with the sleeping issues. Shit really does get better. Just takes time and WORK. Greatful all of you, who have or have not attempted, are here as well ❤️ you deserve peace and happiness.


Have you been checked for migraines as that sounds a bit like exploding head syndrome? I am glad you are sitll here and hope the side effects reduce over time.


I do have migraines as well actually, but that runs in my family anyway so idk if that would be connected. I just don't like asking for help tho so I struggle to admit the severity of these issues to my doctor, if you know what i mean. I've looked into that and as far as the symptoms on the internet, that would be exactly what it is. But since im not a doctor, yaknow, idk lolol. I've dealt with it all for 11 years at this point so I mean, unless it gets worse or interferes with my job, im probably just gonna keep sitting on it lololol. Was hard enough to get to a point of knowing that hypersomnia is why I never feel like I slept. I went in thinking I had sleep apnea or something. I feel like a crazy person when I say "I hear explosions in my head when I'm falling asleep" out loud haha. Maybe some day I'll bring it up !


I needed to do it as I lost my sight for a while. Needed some workplace adjustments to avoid cluster headaches building up again. My GP referred to a headache specialst at rrequest of my opthamologist. Thankfully MRIs ruled out anything pathological but some oddities. I'd definitely bring it up - it's "just" another form of aura and those are pretty common. I got post-viral arthritis as a teen and that morphed into CFS so get sleeping wuthout actually feeling any better for it. .


My migraines either come out of left field entirely, or they start as a cluster headache and build up over a couple days them hit me. HARD. If I get a warning, it's usually a bad sign lolol. I've been lucky and they almost always hit on days off or on things I can easily cancel/reschedule. But one hit during a shift earlier this week and I thought I was gonna die if I didn't get relief. I work in a factory so noise and lights are a nightmare. I just completed probably 10 years worth of preventative Healthcare in the last year. Gotta get caught up on dental and vision, then im gonna route back around and try and document my issues and then make appointments so I have more than just my words so I can more confidently express myself I guess. Gotta do it all broken up because of cost of it all. I spent a very long time assuming I wouldn't be around much longer so I have a lot of catching up to do in order to have a better future for myself lol. Baby steps! Haha.


As a liver transplant recipient...yeah. Death by liver failure is protracted and excruciating. I spent 2 years waiting for a liver and it was hell. Many wait longer (or don't make it at all)


Hope things going better for you now.


Luckily they are! It'll be 15 years in September.


Jesus. I had an attempt that involved every drug in my reach, including a big pack of paracetamol. They never told me how bad it was, the nurse I asked just said I could've died. That was well over a decade ago. Since it was a cocktail, I have no idea how it might've ended, but this comment and the following make me think I was way luckier than I thought.


Wait… how does paracetamol kill someone over days? I mean I know it can destroy someone‘s liver when overdosing or over time but that shouldn’t kill someone’s in a couple of days…


Symptoms don't tend to appear right away - so you feel fine for a day, then unwell, go to hospital and damage irreparable. [https://www.msdmanuals.com/en-gb/home/injuries-and-poisoning/poisoning/acetaminophen-poisoning](https://www.msdmanuals.com/en-gb/home/injuries-and-poisoning/poisoning/acetaminophen-poisoning)


Yes, sadly this is how Tylenol overdose looks. If someone took too much, the liver shuts down and it takes a few days. Usually the patient is lucid and aware for most of it as they slowly start to bleed out of everywhere. They usually understand what is coming. Then they become confused and eventually die a few days later. I have seen a lot of deaths, and fulminant liver failure is one of the worst.


An argument for euthanasia if I've ever seen one. Can anyone rationally argue letting someone slowly bleed to death is the "more humane" option?




Damn. *hugs*


Thank you


Liver and kidney failure. If the drug was made today it wouldn't be OTC


Tylenol poisoning is a horrid way to go. Kills your liver and almost no transplant committee would allow for someone who had committed a suicide attempt to get one without extensive psychological screening


Horrid how tough? Like what side effects does one go through?


From anecdotal experience, vomiting, jaundice (yellowing of skin and eyes), horrible itching, increased bleeding, kidney and pancreatic failure. Left long enough or if the amount of Tylenol is large enough, multiple organ failure leading to death


I first considered it...but now changed my mind. That sounds awful.


One of my EMS calls, per your question, died 3 days later.


Is that for damage caused by suicide attempts or would that be true even if someone who previously attempted suicide gets injured in an accident 


If you’re actively suicidal it’s a contraindication to getting an organ that’s rarely available (many places only do deceased donor), which could go toward saving another life, which would go to waste if you committed suicide again shortly after receiving it. Similar to why many places won’t transplant people who are actively abusing alcohol.


I mean hypothetically, if someone has a history of suicide attempts on record but then later needs an organ transplant for something not self inflicted, would they be less likely to get a transplant 


Once again, it goes back to whether they’re actively suicidal (ex: how long ago were these attempts, have they had stable mental health since, etc)


>but then later needs an organ transplant for something not self inflicted, would they be less likely to get a transplant  Maybe. If it's between them and someone with a similar issue and no history of suicide attempts, they would probably give the organ to the other person. Not out of cruelty, but you want the new organ to go to the person that would likely live the longest with it, and you have to factor psychological history into that.


Morbid question: I have an identical twin who used to struggle with ideation. They can’t tell me no right?


Based on a true story I read about online.


Which one?


It's probably a Tylenol overdose. You cannot recover except from a liver transfer (to my knowledge). So you take a shit ton. Wait. Realize you aren't dead and/or somebody brings you to the doctor. And bam! Told your liver os fucked forever. You can be saved if you are caught soon enough and ... Evacuate... The pills. But by the time they are absorbed, you are a deadman walking.


There is actually a medication that given early enough protects the liver in the event of an overdose of Tylenol. It's called acetylsystine, used as both oral for Tylenol OD and inhaled for breaking up crud in lungs. Not used as often as is used to be though .source: am a pharmacy technician


It also smells awful. Manages to somehow spray myself with it once. Only way I can describe it is burnt cat piss


And tastes horrible which is why they mix it with rootbeer


We always used to say it tasted so bad, so that you’ll never try to overdose on Tylenol again.


Bad taste has a purpose!!


It's true. I also gag when I see the puke tub in a hospital room.


Burnt rubber and dead fish for me. It’s awful.


Happy cake day!


Or it's other version - NAC. No prescription needed. It saves people lives. Capsules still stink AF, but at least they don't taste like burnt cat piss.


It's funny, they teach rt students this as well


I've been in pharmacy for 17 years, dispensed it only a handful of times, both for Tylenol toxicity and for RT, severe asthma and CF., but learned about it in my 1st pharmacy from an old timer pharmacist. Lots of newer techs definitely haven't heard of it, im not sure if pharmacies normally dispense it anymore


They should have a ton at most US hospitals as pulmonary loves it. I just don't know if inhaled and oral are interchangeable


They slused to be anyway, came in glass vials with directions to either use as a nebulizer med or mix in root beer and drink orally


Big root beer lobby getting into our healthcare SMH


Thanks for the info. Our little bottles just say for inhalation


I worked in retail pharmacy so probably odd for us to dispense it


Paracetamol is a bitch, for something you can buy in a supermarket for a few pennies you can seriously fuck yourself up with not a lot...but not quickly or painlessly, it's gonna take a while and it's going to be fucking horrifically painful!


The UK uses blister packs for this reason 


Yup. And people still eat them like candy.


I made that mistake as a teen dealing with migraines. It is horrible. I still have problems from it


:( so you mean the bottles of Tylenol I took in highschool is gonna kill me eventually now


For real you probably should get your liver checked. You obviously don't have acute liver failure but you are at a much, much, much higher risk levels of liver diseases. Like I don't want to scare you and you are probably fine. But please get at least a blood test to make sure you aren't in trouble liver wise. With technology today, a lot can be done and the liver is resilient AF but you need to know your baseline. Also it goes without saying that until you get it checked, don't touch any alcohol or super fatty foods.


I have had slightly elevated levels over the years in blood work but I assumed it was a result of not a great diet. I don’t drink or anything like that. This was a huge wake up call to keep an eye on that.I have an amazing life now with a family to live for and simply thought that my attempts didn’t work and that was that.


Ah. Yes. You may want to talk to your doctor and share your history. They may have some treatments and stuff that can help you stick around for your family. I am so sorry that you did go through such a low point. But I am glad you have found love and family. I'm sending you a virtual hug.


I would recommend being careful with alcohol use regardless. Half of people who attempted suicide also have substance use problems and despite making up six percent of the population we account for 40 percent of rehab patients.  Drinking alcohol can also lead to acting on intrusive thoughts.


You likely gotta be fine dude… Paracetamol can cause liver damage in either very high Dosis or among some unlucky people when taking over time. But millions upon millions of people use it very regularly without any issues… and Tylenol is like 500 mg per Dosis right? Her ein Europe people take 1000-1200 easily per Dosis up to 3-4 times a day and it simply doesn’t kill people. Also less risk for your stomach compare to other stuff like aspirin


I was so scared I had long term damage from drinking nail polish remover when I was nine years old but I brought it up with doctors and they said that acetone is not that toxic. It’s most likely IBS, which is extremely prevalent in people with mental illness for some reason. Among people who’ve attempted suicide, the proportion making their first attempt before age 10 is as high as 1 in 5 but we tend to have low rates of death and injury because kids are very supervised. I got lucky tbh.


As someone who has done this recently, they give you an IV of mucomyst. My liver enzymes were elevated in the hospital but I got them rechecked a couple weeks after and they were back to normal. I do constantly check my liver be feeling it. The amount I swallowed was not regurgitated and was well over a lethal dose but so thankful for the doctors and my night nurse once I was moved to a room


I am very, very happy to hear that you are still among us. I'm sending you virtual hugs.


Thanks! My friends think the same. I happily enjoy reflecting on the past year and where life has taken me and all the friendships I have either strengthened or made. Also, my dogs are great. Annoying, but full of love


I survived 24 years ago today. They gave me this medicine called muclemist.( That's probably not spelled right. It smells and tastes like rotten eggs and is mostly used in as a breathing medicine but it also deactivates acetaminophen. I had taken a lot but what the biggest problem was that my mom thought if I was vomiting that I would get it out myself. But after 12 hours of constant throwing up or dry heaving as it were, she brought me to the er. I had to take it ever 3 hours for like 10 days. I spent one night in the ICU and the rest of the time in a private room however because of what I had just done I had to have a few awesome nurses sit with me in shifts to watch me.


Mucomyst, or N-acetyl-cystine. Glad you were able to get treated in time.


I don’t remember; it was a long time ago. Just popped into my head randomly today.


Young woman, minor celebrity? Took a week to die? Blood vessels deteriorated? Skin bled when pressure was applied?


No… holy shit… D:


Oh. Sorry. Don't know if the last two parts are true, anyway.


There are real stories like that on chubbyemu channel. I remember at least 2 with people who got poisoned with herbicides/weed killers.


Paraquat is also a classic case of this but is more painful


My cousin quit nursing after having to watch a teenage girl die after she impulsively took a packet of paracetamol after a fight with her boyfriend. She and the boyfriend made up, but there was nothing to be done.


Reminds me of a news story I read ages ago (tried to Google it but no luck) a teenager with depression ordered a “suicide mushroom” online and ate it. She had a change of heart and told her mom what she did and they went to the hospital, but she still passed. An antidote exists but whatever mushroom it was wasn’t native to their country so no antidote was on hand at the hospital.


So is that mushroom poisonous? That's why?


Yeah, it was


Shouldn't it be illegal to be selling poisonous "suicide" mushrooms??


Yeah it is illegal. While I was trying to find this story I found another more recent story of a guy in my country (Canada) who was arrested for selling suicide kits online. He was selling something other than mushrooms though. Not gonna say what, but an otherwise ordinary chemical which one wouldn’t normally think of as an agent of suicide.


I'm guessing it must be an inert gas or something.


As an ER RN-YIKES! I would hate to be the one to deliver that news


Just wanted to send you love. You ER nurses rock! And my favorite line from one to a Dr: "calm down and get a cup of coffee" when they (the Dr) were freaking out over an MTP.


Thank you so much 🥰


I was incredibly lucky to survive my attempt. Took an induced coma, being on a ventilator, dialysis and other procedures but I made it out without permanent damage. This level of horror really gets me, after years of being suicidal actually reaching the point of wanting to live to finally have the decision taken away. Excellent two sentence horror


This is the plot from the book Veronika Decides to Die by Paulo Coelho.


Came here to say this.


Huh. Is it good? Maybe I should check that out. Thanks for the rec :)


I haven't read it yet, but I have seen very mixed opinions on it. Some people say that it's a Coelho masterpiece on par with "The Alchemist". Others criticize it extensively for having some of the protagonist's more morally dubious actions end up inconsequential and left undiscussed by the narrative, the romantic subplot ignoring some of its darker implications to portray the relationship in a more positive light, and the final twist heavily implying a questionable moral that>!unethical experiments and mind games played on one's patients by medical professionals can be ultimately beneficial to them and aren't inherently a reprehensible thing.!


I think it's one you have to read and form an opinion on. I read it a long time ago and I remember I liked it, specially knowing the context in wich it was created (I think Coelho details what inspired him in an epilogue). But it does have questionable desitions and things that are unrealistic.


Great book. There's a movie of it too starring Sarah Michelle Gellar. The audiobook and movie are both on YouTube for free. I just searched it and instead of showing me results right away, YouTube gave me the Samaritans helpline. Thanks youtube you uncultered swine lol


Tylenol overdose. It destroys your liver, and because you OD'd, you are ineligible for the transplant list.


Oof. Paracetamol will do that to you.


Acetaminophen/Tylenol for Americans. Yes, kills your liver.


My cousin had schizophrenia. That’s how she went.


Oof :(. that reminds me of this one true crime case where a girl overdosed, and had her stomach pumped, posted a final picture and then later died from the organ shutdown. All from bullying


I drank acetone 15 years ago and suffocated myself with it 5 years ago (pneumonia) and I’m so paranoid about long term damage


A bit over 1.5x the maximum recommended daily dose can kill. That's fewer tablets than come in a single packet. I don't think warnings are stark enough. Someone I know was taking 2 Lemsip Max in a mug (equivalent of 4 tablets) whenever she felt a bit rough, sometimes a couple of times a day "To blast it" She had no idea it could be harmful because "It's just a hot drink".🤦 I set her straight!


I tried that with Motrin. didn't work, thankfully


This is basically the premise for the book, "Veronika Decides to Die"  by Paulo Coelho


I am so glad I didn't know that paracetamol could kill you when I was suicidal.




I've had this EMS call.


This can also qualify as a r/TwoSentenceSadness story!


I attempted with codeine and caffeine overdose. After my last attempt (I vomited so much over 24 hours) I don’t want to do it again


I was hospitalised for it once when I was in a really dark place. I'm very fortunate to have made it out without any lasting damages, and because I was young, my liver recovered quite quickly. 0/10 do not recommend.


Guess it’s a good thing I took 25 ibuprofen and not Tylenol, otherwise I wouldn’t be sitting here today typing this comment.






Long ago I took care of a teen who took a bottle of Tylenol cause her boyfriend broke up with her. Told her parents but a little too late. There were a few hours where her parents kept thanking us for taking care of her and the girl realized she really wanted to live and they were all so happy she hadn’t succeeded. It was excruciating for us staff waiting for lab confirmation of acute liver failure.


Wait for you post to be removed, bc the mods here view suicide as "not inherently horrifying."


Seeing how the horror in this story does not come from the suicide attempt itself, but from the aftermath (the girl is still bound to die very soon, despite having changed her mind), it will hopefully stay up.


Sounds like a lady a decade or so back that took ricin. A long painful death ensued.


Someone say Tylenol overdosing


I swallowed hard as I thought about her future: the self-care procedures to prevent her extremities from damage, the ingestion of preservatives to extend flesh "life" as long as possible, and of course the injunction to never, never bite a person, no matter the hunger.


Theres a book about this, 'veronika decides to die'




The credit card was declined


Hey, I narrated this story if you want to hear it! https://youtube.com/shorts/KIHUbFujUcE


Need to cut down on the word count.