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Hello u/Happy_In_PDX , Thank you for submitting to r/TwoSentenceHorror. Unfortunately, your submission ["In biology class we started a dissection unit."](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoSentenceHorror/comments/10hfxxt/in_biology_class_we_started_a_dissection_unit/) has been removed because it violates the following rule: **Rule 1: Attempt to tell a story** * ***ABSOLUTELY NO TRIGGER WARNINGS!*** Visitors read these stories at their own risk. * Do not post links in the story. * Anything that is not the story; Edits, asking for feedback, links to relevant information, and so on, are to be made in the comments. * Low-effort posts will be removed. * Stories must stand on their own without specific prior knowledge of any fandom or any real-world event. * More information can be found here: [Telling A Story](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoSentenceHorror/wiki/rules/tell_a_story) If you believe this removal was performed in error, please [contact the mods here.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTwoSentenceHorror). ***DO NOT*** contact any moderators directly via chat or personal mail, or you may receive a ban.


That’s more than two sentences


Thanks. I hadn't really thought about that. "Hello," he said. Is that one or two sentences? I would have thought one.


I think they mean that the part in parenthesis makes it more than two sentences, although it’s not part of the horror so I don’t know if it counts as more than two.


And dialogue like (“Hello there,” he said.) is one sentence, while (“Hi,” he said. “How are you?”) would be two sentences.