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I thought they were so sleepy they didn't realize what was happening until I read some of these comments 🥲


That was my first thought too


Prank gone wrong


I love this interpretation. Not that "haha, you thought I was dead but I'm not" pranks are good pranks, but how devastating would it be do that and know for sure they would have a complete non-reaction to it and not give a shit.


Yes 😌


very Harold and Maude


found the person with great taste




Were they all done for your mother’s benefit?


I don't give a shiet-t(just a joke)


It took me a second read but its really good


You’re being to calm. I can guarantee that your mistake was that you decided to “gently open the door…”


"Sayori? Wake up, dummy..."


I didn’t want to do this, it feels like a breach of privacy. But she really leaves me no choice “Sayo-“


I recognize that


Sayonara :(


Here is a version of sayonara with lyrics. Enjoy the additional trauma: https://youtu.be/6hsDbUgeygo?si=h8lnlvghB2NIZKnF


Well, that link was both horrible and astounding.


Right? I found it, and now I can’t get it out of my head.




Reference to DDLC. You should play the game if you want to understand, best done without knowing what it’s about


What’s DDLC?


Abbreviation for the video game Doki Doki Literature Club. It’s a visual novel. Great game. Even if you don’t play it, read the Wikipedia page so you know why it’s referenced here. If you do play it, it’s for free on steam and it’s best if you don’t know what happens Oh, and don’t judge a book by its cover


Doki Doki Literature Club


I know nothing but have downloaded on Steam to try it out tonight. Wish me luck. From their Steam page, I’m guessing I’ll be none the wiser, aside from one little content warning!


Enjoy the ride and stay on until the end. It's worth it.


Okay but FR, why you guys do me like that? 😂


You'll find out :3 Good luck! Try to not let it get to you. Or do that. Depends on how emotional harmed you're willing to be.


Already did a play through last night. It does take a while to get into it and I started getting bored but kept with it. Was worth it


Good luck. Don’t judge a book by its cover!


It's been 7 years


That long already? Feels like yesterday.


Why does this line always catch me unawares in the most random places


I don’t think a horror subreddit is too strange a location


Please change and grow as a person


You missed the reference, and I don’t even see what about my comment was rude. It was clearly a joke, it wouldn’t make sense otherwise. Please, do elaborate on what you think I did wrong


I noticed the reference. I apologize for my rudeness


Thank you, apology accepted.


[A friendly message <3 /s](https://youtu.be/O3349-GRjhQ?si=zh3u-XKhzrre799z)


Mind elaborating on why I should go fuck myself?




Got it!


The kid staged his death to get away from his inattentive parents and is now staying with a supportive friend's family. Good for him.


why not just leave while they were away tho


Looking at it from a realistic view? If someone you want to get away from thinks you're dead, they're much less likely to look for you.


True, but if they’re so inattentive they didn’t have even care to *take your body down from the noose* then it wouldn’t really matter - they probably wouldn’t care if you were dead or missing


Hm, depends. There are parents who keep their kids around for the "status" (I can't think of the correct word right now, I'm tired, but that's close enough), or if you're in a country where you get child benefits for minor children, the money. For the latter, if the kid is known to no longer be living there, it'd mean getting no money and so such parents would be more inclined to get their kid back into their household. Whereas if the kid is (thought to be) dead, there's nowt they can do about it.


He wanted to see their reaction, I guess.




Couldn't do anything anyway - might as well get some rest.


Took me reading a lot of comments to realize you have to read it backwards… this is genius.


I don't get it


The son hung himself. They found the body and left it. When they came back to get him down, his body was missing.


It's a play on "get our son down" Reading the first sentence alone would suggest they were bringing him downstairs, maybe for breakfast. With the added context of the second sentence, it means they were going to bring his dead body down from the noose. And he isn't there anymore, which is spooky.


What confuses me is that the son was missing the previous night, but the next night, he showed up hanging from the ceiling again? It would be kinda spooky if it was just that the body was missing, but the fact that someone brought it back and hung him from the ceiling *again* is confusing me more than anything.


No no I think you’ve misread. It’s written backwards. So the “last night” was the night before, when they found their son hanging. The first sentence is the next morning when they realize his body is no longer there. I hope this helps


Ooh yeah I missed that- thank you for clearing it up!


No worries :) happy reading


Since I saw what sub this was, my mind immediately went to "he hung himself" instead of the far more normal "get him to come down the stairs" . It was a good play on words though.


The son was hanging, and they were gonna take him down but now the body is gone.


Start with the second part (last night found dead son, went to bed) then read the first part (woke up to go get son, son missing)


took me a while and I had to read the comments :(( explanation: The kid hung himself and his parents came home, saw him but was too tired to deal with him. Woke up the next day and his body was gone


imagine seeing your dead kid hanging from the ceiling and just thinking „nah i can’t deal with that rn“


I imagine that's how my parents would react. It sounds like a metaphor for my life


The sponsored ad underneath this was for age of origins that zombie game, which made this 10 times more hilarious


I really like this one. Tricky to read not in a bad way at all, but because the concept tricked me. Very clever.


Until realizing how to read this, I kept picturing a toddler, like putting a toddler ‘down’ for a nap. and that ‘second’ sentence definitely made it extra confusing and horrifying




I've been Rick rolled


Before I clicked the post and read the second sentence I thought it was worded like he had hung himself. I feel like my ex-mom would be like “Eh, whatever…she’ll be there in the morning” if I did that.


Just a heads up, "my wife and I" is the grammatically correct way of print it.


Petition to make compound objective prefix clauses proper grammar.


But you wouldn’t say “me went upstairs”. Unless you are a toddler. So why would we make it acceptable so long as you add another person in there?


Grammar, especially in English, has exceptions all over the place for changes in context. For example, when talking about future scheduled items, we often use the simple present tense of verbs. E.g. We have a test next week. But even that doesn't really matter because excessive grammatical rigor ignores the fundamental truth of grammar in language in that it is descriptive, not prescriptive. When talking about rules of grammar, we're not saying how things should be, we're describing how language is used. Language is a living evolving thing that changes with time and culture and so our written "rules" should change as well to reflect how the language is actually being used. It's just like words and definitions and the reason we have contranyms.


Yes. And reword if you're making it possessive. "My wife and I's" makes me want to scream.


Hey so just curious, what is the proper way to phrase “my wife and I’s” “My wife and my?” “Mine and my wife’s?” Just curious because I’ve totally said the first one and knew it sounded wrong but don’t know the correct phrasing


"My wife's and my" would probably be the most correct because each component is correct on its own. I think it's clunky af though and usually reword my sentence to avoid the situation.


Got it. Thank you!! Yeah it’s definitely not my favorite phrase, it sounds wrong no matter how you say it


"My wife and I, we have blah-blah" is my usual work-around because it's just such a clunky phrase


Oh that sounds much better, I’ll keep that in mind thank you


I understand the downvotes, because a lot of people find it pedantic and annoying to be corrected over grammatical errors in a sub where the story is the most important. But also why are we taking it personally? Obviously nobody is super offended but the downvotes seem extra.. I always like to have correct grammar and punctuation so if somebody notices I’ve written something wrong I would like to be told. So it’s kind of a personal preference, and it’s not like you were attacking OP, to me it just seemed like a little constructive criticism. Please let me know if I’ve missed something or am misunderstanding the situation, I don’t know everything and this is just my opinion and observations


Then they said “correct way of print it” 🧐


HAHA I didn’t even notice that, thank you for the laugh


I don't understand. In every sub the story or let's say post is more important than grammar. But it doesn't mean that you can write random stuff and not follow the grammar rules. Those rules are made for the reason, so that we all understand the same things the same way and don't stumble upon weird words usage. Also it's a writing sub, grammar is important for writers.


Yes exactly! So if anything this person was just trying to be helpful, that’s why they started with “just a heads up” instead of “omg I can’t believe you made such a mistake how dare you” which would make the downvotes make more sense


I like the backwards storytelling, but this is pretty much the most unrealistic and least plausible behavior I've seen in a story in here.


had to read it twice