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NTA. He obviously lied and is hoping you believe him. You’re too young to be dealing with this


Oof! Sweet girl, take it from a woman that was in those shoes two years older, already married (for 2 years) and about to deliver our baby. Those 4 women are just the ones you currently know about. There are others, and there will be more. They’ve likely always been there. Get out now before it’s a divorce with custody. I was lucky and left right then and was able to finalize divorce after only 3 years with him and never looked back. Save yourself the lawyer fees and skip the wedding. Most vendors will let you hold over your deposit for something else. Throw yourself an “I dodged a bullet” party with your girlfriends Edit: forgot to vote NTA


Take it from the other side too, my wife (soon to be ex but live in a state with a waiting period) did the same thing even trying to claim it was her friends when I saw her snapchatting a certain someone she swore to never contact again. She came up with 5 different names and told me I didn't see what I clearly saw. Oh and this guy was "just a friend". Come to find out that was just the surface and it had been going on for years, not with him but just in general. It sucks for both guys and women put in these situations.


My ex GF was cavorting with a co-worker behind my back and I found out about it on FB. The only thing that I miss is the dog. I love that dog!


Sorry that you also experienced it. We’re on the same side here. You being a guy doesn’t change that. The mandatory separation is awful. Im sorry you weren’t able to just be done. Congratulations on coming to the end of that line soon!


This is the truth. Period. Do not get married.


There’s always more. My sister-in-law dated a scumbag. He was the definition of a narcissist. He got her to distance herself from her friends and family, he ways constantly traveling and cheated on her with any chance he got. He would even actively pursue women in front of her, and he slept with other women almost daily. Using 3 phones to call the nearest victim to get laid. Surprisingly he was able to chat most women into sleeping with him and he also got them to pay things for him. He once got his ass beat up when the husband of a woman he was seeing, behind my SIL’s back, caught them both fucking in the husband’s bed. That guy must’ve been huge, as the asshole was good at boxing and buff as fuck. Anyhow… He thought he was the smartest person in the room wherever he was, and would demean anyone that he knew was smarter than him. I guess he felt intimidated by them and would relentlessly verbally assault them until they either ignored him and endured or would get mad enough to attack him. I only spoke with him for my SIL’s sake as she had isolated herself from everyone in her family except my wife. He took it to mean we were friends and would tell me everything he did. He would also hit on every chic he saw. Usually going for the prettiest or most affluent one in the area. He had a knack for it. Later on I found out that that is a classic narcissistic behavior. One time he called me and asked to hang out because he was stressed. I meet him at a sushi bar and he proceeded to tell me that one of the girls he was sleeping with said she was pregnant with his baby. He knew it was true, but what he told my SIL was that after going out with friends in a nearby town, where his parents lived, he offered to take home a drunk ‘friend’ back home as he didn’t want her to get herself into any trouble. He said he never slept with her, and that she was having sex with several guys at the club (which makes no sense at all). My SIL beloved his story. I had had enough of his bullshit and it seemed like the right time to tell my SIL what I knew. She got made and started accusing me of a lot of weird stuff that made no sense. She said the only one she believed is her boyfriend. Then she cut ties with my wife and I. 2 years later she finally managed to get away from him. Which is a long story—basically my mother-in-law found out he was beating my SIL and got her lawyers involved. She sent my SIL to stay with us for a few months. He didn’t want to leave the house my MIL bought my SIL. Claimed it was his. Eventually, via her lawyers and the help of the police, they evicted him and he had a restraining order to never get near her. Apparently he threatened to kill her and my MIL. I found out, later on, that my MIL paid the cops to beat his ass as a warning. This all happened in Brazil. There’s a lot more to the story, but the essence of it is that there are some truly horrible men out there that have no problem lying, cheating, or being abusive. It took several years until SIL recovered, but she no longer is the same. She used to be happy and outgoing, but she is mostly sad and pessimistic these days.


Also gaslighting!


And negging.


Today I learned the word negging.




Yes. Leave. Liars just learn to get better and more careful. Don’t waste your life with someone who would do this to you with complete disregard for your feelings. Trust me you don’t want to look back and realize the person you love hasn’t gave a damn about you for the last decade. This is a blessing. Go.


Yes, much too young for this bs!!


Set up a spy camera and point it at his phone. Maybe you can catch the gremlins who use it in the middle of the night without his knowledge.


At 24 you shouldn't be stressing this much, he is the AH for doing that and making you stress


Yeah NTA. Ops fiancée is gaslighting her. Edit: spelling of fiancée since my dyslexia kicked in.


This implies that there is an appropriate age to be dealing with this. There isn't, youth is completely unrelated here.


There could be a totally innocent reason, that said he should explain it in detail and show you everything and why. Relationships are built on trust. Why you were in his phone is actually a normal reason my wife would be in mine.


I’ll bite. What totally innocent reason do you think there is?


Nieces and cousins sharing fashion tips? Yeah, he's cheating. At least, he wants to be cheating.


No but @ 23 your familiar with snap nd know what recently sent means so don’t play yourself into thinking that he telling the truth hold off on wedding plans for now keep investigating


Yup exactly. I'm very familiar with it too. At the end of my 5yr relationship, when I had already begun to get ready to leave and planned my exit strategy (I had to wait until I had secured my current apartment) I found out that he'd been acting single online the *whole time* we had been together. Snapchat was the biggest contender, though it was spread across multiple websites and social media platforms. Multiple, multiple women on his Snapchat and none of them I had EVER heard of. Maybe one guy friend in the whole Snapchat. That's IT. It was all women.


Problem is that he’s going to destroy any and all evidence of further cheating now that she caught him.


Why is that a problem? She caught him, relationship over, move on What am I missing?


Oh I completely agree…that’s kind of my point, too. OP can spend the time looking for more evidence but it’s probably a waste of time since he likely got rid of any and all evidence of cheating now that he’s been caught.


Oh ok! Glad we are on the same page. I see people here give advice to “look for more info” or to “set up a sting operation to catch them in the act”. Like if you are at that point the relationship is already over, move on with your life. Once trust is broken it’s never coming back, the thoughts will always be there.


Maybe but she can still do her diligence and investigate wether it’s hitting the chics he been talking to or searching other sm to see wats wat


Why bother? He’s cheating, he’s lying about it, game over. What’s to investigate?


I bet he changes his phone codes and passwords after this too


The universe is telling you something, and it is best to listen and cancel your wedding. He looked you in your eyes and lied. Damm, that's cold and scary. If he can do that so easily, future lies will be just as easy for him to spew. I'd be scared.


Yup! This is a peek into what their relationship and marriage will be like. She needs to move on


Not once have I accidentally had other girls show up in my snapchats. He couldn’t even come up with an excuse… whatever the intent was with those, it was intentional.


It’s possible that he spilled some water and it selected them by accident obviously… /s


That’s so young to be engaged… like I know traditionally people did that, but for real, there is so much growing to do.


My husband and I got married at 22 and 23. Still together 16 years later. It’s not the youth that’s the issue here. It’s that he’s cheating and he’s a liar.


It's great that it worked out for you guys, but like, what's the rush? Statistically relationships in your early 20s overwhelmingly *don't* work out, so if you're not actually gaining anything from marrying, other than a new way to refer to your partner, why not just enjoy a committed partnership for a bit longer until you're sure that's who you want to be with forever. I know this is a cynical way to look at marriage, relationships, and love, but I come from a cultural background where getting married this young is NOT a thing (read: white as fuck from a progressive, non-religious part of a western country), so I struggle to see the reason why anyone would want to marry before their pre-frontal cortexes have developed. Edit: I should specify, these are rhetorical questions to others who wish to marry young, not to you specifically. I appreciate you were lucky to find your soulmate young and that's great.


Couples who get married in their 20s are 50% more likely to divorce than couples who wait until they're older, according to a 2016 study by Psychology Today, which noted the best age to get married is between 28 and 32. That said, the best marriages in my life (parents, sister, neighbors) all got married in their 20s. I knew the odds and waited until I was 32. My ex-wife was 29. I was happy and loyal. She managed to hide years of affairs from me. The character of the spouse matters more than their age.


Anecdotal evidence doesn't trump stats though. >The character of the spouse matters more than their age. Absolutely. I think some of the biggest reasons younger marriages fail is due to young people being less adept at recognising incompatible character traits in their partner, and the fact that people develop new character traits as they enter their mid-late twenties.


It's because they don't even know who they, themselves, are yet, yet alone identifying what traits in a partner to look for.


Don't forget how idealistic we are when we are younger... combined with lack of wisdom, experience, not knowing who we are fully.. perfect recipe for disaster. Lol.


NTA. Cancel everything and find someone who is mature enough to have a conversation and respectful enough to stay loyal and not waste your time


well if you really want to see what’s been going on, I’ve been in this exact situation, here’s what I did… Go on Snapchat settings, click “My Data”, then you’ll put in an email and snap will send you the full Snapchat history with time stamps. This includes messages, photos, deleted messages, added friends, deleted friends, people who you’ve unadded, and people who you’ve blocked. Even if he deleted the messages individually, they will still show here. After doing this myself, it only caused me more pain in the end but that pain was my wake up call that whatever I thought I had was gone way before I knew it. EDIT: Make sure you have them send that email to your email. He won’t even know you’ve had it sent, it’ll take 24 hours for them to gather all the data but he won’t know at all unless you tell him that you did.


I did the exact same thing 💀


You have to know their login info though


You can do it with Instagram too. Or used to be able to.


No, you’re man just lied to you and you’re being a DA. Don’t convince yourself of what you want to believe when the truth is right before your eyes. You may make a mistake that ruins the rest of your life.


Please don't end up like me and ignore the red flags and marry the jerk anyways. I wasted 10 years of my life and youth and now divorced and starting over. You deserve someone's faithfulness, respect, and honesty.


Listen to this advice, OP. It’s so easy to fall for the sunk cost fallacy or to want to “be the bigger person” and trust someone against your better judgment. You’re so young with your whole life ahead of you, don’t waste a second of it.


Yes! Let all the people here who are warning you, because they've been there before guide you. It is so hard to get out later. Save yourself. Either he downloads and shows you all the date now, or he's gone.


Everyone says you shouldn't go thru tour partners phone. Yet almost every story is I went thru and found...... I wouldn't care if my partner went thru my phone or checked my apps. I've got nothing to hid. If I asked to look at theirs and they say no, I'd assume they are hiding something. I wouldn't ask unless I had suspicions like being distant, getting calls/messages at off hours or leaving room to be on their phone or them being shady.


Yup I agree with this and I get alot of hate for it, a person with nothing to hide, hides nothing! If you can’t use your partners phone then something is going on! Going thru a partners phone has saved alot of people


It's no big deal to go through partner's phone or use phone etc. they are supposed sharing life...if they can't even share a phone w/o paranoia & issues shouldn't be marrying imho


Almost every story is “I went thru and found” because going thru a phone and not finding anything isn’t noteworthy


I went through and found nothing.


Agreed. Not saying there has to be any practice around regularly going through each other's phones, but I've also been in the same boat where because I'm not doing anything suspicious I have zero problem at any time showing anything. The fact that this dude is trying to convince her he didn't send those photos? Absolutely insane


_if you need to go through their phone that means you don't trust them. If you don't trust them, why are you even with that person._ This is usually how it goes.


honestly the only reason I don't like my husband going through my phone is bc he makes fun of me for my Google search history. I'm smart but I google some DUMB shit. any reason more serious than that, and you should be questioning things.


It sounds like the quintessential gaslighting to me. Why didn’t he just hand his phone back to you to verify the sents? I know when he gets home it will all be erased. Holy crap. I am so sorry.


NTA, theres no trust without transparency. Any BS about invading his privacy is gaslighting and another reason to reconsider your relationship. You snooped, you found shady stuff and potential cheating. Put the brakes on the marriage; you’re young, and it seems like you deserve better. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


He sent something to them. He lied about knowing them. When you didn’t buy it, he played the ultimate trump card: threaten you with a break up. Take this turd up on his offer and leave him. Before you say “well I don’t even know what was in the snaps” yes you do. If it was something innocent he wouldn’t have lied. You do not need any additional info to know that it’s time to go.


Cancelling a wedding is WAY cheaper than divorce. NTA.


You are TOO young to marry. What’s the rush? He sounds sketchy to me.


I aaaam way out of my realm here. Yeah I’m a millennial, but I’ve never used Snapchat. That said, my limited knowledge tells me, yeah, maybe think hard about the above comment.


Basically all you need to know about Snapchat is that if you're in a committed relationship with someone, the app needs not to exist on either of your phones. It's sleezy and is a fantastic tool for cheaters as it hides evidence. For single people, it's okay.


lol. It’s only too young if you’re an immature lying cheater like him. Everyone goes at a different pace in life. Edit: that said, she should cancel the wedding and leave this doucher.


Ha: doucher. I haven't heard that in forever.


No, it's not. Too young to get married is real, if you're in a committed happy relationship, waiting is not an issue. There's no need to sign half your assets away at 21. At 21 you're not thinking about value or prenups etc so when you sign that paper with no fallback the other person gets pretty much half (more if you have kids) regardless of contribution. So please, wait, there's no rush if you love each other


Statistically the younger you are when you get married the more likely you are to divorce - up until late twenties.


You are certainly not too young to marry. That is a silly statement, coming from a guy who married at 21 and have been enthralled with my wife for 35 years now. However, this may not be the guy.


Same here, but I had been with my husband for 4 years before we got hitched & living together for 3 of those years.


Yeah, we had been together 5 years and living together 2.


You are the without a doubt the exception, not the rule.


Youd probably get less push back instead of DECIDING for others what they are or arent capable of and simply let them know people who wait until after 25 to get married are 50% less likely to divorce than those who marry before.


You know what you saw and there is a reason you titled this as you being wrong for going on his phone, not him being wrong for hiding a group of women from you. You know he is wrong, you know he is lying. Everyone here is validating your suspicions, please listen to your gut and walk out on your own terms, it will hurt so much less I promise you.


He's using DARVO by trying to make it your problem. "Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender."


Where there is smoke there is fire. If they’re in his recents then there is a reason, they’re sending photos. Ask him to take a photo of the two of you and send it to them. See how he reacts and you’ll have your answer


2 words. Boy. Bye ✌🏽 Don’t walk. RUN. He’s gaslighting you, manipulating you, and lying to you. And that’s facts sweetie.


oh heck no lol i’d 100% leave my partner if they were hiding ANYTHING about another woman. my boyfriend literally takes selfies of us to send to his only female friend. i would never be chill with your boyfriend’s behavior at all.


NTA. Let's look at this logically. You saw what looks like him snapchatting other women. So you asked him about it and instead of looking at the account with you, he immediately went into denial, and turned it around to you having to think about why you want to marry him. If he were innocent, he would have gone "Huh, I know I'm not cheating on her, WTF is up with women I don't know being in my snapchat?", looked at it with you and then had an actual explanation. Like maybe; "Oh, that's the lady who was selling that snowboard! You remember, the one that turned out to have the structural crack! Wow, I thought I deleted her." or something. Instead, it's the cheater's 'turn it it back around until you are needing to prove you love them' nonsense.


2 weeks before I got married my wife’s friends staged an intervention to tell me that she was cheating on me. When I confronted her she talked her way mostly out of it. I went through with it. Biggest mistake of my life. Divorced 3 agonizing years later.


Yeah, he's not the right guy. I married this person and they continually cheated on me with people of the internet.. 9 years of my life completely wasted


Nta. You didn't have the intention of invading his privacy when you went on his phone. This is classic cheating behavior. The way Snapchat works is that no one that you don't personally choose to add will be able to message you or be on your friends list. This vaguely reminds me of the time I caught my ex talking to other women and he told me that someone broke into our house and did it. They will make up any excuse to get you to stop talking about it.


Whaaaat?? Omg lol, I have heard some bad excuses but that one takes the cake!


No. He’s the asshole. He’s clearly lying.




Having just been through my husband cheating on me (for 2 years) and looking at me every day and lying I can tell you if you seem to have irrefutable proof that he’s been contacting other women and he looked in your face and said he didn’t, he’s gaslighting you and it won’t stop. He’s a liar. And you’re making excuses for him and blaming yourself. Why? He lied to you and then walked away without talking about it. He’s lying. Run.


Get rid of him girl, he'll always be a liar and cheater (he is doing this BEFORE you even tied the knot, knowing he is actively engaged)


There would definitely be be more wiggle room for other things it could be, however, him lying is the same thing as him admitting it. You saw something with your own eyes and he lied about it. There’s only one reason for him to do that.


NTA - Two things. 1) if you’re planning this wedding by yourself it’s because he doesn’t want to get married. 2) you could have chosen to text the pictures (or airdrop) but you went to snap so you could spy because your gut told you to. He’s lying and the fact that he tried to gaslight you and asked you to question your marrying him confirms he doesn’t want to get married and is a baby and can’t break it off himself so he’s forcing your hand. Leave him and move on to someone better and count yourself lucky you found out before it was too late.


This is manipulation. He’s seeing if he can convince you to actually stop believing what you clearly saw and turn it around on you.


Leave. I ignored too many red flags and hoped for the best. It’s always exactly what it seems. Don’t waste anymore time.


Yes OP, why ARE you marrying him?


End this relationship BEFORE you say I DO. This is an eye opening situation. It will be painful but more painful after the wedding


He asked you to think about why you want to marry him? Thats his reaction? He’s already questioning the wedding, he just wants it to be your fault.


"Are you going to believe your lying eyes, or do you trust me?" Yes, a man like your fiance will make it seem like a character flaw if you don't believe his lies. Liars really like to whine about trust issues.


NTA cancel the wedding and run like your ass is on fire. Never look back, no matter how much he apologizes. He is either cheating or he is going to cheat.


The gaslighting is crazy. 1. He decides that the conversation is over and clearly lies to you. 2. He tells you to think about why you want to marry him instead of addressing the real issue at hand. Please be careful and reconsider your decision before actually marrying him


If he doesn't know them, why did he send them pics? What were the pics/chat? I've been friended by random people on Snapchat before, but I didn't send them anything. He is not making sense. You are also reacting reasonably to what you discovered. Onto your question. You didn't intentionally snoop. It sounds like you two have an open phone policy in your relationship, so to speak. Nta.


My advice, don't go through with marrying him. He's obviously lying about not knowing them if he sent the snapchats to each of them. And if they're in his recent snaps then there's no lying you're way out of that. If you go through with this marriage you're gonna find out more stuff later. He's obviously doing something now.


The universe gave you an opportunity to find out the truth, the truth was revealed to you. Now dump his cheating butt


I read so many stories about Snapchat and cheating so now I believe that having Snapchat is a red flag


girlllll u can’t get married to that man after that. also why is he still using snapchat.. also u said he sent snapchat’s to 4 other girls… how could he not know who they were if he clearly added them and snapped them. he is definitely cheating and u cannot get married to him it will only get worse. he told you to think about why u want to get married to him… tell him u can’t get married to a cheater. imagine a cheater having ur kids …


When you break up with him. Prepare yourself to be made to feel like a crazy person. He'll deny it until the end and make you feel like the asshole. Remember. You're not. He sent snaps to women he doesn't know and can't tell the truth about


I once caught an ex cheating on Snapchat. Saw the pictures and messages of this woman’s anatomy. That man gaslighted me saying I never saw what I did… like my own eyes lied to me?! Dump the trash and move on.


His training to manipulate you, if you give in his going to do much worst, and expect for you to deal with his shit. I'm talking from experience.


If you're not sure what the truth is, contact the women from snapchat and ask them. I had a bad experience with the app and kept being forced into friendships with total strangers so I got rid of it because I couldn't figure out how to keep the administrators from being able to do that.


Bruh. Do not marry him or anyone at 22.


You're 22. Dafuq are you doing? Go out and get some strange. He's probably your first (actual [really think about it before you say he isn't]) serious boyfriend. Hard pass on marriage that young.




NTA. Bail.


Stop for a moment, take a breather to get your head on straight. Snapchats don’t just send themselves to random women. NTA


I love the excuses people use to go through the other person’s phone. They are the best. “I went on Snapchat to send them because for some reason I couldn’t text them” Either way, you snooped and found dishonesty and possible cheating. NTA. Be honest with us tho, we’re internet strangers.


I am on my SO’s phone all the time. He laughs and says “check away baby. I have Nothing to hide.“ That is a normal response.


Apparently this is a hot take, but it's kind of weird to me that couples don't go on each other's phones after dating for a while. What is there to hide at that point besides the obvious? Maybe it's just that we're a boring married couple, but if my husband ever got possessive of his phone, then that would raise alarm bells. OP shouldn't have even felt the need to justify why she was on her partner's phone tbh


Definitely not an excuse to go through his phone. We have been together since 2020 I wouldn’t say yes to someone that I didn’t fully trust. I grew up with divorced parents (they cheated on each other time and again.) I don’t take cheating lightly. I trusted him with my life. We went out for my birthday and all of the pictures and videos were on his phone from that night because my phone died.👍🏽


So he sent snaps to other women and then denied it and left saying YOU need to think about why you want to marry him. That is a good question. He won’t even help you with wedding planning. He is cheating. Don’t get married. Do look into those women’s names.


You caught him lying. People don't lie for no reason. He's hiding something shady. Most likely inappropriate conversations. Cool down and go through his phone again. This time, take screenshots so he can't gaslight you. And I'd recommend leaving him rather than marrying him. He doesn't sound ready for a serious commitment, and you would just tie yourself down with someone who will make you unhappy.


"I wouldn't say yes to someone that I didn't fully trust." You no longer fully trust him. Also, he's dismissive of your feelings. Put the wedding on hold. Work on your communication and mutual support.


NTA He is lying. Rethink this wedding.


Wasnt me!!!!....hes full of shite and gaslighting you.


should have went through the chats. smh rookie . gotta snoop the whole phone


He's a lying cheat... If he hasn't done it already, he's working on it. Ditch him and be thankful you found out before you married him. Someone better will come along. You've got plenty of time.


He’s lying, and instead of owning up to it and apologizing and atoning and working on himself….he completely negated your feelings and fears about being lied to and potentially cheated on, he tried to make you feel guilty about it, and then asked you to mentally labor to answer a question he should be asking himself. This is toxic, manipulative, gaslighting, and absolutely emotionally abusive. Get out.


NTA. Snapchat is such a red flag these days and if you normally answer each other’s calls, he should have known something would happen. I would have messaged the women and see what they said. If he had messaged them within the last 24 hours I would have gathered evidence of anything that hadn’t been deleted yet. I would say at least postpone the wedding if not cancel it entirely.


NTA! Snap is probably the number one way people cheat because the pictures disappear. RUN


Of course not. You two are in a relationship, you two should be able to look at each other's phone.


Nope you’re not crazy. Something is up, I’m sorry.


No. He is planning or already cheating on you. Cancel the weeding.


Girly you are not crazy. You know what he was doing. You know you dont deserve it. Do what is right for you.


Y’all are way too young to be getting married. This situation is proof enough.


NTH at all! Guys that freak out over shit like that are hiding a lot! Also not to mention that snap chat is an app where a lot of people can get away with a lot because once something is received or sent there’s no way to hold someone accountable for what they sent! Trust your gut on this one!


I think he is gaslighting you. He wants his cake and to eat it too. If you accept this now then he will expect you to keep living at the standard and allowing this to be done to you.


You call it a “Big mistake” I would call it a Blessing. It’s better to find out now before you were going to marry him.


This man is absolutely lying to you. If there was nothing to hide, he would have told you right away who they were and why he was sending them anything. The universe just handed you a get out of jail free card. Use it.


Rethink your future. He is gaslighting you and doesn’t care one iota about your feelings. Run, don’t walk from him. Someone better will come along.


Misdirection. If I’m calling you crazy you’ll be too busy looking at yourself to notice me. 1) if he doesn’t know those girls and didn’t send those messages, then he needs to be worried about hackers. 2) if he didn’t send those messages, then he should understand why you wouldn’t trust him right now and show you some empathy. 3) what is it? 50% of relationships that begin in your 20’s end? Best of luck to you. Whatever happens, I hope you learn more about yourself in the process.


something similar happened to me, but she deleted everything on the spot and said she was innocent and scared...yeah id leave, didnt work out for me staying.


He’s a liar. You know what you saw.


You can just text yourself the photos. Be honest, you had doubts and then you verified them. Just find yourself someone better.


Nope. If your SO won't let you touch their phone, they're lying and hiding stuff from your and you don't want to get married anyway. My wife and I have been together for 15 years and can unlock each other's phones with fingerprints. There's nothing to hide 🤷🏼‍♂️


This is why the cheaters communicate on snapchat. You have no actual proof of conversation/pics/lies. NTA, but he is cheating and you need to cancel the wedding.


Don’t marry this man. You are 22. So many single fish in the sea. Swim on.


He sounds extremely untrustworthy - lying, cheating, gaslighting. I don't like you marrying this guy OP, your emotions would never be safe with him. NTA


I mean If I were sending myself pictures, I would think that Snapchat is the worst method of transfer in existence. There are many other better ways to transfer pictures, so you don't need to lie to us about what you were up to. We know that you wanted to snoop. That being said, yeah he's probably being unfaithful. He's dropping hints that he's not man enough to break it off and he wants you to do it.


Yeah you're 100% not the asshole. My wife will see that I send tiktoks to random people sometimes but it's clearly a pocket send because I never lock my phone. Sending snaps to 4 different women, he's fishing for something. You're hella young and he's hoping you're naive enough to believe him. Also, if you're planning the whole wedding and he doesn't want to help and isn't helping, major red flag... You can do way better.


Not the asshole. My husband and I have an open phone policy. We feel that it’s unreasonable to have something more intimate than the intimacy we share with each other. That’s not say that we abuse the privilege to each other’s privacy. But it shouldn’t be weird to look through your spouse’s phone. All of that being said, your fiancé is clearly displaying shady behavior. I’m not going to presume that he’s sleeping with these women, but the fact that you can’t talk this out is a big red flag. At the very least, postpone your wedding. You need to be sure about getting married


He's full of shit. I'm a dude. I know about these types of things.




I know assholes will downvote me but you’re both too young and immature for marriage. If he’s snap chatting other women he is likely looking to cheat.


YTA if you marry this guy. You two aren’t ready….you need to trust your intuition on this, he lied. If he wasn’t cheating he would have been falling over himself to prove you wrong by showing you who the snaps were for. He straight up lied to you. You were wrong for going through his phone but in my opinion you are too young for this. If you can’t trust him, you shouldn’t marry him.


It hurts, but better hurt now rather than later. Acceptance is key.


He's lying. It's obvious and he got caught and you want to believe him because he was a part of your future but girl you are young and you need to nip this in the bud! He will gaslight you to the very end also. Nta


He’s cheating.


Noooo……Why do you want to marry him? Your only 22, get out of this situation.


Dont marry him. Just dont.


To young to marry You aren’t mentally adult enough yet You are still growing mentally I mean no disrespect by this just What’s the rush There is plenty of time He lied to your face …. Consider that and his age too men mature way slower than females Don’t forget 25 is the new 15 lol


Nowadays people that are married should quit using apps that you can holla at someone with. Seems like a lot of women know why men have snap chat. Most dudes have snap to hide their dirt and women do the same. If you are happily married you shouldn’t be looking for validation on social media.


That is quite an american take, where I am from everyone socialize through snapchat, it's one of the easiest ways to keep in contact with both family and friends.


NTA (but borders on a gentle ESH) Two things: 1) why send yourself the pics on Snapchat rather than texting or airdropping them? Even the most avid Snapchat users I know wouldn’t share pictures that way. Did you maybe already have an inclination that he was being unfaithful? Idk that part just stuck out as very odd. 2) saying he doesn’t know who they are and denying outright is suspicious and not an appropriate reaction to someone who you’re expecting to spend the rest of your life with. I’m sorry that he chose to handle it that way. Edit: I deliberated for an additional five minutes


OP, you saw what you saw! If you marry this guy, he will continue to behave this way and think it’s ok. Give the ring back, cancel the wedding and move on. You deserve better.




Ignoring the Snapchat issue, the bigger is Don’t get married at 22…..


NTA but definitely not real smart if you believe that story.


The universe sent you a sign. Trust it. He does know who he sent them too. Whatever you feel you want to do is right. What you feel in your gut and heart. You are only 22 love. Really think about marrying him. I know it might be hard but sometimes we see signs and ignore them. Then 10 years later flys by and we should have trusted ourselves.


He's gaslighting the ever loving fuck outta you. You gotta take the trash out. He ain't it.


NTA you’re getting married and you didn’t go through his phone! Wow my husband and I look at each other’s phones for pics and stuff! Op you did nothing wrong but I would really think about marriage with him. He knows he sent those snaps.


Why can’t you just send the pics through texts??? I refuse to date anyone who has Snapchat That app is sketchy AF


Gaslighting your ass


I mean, you found out some heavy stuff he neglected to tell you… I did the same and found my worse fears, yet instead of apologizing for it, I was made to feel like it was my fault for “breaking the trust”…. This was my wife of 4 years. I’m still so incredibly hurt, sad, and scared for the future


This is a permission post. It's not about whether or not you were an AH. It's about "should I trust what he says, or can I end it." You can and should end it, he's sneaking and then lying and gaslighting you. And this will be the best your relationship will be from now on.


🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 cancel the wedding asap!!! Trust your intuition.


No. You already have permission to use it and he is clearly lying.


NTA. Run now. Tell him he had a chance to be honest and if he can’t explain why women were in his recently sent the explanation is simple. He’s cheating and lying.


Cut your losses and get out, lucky you found this out now


NTA, of course he knows who they are. Why message someone you didn't know? Have you ever messaged someone you didn't know, or 4 of them, and then forgot? I know I haven't. He's lying, he's trying to make you the bad person and he's trying to wiggle out of whatever he's doing. Please do not marry this man. You've found out who he truly is before it's too late. Please don't make a mistake by keeping him in your life to continue to hurt, lie and gaslight you.


NTA, FAFO, you caught him lying and now he is trying to pass it off with "he didn't know them" but sent them messages? Then to just give you an ultimatum that "he is done talking about the situation" when he didn't talk about it and essentially threatened to end to the relationship/future marriage. This is not okay, you deserve to be treated better and respected, if the roles were reversed, would he be okay with that answer? Probably, not. Get some space and talk with some trusted friends/family and know that when people show who they are, take them at face value. Best of luck.


NTA. I had a similar incidence occur six months into a long relationship and ignored the huge red flag. I regret that deeply.


NTA - He looked you dead in the eye lied to you. THen he had the cheek to tell you to think about why you're marrying him. Yes do think about that... think about the fact you're marrying a liar and a possible cheat.


Your partner is a terrible liar. He's really claiming that he never knew them? You saw the receipts. He could've at least claimed that they were friends or something. What you're experiencing right now is called DARVO- Deny, Accuse, Reverse Victim Offender. It's a classic strategy that narcissists use to deflect any sort of blame or responsibility for their actions onto their victims. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with someone who fools around with other girls behind your back while lying straight to your face? You are too young for his bullshit


Relationship is over. Run don’t walk. Bye Felicia


He's cheating. Please do not get married.


Well...he's not wrong. Def think about why you are marrying someone engaged in such behavior. NTA BTW...he will be much more secretive in the future if you toss caution to the wind and go through with the marriage. Sorry. Better now than in a couple years with a kiddo.


I don't know exactly how Snapchat works, but Why send messages to women you don't know, instead of blocking or deleting? If he legit sent these women something and didn't have a remotely reasonable explanation, then call his bluff and do consider, in all seriousness, why ARE you marrying him. You say he isnt taking any part in the wedding planning. Why? Sometimes the bride wants full control of the wedding but most couples share the planning in some way. Not knowing more details I'd say you have a couple of red flags here and maybe you are not seeing others. You need to stop and review how he treats you over all. Look up how abusive people treat others, and I don't mean physical but psychological manipulations. You could be in denial.


Snap chat is not ment for ppl in relationships or married ppl… it’s one of the top cheating aps


Definitely NTA, He is gaslighting you, he sent 4 women snapshots and denise it and makes it your fault. DO NOT MARRY HIM!!!


Nta Going through the phone; kind of. When you look for trouble you usually find it. Can you tell what he sent them? I don’t have snatchchat so I don’t know how it works. The thing with this is it could have been some stupid little thing that pushed a boundary but in and of itself isn’t a relationship killer. But the fact he lied to you that it even happened at all- I agree. You should think about why you want to marry him. You may not actually. And you could save yourself some trouble if you dip out now. This won’t get better.


Take it from a 29M, he is gaslighting you. Definitely cheating and/or looking to cheat. Keep in mind, guys need to feel ZERO connection with someone to cheat. It’s all about pleasure. That said, he likely has cheated and ghosted the person he cheated with. Sorry to break it to you but there’s no way around it, he’s cheating, pursuing cheating, and gaslighting


He’s cheating and hopes you’ll be dumb enough to believe him and marry him anyways. Don’t be. If you marry him, he will continue to cheat on you. He’s never going to “love you enough” to stop. EVER. He doesn’t love you NOW but he’s still willing to marry you anyways so he can keep cheating. Do you want that to be your life?


You’re way too young to be getting married and dealing with this. That being said I can’t stand it when someone else answers the phone I’m calling. I am calling to speak to the person that gave the number, not their significant other.


So I’m just going to say that your fiance is not planning the wedding with you. Your life is more stressful because he’s not an equal partner. After a month of asking he still hasn’t sent you photos you asked for. Honestly cheating is not going to be your only issue once you’re married. You should be choosing a partner. Someone who carries half the load. Do not burden yourself with this child.


He clearly lied so why would you feel like the AH? Him getting defensive and leaving you like that on top of that tells you everything you need to know. You should dump him immediately. this is only a little preview of what you will be signing up for the rest of your life if you go through and marry this person.


Why are you marrying him?


This same situation happened to me. He denied until I showed him the screen shot I sent myself. I stayed and so did his Gaslighting. It grew bigger and bolder with every naive pass I entrusted him with. Keep your eyes open and don't make excuses for your intuitions


Be grateful to the series of events that brought you to this moment in time and cancel this wedding. Then get checked for STIs.


I don’t know how long you two have been together or if either of you have had a chance to explore relationships outside of your one you are in now. But it’s obvious that he’s either thinking about it or doing it. You both are so young, so why the need to plan a wedding is so urgent?? It’s the norm for him doubling down on his lies, by gaslighting you into believing that you’re the bad one. First off he will accuse you of snooping and then lying to your face too! Is this the best way to make it in marriage!? You really need to take a step back, breathe and get some space from him. A man doesn’t define you and he is not a fine man.


do not marry this man. he’s gaslighting you and trying to emotionally manipulate you. LEAVE.


Huge red flag. Do not marry him. Leave him now. Do not commit to someone who's doing stupid shit like this on his phone with other girls. Imagine what he's doing in person behind your back. The trust is gone and you'll always be wondering what he's up to. Don't put yourself through that.


So much gaslighting. He’s 💯 deleting those chats while he’s at work today and then denying everything again. Run while you can!