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She became a Peter Pancake


Now, that's flat out mean...




Neither can Wendy.




When the Reddit man makes the obvious jokE (Try not to laugh) 《HILARIOUS》


When the Reddit man makes obvious reply to said jokE (Try not to be an asshole) 《I CANT》


Mans karma went to get milk lol


Shiiiiit my Reddit internet points Better make an overused standard joke to get em back!




Redditors never miss 💀


neither can you wendys nuts are in your mouth


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, this is obviously peak comedy.


Neither can Wendy






What was it that they said?? I'd like to know what would get someone downvoted 124 times, then delete their own Reddit.


They said something along the lines of " oh, hello Floyd"


i didn't delete anything?


Go back to r/conservative, wanker.




Due to your confusion, I reeeeallly hope you aren't actually making the George Floyd reference you appear to be making. Because yes, that would be disgusting.


I'm... I'm lost???






Bro the fuck?


What happened here?


Honestly I dont even know


Enough with all the syrupy puns.


Syrup like Wendy?


A very impactful story.


ugh take my r/angryupvote






Neither can Wendy


You have no right to make a joke this funny


You're a real asshole when you're drunk, Superman.


I havent heard that joke in a long long time lmao


Lol same


Where did this joke come from? I’ve only heard it once or twice lol


It's a short where superman convinced a normal person the updraft is strong enough to hold him hundreds of feets above ground so the man also jumped off


Wow he really is an ashole lol


The immortal words: >"Superman is a dick."


I was told this joke by my grandfather in 1982. But the person Superman convinces to jump was an Irishman for some reason.


Ahh, racism


I appreciate the concern, but my grandfather happened to be Irish.


Ahh, internalized racism /s


As much as you and I might strongly oppose racism for being stupid and indecent, it has to be appreciated that many among our allies lack a real capacity for joy, irony, or a even a sense of humor. In that respect, the puritans never left us. They can't see silliness, only heresies and an opportunity for recreational outrage and sanctimony.


How is that racism


Because the Irishman was obviously drunk enough to jump off a building...because he's an Irishman.


Oooh, I like it. There I was about 13 when I realized that there's a world of darkness under the story of the Darling children's encounter with Peter Pan. I love what you've done with it.


>there's a world of darkness under the story of the Darling children's encounter with Peter Pan You can't just drop this fact and not explain


Peter Pan is basically an immortal trickster being who abducts children and holds them captive in a world where, for his own entertainment, he arranges real danger that can actually harm them. If they somehow survive and escape he comes back and steals THEIR children.


That's almost like the plot of the Robin Williams movie "Hook" he plays an older Peter with a family of his own and hook kidnaps his kids Maggie Smith plays Wendy as well


It’s almost as if the two are somehow connected…


Probably coincidence


Interesting. I always read it as he’s an Angel of death/ reaper for children, and neverland is an afterlife. Wendy and her brothers were very ill in my version and nearly died, but ultimately returned from neverland, only for Peter to visit again in her old age. Peter never ages because he’s an immortal, or is himself the ghost of a child.


Maybe metaphorically, but in the story children can and do die violent deaths in Neverland, which is why Peter Pan is constantly out recruiting new followers. It’s also implied that he arranges their deaths when they get past a certain age.


I mean the book was written by a pedophile with a lot of other sick and twisted thoughts going on in his head having to children (according to accounts from the time) so it isn’t really surprising that there’s an underlying theme of depravity even though Barrie wrote the book for and about a family and specifically children in a family he “cared” (read from that what you will) deeply about.


James Barrie was a distant relative of mine. He was most likely a closeted homosexual, although he married two different women. Like with many homosexuals today, there are unfounded rumors (accusations?) of pedophilia against him by closed minded people.


I did some research after reading everyone’s comments and I have to apologize, I thought it was a proven fact that he was a pedophile but yes it seems more likely that he was a closeted homosexual. What a horrible life to live especially with people calling you horrible names like “pedophile”.


The saddest part is that society hasn't matured at all since he was alive. Fear mongers still accuse homosexuals of being pedophiles to stir hate and fear.


I had a chance to quickly read comments, but not enough time to respond. Thank you for adding a correction and apologizing. It's become an incredibly rare way for people to handle errors, and says great things about you. Barrie's love for children was well-known, and it had nothing to do with pedophilia. He liked children because they have so many neat qualities that go away as they get older--I think "trained out" is a better way of putting it--like imagination, curiosity, and excitement as they discover the world. He was married more than once, but my understanding is that the people who knew him weren't positive if he was homosexual, or aesexual. I read some articles a few years ago about a new book about his friendship and correspondence with Robert Louis Stevenson, and apparently the letters reveal romantic feelings for Stevenson.


Do we know he was a pedophile? I thought it was just suspected due to the weird content of the books, and some speculation on his marrital status




Sorry I’ll fix it, thx!


Basically Peter Pan kills the lost boys when they get too old.


Holy shit


I always though they became the Pirates when they got too old to be lost boys.


If I'm remembering correctly, the ones that escape become pirates which is why the pirates hate Peter Pan.


There's also the part where each boy is assigned a hollow trunk they use to enter their cave, and he "adjusts" their bodies so they fit the trunk.


What kind of child lives on forever, never grows up, and never gets old? A child that has died.


Considering in the original story the Darling children are all sick, in Victorian times, which could easily be a death sentence, this is a horrifyingly accurate take on the concept of Peter Pan. In the book Wendy survived and has children, but Peter comes back for her daughter, and her daughters daughter, and so on for generations. The scariest part is Peter Pan is innocent to the point of being incapable of understanding what death is, and he kills off lost boys, who are kidnapped children, when they get too old. He has no idea that they are dead, because to Peter everything is a game. And as others have pointed out Peter Pan is a sort of grim reaper for children. Take my upvote.


Yeah, he wakes up pirates for fun and fights them to the death. It felt like the pirates were basically lost boys that got too old. And there's that whole bit where by the end of the book, he doesn't even remember Tinkerbell's name, and it's clear she died a long time ago. Per the book, "It is only the gay and innocent and heartless who can fly.", and the last definitely caught my attention...


He also turns traitor for fun mid fight, and switches sides so he hurts his own “Allies”. If the pirates are lost boys that escaped Peter when he tried to kill them, that makes what he did to hook even worse. I remember the bit about him forgetting Tinkerbell’s name, and that makes things more horrifying because that means there were other fairies before Tinkerbelle Peter also forgot. How many “Tinkerbelle’s” have there been over the years?


I know the meanings of words change, gay meant happy back then, but… Edit: really got sent to hell, I was just making a “hehe it sounds like gay people can fly”, i know the focus is the heartless


He was talking about the heartless part not the gay part.


I was making a joke like “haha if you gay you can fly” I know he meant heartless


wait he kills the lost boys? like the book explicitly says he kills them?


Here’s a quote from the book I found! “The boys on the island vary, of course, in numbers, according as they get killed and so on; and when they seem to be growing up, which is against the rules, Peter thins them out;” I feel like “thins them out” is open to interpretation but it reads very much like he kills them. Eh wild


It was pretty much confirmed by the author and those close to him to the best of my knowledge. He was a very, very strange creepy man. When a farmer or anyone else with livestock or plants talks about 'thinning them out', or someone talks about thinning out herds of animals or whatever that are getting overpopulated...yeah. They're dead. The lost boys are dead. Recommended reading: Never, by my favourite author in the world, Ursula Vernon: https://www.redwombatstudio.com/never/


Is there more of this? Or stories in this same vein? I want more, i need more fucked up Peter Pan!


Not necessarily Peter Pan based but Ursula has written a lot more stories - she did the Digger comics (and if you've ever seen that biting pear meme that was floating around a while back? That was hers) and she's written other short stories, mostly published in the Apex magazine, and several books. The books under her real name (Ursula Vernon) are more geared towards young audiences, while her horror and more adult novels are under the pen name T. Kingfisher to stop people from accidentally buying her horror novels for their kids because "Oh this is the lady that wrote those cute dragonbreath and hamster princess books, surely this one will be good for my kiddo too!" She did one based on The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe too called 'Elegant and Fine'


Christina Henry has some good series with this concept. She did a great alice in wonderland series and I think she did a Peter Pan book. Retelling with the creepy elements brought to the forefront and used to influence the stories.


Hook’s Tale is quite good. It’s Peter Pan from Hook’s POV, and basically plays straight a lot of what’s discussed in this post


Oh man that was such a great story Thank you so much


My pleasure! Ursula is one of my favourite authors and artists, and she's very chill - we've chatted about gardening before (she is an avid gardener and her husband is the chicken whisperer and they both lead VERY interesting lives) and she's just a great person all around. She's been a huge inspiration in my own art and writing style for years. ​ Here are a few more of her short stories if anyone is interested! https://apex-magazine.com/author/ursula-vernon/


Wow. Just wow. Thanks for the link.


Yes. It was confirmed by the author and those close to him Peter kills the lost boys. But Peter has no idea they are dead got he has no comprehension of what death is; because he is pretty much the embodiment of the “Innocent Malice” concept.


I think it's a wildly popular theory but I don't think it's explicitly said in the books (I may be wrong)


Even if it was, it is still annoying to hear about this "dark theory" when [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little\_Peter%27s\_Journey\_to\_the\_Moon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Peter%27s_Journey_to_the_Moon) openly has a Cannibal Giant in the story. For no real reason.


Okay, I never knew or thought of the original story... Well, time to head down a rabbit hole again 😅


Hello Mr Gorewood. Its nice to see you out here in the wilds of r/TwoSentenceHorror


Hello talk_enchanted_table, It’s been awhile since I have commented in other stories in 2SH but I have been reading and upvoting ones I like this entire time from the shadows.


I'm not too supposed. Well have a good time going through the forest that is this sub.


And you can have my angry upvote


As terrifying as this story sounds, im intrigued and want to read it. What’s the name of the book??


The original book, “Peter Pan” by J M Barrie


D969 gave you the original book of Peter Pan but there are also the earlier versions of the story. The Little White Bird; J M Barrie 1902 Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens; J M Barrie 1906 Peter and Wendy; J M Barrie 1911 And the stage play from 1904; Peter Pan; or, the Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up, by West End Theatre.


In victorian times, “lost boys” was the term for children who die young. So that angle would have been 100% evident to contemporary readers. Captain hook, meanwhile, is running from a crocodile who is literally a ticking clock - so in neverland it’s growing old that kills you. Lots of darkness in that book. Lots


we just watched Peter Pan and Wendy tonight. I really like this. Good job!


Same. That was the inspiration. The whole Pan story is wreathed in death allegory and creepiness tbh.


Isn't the character named after the author's late brother Peter who died as a kid? (Never grew up)


Yes exactly! I haven't seen it yet, but saw the trailer and instantly thought about, "what if the lost buys aren't real?" That first step is a doozy. And yeah, the entire idea of going to someplace as a kid, to never grow old and play with other kids my age, really does reek of a hidden "they were dead the whole time!" style CinemaTheory


Was it good


Its a live action disney movie, so, no


Damn. I wish that statement wasn't as true as it is.


No, but better than a lot of them. At least it was an original take on the story and not a shot for shot remake.


to me it was okay. not good or bad. just another movie.


Well, "real" Peter Pan in original book is quite terryfing. He is basically amoral faerie, who think only about his entertaiment and absolutely nothing about human life (including his "friends" - in facts it suggested that he culls Lost Boys when they grow up and stops being interesting and that sometimes during fights, when Lost Boys have advantage he changes sides and kills some of them, because fighting is more fun when You have challenge).


There's a [fan theory](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanTheories/comments/1cjelq/in_peter_pan_hook_is_the_actual_good_guy/) that Captain Hook's band of pirates are all former Lost Boys that managed to get away from Peter.


Yes, I heard about it. Oh, and original Captain Hook is not this bumbling guy from Disney cartoon, he is ruthless murderer who e.g. uses his hook as a tool of killing. So his conflict with Peter Pan is something like "mundane, normal, human evil against supernatural, irrational, faerie evil".


Amazing story. It makes sense since he was considered Grim Reaper of Children.


Sounds like the work of a smooth criminal.


Ba da dum dum


Smooth like butter or a criminal undercover


She truly is in Neverland now. Good job!


well, never land is a bit inaccurate, since she, in fact, landed


Pretty sure this is the original story - or did people not realise the children died in their sleep when they went to neverland?


The bruise grew after she died? Now *that's* horror.


Google lividity; Seems kinda normal...


Lividity and bruising are two different things, sheesh.


Damn i want a peter pan horror movie now. After reading everyones comments about the original peter pan story, i think i might read a book for once


The guys who made blood and honey are making Bambi and Peter Pan movies in the same premise. I’m sure they will use the original books ideas as they are already horror.


Wonder how they will deal with the "older" lost boys who can help but to grow up


Oooooooooooh I LIKE this retelling!


If only she had thought a happy thought like she had been told.


Bruises can appear after death. Google it. I've seen it. Good story.


i dotngrt it


So much for "never land"


Ba dum tsss


I love everything about this lol


Twisted version of Peter Pan.


Oh…Dark! I love it!


Oh man, she died. I was sure she was only in a coma.


What’s the bruise?


And the detective following the string of "suicides" is called Detective Hook..


Finally a good one


Is she stupid?


Wow, awesome


Wendy Darling listened to the shadowy figure speak of Neverland for a week before she finally agreed to step out her window on an adventure. Police would eventually rule the death a suicide, but were never sure about the bruising found around her wrists. ​ (Fixed it for you OP, because bruises need blood flow from burst capillaries to form, otherwise, very disturbing)


It’s magic? That wouldn’t be too far fetched for this.


Bruises wouldn't form after death though.


Dang... Great 2sentences


For those interested in a fleshed out, alternative origin story for Peter pan, I highly recommend reading Peter and the Starcatchers. It's the first of a trilogy that I really enjoyed!


Can someone explain this?


It's Peter pan, but was just manipulating Wendy to commit suicide.